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Latest revision as of 00:00, 31 October 2017

Russian Melodies
Date of Scene: 24 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Colossus

Deadzone has posed:
Ah, back in the music room. Tatum has missed this room ever since she came to this world and found out that Dazzler was an X-man here. Seriously? THe woman is a rock star! Who never studied music in Juilliard or knows how to play an instrument. Okay, yes, technically a voice is an instrument, but there was always a bit of snobbery among the different types of student cliches.

The goth has brought down Baby, her Stradivarius. Okay, yes, it was stolen from a Russian diplomat for her by Gambit. But she was not going to live in this reality without the instrument that she feels is rightfully hers! With a sigh of happiness that borders on sexual, Tatum sits down and closes her eyes and starts to play. This room has amazing accoustics. Rimsky-Korsikov's Scherezade. She'll work on the students in the morning, but right now, in the evening, it's HER time. To make love to her cello. Okay, not literally! Let's not get carried away here!

Colossus has posed:
Piotr was wandering the mansion. His classes were over, many of the students were in bed, as were many of the faculty, but he was curious, always curious, and hearing music, he made his way towards its source. It wasn't too loud, the room was well insulated, but the door had been left ajar as it often did in the winter with the shifting of the building. It needed a little extra push to close, as it would get caught on a slight rise in the floor before closing completely. Seeing the door in that state, he opened it wand took a look in, where he saw Tatum playing her cello. He enjoyed her music so much that he lingered a little, just listening, without trying to intrude.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum has her eyes closed, not even hearing the gentle giant walk into the room. No, she's wrapped up in her music. As she plays, she 'feels' the story of the star-crossed lovers, the prince and princess that Scheherezade tells to save her life. In her mind's eye, she pictures X-Men in the roles, smiling to herself.

The piece would sound choppy to untrained ears that do not know every nuance of the Russian piece. There are no violins, no oboes, no clarinets. Just the cello. This was not meant to be a solo piece. Tatum's mind fills in the rest. In her mind she is sitting again at the Philharmonic, surrounded by artists almost as good as she is. Yes, she has an ego where her music is concerned. It's about the only place that she does though, so it might be forgivable?

Eyes open just as she gets to the part where the evil Visier kidnaps the princess and she lets out a start as she sees she is not alone. "Piotr! What are you doing up at this time of night?"

Colossus has posed:
Embarrassed at having been caught listening, Piotr blushed a little, his cheeks taking on a slight rosy glow, and he walked fully into the room, closing the door on his way in. At least he accomplished one this in this effort. "Tatum, I was checking to make sure that no students were wandering the halls." That wasn't exactly true, but it was one thing he was doing, just not his primary motivation. "That was wonderful. You truly are talented."

Deadzone has posed:
Chuckling as she sees Piotr, Tatum switches to another Russian composer. More recent. Prokofiev. Wait, does that make Piotr... Peter? Would that make Logan the Wolf then? The goth smirks to Piotr as she plays and slowly stops. "I am *so* happy I am back in this room. The kitchen was nice. Your vegetables and fruits wonderful, but I'll take a bow over a pot and pan any day of the week."

Moving the cello out from between her legs, Tatum stands. "Piotr, don't tell me you can't sleep again. You love to make me worry about you, don't you?"

Colossus has posed:
If he weren't quite so close to her, Piotr would turn to organic steel and prove to her that he doesn't need to sleep, so instead, he explains it. "When in my organic steel form, I do not require sleep." Rather, he enjoys sleep, and it is normal. That's the only reason he ever chooses to sleep these days. Because he could become techno organic, stay up for eight hours, doing something, then revert to his human form, shower, and start his day, fresh as a daisy. He doesn't even require food in his organic steel form. He is a machine, much like Ivan Drago was in that Rocky film. "Da, if I did not make you worry, life would be dull and boring, yes?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum glowers at Piotr. Some things don't change, no matter what world you live in. Piotr loves making Tatum worry. He was the first one to discover her mother hen tendencies on her world, nurturing them and helping her be part of the team. In this world, Piotr gets to enjoy the fruit of his other self's labours and have the goth who is the same age as he is act like she's so much older and mature.

Well, if he's going to play with her mother hen tendencies, two can play at that game. She starts to smile and steps closer to the large metal man, laying a hand on his arm and shifting him down to 'normal'. "Does making me worry make life *exciting* then, Piotr," she says in sultry tones. If she wasn't happily engaged to Hank, Piotr would likely worry a little more.

