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Latest revision as of 00:34, 31 October 2017

Trouble in Chinatown
Date of Scene: 29 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Buttercup, Genesis

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The sun has set, and the neon glow of the city has replaced it in Chinatown this evening, people coming and going about their business as the daytime tourist traffic changes over to the nightlife of this part of the city.

Upon the rooftops, a box of chinese take-out in hand, is Spiderwoman, crouched down as she feeds herself with the chopsticks, watching a parking lot down below tucked just off of one of the alleyways, though, for the moment it appears to be empty.

Buttercup has posed:
The sun is setting earlier and earlier. These nights are getting longer and cooler. Buttercup isn't late for work, just yet, but she's happy enough to dally in the vague vicinity of a bus stop here in Chinatown. She's got a folded paper sleeve filled with the buttery crusts of miniature egg custard tarts, which she's snacking on while chattering on cheerily with an older Chinese woman, the both of them at fluent pace in the older (looking) woman's native language, interspersed with moments of laughter and chewing. The bus comes and goes while Buttercup's engaged in conversation, and she either doesn't notice, or doesn't care-- or it wasn't the right bus route.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It isn't long before a delivery van turns down that alleyway and heads into the parking area that Jessica Drew observes from her perch on high, the chinese takeout she has in hand is given one more shovel of noodles into her mouth before it is set aside, and she moves to perch closer to the edge to watch the goings-ons down below.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup is out in the middle of the street when the van starts to edge in for a turn. She's not alone, people are thronging up and down the sidewalk and sort of flowing through the crosswalk area. But they part at the subtle nudging of the van through the intersection, and Buttercup is left standing on the curb, toes hanging over the edge as she peeks down the alleyway after the van and munches on another egg custard tart. They're really good.

Genesis has posed:
Lost again... Evan thought to himself as he pulled out the map unfolding it on the corner of the street. He had taken the trains to try to find Bloodhaven, and find someone he helped yesterday to make sure they were alright, but seemed to get turned around. He knew he shouldn't of listened to that person being too nice to him, and now he was broke standing on the side of the street with no idea where he was. The boy was short, maybe a little over four feet tall, and though it wasn't that cold he wore what looked to be a hoodie with the top up, and gloves to cover his hands so no-skin was showing. Also on his face, though covered by the shadow of the hoodie he wore sun-glasses to cover the red glare that came from his eyes to make his attempt to look normal complete.

Evan sighed to himself, and wasn't sure what to do.. so did what he was told before if he ever got lost find an adult. Thankfully it looked like there were a few of them in this wierd town. He continued to walk, and turn down an alley not seeing the van go in before. He had no idea what was going on, or had really any idea about crime here as he was just looking for someone who could let him borrow a cell phone. He really hopped these people were nicer then the others that had stole his money, but what is the chances that he could end up in the wrong place at the wrong time twice in a row.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Meanwhile, in the secluded lot, a pair of men emerge from the cab of the truck and head around towards the rear of the vehicle, opening up the rear of the van and starting to pull out a wooden crate from the rear of the vehicle.

Several other individuals come out of an unmarked door, a half dozen men in total wearing a variety of clothing one might see on a stereotypical gangster in this part of the city, making their way across the lot towards the van, and the crate that is being unloaded.

Up above, Jessica Drew continues her surveillance, producing a small camera which she uses to snap a couple of pictures at the gangsters and their little exchange, it would seem.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup draws closer to the mouth of the alleyway, leaning a shoulder against chipped brick and taking in the motion of those at the other end with a quiet interest. It would seem a commonplace of the most natural variety, stuff being unloaded behind a shop, but for-- well. She can't quite put her finger on it. Fortunately there's a kid who seems in distress, and that distracts her well enough. She holds out her paper cone of little pastries toward him in a casual offer. "Hey, you OK?" she asks him.

Genesis has posed:
The boy walking up towards the van can be spotted almost immeditly, though he doesn't seem to understand the situation he just waves at the twelve men unloading the crate only to turn, and look at the lady who he could of sworn said something to him. "Miss.. I am sorry did you say something?" as he tries to fold his map back together. He doesn't speak too loudly just enough as they are now a distance away, and could be heard by the others as he isn't really trying to hide not understanding that these are criminals. He holds a finger up to the approaching men, and starts walking back to the corner where he heard the lady with his head down to keep his face hidden though his walk seems rather relaxed.

