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Latest revision as of 02:59, 11 November 2017

Roguetum Roguetorum
Date of Scene: 05 November 2017
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Doctor Strange

Rogue has posed:
Saturday - 3:25pm - Sanctum Santorum

Rogue's bedroom door opens and she sticks her head out, looks left, looks right... then steps out of the room and shuts the door behind her. She slips her hands into her hoodie pockets and starts wandering down the hallway while looking out the windows of the place. "Adams Faaamily... dadada duuum--" She muttered the song quietly under her breath with her lips gently pressing together.

Rogue made her way through the whole place, looking for Strange, looking for Wong, looking for anyone.

"Hello?" She calls out into the place. "I'm a young impressionable teenager and my hands are idle... I'm boored... You know that means that bad stuff is probably gonna follow..." She called out into the halls of the place.

Rogue walked toward Strange's workplace, where she'd seen him spend most of his time when he was home.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The workplace is completely baren. Not only is Stephen not in there, his cloak is gone, the amulet is gone, but also all the scrolls, parchments and tomes. The only things remaining in the room are a few candles nearly fully burnt and are now just small mountains growing from bookshelves and flat surfaces around the room.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked into the room anyway even though she got the distinct impression that he didn't want her in here.

"Helloooo?" The southern girl said as she looked around at everything that WAS still in here. Rogue would walk over to his desk though, and she'd push his chair around until it was facing her. She'd fall back into it with a huff and then lean back in it while placing her hands onto the arms of the chair.

Fingers tapping on the edge of the arms. Taptaptap... Taptaptap...

Marie shot forward and she reached for the first desk drawer she could find. "What have ya got in here..." She muttered then.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The drawer has a bit of strength to it, as if it hadn't been opened in a long time and within the drawer is, nothing. Nothing but shadows and disappointment. It's as if the entire room was cleaned out of any information.

    As Rogue sits there a hiss echoes out from over her left shoulder as a candle burns out an the wax boils for a brief moment as the fire cries out as it's extinguished. Something about this room is not right.

Rogue has posed:
"Figures." The southern gal said quietly whne she saw the disappointing contents of the drawer. "For bein' the most interestin' guy in the world, ya sure do somehow manage t'also be the more borin'."

When the candle went out, Rogue looked back over her shoulder at it. She stared at it it a moment, but hey... candles burn out... she's often sad for awhile when her favorite scented candles go down to their ends and she has to go try and find those scents again in some stupid store filled with stupid people.

Rogue just stood up then and shut the drawer. "I bet that thing is full'a stuff, he's just got some stupid spell on it that makes it look empty."

She talked to herself a lot, its true. Children who grow up without siblings or friends often do.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    But that couldn't be true, every time she's walked past the room he's always left the door open and it's usually brightly lit with what seems like hundereds of candles. Every flat surface is used to its limit with scrolls unravelled, tomes turned open with broken spines, and the wizard, sitting crosslegged in mid air. Bookshelves stuffed to capacity, not hidden from her view or anyone else's for that matter.

    That is how Rogue would remember the room being. Why would it suddenly be the exact opposite this time around. Other than Stephen not being here. There is a smell of smoke in the room too, but that's probably just from the candles, however there is a hint of ash, falling from the ceiling...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continued to walk around looking the room over. "Did ya'll move out and leave me here?" She said outloud to anyone who might be listening. "Ya know, if ya'll don't like me, all ya gotta do is say so... I can leave on my own. Unless this is my house now?" Rogue flashed a grin as she walked over to one of the tables where books used to be.

""Party at Rogue's! Bring your own beers!" She grinned, at least until she noticed the ash from the ceiling and she looked upward... Her green eyes examined the ceiling and she lifted up off of the ground and floated up to it to see where the ash was coming from, reaching out with a hand to touch the top of the room.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The ash seemed to be coming from the ceiling and her finger would leave a small mark, exposing a few glowing orange embers and a chuch of ash sticks to her finger tips. The whole house seems to be quiet now. Rogue is all alone, in this endless house of trickery and oddities, but the floor above her very well might be on fire.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue came to realize the threat of fire upstairs and it made her suddenly deactivate her flight power and she dropped down to her booted feet in a crouching-landing then straightened up and immediately started to run!

