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Revision as of 05:09, 4 November 2017

Spectral (Scenesys ID: 1538)
"I used to be like you, always looking out for others, until the day I realize something important. Who is going to look out for me?"
Full Name: David "Dave" Castiglione
Gender: Male
Species: Ultra
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: N/A
Other Information
Apparent Age: Late Teens Actual Age: Seventeen
Date of Birth December 12, 2007 Actor: Spencer Neville
Height: 185 cm / 6'1" Weight: 76 kg / 168 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Demons - Nightcore


Somewhat new to Metropolis, Dave seems like a decent person on the outside. He is currently living with his Aunt in the city, while looking for a decent job and a place of his own. He has begun attending a local High School, it is his Senior Year, though he is looking into facilities which offer more. As Spectral, most commonly described as a being of pure fire, he has been seen around the city but no major incidents have been noted. He is currently on the fence about what to do with his future, looking for something or someone to guide him.



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Slightly wavy milk chocolate brown hair tops this young man's head. Parted on the right and messily styled to one side. The sides of his hair and slicked back and wavy, just like the top. His skin is a light olive in color, possibly noting an Italian or Greek background, and is blemish free. A pair of thick, yet groomed, eyebrows shadow over a pair of deep brown eyes which are as chocolate in color as his hair. Beneath that a slightly wide nose, with a faint smattering of freckles across the bridge, protrudes. The light smattering of freckles continues across the upper portions of his cheeks before disappearing as it reaches his cheek bones. Dusty pink lips finish off his facial structure. He appears to stand around six foot or so in height and has a sturdy type of body, weighing no more a hundred and seventy pounds.

Upon his body he is wearing a simple attire. A light gray long sleeved shirt, the cuffs of which are pushed mid way between his wrist and elbow. The shirt is loose enough that it does not cling to his body, but still form fitting. It expends past a brown leather belt, one side of the shirt tucked in. The belt is holding up a pair of slightly faded blue jeans. Gradient blue areas noted to the seat of his pants as well as the tops of the thighs and knee areas. The pants extend over the tops of a pair of tan suede vans, the white strip and bottoms of the shoes appearing very clean and almost brand new. The only other accessories is a ring on his right middle finger and a leather and metal bracelet on his left wrist.


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Nearly eighteen years ago at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, CA, Dave was born to Vincent and Mary Castiglione. The couple lived in a medium sized studio apartment and led a normal life. His father worked in construction while his mother, before giving birth, ran a small art gallery within the neighborhood. Dave was a surprise, they had not decided on children yet but he came along anyway and was a welcome addition to the family. His early life was as normal as could be. He was a very social child growing up, he didn't cry often and wasn't an overly fussy baby. When he started Kindergarten he made friends quickly, though he already knew quite a few people in his school.

The neighborhood he grew up in was very close knit and everyone knew everyone else. As time went on Dave grew into an average youth. He was a A-B Honor Roll student and while not gifted in any subject he did not find anything too hard that he could not learn and overcome. At home he showed a pension for cooking, he helped his mother out quite a bit in the kitchen and be the time he was ten years old he was even cooking by himself. Dave seemed to find peace and joy in baking things, his mother taught him many things and the internet and TV taught him the rest. Outside looking in one might think that Dave lived a near perfect life, however life has tendency to change quickly and the coming years were proof of that.

Around the age of thirteen, almost fourteen, is when Dave's life began to take a turn for the worst. Dave began to be teased at school, and on numerous occasions this teasing ended up with Dave coming home with scraps or a bruise. His mother was concerned, however his father chalked it up to basic boys being boys. One day his mother received a call from the school and she, along with her husband, went up to speak with the principal. The principal discussed what had occurred earlier that day when Dave and three other boys had an 'altercation'. In fact the other boys had called Dave derogatory names and one had punched him when Dave did not react the way they expected. His parents were told that the one boy who had punched him had been suspended, while the other two were being held after.

When Dave and his parents got home they set him down to speak to him about the incident. It was then that Dave told his parents what was said, the term in question a reference to his sexual orientation. His father began to dismiss it with the seemingly automatic phrase of 'No son of mine is that way.' but when Dave informed them that he, was his father lashed out, calling him an embarrassment and that he did not raise him that way. His mother was caring towards Dave and calmed her husband down, but his overall attitude from that day forth towards his son was one of disdain.