Colossus has posed:
Yes, Piotr is glad that she has found happiness with Hank, and thus, she is no longer a cause for alarm to him. At least, she should not be. Besides, he was very fond of Kitty Pryde, and Kitty appeared to reciprocate. Okay, that's a bit of an understatement, as Kitty seemed to have had a crush on him since she came to the school, and he was reluctant to act on it due to her age and emotional development. Now that she was older, well, he had a lot to think about.

"I do not wish to make you worry, but I do cause it from time to time, and for that, I am sorry. You are a good friend, Tatum. You will make Hank a good wife, and you will be a good mother." Ah Piotr, so Russian. For him, it's a foregone conclusion that Hank and Tatum will have kids. It's how it's done in Russia.

Deadzone has posed:
Yes, now that she's engaged, Tatum's flirtations are as threatening as a clawless cat. No more making Piotr blush, it seems. Pity. Instead, the petite goth with the nasty habit of fighting dirty with her batons, will have to just be happy with the fact that she and the large Russian are just friends. She's still trying to get used to the fact that this Piotr likes girls. That's just wrong, in a way. She keeps wanting to introduce him to eligible bachelors.

Piotr mentions children and the look on Tate's face falls. "Hank and I will be adopting. I just hope he's ready for the big family I want. And I hope that the adoption agencies are going to be ready for us. There are so many mutant children that are orphaned or abandoned and we're ready to love them just as much as if they were ours by birth." She takes a deep breath and sighs. It's pretty clear that in spite of her words, adoption was not her initial choice.

Colossus has posed:
Yes, this Piotr likes girls, though he harbours no ill will to men who like other men. He is far more accepting than his government. But then, he has known people who were lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and so on. It opened his eyes. And as a mutant, he is against intolerance of any kind. "Oh, that is very kind of you." Though part of him wonders if she doesn't want a mutant child. That idea saddens him. Fortunately, she washes it away with her words. Sensing her hesitation, he asks, "would you like me to speak to Hank?"

Deadzone has posed:
Looking up at Piotr, Tatum smiles. She knows his offer to talk to Hank is because of his strong family values. She leans in to hug him one armed, still holding Baby in her other hand. "Piotr, we can't. Between me being born from a science experiment and Hank's experimentation with his own DNA that turned him blue, trying for a child the usual way could result in nothing in the best case scenario, or me and the baby not making it to full term in the worst. It's a matter of safety." She takes a deep breath and smiles bittersweet. "I know that if there is a way, Hank will find it. And when that time comes, I look forward to being a big fat Tater. Though, can you imagine me in my leathers with a huge belly? Lorna is gonna be fun to watch in the next nine months." THere is a devilish gleam in her eyes then. "I might start a baby pool. Gender, mutation, weight and height."

Colossus has posed:
Piotr accepts and returns the hug, but he does not seem convinced. "Tatum. You know that nothing is completely without risk. You could be hit by a bus every time you step out onto the street. There are villains who try to harm us. But we have friends. There are magics, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the Justice League, scientists, sorcerers, people who can do incredible things. Hank is an accomplished scientist in his own right. If he is not capable of doing it safely in a test tube, then I am certain he would know of people who might be. You have nothing to lose by asking, by trying, and everything to gain by it." Then, at the mention of Lorna, he raises an eyebrow, "Lorna, is she with child?"

Deadzone has posed:
Tate nods her head, fully agreeing with Piotr on the matter of there being risks and so many friends that can make her dream of fuzzy blue babies a reality. But then Piotr asks about Lorna. "Muscles! Where have you been for the last month? Under a rock? Lorna and Kurt are getting married because she and he are gonna be parents! I'm betting it looks like a Bamf. But with less tendency to steal."

Colossus has posed:
Piotr did not pry into other people's affairs. But when someone tells him directly, or strongly suggests it, he cannot ignore that information. "I have been working often with clay these past few months." Earlier today, he was working on a sculpture of Lockheed in a heroic pose, breathing fire at an evil knight, in a sort of reverse of the classic dragon versus knight pose.

Deadzone has posed:
"Clay is a type of rock, so that fits," Tatum tells Piotr with a grin. She chuckles when the polite man takes no bets on the baby pool. "I'm sure Lockheed loved that. My Kitty never had a dragon, so this is new." Her smile grows. "I love that this world keeps surprising me. Keeps proving I'm not in Kansas any more. I have to be so careful not to give any information away though. Enemies, relationships. Because I could cause problems."

