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Latest revision as of 00:05, 31 October 2017

Rogue-olf With your eyes so bright...
Date of Scene: 24 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Rogue, Polaris

Nightcrawler has posed:
Winifred and her daughter, Stacy, work and run the diner. Winifred is a little heavy set, and her mutancy manifests as a vaguely porcine appearance. her daughter inherited a lot of that, but has more refined, even genteel piggishness that is vaguely, well, attractive in a vaguely disturbing way. Stacy is getting used to her new cybernetic arm made by the Avengers. She can be heard to complain she needs a new hand, this one has too many fingers. Fred gives a laugh, and assures her the Avengers are working on a hand to match her natural one.
    In the face of adversity, they laugh. No wonder this is Kurt's favorite place to eat. When he and Lorna come in there are hugs, and a general oohing and ahing over Stacy's replacement limb. She gushes about Kurt pulling her from rubble in the invasion.
    One would have to know Kurt to know how small he feels. His fail hanging at a certain angle, the tip curving inwards, as if to cower. Lorna is being gushed over. She's their princess. Winifred's husband was a normal man who ell in love with her. He was lynched after his little girl was born. It happened to mutant lovers/ They never complain. They never whine. They just run their little diner and give to the community. Its a place of warmth. As soon as hugs are delivered, 'Fred is back in the kitchen to make Lorna her vegetarian Princess plate. Kurt just wants the chicken fingers. He'll eat like a kid if people would let him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had received the text shortly after getting out of a late class. She'd skateboarded her whole way here on a new longobard that Strange bought her last week as a gift for doing well in school.

With the sun shining out the windows in the diner, Rogue could be seen skating past on the sidewalk on her way to the corner of the street that that diner rests on. She hopped off her board at the front door and bent down to pick it up.

Moment later and Marie was stepping inside with the board under her arm and her other hand going up to remove her aviators off of her face... her eyes scanning around the interior of the place. Looked like a ton of other diner's she'd been in before.

When Kurt and Lorna were spotted, Rogue would smile and offer a wave of her gloved, sunglasses holding, hand and move in their direction.

Polaris has posed:
Looking around, Lorna smiles. She likes this place. It's so grounding and homey. She likes how relaxed Kurt is around this space. She loops an arm in his, comfortable and companionable. She settles into her seat. She waves to Rogue nudges Kurt looking at him and his tail. "Cheer up dear heart, your sister is here." She murmurs.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    It's Stacy's arm that upsets Kurt. He tried to save her real one. Kurt gets up and walks over to walk Rogue over to sit her next to Lorna. He hands are gentle as he reaches for Rogue's sleeves arm to guide her back. "We have so much to tell you, dear sister." he assures Rogue. His tail curves up, showing a little happiness. There is a bounce in his step. "Killer onion rings here." Kurt assures her. "Und Lorna likes the shakes. Too much dairy for me."
    His tone is happy-- seeing her makes him demonstrably happier. "We have things to talk about, und they might make you sad. We do not mean to, but you have a right to know."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was lead along by Kurt after having returned Lorna's wave and then her eyes were locked onto Kurt as he spoke. She came to settle down on the stool next to Lorna's and she leaned her longboard against the counter in front of her knees. "Heya." She said to her former teacher in Lorna and then looked over at Kurt.

"Oh god, what is it." Is all she can really bring herself to say, she'd BEEN glancing at the milkshakes because her biggest foody-weakness was ice cream of almost any flavor... but when Kurt said what he said like that, her entire attention went to him and wanted to hear the response. More... bad... news?