He continues walking till he hears a clicking noise behind him.. He glances back to see there are people a distance away now with guns, and gives out a little... "Yip" in fear. He thinks about it for a moment, and remembers what to do. He slowly puts his hands up and stops moving forward. With a sigh he says... "Why does this always happen." and shakes his head. When he does Buttercup might be able to see the slight glow of red from under the hoodie when he looks up at her. Finally speaking.. "I would run Miss.. I am sorry!" for he is afraid not only did he let the bad guys know about him, but her as well now.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It's about the time that Evan heads down the alleyway that the two men from the truck have gotten the crate they unloaded open, revealing the contents within as several high tech rifles, and by the looks of things there are several more crates that match the opened one in the back end of the truck.

"Hey." One of the other gangsters says, "The kid's seen the goods." He says towards the group of them, before gesturing towards Evan with a forced smile, "Come here, kid." He calls, they haven't quite seen Buttercup yet, at least.

Up above there is a little curse that escapes the lips of Jessica Drew as the wandering Evan interrupts the deal, her camera tucked away as she adjusts her stance, ready to pounce should she need to.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup is, at least, not put off by the notion of gun nor gangster. But when they beckon the boy toward them, she steps from the corner where she'd been leaning and steps into the alleyway until she can place one set of buttery fingers on Evan's shoulder, a gentle but substantial gesture of protection. "Are you guys alright?" she asks of the gangsters, sounding as concerned for them as she is for the child they were trying to lure. "Come and have a custard tart, that looks like heavy work," she offers out her little bag of treats for them to come and take one, if they'd like. She also angles the bag for Evan to have one if he wants one, before the gangsters take their pick.

Genesis has posed:
Evan looks at Buttercup he had never seen someone like her before so doesn't quite hear the gangsters direct him at first as he just looks at her stunned. He then shakes his head, and glances back at them, and back at her, then back again not sure what to do he stands there for a moment before he looks at Buttercup, "But I am sorry... I think this person seems a lot less spooky." nodding to her. He does smile, but he is looking down again as he knows he can't let either of them see what he looks like he didn't want to make this worse.

He looks at Buttercup, "I am sorry miss... I was so lost in my map... I didn't see any guns or anything in the crate." obviously he did as he just named what was in there obviously he was not a good lier. He glances back at the gangsters to see if they cought it or not. He takes a single step back... "How bout me and my friend just go our own way.. I don't want any trouble.. I just want to get home, and I am so lost."

He had not noticed anyone looking in, heck the only way he knows Buttercup is here is because she said something to him.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Yeah, why don't you and your girlfriend do that, just forget you even came down this way if you know what's good for you." The gangster says to the duo of Buttercup and Evan, none move to take the offered pastries, and the crate is closed to block any view of the contents within from the two.

Up above Jessica continues to perch, tensed to lunge, but remaining on the sidelines for the moment, should the tense situation disarm itself without the aid of her fists.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup will take it. Getting the kid out of harm's way is worth a lot, and nobody else here seems in imminent danger. She squeezes Evan's shoulder supportively and smiles at the gangsters. "Sorry, fellas," she even offers up, for interrupting them. Her eyes dart upward and to the side, once, lighting on the corner of the building before she looks back down to the kid beside her. "Okay, kiddo, let's figure out where you're supposed to be," she coaxes him along with her back toward the mouth of the alleyway and the busier and brighter street.

Genesis has posed:
As she touches him he recoils back like it hurt him. She might feel the strength in the pull if she doesn't let go as the boy is much stronger then he looks.. "Please Miss don't touch me.. I.." he stops thinking about it, "I am a germaphobe.." obviously this is a lie as again he isn't that good a telling a lie, but he doesn't seem upset at her more afraid. What he can't say is that he could easly lift that van with one hand, and didn't have full control over his strength. He pulled away because he was afraid for her more then from her, and maybe his clossed body-language would show that.