The coming weeks were difficult for Dave. He thought he would get some solace at school, however as the rumors began to spread many of his friends simply gave him the cold shoulder. In his mind he could not fathom turning on someone just for who they loved. And as the week progressed Dave began to feel more and more isolated. It wasn't until a group of kids came up to him and started to talk to him that he felt he may fit in again. The four kids, Josh, Alyssa, Michael, and Adam, were like him, outcasts because of their feelings towards others, how they viewed themselves, and because of the way they were born. They welcomed Dave in and treated him like a normal person.

As the years went on the group became very tight with each other. Michael and Dave were nearly inseparable. Michael was born HIV+, but Dave treated him as a brother and never treated him differently because of his status. When Dave and Michael were fifteen Michael's viral load increased and his HIV status changed. It was a strain on Michael's father, who had lost his wife when Michael was young, and Dave was always there to help out where he could. Michael was doing well on the anti-viral medications he was on everything seemed to be normal until the day Michael didn't show up for school.

Dave went to his house afterwards and found out that Michael hadn't felt well the night before. When his dad woke up this morning his son had a raging fever and very raspy breathing. He had taken him to the hospital and Michael had been diagnosed with pneumonia. Normally a round of antibiotics, plenty of fluids, and rest would heal a normal person but because of his viral load the pneumonia hit Michael hard. Over the next few weeks he was in the hospital and when he finally was able to come home he was not the same. Dave would come by and see him daily and tell him everything that was going on around school. He hid his sadness so he would not upset Michael, and it was a burden on the young man but he wanted to keep up a strong appearance for his friend.

A week after coming home Michael developed a secondary infection from the hospital, a few days later he passed away. The news rocked the foundation of Dave, and was compounded by some of the things kids said at school about how Michael deserved it for being 'that way'. The group went through a rocky period as they were all trying to cope with the loss of one of their friends.

At home Dave was still having problems with his dad, and at school some of the other kids. He coped by bottling up his feelings, taking everything he felt and pushing it so far down, and putting on a facade of everything was alright. And his friends and mother believed him. He kept this up until the feelings went away and then he tried to go back to life as normally as he could.

The following year, shortly after turning seventeen, Dave was going to the Castro District to the museum there with his friends. He was running late and grabbed a trolley as it was much faster than walking. If he had only known what would happen he might have thought twice about getting on it, Halfway through the ride Dave felt a shiver run through his body and the hairs on his arms stood up straight

In an instant a blinding blue bolt of energy crashed down on the trolley sending energy through everyone on it and basically destroying the trolley. Dave screamed as the energy rippled through his body, the fear of dying hitting him as he saw some people around him fall over, blooding streaming from their eyes and ears. Others he noticed began to change before his eyes and as the energy dissipated Dave thought he was safe.

It was at that point his body erupted in red fire. Dave's mind, for an instance, thought the trolley and energy had somehow caught his clothes on fire and he was burning. And then suddenly something took over. As his body was fully enveloped in the red flames Dave stepped off the broken trolley, turned, and ripped a pole from it. He could see what he was doing but had little control over his body. Some on lookers, on their phones, began to scream as Dave ran towards them. He used the pole like a club and swung it into the crowd, numerous individuals leaping out of the way or ducking. Those that reacted late were flung to the side as the pole made contact, those around could hear the audible sound of bones breaking. Using all the strength he had Dave stopped himself finally, but it was too late as people had been hurt.

Dave quickly ran from area, his rage still inside of him. In moments he heard the sound of sirens, part of him was thankful that people had come to help the others on the trolley, then he realized the sirens were following him. Dave made it to a bridge near the bay area before leaping off, he saw no other way out of the situation as his body wanted to turn around and fight off the police. The second his body hit the water the red flames turned a bright blue and his body rocketed forward under the water. Dave gasped as his powers began to manifest other abilities, and as he brought the water into his lungs he grabbed his throat before realizing he could breathe. He had to find a place where he could think so he swam as fast as he could and found a deserted area near the docks.

When he got up onto the land he looked down at his body, the bright blue flames flaring up all over him but they were not hot, nor painful, in any way. He calmed himself and tried to focus on extinguishing them and slowly the flames vanished. He looked down at his skin and everything seemed fine. He hadn't sustained any injury in the trolley incident and physically he felt normal, though a part of his mind was worrying regarding the rage he felt earlier. Over the next thirty minutes or so Dave caused the blue flames to envelop him, part of himself, and extinguish them. He found it was actually easy to call on them and make them go away. He did not dare try to call back the red flames from earlier. As he was thinking his phone began to ring and it was Alyssa. They were wondering where he was and if he was okay as the trolley incident was all over the news and also about a flaming monster which had hurt many people in the area. He told them he was fine, that he had decided to walk, but was now going back home as he was not sure if it was safe.

