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Latest revision as of 00:21, 31 October 2017

Saturday, in the Park..
Date of Scene: 27 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Karen's lunch in the park is interupted by Melinda May looking for lawyers. So much for a day off!
Cast of Characters: Karen Page, Melinda May

Karen Page has posed:
    Saturday. Her day off. Though Karen had a bunch of work leftover from the week that had her coming into the office today, but she'd shut things down shortly after lunch, grabbing up her brown paper bag and walking over to the park to eat. It was cool out, almost too cool to be sitting out, but not quite.. She figured she'd enjoy the last of the good days while she could. It was always depressing in winter to not have the opportunity to enjoy being outdoors.
    Beside her on the bech is a leather satchel, stuffed with the remains of the office work that she's intending to take home with her and do later. Maybe tomorrow even. She hasn't decided.

Melinda May has posed:
There are always people walking back and forth in the park, so people walking past can't be surprising. However, one woman -- Asian and wearing fairly non-descript clothing -- stops just short of the bench Karen has claimed.

"Ms. Page." The quasi-greeting has absolutely zero hint of question to it, as if she's stating the woman's name, not asking.

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen was enjoying her sandwich - just peanut butter; this late in the month, that's what the budget allows.. And since Gwen had moved out, there wasn't extra money coming in. But May's greeting has the woman stopping, putting her sandwich down and regarding the other.
    "I am," she says, even though it hadn't been a question. "Though I'm not sure who you are, or how you know me."
    She smiles to take away any sting of her words, though she is wary. And she takes to even, measured breaths. Exactly the sort of thing someone new to martial arts might use, still too terribly aware of her own breathing to be as effective or as natural as they should be.

Melinda May has posed:
"Melinda May." She doesn't announce her SHIELD affiliation, mostly because if this pans out right she won't need to. "I have been trying to schedule an appointment with your law firm and have not been free during your business hours. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

She noticed the sandwich, and the very deliberate change in her breathing patterns. But she of course isn't going to SAY that she noticed.

Karen Page has posed:
    There's a slow nod from Karen. Her sandwhich remains in her lap, and her breathing is still rather measured, though it's clear she's relaxed some small amount with the information May has added to her greeting.
    "Oh! No, you haven't interupted me." Which may or may not be a lie.. sure, May hasn't interupted work, but she did cut into Karen's daydreaming free time. Not that she's complaining. The office could use the work, even if it is a Saturday and supposed to be a 'no work' day. Karen alredy broke that rule by showing up at the office earlier.
    "How can I help you? Here, let me get you a card to begin with, and I'll give you my number so that this doesn't happen again." She reaches into the front pocket of her satchel as she speak, rishing about for the firm's card, pulling one out and scribbling her cell number on the back. "There. But really, how can we help?"

Melinda May has posed:
May accepts the card, looking at the firm's information before glancing at the phone number jotted on the back. "To begin with, I was thinking of setting up a retainer." Because, really, there's not much that May needs to do in the civilian sector, but for those few things, this could be useful. And, perhaps she can also see about employing the law firm as a dead drop for other purposes. Like secure communiques of a non-SHIELD nature, though she'd make sure those would not put the firm at undue risk.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen nods, her smile remaining. "Oh, that's easy enough to set up. In fact, I can quote you some figures to give you an idea of the ballpark you'd be looking at depending on what you might be looking for that retainer to cover." And judging the woman, she doesn't /look/ like she should be one to need the sorts of services that are both expensive and ones Matt would likely turn her down for.
    But she does wonder, "I'm still a little curious how you knew face to put a name to it?"
    Her smile turns slightly forced as it occurs to her only a couple of reasons why someone might know her name, and it's not precisely a nice reason why. Being framed for murder certainly does put your name and face out there, but it's not exactly something Karen is happy with.

Melinda May has posed:
May offers a simple and hopefully believable answer. "Google. And I was mostly thinking of the retainer for paperwork purposes. Power of attorney, things like that." Certainly nothing major or incriminating, as she technically doesn't exist, after all. One of the so-called perks of being a decades-long SHIELD agent. Because of her history, she'd been scrubbed.

That may need to be changed.

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen nods, but she's not entirely convinced. though lately, she's been seeing shadows of untruths everywhere. She never used to be quite so paranoid. why now? Still, she wasn't sure if she'd every googled their firm. She didn't recall putting pictures up. But with a name (which was there), May could have easily googled Karen separately.. Still, something about it..
    "Ah, well, simple things like paperwork are usually quite easily handled." And at the lower end of the pricing spectrum. Time billed, and not much more. Karen quotes May a few basic prices, "Of course, you realize that's just me ballparking things. I'll have to set an appointment up with one of our partners to get you a firm quote. Next week?"

Melinda May has posed:
May nods at the suggestion of an appointment. "Next week works. I'll call you to schedule the day and time." She has to make sure it isn't on a day when she's ferrying someone across the pond or similar. "Thank you, Ms. Page. I'm sure we'll be talking again."

Karen Page has posed:
    "Of course," Karen murmurs, mentally running through next week's calendar. "It was nice to meet you."