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Latest revision as of 00:32, 31 October 2017

Prince Charming and his Glass Slippers
Date of Scene: 28 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Colossus

Shadowcat has posed:
The mall in Westchester is not that big, and costuming for a man Piotr's size is going to require something a *little* more independent than your average Halloween Express. So instead, they find themselves at a much smaller costume shop that caters more to the theater crowd - a place that actually rents them as well as selling them. As they stroll along toward the place, the trees that line the Westchester streets are beginning to flaunt the riotous colors of autumn. And Kitty picks up an orangey leaf edged in brilliant reds, holding it out to him.

"This is my favorite time of year," she confesses with a small grin. "When the weather turns chilly. Could I convince you that a corn maze is fun and that we should go to one?"

Colossus has posed:
Accepting the orangey leaf, Piotr is careful not to crush it in his grasp. He treats it with the reverence that a gift from Kitty deserves, even if it is a perishable one. In time, it will crumble, whether he accelerates the process or not. It is fleeting, just as their situation is. They are in transition, from one existence, to another. It is natural and he likes it. Holding it, he eyes the contours, the gradients of colour, and even the smell.

But her reference to a corn maze caught him off guard, "you will find it does not much for you to convince me of anything that you believe in your heart, Katya. But you may have trouble convincing me that there is a corn maze in the vicinity. Is not corn grown mostly in the Midwest, and in New York, what is known as upstate New York?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, it might require a bit of a drive," Kitty admits. "But there are definitely corn mazes. Even in New England, people grow corn. I bet we could find one closer." She shoves her hands into the pockets of her hoodie and smiles up at him. "Hay rides. Hot cider by a huge bonfire. Oooh! We should have a bonfire by the lake for the students! They'd love it!"

The excitement that lights her features is probably amusing, if not infectious. "And it might keep them out of trouble on Halloween," she comments. "I mean... I don't know if they're the types to get out there and be crazy, but..."

Colossus has posed:
"... it sounds like a wonderful idea," he finishes her thought. Though, as they continue towards the costume shop, he slips an arm around her. She seemed cold, having slipped her hands into her pockets for warmth, and he hoped to provide her with greater warmth due to his body temperature. His right hand slipped around her, holding her close, assuming she accepted the gesture. "Though, perhaps getting into trouble is good for the students. I am told that Halloween is the one night that everyone can be someone they are not. You can be crazy, and have fun letting loose." Of course, Piotr is so tightly wound, if he ever let loose, someone body probably get hurt.

Shadowcat has posed:
It's funny -- the disparity in their heights alone should make walking like that difficult, but it doesn't seem to. Kitty's reaction to the protective motion is automatic, moving closer to his side where his arm can rest on her upper arm or shoulder without causing him to stoop uncomfortably. "I guess," she answers in response to the idea that they should let loose. Her tone is doubtful -- Kitty hasn't really done Halloween, not since she was small. "We spend so much of our time in costume, I guess I ... don't really look at it as so much fun. That's just ... going to work, you know?"

And although they hadn't really spoken of it, that comment might explain why she'd suggested they attend a Halloween party in such a hesitant tone. Apparently she's not entirely sure it's *going* to be an enjoyable thing, but he'd seemed to like the idea, so... here they are! "What do you think you'd like to be?" she asks him curiously. They didn't really talk about it much, and it suddenly occurs to her that she has no idea what his ideas are.

Colossus has posed:
That arm rests higher up on Kitty than he would probably like, but it is both appropriate, for their current situation, and not too forward, so Piotr likes that. He only separates from her when they arrive at the professional costume shop. The prices might be higher, but then, so is the quality and the selection. This one caters to some of the theatre in New York, which is incredible, as well as the film industry. They are open to the public, but they had a wide selection, plus, ones that would fit Piotr too, which was always a plus.

Pausing to hold the door open for Kitty, he thought about it, "If my height is an issue, Goofy, Conan the Barbarian, Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas, the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, Shrek, Luigi from Super Mario, Big Bird from Sesame Street, Lurch from the Munsters, Ivan Drago from Rocky IV, could be options; though if they have as wide a selection as they say, other options may be available. Anything from a Star Trek uniform to Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon to Duffman from the Simpsons to Dick Tracey or a Disney Prince, perhaps?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Standing in the open doorway to the shop, Kitty ... well, let's be honest. She looks rather dumbfounded. "Super Mario?" She asks. "Sailor Moon? Who *are* you?" This is the kind of thing they really don't know about one another. She always thinks of him as this rather brilliant artist, but ... Rocky IV and the Simpsons? Those were clearly not on her radar. She starts laughing softly. "Wow, Piotr... my mental image of you is having to undergo a serious retrofit here," she admits, turning to enter the store. "I was expecting things like.... I don't know. Caesar? Odysseus? A musketeer?" She gives him quite a lot of credit for a classical education.

Colossus has posed:
"I first learned English by watching American cartoons." And yes, Sailor Moon was Japanese, but he must have seen the English dubbed version. Piotr knows a surprisingly large amount of American pop culture because of his attempts at immersion, though there are still difficulties. He has troubles with abbreviations, contractions, and so forth, but that is because he still has to translate them in his head. He thinks in Russian, not English, no matter how good his English may be.

