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Latest revision as of 00:04, 31 October 2017

Budapest Continued - Contact
Date of Scene: 24 October 2017
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Synopsis: Budapest continues to be revealed. The base is infiltrated and the fighting begins.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Black Widow (Romanoff)
Tinyplot: Budapest Revealed

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
As Widow closes in on the facility the comms singal begins to clear.

"...one of five facilities you will be working at..." a Russian accented voice says through comms. "...those of you who cooperate will be very well rewarded. The rest, we'll be arranging accomodations for your partners and associates back at the convention, for insurance."

Clint's voice comes over comms. "Can we talk to them first? Let them know you're coming? If I know my wife she's going to put up a fight. I promised her we'd go to Lisbon after this."

The Lisbon op was a prison break.

"No, you will speak to your wife soon enough," answers the Russian voice. "Now, this way gentlemen."

If Widow can get to a vantage point the she'll see the scientists being led by six armed men towards the far end of the building. The floor of the structure is laid out like a high-end factory. No assembly lines, everything is custom built in their own sealed tents or rooms. From what's visible, what this factory puts out is weapons, high end personal ones. Rifles, pistols, shoulder mounted, they run the gammit. At the far end is a glassed in control room and below it the door the scientists and Clint are being led towards. It looks like their hands aren't bound, and they're all walking under their own power.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Natasha watches from her vantage point in the ventilation system, she comes to a few conclusions.

First, their time frames may be moving up with the taking of hostages. When the Russians, or whomever they are working for, don't manage to find his 'trophy wife' anywhere, it may put Clint in a worse position. They may try to use him to find out where his woman is. Worse, they might think there is something odd going on, which they would be right about. If that happened, they might choose to kill him rather than chance things.

Second, they were taking hostages which mean civilians in danger somewhere. If the op ended up going bad, those civilians were the priority to try and save. The good news, they likely would be in this location since Clint had been assured he would see her soon.

Third, that was a lot of guns. Things went sideways, they would be in for the fight of their lives. She just had to make sure it didn't go sideways.

She brings out a small camera and takes a good dozen images of the room below, the quality of them good enough that even from this distance they can be blown up for details. The camera is tucked back into her glove and she shifts, working her way through the ventilation shaft to follow their passage. The good news, it all linked and there had been no cameras, allowing for her to move easily enough.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The scientists are led through the doors under the control room. The comms carry on, but it's just noise, people complaining, people barking orders, then a door slamming closed. After a moment, there's the sound of someone speaking Hungarian, it sounds like a news cast.

Clint's voice comes through over the comms hard to make out over the sound of the TV "They split us up. I'm in a 6 x 12 with a cot and a TV. No toilet, so looks like they don't plan on keeping us for long or will be moving us down to the can. How's it looking out there?"

As Clint talks, a bearded man in an expensive coat exits the door below the control room with two guards, one follows him up the grated stairs to the control room while the other stands guard at the door. Past the vent that Nat watches through the vents shift downwards presumably towards where the prisoners are being kept.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Six by twelve, lots of room. They're going all out for you. You could throw a party," Natasha murmurs. Her voice is low enough it won't carry but the microphone will amplify her voice enough to be heard by him. She follows the passage of the bearded man curiously, evaluating him and his guards with a glance. His men are efficient and alert, things that are always annoying for the agents.

"We've got a control room. Bearded man with more money than fashion sense going by that coat. Two men guarding him. Lots of weapons everywhere, high tech stuff." She shifts and begins working her way down the ventilation shaft, pausig momentarily when something catches her eye. Now they throw in a security measure. Interesting that they haven't before. Perhaps they are more worried about people getting out than coming in. She quickly disables the alarm and continues her downward path. "With them taking the scientists and planning to use their families, I'm not sure we can stick with recon on this one," she muses as she comes to the area with the cells. She begins working her way from one to the next, stopping when she reaches the one holding Clint. "Think you'll have time for a little walkabout?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yeah, I'm getting the real VIP treatment here," Clint says. "I expect them to be by any moment with the room service menu.