After hanging up on them Dave approached the edge of the dock and thought about getting home as fast as he could. He jumped into the air, meaning to dive into the water with his blue flames, but instead his skin erupted in bright golden yellow. He looked down and his body was floating above the water. He waved his arms in the air trying to move but to no avail. It took him a bit of time to realize he could simply think about where he wanted to go and this new color of flames let him fly that way. When he got home the house was empty, thankfully, as he did not want to explain where he was with everything that was going on. Over the next few months he began to experiment with his powers more and more, learning he could turn himself into even more colors, each one with its own abilities.

As the school year ended and summer began Dave made a decision about his future, one his father seemed happy with. He had decided that he wanted to take his final year in Metropolis, two of his aunts live there and they were okay with the idea. His mother was concerned, but his father quickly changed her mind. In reality Dave wanted to get away from this place, he had seemed on the news the schools which were located in Metropolis and the surrounding areas and he felt he needed to learn more about his powers in a better setting than the docks or out in the sea where others wouldn't see him.

He packed up a week into the summer break, boarded a plane, and made his way to Metropolis to live with his aunt Melissa. She had a spare room in her apartment, though he began to make plans to move out on his own once he found a decent job. He also began to look into the schools and academies around the city, hoping to find one which could help him.


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Emotional is one way to describe Dave, even though he does his best not to show it. Dave has led a rough life and during that time has experienced many things which weigh heavily on him. Beyond the physical abuse he endured, from others, is the emotional abuse. He has been teased and bullied for who he is and when his powers emerged it only compounded matters. He is a naturally sensitive person, however all the emotional issues have compounded over the years and instead of dealing with them he has bottled them up and hid behind a facade of everything is okay. This caused a problem when his powers emerged and the berserk nature of his Red Spectrum caused him to lash out at innocent people. What is worse the darker side of his emotions called out to him during this rage and a part of him enjoyed it.

Another side to this though is that Dave can, when not raging, calmly handle most situations. When stressed he can take negative emotions and just push them to the side and focus on the task at hand. His composure has always been a part of him, even when he was younger and being picked on.

Beyond his emotional state Dave is a curious and inquisitive young man. He likes learning new things and seeing how things work as well. It is this curious nature which has fueled his desire to learn more about his abilities and exactly what he is and what he can do. Though the downside to this is that his curious nature can sometimes get him into trouble as he is the proverbial curious cat. Because of his past Dave has this need to be liked by others. He tends to go out of his way so that others will want to be his friend and be around him. This normally ends badly for him as he makes friends with people that use him, or people he gets attached to that never actually liked him.


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Blue Spectrum:

Water is the domain of the Blue Spectrum, which allows Dave to generate and manipulate water as well as breath underwater, swim at high speeds, survive high pressure, see clearly, and have freedom of movement. Dave is capable of producing jets of water, some compact enough to act like a pressure hose and punch through concrete, others wide enough like a fire hose. Dave, at this time in his training, is capable of manipulating enough water to equal an average swimming pool. Underwater Dave is capable of swimming up to 100 MPH and can survive the highest pressures the Earth has to offer.

Dave is capable of expanding his Blue Aura to others. This Aura grants others the ability to breath and see underwater, immunity to high pressures, and freedom of movement. As with all Auras this only works in Line of Sight.

Green Spectrum:

Known for it's focus on Growth, the Green Spectrum gives Dave the ability to rapidly grow and manipulate plant life as well as heal himself and others. He is capable of growing plants from a seed to normal maturity within a few seconds. He can continue the growth process causing the plant to exceed its original size by multiple levels. Once his powers have imbued a plant he can manipulate it, such as make roots, grass, and vines wrap around others. The other ability this Spectrum offers is that of healing. Dave is capable of healing himself and others at advanced rates. Surface wounds heal in seconds, broken bones will take a minute or two, and worse wounds, if gotten to in time, can take hours depending on the severity.

Dave is not capable of expanding his Green Aura to others and can only heal when close by.

Indigo Spectrum:

The Indigo Spectrum represents Survival and allows Dave to not only survive in Outer Space, but also fly at incredible speeds. When his Indigo Spectrum is active Dave becomes immune to the rigors of space, no longer needs to breath, nor requires sustenance. He is capable of speaking clearly in a vacuum, and his Indigo Spectrum protects him from blinding lights such as looking at the sun. At his current level Dave is capable of reaching speeds of up to 3,000 MPH in the vacuum of space, still slow compared to things such as a NASA Shuttle which can reach speeds of 17,500 MPH, but he can maintain this speed indefinitely.