The teenager bolted out of the office and down the hallway toward the staircase to go upstairs. She rounded the bannister and started to just 'gliiiiiiiide' up the steps with her hovering-power making her slide upward like playground equipment in reverse.

Once upstairs she rushed down the hall to the room that seemed to be threatened with fire and she shoved the doors open!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Within the doors was NOT what Rogue was expecting. The doors fly inwards and then they fall away from the hinges into the orange and red flaming abyss, pulled up and away by some force but they're never kissed by any flames.

    "ROGUE!?" Calls out a voice from the seemingly volcanic scene before Rogue. It's an endless space filled with nothing but flames. It's like the whole room is the interior of a grill or worse. "ROGUE! HELP!" Cries out the voice yet again.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stumbled to a stop when the door fell away and she bared witness to what laid beyond! Her eyes were huge and her hair was flowing around her head while she frantically looked around for the source of the voice... She stutter-stepped on the edge of this... pure madness... with an anxious desire of uncertainty running throughout her body.

"How?!" Rogue shouted into the firey abyss, still looking around. "How do I help?!" She wanted to jump right in, use her flight power to keep her safe... but she had NO idea if it would support her in one of these crazy magical places that made no sense to her and what little she understood of Earth physics.

"Stephen?!" Rogue shouted further. "How do I help!"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Go grab the bracelet of the Faltine and be ready for anything when you get --ARGH!" Stephen cries out in pain. In the distance a single blue and red speck can be glanced as the man several thousand yards from Rogue flies out from behind what can be called a fire tornado only to be obscured by a second even larger or closer structure. "HURRY!"

Rogue has posed:
"The WHAT?!" Rogue shouted back at him. She had NO idea what he was talking about... of course she was kind of in freak-out-mode too so it made it harder to Reason what he was saying. She'd watch the speck that was him in the distance by the fire tornado... and just stare dumbfounded until he'd undoubtedly shout at her again.

Only then would Rogue spin around and run aimlessly back out into the hallway toward where the main staircase was. "Bracelet? Ovaltine?" Rogue was still in panic mode as she jogged down the stairs into the main foyer... it had all kinds of relics in it, right? Stuff on display! She'd looked at it all! There were bracelets, she rememered them in a display case behind the staircase on a shelf built into the dark wood wall!

This is where Marie frantically ran and started to scan for the item.

"I don't know what the hell it looks like!" She shouted to no one.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    When Stephen's ghostly face burst through the wall with no... physical damage and he stares at Rogue for a moment. "Bracelet. Of the. Faltine." He says, knowing he's gone over the items in the case with her several times before albeit a few weeks ago, and the teenager has slept since then.

    He rolls his see through eyes and his hand slips out of the wall before he points down at the gold band with a large red ruby that curves with the rest of the setting. "That one. Bracelet of the Faltine. Put it on and come help me!" The Sorcerer Supreme says before his non-corporeal form is sucked back into the wall and disappears.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue screamed and jumped when he appeared out of no where and she gasped when she realized it was that out-of-body form of his that she'd seem him do before. "Ya scared me." She huffed out at him as he grumpily pointed at the necklace. "Oh, right... the pretty one." She'd had eyes on that bracelet he time he'd shown it to her, cause of that huge beautiful red stone in it.

Rogue reached for it, took it out of its display case and she slipped it onto her wrist and admired it for a moment... cause... shiney...

She suddenly heard a noise from upstairs and was pulled back into reality! "Shit."

Rogue ran back the way she'd came and up to the third floor. She appeared in the doorway to the Hell Dimension and then looked around again.

"What do I do?!" She shouted into it again. "This is all kinda above my PAY GRADE!"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's why you have the- GAH!" Stephen screams out and flashes past the door, from where the floor would be to way up past where the ceiling was. The sorcerer is getting blasted around by the - whatever - he's fighting. "The bracelet. It should cool the flames drastically by absorbing the heat and the fuel of the flames at the same time!" Stephen bellows loudly as a large series of red lasers arching away from the mage like some sort of techno lightning bolt with only straight lines and incredibly sharp angles. The spell lancing out across the room in near countless branches to strike against some unseen foe.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue fumbled with the bracelet on her right wrist and then she nodded her head two quick times. A moment later and she lunged out into the strange firey abyss and tried to use her flight powers to keep herself in control and able to move on her own accord.

