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Latest revision as of 02:24, 11 November 2017

Rogue makes airplane noises.
Date of Scene: 03 November 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Rogue and Havok catch up after a long period of unrest and of course her troubled life. But she's a girl at the buffet table that needs to eat.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Rogue

Havok has posed:
In the underbelly of the SR-71 Blackbird, Alex is seen laying on a lift that is elevated to allow him access into the mechanics. He holds a large spanner and ratchets something tight. He's wearing coveralls and is quite greasy/dirty. All the way down to his shoes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was wandering the X-Men base, she'd come here to use the danger room and maybe try to do some team practice with the group as a whole but things were eeriely quiet. She'd heard the noise in the hangar and the door was open so she wandered on in, with her hands inside her black hoodie's pockets.

The young mutant walked up to the Summers guy on the lift and she smiled at him. "Heya, Strange'ah." She said at him in her sultry sotuhern tones. "Ain't seen you for awhilre." Not since summer, really. "Figure when Fall arrived, you went inta hibernation or somethin'."

Havok has posed:
Looking to his side, over to Rogue, he smiles. "Hey, long time." He slips his hands from the guts of the plane, withdrawing the wrench. He sits it next to him on the lift and grabs a needle nose plyer. He looks up to watch what he's doing and continues, "I went on walk-about. Had to get myself square. Had a lot going on in my head and needed a break. How've you been?" Then he realizes that that's probably the wrong question, considering the last time they spoke was before the wedding..ouch.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked up to the lift he was on and she pulled her hands out of her hoodie and folded her forearms onto the edge of it. She lowered her head down and put her chin onto the top of her arms and just watched him work... She was a young flirtatious girl, she liked watching guys work on machines, at least in moderation anyway.

"I'm... managin', I suppose." She said at him with a faint ghost of a smile. "Tryin' t'remind myself that things can always be way worse. Afte'ah, I got a good'n'comfortable bed t'sleep in, some nice clothes and no worries about my next meal. What else do I really need?" Her voice was soft and calm.

Havok has posed:
"I'm sure I could come up with a list of extras. But you're right. We're in a good place with a lot of good people. It's just a matter of keeping ourselves sorted.", answers Alex while pulling out a small circular clamp that's been broken. "Oh, there you are..." he intones looking at the clamp. He looks over to Rogue, "Hey, could you go over there, third drawer from the left top. Get me another one of these... exactly the same." and he'll offer the clamp at the end of the needle nose. The clamp itself is greasy, slick, dirty.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would look where he indicated and she'd nod her head softly. "Suuure." She said then, dragging her arms off of the lift again and walking toward the toolchest where she opened the third drawer and peered inside while her gloved hands pushed her white bangs back out of her face and held the hair back while she scanned for the item.

"Ah ha..." She quietly said, plucking it from the drawer then she walked back toward him.

"Ya know its weird as hell knowin' what most all'a this is, even though I ain't neve'ah even actually seen any of it myself?" She said, grinning at him while she exchanged items with him, grabbing the filty one with just her thumb and forefinger then dropping it into a box on the lift.

Havok has posed:
Alex watched her walk away, dig in the drawer, and then upon her return he glanced away and back up into the belly of the bird. Her words are heard with her return and he glances over, "That's something that's completely cool. Memories that aren't yours. That is. I was just told to get under this thing and search for something wrong. I thought Forge was playing a joke on me."

The exchange is made and he reaches back up into the belly. "Speaking of, I see you're still wearing gloves. You still haven't gotten control, or are those just so you don't get your fingers dirty?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just held her fingertips on the edge of the lift then, hands together next to each other while she watched him from where she stood aside it all.

She smirked at his words and lifted her up her left arm then pulled the sleeve of her hoodie back off of her wrist to reveal a matte black wristband that had some groves and indentations on it. "Hank gave me this for my weddin' present. He'n Tatum designed it, based on how her nullification mutation works." She pushed a little button on it, then dialed the button over a bit and the edges of the wrist band started to glow a bright blue.

"Shuts off my mutation'n powers." She smirked softly then. "For a whole four hours'a battery life... then I gotta charge it for anothe'ah twelve. So I kinda leave it off a lot."

Havok has posed:
Alex takes a moment to look away from the guts of the bird and over to the wrist band. His eyes depect that he's quite amazed with the advent of the suppressor. They widen and there's even the parting of his lips to form a 'wow' in silence. He then states, "That's friggin amazing. I'm so glad for you."