Colossus has posed:
"I have no doubt that those who might be affected by your knowledge are thankful for your discretion. Knowledge of the future, or, possible futures, does no good. We must each live our life as we were intended to, unaffected by other events. If you are here, it is because you were meant to be here. And I know Hank is very pleased for it. As am I. As are many others."

Deadzone has posed:
The goth looks up, smiling. Luckily he's not in his metal form or looking up at him would give her such a crick in the neck. "You can thank Hank for that. I kept trying to get people to be their versions from *my* world. What I considered 'normal'. But that's not my place. I mean, I miss my world. I miss my mother and all my brothers and sisters from the experiment, but it's for the best that the experiment never happened in this world. THough, I have to admit, not being able to have my mother at my wedding hurts."

That devilish smile tickles the corners of Tatum's lips. "So, seems a lot of us are pairing up and talking marriage. Kurt and Lorna, Hank and I. Anyone catching your eye these days?"

Colossus has posed:
Piotr considered. "You are marrying a scientist of some renown. He knows other scientists. Are we certain that your mother cannot be at your wedding?" Ah yes, Piotr hadn't read about all the nasty side effects to taking someone from a dimension to another. But if they did it, and it worked, then her mother was meant to be there too, so by his logic, it worked. Shaking his head and raising a hand in defence, "I am not thinking of marriage right now. It is far, far too soon."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum shakes her head. "Sadly, the alien that sent me here... By the time this Hank realized what was happening, my time stamp from my dimension was already changing to this one. We have no idea how to figure out what dimension I come from. THe woman that was my mother is here, just... well, with the whole HYDRA experiment not happening, I was never born. Nor any of the other experiments. I looked up Annabeth here though. She's married, has two beautiful kids. She's healthy. And most important, her mind is intact. The experiment never destroyed her mind." Tate starts putting 'Baby' away. "I'm happy for her. She got the life she deserved. And I know that on my world, Hank is taking care of her for me. She's in good hands." She hangs her head then, thinking about the Hank from her world. hoping he finds someone to love him with her gone.

Tate rises a hand to her face, wiping at an eye. She wasn't crying. It was an itch. And any talk of it being otherwise will be quashed immediately. "I didn't say marriage, silly. Gotta have a girlfriend first. You know, I know this lovely girl at the cloth shop where I get my bolts of cloth. You two should go for coffee!"

Colossus has posed:
Sensing her loss, Piotr reached over and placed an arm around her shoulder, "she is. Hank, in any dimension, is a good man. He will take care of your loved ones, and he will find love. He will always remember you, always hold out hope for your return, but eventually, he will move on. But he will never forget you, or the commitment he made to you, your family, or to tending to those you cared for. You will always be a part of him, and he will always be a part of you. Just as this Hank is to you, and you to him. And I firmly believe that you will have those blue babies, assuming that they come out blue. With mutants, I never know. That, is best left up to better minds." Note how he deftly avoided talking about himself, or a girlfriend.

Deadzone has posed:
Yeah, Tate notices Piotr's clever avoidance of talking about himself. Mind you, that's dangerous. Tate is a romantic at heart and likes seeing people in loving relationships. "Make me a promise, Piotr? If the alien that sent me here ever comes back... to take me back to my original dimension or send me somewhere totally new... Don't let Hank wallow? Help him find someone to love him? He deserves so much love. Sometimes I think I'm not going to be able to love him enough. Please? Except that Trish woman. She can go straight to hell." Yeah, Tate can not stand the journalist that dumped Hank due to comments of their relationship being tantamount to beastiality.

"I have no idea what sort of wedding I want. Where to have it. When to have it. Not Paris though. I think Anne Marie would kill me."

Colossus has posed:
"I will not have to, but if I do, I will." Now, as for her wedding, Piotr suggested, "why not have it here, with friends and family," he considered her like family, "on the lake. Jubilee can provide the fireworks. Bobby the ice sculptures. Many of the other students would chip in. It could be very lovely."

Deadzone has posed:
Thinking about that, Tate smiles. This mansion, her team, they have become like family for her. She doesn't always see eye to eye with Xavier's dream, but she will fight for what's right and knows that her team wants the same thing. "I think the lake would make a lovely wedding spot."