Dave is capable of expanding his Indigo Aura to others. This Aura grants others the same abilities it grants to Dave. As with all Auras this only works in Line of Sight.

Orange Spectrum:

When called upon the Orange Spectrum allows Dave the ability to create and manipulate fire and heat, as well as an immunity to them. The fire and heat which Dave is capable of producing at this time can reach temperatures of 1,370 degrees Celsius, or 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. He is able to project this fire from his hands in blasts, fireballs, and streams.

Dave is also capable of expanding his Orange Aura to others. This Aura grants them the immunity to heat and flames. As with all Auras this only works in Line of Sight.

Red Spectrum:

His first Spectrum he enveloped himself in was Red. The Red Spectrum revolves around Strength and Strong Emotions such as Rage and Hate. It is the Spectrum which revolves around the Physical as well. When enveloped in the Red Spectrum Dave's strength increases greatly. He can, at his current level, lift upwards of ten tons of weight at maximum. Also while under this Spectrum he gains a level of resistance to injury, equaling rough 10 tons. A downside to the Red Spectrum is that it causes Dave to enter a near Berserk state, making him difficult to control or reason with.

Dave is currently not able to grant others a Red Aura.

Violet Spectrum:

Somewhat similar to the Indigo Spectrum, the Violet Spectrum focuses on Protection. When enveloped in his Violet Spectrum Dave gains a high level of invulnerability. His Violet Spectrum can withstand medium caliber weapons, most forms of energy and radiation, disease, viral agents, temperature extremes and is resistant to psionic attacks. Dave has been hit by a car without moving, melee weapons have no affect on him either. The upper threshold of this invulnerability at this time is roughly 50 tons of force.

Dave is capable of expanding his Violet Aura to others, but only for a brief time, less than five minutes at most, as it is taxing. As with all Auras this only works in Line of Sight.

Yellow Spectrum:

The Yellow Spectrum grants Dave the power to generate and control wind and the ability to fly. Often called Aerokinesis, Dave is capable at his current level to produce upwards of 100 MPH winds, slightly less than a 2 on the EF-Scale, and just at a Category 2 on the SSHWS. That however is his maximum and he cannot hold those levels for more than five minutes before he needs to rest. Beyond creating winds he is also capable of removing the air from a localized area, though this requires total concentration as it is more difficult for him to perform. Dave is also capable of flight at speeds of 100 MPH, his Yellow Spectrum protects him from friction and debris which would normally cause him damage.

Dave is capable of expanding his Yellow Aura. This Aura grants others the ability to fly and the immunity to air friction and debris during flight. As with all Auras this only works in Line of Sight.


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Artistic Knowledge:

Growing up as the son of a person who owns an Art Gallery, Dave has picked up many things. While he lacks the skill to paint or sculpt, he can discuss the technique behind an artist's brush strokes, and tell you the meaning behind the works of a famous painters. His knowledge of Art expanded past that of what would be considered Popular Art and also includes Music and Performance as well. Living where he did he was exposed to numerous types of art from many different cultures.


While he is not at the Gordon Ramsey level, Dave is an accomplished cook, especially when it comes to baking. He knows he way around a kitchen and can whip up a delicious meal from scratch with no problem. His skills are good enough that he would gladly be accept to the Le Cordon Bleu.

Technological Knowledge:

Growing up in the era that he did has given Dave a slightly above average understanding of technology. He knows his way around a computer and in net, he is capable of minor coding and webpage design as well. He can operate most mundane devices with no problem or prior knowledge and understanding. He cannot hack any systems or bypass any security, but he can get your timers to stop blinking.


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Dave is afraid of his Red Spectrum. Not because of what it might do to him, but what he will do to others. He uses his Red Spectrum as a last resort, especially if around others, as once he succumbs to the Berserker Rage it is difficult to reign it back. With his powers still expanding, and a lack of teaching in their use, this fear of his Red Spectrum will be with him for a while.

Line of Sight:

While Dave is capable of granting his abilities to others, the fact they must stay within a 360 degree Line of Sight radius is a very limiting factor. For example if Dave was protecting others in space and someone encased him in something, or shut an airlock on him, then his Aura would begin to fade from those affected by it. If he is unable to reestablish LoS then those others would die. The same goes for all of his Auras. While underwater he must stay close by others, if they attempt to go out on their own and he loses LoS they could succumb to the pressures of the Ocean and drown. Because of this he must always be vigilant and aware of his surroundings and the location of others.


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