He gives a small chuckle, "I am sorry about that... I just can't risk it nothing personal I am sure you are a very nice lady." as he speaks he would follow her. "I need to get back to New York, and well... someone stole my wallet with my money in it." he sighs, "I keep getting myself into trouble and I just wanted to go outside for once." he gives a small shrug, ending with "I am sorry, I should of known better then to leave the house." as he continues to follower her down the alleyway.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
With the two leaving, the gangsters begin the process of packing up the truck, not seeming to want to stick around given their little exchange was interrupted, on the off chance the two inform the authorities or such, and soon the van is on it's way off out of the alley, the opposite way evan and Buttercup are departing from.

Buttercup has posed:
"Hm? Buttercup asks, as though she hadn't quite heard or understood his excuse. But, no less, she respects his sense of space, digging about in the paper for another flaky custard creme. "I'll ride back on the bus with you. If home is where you want to go," she appends. "You sound like you've had an evening of it already," she smiles easily at him.

Genesis has posed:
The boy looks up at her again this time in surprise.. Usually people don't listen or question him on it she is just offering him treats. Normally one would be paranoid about this, but Evan just seems to accept it which is prob what got him into this situation in the first place. As he looks up the glasses help, but the red glow from his eyes can be seen, and maybe just a glint of light to illumate his blue skin. "Yes Miss... I am trying to get home now, as I seemed to lose my way." he sighs, and looks down again. "I know it is silly.. But well.. I don't get out very often." he falls to silence again for a bit as they walk chewing on whatever custard prize she handed him.

Finally he speaks up again, "I don't mean to be rude, but do a lot of ladies dress like that? Most the people I see are in school uniforms, and suits.. Isn't walking around like that cold?" and he gives a bit of a chuckle at that. It was the first thing that came to mind as they walked. As he walks he seems to step carefully, not coming near others avoiding them sometimes by walking behind her always keeping space from him and others so it isn't just her he doesn't touch. She might notice he tries to not touch anything other then the map that he has shoved in the pocket. If one were to look at it, it wouldn't seem like paper up close.. Some kind of metal maybe, though who knows from just a glance. He doesn't seem to notice anything wierd about it as he just walks wit her talking. "Umm... by the way... My friends call me Genesis... that isn't my real name of course, but it is what I was told to introduce myself as."

Buttercup has posed:
The egg-custard tart was for her, the one she dug out of there, but she hands it over to the kid when he seems finally interested in one, then takes another for herself, herding him gently to the bus stop. "Where do you live?" she wonders, a long-time navigator of public transport in the city by now. "I'm not cold," she goes on, "I'm a dancer," as if these things were mutually exclusive. "My friends call me Buttercup," she parallels her introduction to his. Maybe he can assume that's not her name, eitehr. "Who told you to introduce yourself that way?" she wonders.

Genesis has posed:
The boy follows her to the bus, "I live in New York... I can't tell you where specific because I don't know if I am supposed to bring strangers to the school." he stands waiting for the bus in the proper area he has done this before so at least he knew a little about it. "Oh your a dancer.. Like on those videos? There is a guy at the school who says he has videos of dancers, but says we are too young to watch them I don't know why though." and gives a shrug. "I think before the bus gets here I should be honest with you since your so nice, and I don't wan to lie." he glances around to make sure there are not others waiting stepping to a place by the bus stop he would be hard to spot, and lowers his hoodie.. His face is blue, all blue with a slight metalic glint to it. His eyes which can be seen as his glasses are lowered glow red like they store energy in them, though he quickly replaces the materials to hide his appearance again from the outside.

He lowers his voice a bit.. "I am a mutant, and I go to a school for us.. They are the ones that told me not to give out my real name as it could put me in danger. Also that is why I can't lead you directly back... If the wrong people found out about where I lived it could be real bad!" he shakes his head. "I just moved there, and well I don't want to get into trouble already ya know!" he smiles a bit.. "So if you could help me get to the outskirts I could find my way from there I think.. I hope that is okay, I trust ya, but this really isn't up to me."