The bearded man's guard swipes a card at the control room door and they walk inside, still visible through the glass. He looks like he's making a call.

"Yeah, beard-guy sounded like he was from your neck of the woods. Stupid coat, but the guy carried himself like a guy who knows how to fight."

Clint's quiet a moment when she mentions switching off recon to something more active. "Yeah, that's my take too. What do you figure? Wait for them to show up with the families, and take the whole lot out of here in one go?" he asks. "Also, Beardy said this one of five facilities. We need to find out where the other four are before we get out of here. As for a walkabout, if you can check the corridor outside my room, I think I can manage."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I'm sure I can arrange that," Natasha replies. The duct system goes over the hall to the opposite side. She works here way there but finds no opening into the hall itself. It takes a few moments for her to find an empty room to drop into then she moves to the unlocked door. A quick peek to the hall then she calls back over the comm. "Corridor is clear. And I have presents for you. You can thank me later."

She slips into the hall, giving it a double check for cameras before she does. Nothing. No laser grids. It's a little lax. That makes her nervous. They are very confident if they aren't having more measures. She doesn't believe it's because they are sloppy. It doesn't fit with everything so far on the exterior and interior.

She moves toward the door of Clin't cell. Not to help him. If he can't get out of a locked room, he owes her a beer. She simply heads there to rendezvous with him. "Keycards to get in the control room. If we can get one of those, I can hack into their system and get everything." Hopefully.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's smile comes through in his voice over the comms. "Gifts and you're coming down through the chimney, you're my very favourite Santa Claus," he jokes.

The security does seem frighteningly lax here. If they're lucky, it's just because these guys are betting big on their cloaking field working, if not there's bigger problems waiting up ahead.

Clint steps out of the room when Nat reaches it. "That sounds like a plan," he says meaning the keycards and hacking. "Just have to juggle that with getting everyone else out alive." He speaks in a low voice, there is a door partially open at the end of the hall, with muffled voices from within. One of them says in Russian. "Yuri, your turn to check cells," and a shadow moves under the door frame as the door begins to open.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
While they could likely take out the guards, Natasha isn't ready to reveal their presence yet. They need more time to try and gather further intel before they start leaving bodies behind them. So her reaction is to put a hand on Clint's chest and urge him back into the cell he just broke out of. She follows, shutting the door behind them and looking around at the sparse room. Nothing really to hide behind, under or in. The vent is up there but it would take time to open. She is left with only one option.

She moves to stand behind Clint, making sure that her arms are wrapped tightly around her torso and her legs are aligned with his. If anyone looks in the room through a window or by opening it, they will just see the scientist standing there. She pushes a button on her wristband, firing up a Widow's Bite in the cylinder in case this doesn't work.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The guard makes his way down the corridor, knocking on each cell and peeking in each one. When he looks in Clint's, Barton makes himself look nervous and waves, keeping his hand close to his side. Yuri, frowns, "Come here," he says.

Clint lets out a breath, takes a step forward and ducks low clearing Nat's sight line to the guard. Too late to hide, looks like the time table is moving up again.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Clint ducks, Natasha is raising her arm. As soon as she has the clearance, the Bite is fired. The small metal disk flies forward to strike the man in the middle of the chest. On impact, the electical charge is released and shoots through his body, locking up every muscles. He has no chance to scream or call for reinforcements. One moment he is standing there, the next he is on the ground as blue arcs dance around his body.

She heads to the door, grabbing the man with her gloved hands and quickly pulling his prone body inside the cell with them.