He knew her struggle, not personally, but watched her go through a lot because of it. He looks back into her eyes and says, "You're totally cookin with gas now."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue dialed the button back and un-pushed it so the bracelet silently went dark again and she dropped her hand back to the lift. "Yeah." She said with a big grin. "Its like I'm standin' at a buffet line just lookin' for all the best dishes now." She teased before shaking her head lightly back and forth.

"I need t'tell Hank t'make me like four more'a them and then I'll be set for a whole day. But I half expect t'shut it off some time only t'find out that its completely gone'n made me a full blown human... Then ya'll will kick me out of your club." She grinned big at him.

Havok has posed:
"We'll never kick you out of the clubhouse. Even without powers, you'd still be a mutant." Alex says in a very teasing tone and even shifts some; ready to try and dodge while supine on the lift. He chuckles for a moment then adds, "But you totally need to jump right into that buffet and sample all the greats. Cause, you've been on the sidelines way too long."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grinned at him then and she slowly shook her head from side to side. "Doesn't that get me some kinda horrible label in society that I shant not dare use the word of, because it is so horrible thatn even Lord Voldemort himself would gasp in fear and disgust?" She'd smile again then before picking up a tool on the lift and turning it over in her gloved hands while staring at it.

"Had plenty'a offers at this new college though. I mean, my god... I thoguht the boys at this place were bad. Try goin' t'school in Manhattan. Its like a homeless shelter with only one bowl'a soup available."

Havok has posed:
Alex laughs pretty hard at that while his hands reach back up into the bowels of the bird. He takes a moment of silence as he clips the clamp back into place. Then says, "There..." then withdrawing, he'll start to slide off the lift so that he could drop down to the floor and stand adacent to Rogue, "That's what college is all about. It's about experience. The boys here are stupid. I was way stupid. But college, that's where you learn what you really like and dislike. Labels are just that. Nothing more than a sticky piece of paper that'll eventually peel off with a little soap and water. You don't need to worry about them. You need to worry about not discovering what the label means. Pushing it all back, denying yourself what you can take freely now. Worse than not having the ability to experiene it in the first place."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at him softly then. "Wise words from an experienced College horndog?" She teased him before taking her hands off of the lift and setting the tool back into the box on its edge. She huffed out a heavy sigh then. "I gave Remy a chance when I came here. He was charmin' and fun and just kinda... made me laugh and smile again. Somethin' I hadn't done in years. He helped take the stink of Mystique out of my mind. But... he's gone now. So I'm just tryin' t'focus on the education part'a college, make myself something special that doesn't involve a sexy olde'ah man tryin' taint me." She smirked then.

"But, like ya said... got my bangin' jewelry now. No pun intended... So the temptation t'be buffet samplin' mandwoman is high. Course, there's a lotta anti-mutant moles in Manhattan too. Had t'deal with a lotta that too! Which is... not fun."

Havok has posed:
"You shoulda been where I was. A large percent of the world was way anti mutant - like string us up on a cross, anti-mutant. We've got it good here. But yeah, go at your own pace. Get over whatever mess you were in and move on to something a lot more fun. Cause if it ain't fun, it ain't worth doing." He tosses a few tools back into the box and will close it. Latch it, and lift it. As if he's going to put it on a nearby shelf or counter.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stepped back to make sure she wasn't in his way and she put her hands into her pockets and fiddled with her phone and car keys that were resting inside there. "I can definitely agree with that." She smiled softly at him. "I just am damaged goods now, yeah? The kind-of-widow who lost her husband before the 'I dos' could even be uttered. Puts me on some kinda weird plane'a... patheticness."

She lightly shrugged her shoulders inside of her hoodie. "Ah well. Hopefully something new'll show up eventually. But yeah, I should stop pesterin' ya, Miste'ah Summe'ahs." She grinned a little then. "Let ya get back t'your manly work here." She looked up at the Blackbird then and sighed softly. "I love this thing. Its so pretty..." She quietly commented about the jet.

Havok has posed:
Those words are definitely icky and he's not inclined to speculate. He's had his share of loss himself, but just ouch. He is glad she shifted the subject at the end of her words and he gives a nod. "Yeah, I've got a few more things to do before I get cleaned up. But hey, if you wanna talk. Hit me up. I'm around."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would smile at him as she turned back toward the exit of the hangar and she'd glance back at him. "I'll do that. I wish I was old enough to say we could go get a drink or somethin'... But I'm still, ya know... YEARS away from that." Rogue would give Alex a wave with her right hand then and she'd start back toward the doorway to the shiney hallway beyond. "Bye bye for now." She said on her way out.

Havok has posed:
"Cya.." he says quietly as he walks away himself and goes to put the tools where they belong and will then move onto his other projects. Penance for being away... or a means to help keep his brain settled.