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Latest revision as of 17:58, 1 November 2017

Catching up with the Sassa
Date of Scene: 18 October 2017
Location: Godsend Bar, New York City
Synopsis: Ares and Sassa catch up.
Cast of Characters: Ares, 300

Ares has posed:
    The men of Local Union 477 work three shifts each day, their crews working hard and in turn like the cliche play hard. They're blue collar workers that try and enjoy their time, usually grabbing booths and tables at a nearby bar. But when they have a choice and a chance they end up going to the Godsend bar, a place one of their old colleagues opened up six years ago and at first had been struggling to make ends meet...
    Until eventually on the weekends, tourists discovered it as a really great and ironic 'dive' bar. A few hundred yelp reviews and all of a sudden the place has a reputation and a clientele. Where did that leave the guys of the 477? With a bar that's usually busier than they'd like... but then they get a pretty good discount because money isn't as tight for the owner.
    Tonight just so happens to be one of the nights the union boys are enjoying some time to themselves. The three tables nearest to the pool room are occupied by a few guys there with a myriad of hard hats set on the tabletops with beers as well. Some baskets of wings had been ordered but are all now empty.
    Yet one of the men amongst them is John Aaron. He's not exactly joining in with the craziness, but he's settled back in his chair, beer in hand, considering the room as a whole. Sometimes he even drinks.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Well then, a six foot tall nordic woman with long auburn hair and emerald grene eyes with tiny little freckles on her face is certanly out of place here. Who knows why Sassa is here, but, her she is and in her typical dress. A long sleeved turtleneck shirt tucked in to a pair of slacks, both black, and a pair of black leather boots that clip clop on wooden floors.

    She steps in fully and takes a moment to scan the place over, and well, she sees an old friend and familiar face in John Aaron. Something that, as a note, causes her to smile warmly and will no doubt get John a lot of looks as she clip clops over to him like she owns the place and no one else exists. Once nearest him, she attacks him with a hug and a set of smiles.

Ares has posed:
    As she had drawn closer he had smiled, expression amused as he pushed himself to his feet, "Naomi." He offers to her as he rises to his full considerable height, still standing a bit taller than her. When she goes in for the hug he'll slip an arm around her shoulder and draw her in for a brief embrace, large hand patting her upon the back and then resting on her arm as he steps back.
    "Let me look at you," He does so, eyes drifting lower, then back up as he smirks, "You seem to be doing well. It has been the age of a dog." He offers even as he nods towards the other construction workers...
    Who are not willing to let John off the hook at all, "Aww man, what the hell do they see in him?"
    "No accounting for taste, Billy. No accountin' fer taste." One of the older construction worker smirks.
    A third snorts, "Man, what a way to live. Someone should say somethin'."
    But then the foreman whaps that third guy's arm. "Hey, you know what the sayin' is, Bros before..." But then he pauses as he perhaps catches Sassa's eye. "Ladies. Ma'am." He offers a small salute.
    "Come," John looks to her, have a seat and a drink, tell me what has passed." And it's to another table that he motions her towards.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sass smiles warmly, "John..." she replies to him in a soft and sing songy voice with plenty of accent on it for those about to hear, no doubt making her seem even more exotic. She steps back to give him that look he asks for and smirks as she steps back inwards.

    When the gallery of man-ness pipes up, she just shoots them all a look which the foreman seems to catch. She shoots him a slight smile and a nod in response. He should be careful, she is six feet tall and built like a brick house.

    "Oh, well, it's been an age but you and I are well and truly capable of weathering it I would wager.." she responds before noding and heading to the table. She slides in to a seat at the table and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing much of note really..." pause, "you?"

Ares has posed:
    "Matters pass well, Alexander is a touch older, I am a bit wiser." John gives a nod to the waitress as she comes up, gesturing for another beer for himself and for Sassa should she wish. Yeungling? It seems. But then he'll settle into that seat, eyes narrowing slightly as he watches her while she speaks.
    The tall man leans forwards partially, resting his forearms on the table with one hand over the other, brown-eyed gaze settled on her. "There was that invasion, but I weathered it passingly well." As he says that he does pause for a moment and glances towards the other men, then back to her. "Though I for a moment thought I saw your image upon the news a week ago or so. Was not sure it was you."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa nods and smiles, "I'm glad to hear that Alexander is older and that you have grown wiser still.." she replies with a bit of a snerk. She leans backward though, folding her arms under her bustline and crossing her legs.

