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Latest revision as of 00:11, 31 October 2017

Angel on My Shoulder
Date of Scene: 26 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Captain America

Radiance has posed:
Hermione, having worn out her charge, spent the night before at the club. In spite of her preference, she wore something that showed a lot of skin and danced close to people for maximum skin contact. It made her feel cheap and easy, but how else is she going to get the skin contact she seems to need to be able to fly?

She feels much better today, able to wear the clothes she prefers, keeping herself covered from head to toe, her sweater loose and heavy enough to hide anything that could be underneath. She flies over to the Stark Tower, wanting to talk to Mr. Stark, still giddy over the fact that he has decided to mentor her in the ways of being a superhero. She carries her Avengers poster with her, hoping that he'll sign it for her.

Taking off? Easy. Aeroacrobatics? Easy and fun! Landing? Yeah, she still is having problems in that regard. She tries slowing down at the balcony, but slowing down makes her dip down below the edge of it. Maybe Mr. Stark can help her manage to not fall so low when she slows down. She rises, struggling with her flight for a bit until she gets onto the penthouse balcony and catches her breath. After a few inhales, Hermione taps on the glass of the french door. "Mr. Stark Sir? I'm sorry I didn't call first, but my phone is... I couldn't afford the bill, so I lost my service."

Captain America has posed:
    The elevator dings once and the doors slide open promptly. Steve Rogers walks out carrying a clipboard and some papers. He is dressed in the Captain America uniform although the mask is pulled back and resting behind his head. "Tony, there are a couple things I wanted to go over with you," he calls out before even looking up. As he does he sees Hermione on the balcony. "Oh," he says with a tone of slight embarassment. "I am sorry. I did not mean to interupt something."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione sees Steve Rogers walk in from the elevator as she walks in from the balcony. When the elevator went *Ding*, she looked up expectantly. It's not her mentor, but it's actually better then she could have dreamed, hoped. The young woman's jaw drops, her eyes growing wide as she stands stalk still, not even able to breath for a moment. It takes a few seconds until Min is suddenly bouncing about, looking around the room and then back to Steve, speaking in rapid and very excited Spanish.

As she chatters, Minnie comes closer, unrolling the poster and holding a pen out to the Captain. "Por favor! Sorry, I mean please?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve's embarassment turns to slight amusement as this stranger zips around the place chattering away. He holds up one gloved hand going "Whoa, whoa," he says with a cheerful tone. "Easy there. Going to hurt yourself." He glances at the pen and the poster. "What? You want me to sign your poster?" Now he sounds embarassed again slightly. "Ma'am, really, there are other Avengers I could introduce you to that warrents your attention more."

Radiance has posed:
Looking up at the Captain with what can only be called Hero Worship, Hermione nods her head when he asks about signing the poster. Tony got his own dose of Hermione's enthusiasm a couple days ago. "It's okay, Mr. America, Sir. I can't be hurt," she says, grinning from ear to ear. "And I've met Mr. Stark, but Sir, you are like THE Avenger! Without you, the whole team would fall apart! You have the military experience and the vision to make the world a better place. Please?"

Captain America has posed:
    "Steve, please. Mr. Rogers or Captain, if you must," Steve says with a soft chuckle. He takes the poster in his hands, unrolling it fully, to get a good look at it. "I think you overestimate what I do. I do what I can to help people out of bad situations. I have been lucky enough to work with some truly special individuals." He looks around the penthouse and back towards Hermione. "Is Mr. Stark around?" he asks even as he gets the pen out of her hand.

Radiance has posed:
"Yes sir, Captain. Sir." The girl is excited enough that she is practically buzzing with excitement, starting to hover a few inches off the ground to unconciously bring her to eye level with the taller man. As he tries to be modest, Min shakes her head. "No Sir, I'm not. My grandfather used to tell me about you when I was a little girl. You're the reason I became such a fan of superheroes. You and Superman. And when I started the whole flying and stuff, I knew I wanted to be just like you, Sir." Her words come a mile a minute, accompanied by girlish giggling and excited squeals. "I can't believe I'm meeting you, face to face. My granddad will be thrilled. Oh! My granddad! If it's not too much trouble... can you sign something for him too?" SHe looks around the penthouse. "I don't actually know. I mean, he told me to call first, but I don't have a phone right now. We could ask JARVIS?" <Mr. Stark is currently indesposed, Mr. Rogers and Miss Langdon.>>

Captain America has posed:
    Steve shakes his head with a chuckle at the two "Sir"s stuck in there. "Thank you then. For letting me be an inspiration to you and your grandfather." He looks over the poster and finds a spot next to his picture to sign his name and a well wishing. He is certainly never going to be the suave one like Tony. He looks up at the name JARVIS uses. "Langdon? I knew a Langdon over in France back...well, for me it is only a few years ago."

Radiance has posed:
When the Captain actually seems to remember last name, she lets out another squeal. She nods excitedly. "That was my grandfather! Private Sebastian Langdon. THough he says everyone called him Goose cause of his long neck and his beak like nose." That's not why they called him Goose, but perhaps telling the girl that her grandfather, who was a wet behind the ears private, got the nickname for how he greeted waitresses at the bars might shatter a bit of her world view.

THe girl salutes you. "Hermione Jean Langdon, Sir. And it is an *honor* to meet you. If I couldn't already fly, I'm pretty sure just meeting you would be able to do it." She glances at the sheild on your back. "Sir? Do you think I could, maybe, touch it?"