Rogue would throw her wrist up and 'aim it' wherever she was going... toward where she'd last seen Strange off in the distance. "Do your thing, then, magic jewelry!" She willed the bracelet... having no actual idea how to wield it!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "You can't just tell it what to do. It's a part of you now." Stephen says, turning around and lifting his hand up quickly with a mystic gesture to snap a shield into place just in time to block another blast of direct fire. Then from above him, another lash of fire seemingly drops down from above, finger like apendages lick off the main tendril and smash Stephen back down past Rogue like a speeding bullet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shouted his name as he was smashed down and she spun around to watch him! She was still so confused but she desperatley wanted to help him so she leap into action and tried to just jam her wrist into the spout of fire that slammed into Stephen while she flew after him to try to grab onto him and steady him!

"What do I do!?" She shouted at him. "What the hell is this?!" She reached for his cape to try to pull him toward her for safety. "How the hell do we get outta here?!" She wasll manner of rampant frantic questioning!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "We don't worry about getting out. We focus on one thing at a time." Stephen says, the realization that he's willing to go that far in everything he does might be a bit scary, and to some maybe even heroic, but he's never worried about that. He's doing his job because no one else can.

    "Call forth the flames of the Faltine." He says as he grasps Rogue's wrist and finally slows his fall as the young mutant rescues him from sailling further into the firey abyss. "The bracelet will use up the fuel and air these fires are using." Stephen says to Rogue before pulling on her arm hard to yank her out of the way of an incoming attack from the now visible fire monster he's been battling.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is yanked out of the way of said attack and she gluches Stephen's shoulders from behind now to peer over his left shoulder at the fire monster. "Holy shit." She said aloud between the two of them.

The way that Stephen Strange had been in disbelief of all of this magic stuff when he'd first gotten involved was rather similar to how Rogue thought of it, but the major difference was that Strange was a genius with a photographic memory, so he pieced together the realities of it much faster than Anna-Marie was capable of doing and this included things like...

Rogue looked at her bracelet and she looked at the fire monster. "... How." She said at him then. "If I don't shout it at the thing, then how the hell do I 'call it forth'?!" She was trying not to get angry, trying to be 'patient' as he'd told her many times in the two months they'd known each other.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Like I said!" Stephen says, his left hand going behind his back to Rogue, holding her close to his back and safe from the incoming lances of fire from their foe. "Say the words Flames of the Faltine, and hold your hand out towards that!"

    Strange keeps his right hand help up, palm facing the being as it rears back and another limb of fire errupts from it's 'chest' and archs through the hell world towards the duo, only to splash against Stephen's mystical shield but the force does push the two backwards through the hot soupy air.

Rogue has posed:
"Oh." Rogue said at his response, she could tell he was annoyed at her and running low on patience himself, but... with good reason!

Rogue's left hand shot out and she put her fingers into a tight punchin' fist while she shouted the words. "Flames of the Faltine!" She felt like a GIANT nerd shouting something like that, but if it got them out of this D&D hellscape then she'd play the nerd card for now!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    An entirely new fire snaps out of Rogue's wrist, errupting from the bracelet and piercing the fire demon's chest, and very quickly the beast would begin to shrink drastically. Stephen has to drop his shield rather quickly in order for Rogue's attack to actually work or else the two of them would be incinerated instantly. "You're doing great Anna!" Stephen says with a look of relief washing over his face quickly as the threat is quickly being neturalized.

    The room around them starts to harden as the fires start to reform into rock like structures where the Faltine fires pass by.

    "Anna, Now start worrying about a way out."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gritted her teeth as her eyes were squinted mostly shut when the fire burst from her wrist and she saw Strange take his shield down so her blast could soar up and slam into the monster's torso. This was quite possibly the most intense thing she'd ever experienced in her life... and she regularly flew above the clouds at tremendous speeds... which had nothing on this!

Rogue's focus went to what he said and she pointed to their right. "The doors were that way!" She shouted at him before moving her fire-spewing wrist upward to aim it right at the monster's face! 'Head shot!' thats what all the kids said when playing video games, right??