Buttercup has posed:
"Okay, sweetie, but we're in New York," Buttercup tries to explain, "It's a huge place, you'll need to be more specific if you want help getting back where you're supposed to be," she presses slightly. Then, he's showing her his mutations, and she just takes it all in witht he aplomb of someone who's seen it all before and the kindness of a mother who loves even that face that only a mother can love. "I understand," she goes on, "Which outskirts? Can you think of a building or landmark near your school?" she wonders.

Genesis has posed:
Evan seems to stop.. "Wait.. this is still New York too? Jesh how big is this city.." he shakes his head. "I don't know.. I don't think there were any it was kinda on the side of town away from everything." he thinks about it for a minute. "Well I have a phone number to call though if I am in trouble." he shrugs a bit, "It was who I was going to call back there before those guys turned bad on us." he looks at her for a moment then back at the ground.. "I was just going to walk until I found it.. I figured it couldn't be that far, but now I am not sure.. Maybe I should just call and wait for him somewhere."

He is quiet again as he does note she doesn't yell or run at his appearance which he is glad for. He had seen many nice people freak out at his apperance so was not sure how that would work out. He does remember the lie he told her then... "Oh.. and I am sorry.. I lied to you back there.. I am not a germaphobe.. I didn't want to offend you.. I just can't touch others because people are so fragile.. What I touch I break, and that includes people... So I don't touch anyone never have been able to.." he gets a bit quieter... "Not even my own family."

Buttercup has posed:
"It is a very big city," Buttercup almost laughs at the understatement of the fact, "Well, why don't you come with me? I have to get to work, you can use my phone on the bus and your guardian can pick you up when we get there," she gives the solution that will at the very least not have him wandering alone and possibly getting into another bad situation. Then, his voice quiets, her own almost dies in her throat. "Oh, honey," she lets out the words with a compassionate whisper. "I'm so sorry. Are they teaching you, at school, how to control that better? Or do you think yo'll be able to?"

Genesis has posed:
He nods to himself, and shakes his head.. "Okay I will go with you it should be fun at least to see more of this city. I mean it is so big, and bright... What is the worst that can happen that hasn't already." and he chuckles a bit at the whole thing. He holds up a hand.. "Don't worry about me I am through feeling sorry for myself so I won't let others do it either. I know it sucks, but only when you think about it so I try not to consider that part I should not of brought it up." he gives a nervious chuckle again.. "Besides everyone is way too touchy-feely anyway it is nice to not be one of those people laying their hands on others.. I mean me.. a hugger.." he shakes his head.. "Nooo thanks!" trying to make a bit of humor out of it.

Though he changes the topic, "I am learning.. I can go through doors most of the time without breaking them, but my problem is the older I get the stronger I get.. When I was a baby then when I started getting used to that I moved to busses, and now aircraft.. It keeps getting more, and more so it is hard to control." he shrugs, "So it is kinda like starting over each time ya know?" he shrugs a bit.. "They are trying though and that is what is important.. Who knows maybe I will get the hang of it sooner or later."

Genesis has posed:
He nods to himself, and shakes his head.. "Okay I will go with you it should be fun at least to see more of this city. I mean it is so big, and bright... What is the worst that can happen that hasn't already." and he chuckles a bit at the whole thing. He holds up a hand.. "Don't worry about me I am through feeling sorry for myself so I won't let others do it either. I know it sucks, but only when you think about it so I try not to consider that part I should not of brought it up." he gives a nervious chuckle again.. "Besides everyone is way too touchy-feely anyway it is nice to not be one of those people laying their hands on others.. I mean me.. a hugger.." he shakes his head.. "Nooo thanks!" trying to make a bit of humor out of it.

Though he changes the topic, "I am learning.. I can go through doors most of the time without breaking them, but my problem is the older I get the stronger I get.. When I was a baby it was cars, and then when I started getting used to that I moved to busses, and now aircraft.. It keeps getting more, and more so it is hard to control." he shrugs, "So it is kinda like starting over each time ya know?" he shrugs a bit.. "They are trying though and that is what is important.. Who knows maybe I will get the hang of it sooner or later."