Captain America has posed:
    Steve nods with a smile. "Yes, I remember Goose Langdon. He was pretty young back then. Glad to hear he made it home okay. Tell him Captain Rogers said hello when you talk to him next." He takes a step back really seeing that she is actually hovering in the air. "That is a pretty neat ability you have there, Miss Langdon. Flight is always something that I thought would be great to be able to do." He returns the salute with a smile. "As you were," he says with a good natured sound to it. He slips the shield off his back and offers it to Hermione. "I would tell you to treat her carefully, but she is a tough girl. Been through a lot already so I am not worried."

Radiance has posed:
The young woman nods her head. "He lied about his age just so he could serve. He was at the battle against Schmidt. The one where you... disappeared. I will tell him. Talking about you was the highlight of his days. Everytime we visit him at the home he tells us how you actually patted him on the back before the battle to encourage him. He even has your A tattooed on that shoulder." She grins and giggles, basking in the awesomeness that is being this close to a personal hero.

She looks down, realizing she's flying and blushes, setting down. "I forget, when I get excited. And then I just sorta get eye level. I guess cause I was always told to look people in the eye and almost everyone is taller then me."

She comes closer, her hands stroking over the surface. "She sounds like me. I'm tougher then I look too. Heck, I only feel it if it's really bad. Besides, I would never dream of hurting her. She's ... well? She's yours."

Captain America has posed:
    "Yes and no," Steve nods. "Yes, I use her now, but at the same time, it goes with Captain America. If for some reason, I wasn't Captain America, I think the shield should go with the title." He smiles as he looks at the shield. "The title, and the shield, are bigger than any one man. We will still be fighting tryanny in a hundred years more than likely. Captain America should still be there even if do become an old man by then."

Radiance has posed:
Speaking the way he does of his position as Captain America only causes the pedestal she has him on to rise a little higher. She closes her eyes and resists the urge to squeal. "I think whoever is the next Captain will have some very big shoes to fill, Sir. It would take someone very special." She looks around the room, conspiratorially and then leans in, speaking quietly thinking JARVIS might not hear. "I don't even think Mr. Stark could do it!" Tony? As Captain America? Yeah, it would have to be a coooooold day in Hell.

Captain America has posed:
    Steve laughs at the conspirator's whisper and shakes his head. "You never know. He could surprise you under the right circumstances. I certainly didn't strike anyone as a super soldier back in my youth to be sure. I have met a lot of people in my time. War time? It brings out the best and worst in us. The next Captain could be someone better suited for peace. I admit that I am an old warhorse and that can color how I see the world sometimes. Maybe we need wide eyed idealism like you."

Radiance has posed:
The girl bites at her lower lip, starting to blush when talking about Tony surprising her. "He's lovely, Captain Sir, but ... I don't think, well? He does like the spotlight. You don't do what you do for the spotlight. It just seems to follow you anyway." She blushes at the mention of her idealism. "Sir, I don't think I could ever fill your shoes. I just want to be the best hero I can be, to defend the people and help them. I just hope I'm strong enough and sturdy enough. Tractors are one thing, but there are some people out there that hit harder then tractors."

She seems to think of something. "I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you. Maybe. Mr. Stark has offered to teach me how to fly and how to be a better Superhero. I still haven't thought of a name to call myself. Any ideas?"

Captain America has posed:
    "I started by simply not liking bullies. Don't sell yourself short, Miss Langdon. I know a couple that hit harder than I do, but that doesn't stop me does it?" He slips the shield back onto his shoulders and tilts his head a little. "I will have to see you in a bit more action than hovering in front of me before I can really come up with any suggestions. Right now, you remind me of a dragonfly. Doubt that makes a good name though?"

Radiance has posed:
Listening to every word Steve says as if it were gospel. She nods her head, dipping her head down shyly. "No, Sir, you don't. I'll do my best." When he suggests Dragonfly, the girl wrinkles her nose. "Well, sometimes I glow. I think people would start calling me Firefly or Lightning Bug when they figured that out."

Captain America has posed:
    Steve laughs and nods. "Yes, the Firefly name would stick if you were glowing and already being called Dragonfly. We will have to think of something else for you." He does make his way towards one of the tables in the room. He finds a pad of paper and starts scratching out a note for Tony. "We will have to meet over at Avengers Mansion some time and we can run you through some training excersizes. See what fits you better after that."

Radiance has posed:
Training in flying from Iron Man and now an invitation to the Avengers Mansion for combat training. The young Latina covers her mouth, muffling her excited squeal and stomping her feet. When she finally gets a hold of herself, she takes a deep breath. "I've been told I hit like a girly girl. A really strong girly girl though. I only just found out that my thumb is supposed to go on the outside, which feels wrong, somehow. Any pointers you can give me would be amazing, Captain Sir."

Captain America has posed:
    "Definitely keep that thumb to the outside. Otherwise, you are liable to break your hand hitting someone." Steve smiles as he straightens up from writing the note. "I have to get going though. Tell Tony I stopped by and will look for you over at the Mansion sometime. See if I can introduce you to a few other women that 'hit like a girl'."

Radiance has posed:
Rising to her feet as Steve says he has to get going, she gives him a curtsy. "I will tell him, Captain Sir. And I would love to meet more Superheroes. I'll bring my Superhero baseball card collection, so they can sign their card. And you can sign yours?" She thrusts out her hand to shake her idol's goodbye. "It was an honor to meet you, Captain. I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Captain America has posed:
    "Good to meet you as well, Miss Langdon. Please, give your grandfather my best and hope he can come visit sometime to the big city." Steve shakes her hand before turning to head back to the elevator. "Just keep working hard and whatever you do. Don't do your best. Do the job. If you do that, that is plenty of honor for me."