"While I do have a great appreciation for historical figures and great literature, I thought that costumes should be instantly identifiable. Sadly, I would imagine most people would be more familiar with Mario's newsboy style cap than Aramis's cavalier hat. Besides, I had hoped that we might find matching costumes?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Awwww! Her expression gets all mushy! "Oh... I didn't think of that," Kitty tells him. She's never been part of a couple. "Would you think I was still ridiculously too young if I told you now I'm dying to see you as a swashbuckling pirate or a Disney prince?" She goes inside the store and looks back toward him, a little shy in her amusement on that one. Because it seems a LOT to ask of a man. Of course, Piotr has never exactly seemed to worry about what anyone thought of him.

Colossus has posed:
"A Russian pirate?" He repeats wistfully, "is that not too on the nose?" given that the 73-year old President of Russia could be described as such, taking that which he wants, and damned be the consequences. "It could be fun, though I am no Johnny Depp." And as he follows her in, he adds, "Kitty, you may not be Disney, but you have always been a princess to me. I would be honoured to be your Disney Prince." It might be a lot to ask some men, but it was nothing to ask of Piotr. As reserved and quiet as he was, he had never lost his childlike innocence. Of course, she had caught him watching 'chick flicks' on his own a few times. Curiously, he had been found watching Wimbledon twice, as well as once each for Love, Actually; the Holliday; Kate and Leopold; the Prince and Me; as well as a few Disney animated films. Piotr was most definitely a sensitive man who was unafraid to show his emotions.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty blushes a deep red color at his words, and the lady who was approaching to help them has to smother a smile at the two of them. Who isn't going to think that's freaking adorable??

"You don't have to be Johnny Depp," the woman comments easily from next to a rack of cloaks. "Dark hair, blue eyes... you'll knock all the ladies out, young man." She's gotta be around 60. "No matter what the costume." Her expert eye skims over him. "You'll be a challenge, but I think I'm actually up for it, if that's what you want to do. If not, all you have to do is say your preference. Costumes are all about the props, not as much about the clothes themselves. Some of your own clothes can double for the clothing that might normally go in a costume, if we can't find something specific that fits." She looks between them. "So... would you like to browse a while?"

Kitty ducks her head just a little, and then she lifts her chin. Because you know what? She's not ashamed of being in here with him, and she's not got any reason to feel shy! "I think we'd like to look for just a couple minutes?" she requests. And then she grins at Piotr. "That way we can see what we like."

Colossus has posed:
"Thank you, but there is only one lady who... knocks me out," he said to the clerk, and the woman in question was right here beside him, blushing a deep red colour. "Kitty," he gestured towards her, "seemed to have interest in being a Disney princess. "I would like to wear a complimentary costume to whatever she chooses." That was said to the clerk, and then to Kitty, he says specifically, "so Katya, who have you always wanted to be?" He grinned at her, even as she seemed to dismiss the clerk in favour of some private browsing. While looking into her brown eyes, he added, "I see what I like."

Shadowcat has posed:
Now she really does blush a very deep shade of crimson. "If I were a mean woman, I would tell you I always wanted to do the ballet version of the Swan Princes," she teases him. "Cuz... you know. Tights." Then again, she kinda sees him in spandex a lot. "But not the Little Mermaid -- that's a sad story."

As she wanders through their costuming racks, she is drawn toward several items that she shows him. There's a white chiton. "We could go as Greek gods," she offers. "I would happily be a lady pirate. Or...." She holds up another, this one an ice-blue ballgown. "Or Cinderella?" She pauses and hesitates on that one. When she looks back at him, she admits, "You always make me feel like Cinderella."

Colossus has posed:
Ever the conservationist, Piotr had brought a rather large backpack. He intended to use it to carry any costume they got, assuming it would fit, or at least parts of the costume. The rest, he might just carry, holding it well above the ground without too much trouble, especially any costume Kitty might purchase or rent. But there was a secret meaning to his backpack. Slinging it around to the front, and off his shoulder, knelt down, and unzipped the simple blue, white, and red, Reebook backpack. He reached in. There was the sound of ruffling, as if he were removing bubble wrap from an item. And out popped a simple, yet functional piece of glass. It was shaped like a slipper. While still kneeling, he held up the glass slipper to Kitty, "may I?" He wanted to try it on her foot.

Shadowcat has posed:
She looks rather puzzled by his actions, and then when he comes back out with that glass shoe... well, that's just a romantic gesture beyond all romantic gestures. Her hand covers her mouth, as if to cover.... what? A very undiginified squeal? Or maybe just a quick rush of tears. Because who the heck else has ever paid enough attention to have known Cinderella is her favorite ballet and Disney movie? She starts to laugh, a little bit watery but definitely a laugh. "Oh Petya," she murmurs. "Only you."

It's clearly a compliment. And she slips one foot out of the flats she was wearing to walk around town with him to let him slide ... "Is that really a glass shoe?" Surprise colors her features. "Where did you find something like that?" She looks amazed. And she doesn't even notice that the sales lady and her assistant are now gawking from the side of the store, either.