Polaris has posed:
"No, it's not bad, it's just news." Lorna assures Rogue and smiles at her warmly. "I mean, probably not even terribly surprising news but, it's good to see you." She says comfortably, looking at her former student. She looks to Kurt. "You can have sips of my milkshake, then you aren't missing out." She murmurs, ever helpful.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Nein. I did nicht take mein pills." Stacy walks over. "You're Kurt's sister? Wow." Kurt's cheeks start to flush. "He saved my life you know? I mean, I lost my arm,. but he's my hero. And is so sweet to Princess Lorna though." She is gushing. Kurt obviously feels like utter crap the little girl lost her arm. She's what, 14? She squeals. It is a little piggish, but she points her new cyborg arm at Lorna's ring. "Oh my god! You're going to get married!"
    Kurt slides his hand to his forehead. "I meant to tell you more delicately." Kurt whispers as Stacy runs off to tell her mom, as if Mom had not heard. Kurt rubs his forehead. "I really meant for you to hear more delicately. We also..." He looks at Lorna. His eyes seeking forgiveness. "I need you to be a little more available. We're expecting. I know you need to live your own life. It's too early, and it's complicated, and it's just something wonderful and unexpected, and scary." He is honest. "I am just worried about--".
    He's worried about Mystique. His eyes glint, once, a dim, sad sort of glow. "I trust you, Anna-Marie." He busted out her name.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked to Lorna and grinned at her, then shook her head. "Oh no, if Kurt just made me sick woth worry for no good reason, then he's buyin' me my own milkshake!" She'd grin up until the Stacy girl approached her and spoke at her about being Kurt's sister. "Yeah, well... adopted, kinda, I guess." She smirked then and glanced toward Kurt-- or started to.. until Stacy squealed/exlciamed marriage/ran off again.

At the news of the true nature of it all (and child too?!) Rogue looked from Kurt to Lorna. "Oh. Wow." She said lightly then. "I mean... congrats!" She would lean over to put her arms around Lorna (Rogue's black hoodie's hood was up so she was pretty covered-up).

"I'm so happy for the two'a you." She'd be all smiles. "I'll help out any way that I can!" Rogue would then look over to Kurt and she'd poke him in the ribs. "You be good t'her." She said with a grin at him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "For the rest of mein life und the next one." Kurt promises. He sighs out at the poke. "I am totally buying you dinner." Kurt assures Rogue with a warm smile. "So get something good. You are so skinny." he makes a face. "Are you eating enough?" That's Kurt. Worrying about Rogue. He needs to know that she is okay. "Ja. We... are going to the court house. Tomorrow." he slides her a card with the room and the time on it. No big wedding. No destination. No targets. He just looks at her. "Everyone wants to be the witness who signs on her side." he jokes. "So?" he clears his throat. "Come sit on the Groom's side und score another free meal tomorrow night?" he asks her quietly.
    "We are trying to just sneak by under the radar, you see. We are... high enough profile as it is, ja?" It's obviously in a hurry.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would grin at these words from Kurt and she'd nod her head softly. "I eat all the time, don't worry about me." She really didn't though, she had some meal suppliment drinks she'd bought online though and they were enough to keep her happy and well fed without having to worry about the burden of actual food. Rogue had trouble sitting still afterall... thats when her demons would always try to get inside her head.

"Oh, so its not going to be a big thing?" She asked then, looking from Lorna to Kurt again. She grinned faintly. "Ya'll learned from my mistake, huh?" She'd say before reaching out for a menu, even though all diners had the same food for the most part. "I'd like breakfast, if they serve it still." She muttered while eyeballing the listed meals.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Nein. Very small. Just a few. WHomever is about the mansion when we leave and wants to come. You are really the only one we sought out." Kurt says it quietly while Lorna is busy with her shake. Kurt points out. "Waffles." He says it like they they are his favorite. "I love waffles. She makes very gut waffles." Kurt tilts his head to the side. "I was worried we would upset you." His eyes have a sad light to them. His tail gives a nervous twitch. 'What happened was a tragedy. I was nicht sure if you could be happy for us. I would nicht have blamed you if you could not."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded her head softly to the idea of waffles. "Eggs and bacon come with that and we got ourselves a plan." She said with a sly grin before Kurt moved on to the more drama-y stuff and she just folded the menu shut and put it back in its little metal holder next to the ketchup and mustard bottles.

Rogue looked over at him while her gloved ahnds went up to brush her hair out of her face and then pushed her hood back off of her head, her hair was thick enough that it was basically its own hood around her dangerous skin. "I ain't that petty, Kurt." She told him in a dry tone of her southern-dipped accent. "Whats done is done, the guy who proposed t'me, setup the weddin' in my dream land... He's dead'n buried. Time t'move on. Future'n such, yuo guys' future." She showed them both a smile. "I'll go with ya wheneve'ah ya need me t'be whereve'ah ya need me. Especially if you're buy'n me food."