A string of Russian curses fall from her lips. "It seemed a good idea at the time. You shouldn't have waved. Didn't you learn in Rio not to wave?" she asks as she pulls the black duffle bag off her back and tosses it Clint's way. Inside he will find his gear. She takes the time to remove the hood she's had on all this time.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
    Clint moves to the door with Natasha to check down the hall while she moves the guy inside. No movement from the rest of the guards. He closes the door catching the duffle in mid air as he turns back into the room. He sets it down and digs in, brining out his bow and quiver. "Yeah, yeah, always Rio with you," he says. "What was I going to do, I was just standing in the middle of the floor?" he says without any heat. The banter helped keep them frosty. Or well, him anyhow. "This guy have a card?" he asks Nat as he slings the quiver on his back. "I'm figuring we take out the guys at the end of the hall, then we try to hack that control room?" he asks as he snaps his bow from folded to ready to fire.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The man is quickly bound with zipties and gagged since he might wake up before they are finished. Wouldn't do to have him screaming his head off. Natasha pats him down quickly, going through every pocket. She finds some old style keys, a keycard that resembles the one used at the control room door and a wallet. That she slips into the duffle which she picks back up now that it's empty. The duffle is shrugged up onto her back as it was before, so they leave nothing behind. "He has a card. Let's hope he's high enough to have clearance. Beardy had two guys with him if it doesn't. Maybe theirs will work. One stayed outside the control room near the door to these halls," she warns as she moves toward the door with him.
    "Fast and hard. No idea how many are in that outer room but we want to make sure they can't signal for help. Was the lock on the door electronic?" she asks, having not thought to look before this moment. It'll take more time if they have to open every cell one by one.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint moves to the door while Nat deals with the guy, he pulls an arrow and puts it to his string. "Yeah, electric, so we can let them out in one go," he confirms nodding to the door controls that sit open, wires hanging out from where Clint hotwired it.

"Agreed. You go in, I'll stick by the door and deal with the guys at the edges," he says. "Ready? Lead the way," he says opening the door for Nat.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The room they head for is just a few steps. Natasha makes a brief adjustment on her wristband then moves to the side of the door opposite Clint. She counts down from three on her left hand. Three...two...one....

She goes through the door. It swings inward, the hinges on the interior of the room so they could not be accessed by escaping prisonrs. It slams back agains the wall, bringing up the heads of the eight men insie. Most of them are sitting around a table where they are playing cards. One is over near the other door and the last is sitting at a control panel which controls the security wing. All of them are armed. There is a scrape of chairs as they rise to their feet as one, trying to unholster firearms. Some are normal but others look like some of the high tech gear she had seen outside.

Natasha dives into the room, making herself a low target as she fires off Widow's Bites at two of the men. They go down without their weapons clearing leather. She comes up near the table and upends it, sending it between her and two of them so they won't be able to get a shot immediately. That leaves two on her side and she goes in for the attack, leaping into the air to try and get one around the neck with her thighs and flip him to the floor.

One of the men on the opposite side of the table fires one of the energy weapons. The blast hits the table and it explodes into splinters which pelt the combatants. Stakes were just raised.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
...One then a beat and Clint moves turning into the doorway behind Widow. When she goes low he stays high, scanning the room and marking the guy at the controls target number one. A Taser arrow flies and hits the guy in the chest, he falls back twitching as sparks roam across his body. Control guy down, he turns to the second guy on Widow's side of the table and puts a razor tipped broadhead through his gun hand and a second into his knee dropping him to the floor beside Widow.

Then things get dicey.

The table explodes sending wooden darts flying around the room. Clint leaps backwards but not fast enough and feels his face, legs and arms stung as he falls backwards. He lets an arrow loose to hit the ceiling, it rebounds sharply hitting laser-guy but before he's hit the floor his friend has his own energy weapon drawn and pointing at Clint.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Stings let Natasha know that the splinters found their mark but she doesn't stop to worry with it. The man is flung to the ground as she twists her legs to throw him off balance. She pushes off him and swings a double-footed kick at the one aiming for Clint. His gun goes flying as he sprawls. She follows instantly, landing atop him and firing a point blank Bite into his chest. Her own suit is insulated, protecting her from the electricity coursing through him.

The first man she toppled is trying to regain his feet. She is spinning hsi way, a roundhouse kick aimed for his head.