    "Ah, the invasion, I managed to, well, weather it well also.." she adds, a slight hint of a fib there in her voice and facial features. She locks eyes with him and blinks a few times, "You saw me on the news?" she asks, as she looks around again at the men. Because, well, she was on the news...flying, and fighting a robot...and remembering that she, well, forgot, causes her to cough a little. "I uh, not sure what to say to that.."

Ares has posed:
    "Well was just surprised to see you back in town." He offers even as he glances over towards the waitress as she strolls by with the two beers, setting one down in front of each of them, smiling towards Sassa then giving John a 'look' that might be hard to discern. Ares, for his part, holds up a hand towards her as if to tell her there is naught to be worried about.
    Back to Sassa he nods and then twists off the cap of his new beer, pouring some more into his still frosted mug. Settling back into his seat he asks her, "So what took you away from the land of Manhattan and tell me what tales you can share of the battles you have seen." His lip twitches, "Unless you were on a very long vacation. Then no, I will not look at you pictures from your trip."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa smiles at John as she reaches to take the beer. As she leans back, she notices that somethings going on between the waitress and him, and she can't quite make out what it is, so, she lets it go for now. "What took me away? I, well, nothing I'd be up for discussing in a public location such as this and to ease your worry, twas not a vacation and there are no pictures to bore you with."

Ares has posed:
    His lip twists as he seems oh so relieved, but then he takes a sip of his beer, then sets it down to the side with a faint glassy clink. "Ah, not even something you can intimate to me with a wink and a nudge?" He smirks as he casually pulls over the small bowl of salted almonds, considers them, then pushes them away.
    His gaze meets hers again as he then tries a different angle of inquiry, "Did you at the least meet a lovely young man?" A pause and then he adds, "Or perhaps woman?" There is no teasing in his tone, perhaps asking so curiously as if considering that it might be nice if she had, for the last time they had spoken she was in grim straits.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa shakes her head no in response as she sips on the beer. She returns the gaze though and shakes her head no for a second time. "No, I've yet to find anyone to enjoy life with, man or woman.." she adds in reply.

Ares has posed:
    "Ah, more's the pity." John crosses a leg over his knee and cants his head the other way, watching her as she answers. "Well then, what do you intend to do now that you're back?" He uncurls a hand and gestures towards her, "If you're seeking work or distraction, an acquaintance of mine is running a gymnasium and classes. She could use an assistant if such is what you would like to pursue."
    For a moment he tilts back his beer and takes a sip, then sets it back down with that same glassy clink. "Or are you comfortable for now?"

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa shrugs her shoulders, "I've no idea really John.." she replies plainly as she finishes sipping on her beer. "I mean, I suppose I could assist your friend if she needs it. Though, I'm content to just, keep doing what I'm doing."

Ares has posed:
    A tilt, a hm, and then he asks, "And what has that been, exactly?" John quirks a curious eyebrow at her, gaze level as he considers the somewhat enigmatic young woman. "Casually wandering the world, enjoying your wealth, making a difference here and there, working out and looking beautiful and driving the mortals wild?" His lip twists, amused at the last as he glances towards the seats where the other construction workers continue to enjoy their drinks, but they didn't over hear. Most people in the place don't seem to care really.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa blinks and nods, "Yes..." she says in reply in a very matter of fact way. She herself takes a moment to look around, and well, it dawns on her no one is really paying attention. She sighs, dejectedly, and nods again. "I just, I prefer to do mostly everything you've just said. Though, I admit to being lonely and really and truly wanting people in my life to love, and to be loved by. I'm just, affraid, that such a thing is impossible for someone like me. Being as old as I am.."

Ares has posed:
    "Nonsense," John waves a hand to the side, "I am sure there are those out there who would enjoy drawing your attention and then leaping through flaming hoops to keep it." His lip curls wryly and his brow furrows. "To be fair I felt similarly myself not too terribly long ago." He spares another glance towards the nearest table and no those construction workers are not interested in listening in. Perhaps they learned their lesson once before.
    Back to her he spreads his hands, "I had given up having an, as you say, relationship. Perhaps a bout here or there of mutual attraction that ended as quickly as the words 'single father' were uttered, but nothing more than that really. But that was different when I was simply existing, not seeking such a connection and a mortal approached me and asked me on an actual 'date'."
    He takes a sip of his beer and gestures to the side, "Madness."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    "Someone asked you on a date?" she asks of him, skipping over everything else he said as though it had not been uttered at all. "I uh, who was she?" she asks, seemingly interested in who might have sought out the god of war.

