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Latest revision as of 23:47, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 21 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Ares

Molly Millions has posed:
Some brave soul has brought in a juke box. A juke box which, to judge from its state, has undergone some 'editing' before it was tolerated on the floor. With emphasis on tolerated. Molly, sans lenses, is currently giving it the hairy eyeball from behind the bar as she tinkets with the guts of a spider shaped drone set upside down on the business side of the bar while one guy drones on in Mandarin and a couple of drunks try their best to punch one another out in the ring.

For St. Molly's, it's a relatively quiet night, but still, whoever elected to put 'God's Gonna Cut You Down' by Johnny Cash on the juke box is probably at least partially responsible for that.

Ares has posed:
    The figure that stands in the doorway into this particular dingy bar is a large one, tall enough to hide the streams of light from the street lamps outside, only to cause them to flare slightly as he enters, the door swinging shut behind him. It's into that run down place with the grungy clientele that he walks, a man she likely doubted she'd see here save perhaps on a day of reckoning or during a time of apocalyptic prognostications. And perhaps she is right.
    John Aaron, tall and dour walks into the place. He gets a few looks here and there, returning them with a slightly furrowed brow and twist to his features that speaks to the expression a man might have when he's stuck in the elevator with an overly expressive evangelist. It's with that look that he advances on the place, he starts across moving towards the bar only to see Molly and his lips twist sardonic.
    "A grim day when I darken your doorway." He says in way of greeting, a flicker of amusement on his features as he steps towards her, turning his shoulders slightly to step around a few patrons then sidles up to the bar. He leans forwards and meets her gaze. "What passes for you, Molly? What bonds have been placed on your spirit that binds you here?"

Molly Millions has posed:
    Certainly not someone she expected to see darken this particular doorstep, though when she looks up, there's the cast of the screwdriver towards the half dismantled drone and the dusting of her hands off on her pants before she snags her vodka. Because well, that certainly requires vodka. With her golden-green eyes exposed, undisguised in their unnaturalness, it's obvious when her attention flits over him assessingly as she leans back and then shifts to pour him a scotch and set it down as he reaches the bar.
    "Every once in a while, even I have a quiet night, John." offered along with the glass,"Bit late to be getting philosophical on me, don't you think? Or is this grim reaper face mean you've got a horse and three other guys in the alley?"

Ares has posed:
    A hand lifts as he holds off on the drink for now, instead simply leaning there and tilting his head away, then back towards her. "No tidings so ill," The tall man furrows his brow and for a time he looks to her, expression leveled and calm as if he had all the time in the world. His head turns to the side for a moment and then it is just as it might be perhaps uncomfortable that he'll lift his voice, "Can you trust your people to see to your wishes if I were to tell you to come and speak with me?"
    Another pause as he looks at the patrons and not really too busy of a crowd considering it's just those few folks, but he looks back towards he. "What I would say is meant for yourself and no other." It's only then that he'll accept the scotch and tilt it back for a quick swallow. The glass clinks as he sets it down empty.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's expression is both searching and suspicious, for all that she seems content to wait for him to speak. The expression, the words, she can tell it's something serious, at least, even if she's not the sort to pester him overly into revealing it. But at the request she turns her head to call out towards the kitchen,"Bao, watch the bar." it's not really a request, and doesn't take long for the lanky teenager to emerge still wearing an apron from helping his mother in the kitchen, but there's a nod offered his way with the additional,"One TsingTao. Just one. And if your mother catches you, I'll deny everything." of course.

Still it means she slides to her feet, by habit checking that her fletchette's still in its holster before nodding towards the employee's only door,"Up? Or out?" not a huge difference to her either way.

Ares has posed:
    He steps towards the end of the bar in the direction she indicates and states calmly, "Any place you feel is sufficient for you." He glances towards Bao, brow furrowing as he considers this employee of Molly's but then he looks back towards the woman and begins to walk with her in the path indicated. "I wouldn't expect you to wander off with me again considering the last time I stranded you in Mongolia."
    For a moment she might think he's making light of it, and to be fair there's a small smirk. But when he meets her gaze he uncurls a hand for her to lead the way and he asks of her, "If you would, please." And once she chooses he'll fall into step beside her.

Molly Millions has posed:
    There's a snort from Molly,"Getting out of there was only a minor inconvenience." she drawls and then nods in the direction of the employee's only area, snagging her vodka as she does so,"You're being all... doomy, though, so that's never a great sign." at least, in her opinion. She's not in a hurry, for all she doesn't bother to glance back once she sets off down the short hallway of magic doors to open up the one with the sign and head up the short flight of stairs to her personal area. Apparently she's not worried about the kid behind the bar in the slightest, hell, for her it's practically routine at this point... and she also knows what his mother's like.