Rogue greened softly then and glanced down at her hands on the counter's edge, she picked at dust flecks on her gloves material.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Not petty." Kurt says, his hand touching her gloved hand in a gentle gesture. He tries to make eye contact; his eyes are far less sad. He is too young and his genetics are such he should live a long life, so he has no smile or laugh lines just yet. His grin though is cheeky, lop-sided and generous. Kurt's smile just for them- the people he loves. "Never, ever petty. Just human. Some hurts run very deep. Some wounds never quite heal." Eyes distant just a moment, then right back where he should be.
    "You have family." Kurt says it simply. "I do nicht abandon mein family. I... want mein children to call you Aunt Rogue, ja?" His tone is not so much a question as it is a statement. It is rare for him to be so emphatic. He is this time. "Und maybe some babysitting from time to time so Lorna and I can go out?"
    That will not be a disaster. Not at all. He pauses. He takes a drink. That might have been a mistake.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would just look over at Kurt when he touched her gloved hand and she just gave him a sly smile. "I'd be honored t'be ya'lls sometimes-babysitter." She teased back at him. "I'm really glad that ya'll have gotten along well enough t'get married, I mean..." She glanced back at Lorna and then back to Kurt. "You're two'a my favorite people in this whole damn messed up world, so t'have ya... ya know... take the plunge, its really just, I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders inside of her hood. "Reassurin', I guess, that people can still find love that works."

Rogue laughed softly and looked away toward the counter top in front of her. "Sounds generic, I know. But, whateve'ah. I can't wait to see ya'lls kids, they're gonna be cute as hell." She'd grin then to her friends.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I hope und pray they look more like her." Kurt leans over. "Only Logan knows." He tells her quietly. "it is still super early. So much... could go wrong. Mutation is a strange und fickle thing." He pulls in a shaky breath. "I tell you, because you are the closest thing I have to actual blood family. I mean, ja I grew up with the others, but you." He just smiles at Rogue, and he hopes it says enough. "We love you." he says softer. Stacy comes over, finally to take Rogue's order. "Oh gosh! Sorry! I got so excited!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would listen to this and she'd just smile warmly at it while looking down at the countertop in front of her and her hands together atop it. "I love you both too." She said back at them then, voice soft but honest.

At Stacy's return, Rogue would flash a little grin before she picked up the menu and flipped it to the breakfast page. "I want this." She said at the waffles and breakfast stuff. "And a huuuuuuuge orange juice t'go with'em." She'd add at the end after saying that. Rogue would grin over at Kurt then. "So hey, at least a small affair means I don't gotta wear any fancy stuff... right?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I understand the judge is young und rich." Kurt teases Rogue with a sly wink. Stacy almost skips off. 'She's like Kurt's sister, mom!" She says too loud. "Maybe they have a little brother too?" Kurt hides his face in his hand. "Mein Gott." he whispers.
    Winifred can be heard laughing from the kitchen. Kurt's tail lashes about his stool.

Polaris has posed:
"Nope. You can be you." Lorna smiles and looks to Kurt. "We'll be fine, the baby will be fine. That's why we're staying low profile." She reminds him with a gentle squeeze. Letting the nearly siblings talk. "He's hoping it's green, I hope it's blue." She grins to Rogue and nods. "So much happier." She assures Rogue softly. Stacy's comment gets a laugh. "I think she'd marry you if I weren't. We're lucky you didn't break her heart." she tells Kurt and leans against him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at the both of them and she reached out for her ice water that was brought and sat in front of her. "Won't it take like... a decade for the kid's mutation to determine what color she or he is?" She asked with a grin before taking a sip of her water. She then realized what she'd just said and looked over to Kurt. "Oh, wait... didn't you say your mutation actually was one'a those one's that happened at birth, right?" She bit down on her lowerlip for a second and then looked between the both of them. "I'm bettin' blue fur all ove'ah the body and then bright green hair. They're gonna look like a muppet." She was just teasing around though.

Rogue elbowed Kurt lightly. "Ain't no high'n'mighty rich judge gonna care about a street rat like me."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I really hope not, because then I am naming her after you." Kurt elbows her back playfully. His tail snakes around to curl around Lorna's ankle sweetly. He smiles at them both. "Danke, Anna-Marie. I appreciate you saying you will be there. I miss you."

Polaris has posed:
"Oh, are you picking the name?" Lorna wonders playfully. "I thought we both had a say. Though a blue and green baby named Anne-Marie? I dunno. I think I like the original better." She winks to Rogue and sips on her milkshake.