Colossus has posed:
If Piotr were to explain that he asked Carl, one of the students with glass powers, to create it, the gesture might be tarnished somewhat. Had there not been a Carl, he could have asked Hank, or if in doubt, tried Amazon, Etsy, or some other online retailer. But the fact is, he was able to have a glass slipper, two in fact, made in Kitty's size. After slipping one on, he will find the other one, and slip it on her other foot, taking her shoes and placing them in the backpack, so they don't get lost or forgotten. "Yes, it is, and I had it made for you after I learned that it was your favourite." Piotr's favourite happens to be Tangled, but he's all about what will make Kitty happy.

Shadowcat has posed:
Oh ... oh wow. She is in something of a daze as he seems to have two glass slippers. And then the older saleslady is bustling forward, her smile at the young man a genuinely delighted one. It's not often that someone does something like this. "I see we've decided on a gown," she laughs quietly.

Kitty gives her this blank look and just nods wordlessly, handing over the blue ballgown. And then she moves carefully in those stunning, simple glass shoes and wraps her hands around the back of Piotr's neck while he still kneels. The kiss that she gives has a multitude of unspoken emotions, both chaste and yet searingly intimate for such a public space. When she finally pulls away, she simply smiles at him.

Colossus has posed:
Some people might say that Piotr was a romantic, but he was just being logical and kind. Everything was with a purpose. There was a cause and an effect. He knew she liked Cinderella, so he tried to give her something from the story to make her happy. The women at the shop, and Kitty, seemed to be eating it up, but to Piotr, it was a simple, thoughtful gesture, no more, and no less. But he is rewarded with a big hug and a kiss. Rising after Kitty finally pulls away, "I am glad that you like them, and that they fit." He had to 'borrow' a pair of her regular slippers for Carl to use to make sure the glass ones would fit.

Shadowcat has posed:
"They are beautiful," Kitty replies, her face flushed with both embarassment at having kissed him like that in public and perhaps also at the attention that they have on them. But she laughs softly. "Well, then... I guess a lovely prince's outfit is in your future."

The sales lady is already all over that -- it's so cute when they make it easy for you! Although admittedly, the man is something of a giant. By the time she has gathered the pieces he'll need for the costume, she tells him, "The only things I think you'll have to sort out in your own closet would be shirt -- I just don't have anything that will suit a man with shoulders as broad as yours -- and a pair of boots. Everything else, though, I think you're going to be very happy with. Would you like to try it on?" she asks. Apparently she's going to continue to wait on them herself because her assistant has not moved since the two came into the store -- maybe she's even a mannequin. Or maybe she's just got a thing for the massive Russian.

Colossus has posed:
"Thank you, I would like that," Piotr replies to the sales lady when presented with clothing. If he's to be Kitty's Prince Charming, otherwise known as Prince Christopher or Prince Kit, he would like to look the part. He looked around, not seeing an obvious changing room, "where should I change?" And the woman would offer to lead the way, but not until after asking, "and how about you, dear? Would you like to dress the part? I'm pretty certain it'll fit you perfectly, but no way to know for certain until you try?" She'll lead them to changing rooms, and along the way, she'll be handed a wig from her colleague for Kitty. A few moments later, Piotr will step out, wearing the shirt he came with, and the shoes he came with, but otherwise in a Prince Charming outfit and it really suited him. He was taller and larger, but damn, that black hair and the blue eyes, it really did look the part.

Shadowcat has posed:
Sure! Kitty gets roped along into trying on costumes! When she steps out in that ice-blue ballgown... the sales lady was right. It fits her perfectly. The around-the-shoulders sleeveless top has just enough V to it to enhance the slender young woman's bosom attractively. The V-shaped princess waistline nips in her already lovely curves and the flowing skirt accentuates hips that have only recently rounded into a more womanly shape than the teenaged Kitty had. She has matured into a lovely woman.

She's apparently not as thrilled about the wig, though she did allow her hair to be stuffed up into it, so she's sporting that blonde updo with the headband that goes with the dress. As she steps out and studies their reflections in the large mirrors, though... she can't help the smile. "Oh my."

Colossus has posed:
The smile that greets Kitty is both wide and genuine. "Kitty, you look every bit the princess you have always been to me." Even with the wig. Blonde hair looked a bit odd on her, especially with her brown eyebrows, but it suited her. She looked very good in it, the outfit, everything, even if it was about as far from her normal as could be. Piotr, for his part, seemed to wear the costume well, but with his imposing size, just about anything looked good on him. After all, he was sculpted very much like a young, and more handsome, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He offered his arm to her.

Shadowcat has posed:
Biting her lip a little shyly, she murmurs, "Thank you, Piotr." Kitty looks him up and down and nods with a smile. "You've always been my Prince Charming," she confesses on a grin. Slipping her arm through his, she looks at them in the mirror. "I think we'll do... " She might not have been sure of this idea of dressing up, but ... it's looking like it'll be fun. Especially if he keeps looking at her like that!