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Latest revision as of 00:44, 31 October 2017

Investment Negotiations
Date of Scene: 29 October 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Jean Grey meets with Emma Frost in regards to investment opportunities at Xavier's School. Emma brings her photographer, Donna Troy, along to chronicle the location.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Emma Frost, Troia

Phoenix has posed:
    It's a nice Sunday afternoon at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The weather outside is chilly enough to require a jacket but the sun is shining brightly overhead. The Professor has been in talks with Emma Frost in regards to the school and its future. The Professor had hoped to be there but he had been called away for an emergency meeeting in Washington DC in regards to mutant rights. That took priority. He left the handling of this tour in the hands of his assistant headmaster, Jean Grey. Although many called her vice principal, it wasn't a title she preferred.
    They had both agreed the tour should be on a weekend. There would be no classes in session to allow for them to have full access to all the rooms on the main floor. There would also be less students present since quite a few of them lived in Westchester with their families instead of staying on grounds.
    Jean is seated at her desk, dressed in a pair of black dress slacks with a green button up shirt. Her suit jacket is slung over the back of her chair as she sits behind her desk. There is a pile of paperwork in front of her that she is sifting through. At the appointed time, one of the students in resident met them at the door and led them here to her office. There is a light knock on the door and Jean calls out, "Come in." The young girl opens then door, gives Emma and Donna a wave, then dashes off to leave them to their talk.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma is thankful to not have been left waiting too long as she stands with a hand on Donna's shoulder. "Be careful to not stare okay. A lot of the kids are quite touchy about the way they look, but if you're an ounce like your sister, you're way too virtuous and would be genuinely caring. I'm not concerned about you at all Troy, just giving you a heads up." Emma says with a smile as the door opens and a student leads her towards Jean's office.

    The CEO is wearing a warm outfit, a bright affair, white blazer and white pants with a warm scarf red wrapped around her neck and a crimson blouse. She's looking like she's right off the runway from the fashion district curbing convention. Stepping with her tall heels against the hard wood it's not hard to hear the White Queen coming as Jean's door is opened and Emma steps in with Donna hopefully on her tail. "Jean, darling. This is Donna Troy, my company photographer. I am having her come along in order to gather evidence and document the facilities in order to better educate myself and make an informed desicion. I do hope you'll be as accomodating to her as ever Ms. Grey." Emma says with a kind smile.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy found herself relatively quiet on the ride up to the school's grounds. She had all of the equipment and gear she needed for this trip, she thought. At least from how it was described to her. Once they arrived, she stepped out after Emma, wearing a dark grey suit jacket over a blue button up blouse, dress pants that match the jacket and open toed sandals. Over her shoulder she carries two large camera bags as if they were only a few pounds each. The only awkward bit is getting them through some doorways but she is clearly a seasoned pro as she navigates all challenges without issue. She does indeed arrive and appear from behind Emma, standing over to the side and a few steps behind. She offers a smile as she looks to Jean, her right hand reaching out. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Grey."

Phoenix has posed:
    As they enter, Jean rises from behind the desk and walks around to greet them. She has on a pair of pumps with no heel today. She offers a hand to Emma first the to Donna, giving them both a bright smile. "The pleasure is mine, Ms. Troy." She looks from one to the other. "I'm very sorry the Professor couldn't be here himself but when there are battles to be fought, he cannot be denied. I will be forwarding any and all information to him later this afternoon." It's good to see Emma looking like herself again.
    She motions to the bags that Donna is carrying. "Would you like help with those? They look heavy." Although she keeps her eyes on Donna, her next words are obviously for both of them. "You are welcome to access any room on the first floor. The second floor can only be accessed with an escort. Pictures are fine with two exceptions. You may not take pictures of any students. Without their parents permission, it can lead to problems. As for the faculty of the school, pictures can only be taken of them with permission. I'm not sure how much Emma has explained about our school and the special students we take in?" she says, glancing at Emma for that answer.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Donna works with me and at my other school. She's aware of the discretion required in these kind of environments." Emma says with a knowing glance towards Donna and then back to Jean, glad to be hearing all the thoughts around her again. Emma looks over to Donna, making sure the wonderous woman understood all that Jean was saying to her, spoken and unspoken liberties afforded to them.