Molly Millions has posed:
The room upstairs; it's Molly. High ceiling, but otherwise... compact, densely compartmentalized with in built storage across most of the surfaces, a significantly highly sophisticated monitoring station, and a tiny ensuite. Though it has a single high window that looks in the direction of High Town, it's mostly devoid of traditional personalized touches; no pictures, no paintings, no plants or animals and hell, even the rug thrown on the floor to soften the textured metal tiles has probably been procured from somewhere else. But the important thing is that it's devoid of other people.

Ares has posed:
    Somehow the place seems all the smaller when it's John Aaron that is walking through its corridors. His steps are even and calm, and his attention is upon her as they move. His expression is somber, that is true, yet his manner is that ease of motion that she has seen in the past. Once they reach her personal area, he steps inside, pausing to consider the surroundings. But then he steps towards her, not taking an offer of a seat or anything that might approach something seeming like a social visit.
    "I have come to offer to you a path in your life, a choice that will lead to greatness and likely death. It is a job that will pay you naught save in challenge, pain, and exhaustion." His great arms fold over his chest, gaze level on her. "I only offer you glory in the eyes of the few who will perceive your efforts together, and those who will stand with you."

Molly Millions has posed:
    There it is, that tilt of Molly's head, the faint curl of her lip, that assessment of waiting to see if there's something further before she elects to actually speak up,"Is this John asking, or Ares?" yeh, she hasn't forgotten his other name, for all the crap she usually likes to heap on people's 'other names'. A vodka is poured as she takes the seat before the monitors, electing to ask,"And is this probable short-term future death against whomever's pissed you the fuck off, sell off my assets and get my will in order... or what?"
    One legs ankle is dragged up onto it's opposite knee,"Because if this doom talk is because some dumb asshole has taken Alexander and you need help to get him back..." as unlikely as that seems, even to her,"then let's cut to the chase and I'll get my guns."

Ares has posed:
    A shake of his head is given, "No, Alexander is safe." There's a pause and his lip curls, but he pushes past that. He lifts a hand and tells her, "Yet it is about him in a way. The invasion. You took part in it, fought them. You have seen them die as well as I." The tall man steps to the side, his brow furrowing and then he looks back towards her.
    His hand lifts and then slashes to the side sharply, "These beings have trespassed against my interests and those of this world. I intend to make them pay." He stops walking and rests his hands on his hips. "Many of them still live and function across the Earth, some sit in hiding, some wait for words from their masters. I intend to destroy them all. But I do not intend to do so alone."
    "So I am gathering warriors to me. We will become one of focus and effort. A unit the likes of which has never been seen here or anywhere else. I shall train them, and we will make these beings pay."
    There's a moment those dark brown eyes meet hers, and his smile is edged, something feral there and it's perhaps in that moment that she'll realize that no. It is not John Aaron asking. "So I ask this of you, Rose of the Million Blades, will you stand with Ares?" His head tilts to the side, edged, and like that one time of the past when she had prayed and he had come. "Will you laugh at death with me even in its embrace?"

Molly Millions has posed:
    The grunt given is likely Molly for good, at least that's probable reason number one off of her books,"So, Ares talking." is the conclusion she elects to go with as he speaks of his interests, swirling her vodka around and then tossing it back as she listens.
    It's not until that look, with that smile, that her hand stills and her eyes focus properly,"There's still some of them out there, yeh. And some at least are looking for where we hid their boss. Well, 's not on this planet. And I've got arrangements to help make sure they don't find him ever, hopefully. But yes, I'll help... on the condition you never call me Rose again." there's no question how he knew, for her, he's a deity. It's still more than a little disturbing to run into the face of that, for all that she sets her glass aside and pushes a hand through her hair.

Ares has posed:
    "Then put your affairs in order, Molly." The tall man smirks at her. "When next I call on you the training shall begin." And with that said he gestures sharply behind him, as if throwing the swirling whorl of reality warped behind him, the faint groan of displaced air and bleeding aether growing loud for a bare moment before settling into a stable vortex behind him.
    He turns and steps away from her, walking those few steps needed into the torn whirl, already past the boundaries of that room with that stride. But then he pauses and he looks back to her, telling her levelly. "It is good to see your eyes," And with that the swirl abruptly fades, snapping out of existence and leaving her there alone.