Ares has posed:
    Slouching to the side in the seat, John lifts his drink slightly towards Sassa as he offers his explanation of events. "She is a lawyer." A hand lifts, fingertips flaring slightly, "And has some repute amongst the heroes of this era." The tall man takes a sip of his drink and then sets it down with a resonant glassy clink.
    Crossing his large arms over his chest he looks to her, "She is tolerant of the madness that comes from being connected to our kind, so that is a positive." He looks to the side for a moment, thoughts drifting before he looks back to her. "Though life does tend to try even the strongest of bonds."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa listens intently to his explination of who this woman is, though no name is given, she's not about to pry and ask for it. Though, there is something else bubbling to the surface and showing in her facial features, something she's holding back. "Ah, well, she sounds nice..." she replies as she to finishes her drink and sets it down on the table. She only nods to the last few parts that are said, falling silent and sliding in to her own little world.

Ares has posed:
    "And you? I am sure you could find someone to entertain yourself from time to time." John shifts his weight casually to the other side, resting his elbow on the table and drawing up one leg to rest a boot heavily on the seat beside him. His head tilts curiously, "I recall something or other about you pursuing a suitable candidate. Though in this city, and for a woman such as yourself I am sure you would have your pick of any likely fellow."
    He leans forwards and takes up a few of the peanuts from the bowl, then pops one in his mouth before offering her one casually. "Though you do seem down in some way,"

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa blinks a few times and leans back in her chair, crossing her legs and folding her arms up under her bust. "If I wanted to, yes, I could. I could no doubt seek out random men or women to crawl in to bed with every night, but that's not what I want.." she retorts, sighing dejectedly. "As to being down? As you said, I was pursuing someone and it fell apart, andd I'm feeling a great deal more lonely than normal."

Ares has posed:
    A small hrm comes from him, and he nods once as she speaks. His gaze slides to the side, passing over the figures of his co-workers, but then he looks back towards her. "If you wish, I know of exceptional individuals that I could perhaps make introductions." He touches a fingertip to the bowl of peanuts and pulls it back towards himself. He pops another peanut and then cants his head to the side.
    "Or you could give me the name of this man who has failed you and I shall force him to reconsider his poor decision." A small nod is given, as if this were the most natural thing in the world.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa smiles and shakes her head no, "No need John. I'm sure I can handle myself well enough, I've been doing fine for over a thousand years, I think I can handle looking for a relationship in the modern day." She can't help but to continue to smile warmly at him though, his desire to help is cute, in a way.

Ares has posed:
    Eyeing her warily he gives a small grunt of acknowledgement, then nods once. "Very well, but if you change your mind you have but to ask. I will speak to this man and inform him of his transgressions against a goddess." But then, for now, he considers the matter settled. A hand is lifted towards the waitress in the distance to gain her attention.
    She's busy with the other construction workers, but catches his eye and holds up a beer, cocking an eyebrow as she asks him from afar silently if he wants another.
    But John shakes his head and makes the universal sign for wanting the check. Once that's done he turns his gaze back, "If you wish, you can stay here and drink on my tab. Try bourbon, perhaps enough of it and you might consider taking one of the more handsome patrons to bed." His lip twists, "For them it assuredly will be the best moment of their lives."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa can't help but to giggle lightly, "You're desire to help me is cute, as if you're calling me a goddess, which isn't even remotely true.." she adds as a smile forms on her lips. Though, the matter is settled as it's made obvious by John that it is. She turns her gaze to the waitress as he calls her over and then back and actually blushes, "No. If I was to go home with anyone John, it would be you." She stands up at that point, letting that linger in the air. "Thank you for the rink and the company, we'll catch up again in soon I hope?"

Ares has posed:
    A small sad smile touches John's lips and he might almost sigh faintly as he looks after her. "Til another time, Sassa." That said he'll gain his feet and should she accept he'll offer her just a gentle embrace, strong arms around her shoulders for a moment and then a faint kiss to her brow before he steps back. "Do not allow yourself to slip towards despair. There is assuredly happiness out there, even for those of us so long-lived."
    That said he'll step back and wait for her to make her way towards the door. And should she turn to look back he'll lift a hand in a small wave with an accompanying smile.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa just smiles and nods, "Another time John.." and continues on her way out, only to be stopped by an offer that she will accept. A hug, and that faint kiss on her brow, both of which suprise her coming from the god of war. She smiles again, warmly, and turns about to finish heading for the door, "I wont." That's her reply, a simple, /I wont/ response as she waves a hand up over her back and vanishes out the door.