    "Oh, no need to apologize for Charles, I understand how hectic the man's life can be. He and I aren't as different as you'd initially believe." Emma says with a disarming wink towards Jean before she looks to Donna, curious how the woman will react to Jean's offer for help. This is going to be an amuzing day.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy offers a smile to Jean and shakes her head, "They're heavy but I'm used to them. Thank you, though." Should Jean shake her hand, it'll be clear that Donna has some strength to her. Her grip isn't painful but it is far from dainty and demure, even if polite. Such as listening to the other two women verbally spar from the sounds of things while using Donna as the net at center court. She smiles, however, "I understand. I majored in photo journalism at SUNY, Ms Grey. We were well acquainted with the considerations necessary when taking photos of minors. Or anyone, really." She smiles reassuringly then falls silent again. She's here to take the requested images and that's really about it after all.

Phoenix has posed:
    That gets another bright smile from Jean as she motions to the door. "Then we are all set. If you all would like to follow me or would you prefer to wander on your own?" She moves to the door, opening it and holding it to let the other two women exit first. "If you like, you can leave your extra equipment here or we can use that first classroom on the left for you to setup things? Then work out of there?" She waits there with her hand on the doorknob when her expression tightens the tiniest bit. It isn't a change of expression truly. Something has caught her attention. She flicks her gaze over to Emma, seeing if she senses it too.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma starts towards the door and stops in the hallway. "I'll be deferring to Donna in this regard, I'm only here to look, she's the one documenting everyth-" Emma quickly falls silent and her head snaps back towards Jean and her ice blue eyes squint at the redhead. <<Expecting Company.>> Emma says mentally to the telepath.

    Waiting for a response from Jean, Emma suddenly look more tense than she should, as moments ago she was relaxed and calm, not her shoulders are a bit tensed and she's glancing around rapidly.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy does not seem to notice the tension or at least does not let on. She doesn't even seem to have noticed that Emma stopped in the middle of a sentence. She simply shrugs amiable. "If you don't mind me taking over a portion of one of the class rooms that might be best. I'd prefer not to take over your own office." She smiles to Jean, gesturing out the door, "It's next door you said?" She seeks to slip out quickly and into the office, if only to get away from the perceived tension between the two. A soft sigh and she settles her camera bags on a table, opening the first up to remove the camera body to check the battery levels before setting it down. She then pulls out a small lens and affixes it to the camera before removing a second slightly larger lens that she sets on the table.

Phoenix has posed:
    <<No, I am not expecting anyone. The signature is similar to that from a few weeks ago. I must go investigate. I don't know if this will be dangerous.>> Not knowing Donna's nature, Jean is concerned about her welfare. <<I have to go see what's going on. Please forgive me.>> As they step out into the hallway, she peeks in on Donna in the classroom. "If you will pardon me a moment, I was just notified of a situation on the grounds. I need to go make sure everything is alright."
    Then she is heading down the hall to the door, reaching out with her psionic senses to try and find the source of the power surge.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's eyes squint and she starts to follow Jean. <<I'm coming with you.>> Emma replies mentally before she looks over her own shoulder and into the classroom Donna procured. Emma lifts a hand and motions once silently for Donna to follow her. The hurried and concerned look in Emma's eyes could easily tell Donna all she needs to know that something isn't right and Emma is following the redhead to see what the fuss is about.

    "We're coming with you. This is about the school and about how I'm going to know everything I can about this place." Emma says with a nod to both but continues to march.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy sets the lens down and looks up. She doesn't pretend to be oblivious any further. "Emma? What's the matter?" It's all she asks, whether or not she's answered, her brow furrows with a hint of concern but mostly confusion at the sudden change of demeanor in the two other women.