The man on the opposite side of the room by the door has his weapon out although he isn't firing. Intead, he is opening that other door as he prepares to either run or call for help.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint knows he's tagged by the stinging pain in his limbs and face, but the important thing is he has enough left in the tank to pull his string and fire. The guy by the door topples against the wall, twitching as a Taser arrow finds its mark. He doesn't watch the guy for more than a second before his head swivels to take the count. How many did they get, eight or seven? The answer is eight, the last guy makes a dive for the control panel moving past Nat as he goes.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
There is a pfft of displaced air as Natasha fires her Widow's Line. The grapple unfolds in front of the last man. With a yank, she snags him around the ankles and he falls onto his chest, hands coming up at the last moment to keep him from face planting. She is there a moment later, a kick to his head putting him out of commission. She retracts the line, the grapple folding closed as she does so. She moves to the opposite door and closes it quickly, shoving a chair beneath the handle so they have time to get everyone in the room bound before they continue.

"That explains at least one of the weapons I saw out there. Not sure what that was." She has a few spots where the splinters have sliced through the material of her costume but it isn't severe. If she didn't have adrenaline flowing through her system, it might be a nuisance. As it stands, she's aware of it but not bothered by it. "Alright, through this door was a hallway. I think at the other end is the main floor where the weapons are stored. There was one of Beardy's bodyguards watching it. Then another at the top of a ramp near the control room so he's got some range. This is if they haven't moved, of course." Their luck? They've moved.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gets to his feet, glancing down at his torn clothes and the spots of blood all over him. He looks sort of gruesome but after a few testing moves of his arms and legs everything seems to be working. He jumps in to help tie up the guards.

As Nat talks him through the locations of the other two guards, Clint grabs the energy gun, looks it over and sticks it in his belt. Might come in handy. "Okay, so we've got to deal with those two guys, Beardy, anyone in the control room, and anyone who sees us going for the control room?" he gives Nat a tight smile he doesn't feel, "Sound easy, let's go."

They make it to the first door, no problem, Clint swipes a card, the door opens and before the guy can blink, Clint cracks him hard in the face his bow and the guy topples. An energy blast follows, as the guy at the control room door, crouches and takes aim.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Dropping low to the ground, Natasha raises her arm and fires another Bite. It hits the man by the door and he falls, the weapon dropping from his hand. She glances around the room but they seem to be clear. No one else in this area for the moment. She runs for the conrol room. She starts to go past the bodyguard only to have him grab her leg, yanking it out from under her. She goes down on her back, hard, the air forced out of her lungs. He's rolling, immediately going to punch her. She manages to bring up her arms to block but her whole body vibrates with the impact. He's stronger than a normal human and the electricity only had stunned him for a moment.
    Into the comm she murmurs a single word as she tries to roll to the side as the man fires a punch where she was just laying. His fist dents the metallic walkway. "Metahuman," is her warning to her partner.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint curses as Nat goes down and he comes sprinting after her, his injuries forgotten in the surge of adrenaline. Metahumans, that was just cheating. Reaching the foot of the ramp, he fires a taser arrow into the guy's back. It goes off, and the guy keeps on trying to punch Nat's head through the grating of the ramp. "Damn it."

He didn't have time to play around, he lowers his bow and his free hand reaches for the gun in his belt. He yanks it free and shouts. "Get clear!" before he pulls the trigger sending a burst of purple light at the Meta's back.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the warning, Natasha flings herself to the side. She goes off the side of the ramp, putting plenty of distance as her fingers catch the edge ot ellow her to dangle there a moment.

The energy blast hits the man. He's tough enough he does not explode as the table had done. It is enough to send him flying forward, out cold on the ground.

Natasha quickly pulls herself back up, jumping lightly back over the railing and seeting about trying to bind the guy. He gets metal cuffs instead of zipties. She just hopes they will hold. She stands and looks to Clint, giving a grateful smile. "Thanks for saving my ass." She holds up the keycard she just got off the bodyguard, figuring his will have a higher clearance level than the lackeys they had dealt with before. "Should we knock or just let ourselves in?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint glances at the Meta and quickly sighs, relieved when the guy's down but not dead. He rushes up the ramp to join Natasha by the door. "Swipe the card. We might need this to hold people off if things get messy," he says, and right on cue, Beardy spots them through the wndows of the control room and presses the alarm. The techs and guards inside scramble for cover or draw weapons.