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Anna, focus on one thing at a time." The wizard remarks as he holds tightly with his left hand while his right moves back there too to hold onto the teenager and he quickly moves with as much speed as he can tollerate and muster with the cloak. A whopping 25 miles per hour, but with all the fire tornadoes and walls of flames, he does want to be careful and give the heat a wide berth.

    The route back towards the doorway is a long, winding, but definitely not a lazy one. "Keep at it Anna. You're doing great!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue put her eyes back on the monster when he told her to focus. "Right." She muttered, she watched the beast and kept the fire-blasting hand aimed right at him, though it was wobbling around and trying hard to stay focused and aim properly while Strange guided them with the use of his cape.

She ducked when a burst of flame flew past over their heads and then adjusted her aim to go back to the Fire Monster's chest which had seemed to be more effective afterall!

"I just want you to know... This is really fucked up!" She shouted at the good Doctor while they continued to fly as fast as a car in a school zone.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Oh, I was not aware of the level of disaster!" Stephen replies to Rogue with what could be a hint of sarcasm from the good doctor. "There's the door. Keep focusing on the beast and when I say, focus on all the fires around us. That is key." Stephen says as he banks around a fire tornado, the heat of the flames swarming the duo, as he goes around it, breaking Rogue's line of sight for a brief moment and when the beast would be back in sight, it's not there. Seems as if the much smaller fire demon is suddenly gone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue couldn't help but look to see where the doors were, but when she looked back the monster was gone. "Oh shit." She said. "I lost him!" She now shouted again, now starting to spray the Faltine Fire in random directions as she was panicking again! "Where did he go?!" She tluched Stephen's shoulder and her arm went around his neck, her considerable strength likely choking him to some degree!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Ro-gggh!" Stephen says, and moves his hand from her back and pats at her wrist trying to get her to loosen her grip. "Breathe!" He cries out holding her still and moving towards the door.

    He tries to get closer and is still trying to get her attention, not good when she's trying to save her own life and his simultaniously. They begin to approach the door when the tornados start to loom in towards the doorway, converging to block their path. When the cyclones meet and flaming limbs sprout from the combination, the monster took control of the two and is now even larger than ever.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked back at the Doctor as she heard him struggling and she realized she was choking him in the crook of her elbow. "Shit! Sorry!" She said and adjusted her hand to just grab at the top of his shoulder!

Rogue spun her eyes back in time to see the fire-nados combine into... "Oh. Shit." She said then. "It leveled up!" She shouted back to Stephen. "Must go faster!" (Jurassic Park reference pulled from the depths of her muddled mind).

Rogue aimed her Faltine bracelet at the firey beast and she laid into it with the hot boiling blast wave eminating from her wrist!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    A bit different result this time, it does shrink, the tornado's getting smaller and smaller, but also solidifying. They're becoming rock as well.

    "Oh... When I say, stop blasting it and when I say, blast it again." They're going to have to go through the demon in order to get back home.


Rogue has posed:
It was one of those surreal moments where Rogue thought that they might not live through it, time seemed to slow down inside of her head and all she could do was close her eyes and feel the world move in slo-motion around them both... she pictured a song inside of her head... a classic rock song by The Doors.

Rogue deactivated the fire when he ordered her and she was ready to push her wrist right back out and re-ignite the burn!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen threw up a full circular shield around the team as they dove into the flames, flying as fast as the cloak will take them in order to get through the doorway. They slip through the doorway and crash into the wall on the other side of the hall, bouncing in the shield for a moment before Stephen breaks it down and shouts. "FIRE ROGUE!" While pointing at the doorway at the flames trying to lance into the halls of the Sanctum.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes opened when he shouted the command she aimed her forearm again and shouted the words again causing the bracelet to burst to life once more while she released her hold on Strange and let momentum carrying her with her back pressed to his back and her legs flying up in front of her! She screamed as the fire shot from her hand and she clutched her arm with the opposite hand at the elbow to steady it and keep the flame weapon focused onto that of the firey tornado monster!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The fires from Rogue meets the fires within the hell dimension, and slowly rock forms from where her attack hits and grows outwards in a slow sponge like pattern, slowly filling in the doorway with a wall of stone.

    "Keep going Anna." Stephen says, lifting himself up with one hand and placing his fingers against her back and fueling her with a bit of his own mystic power.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had fallen down to her butt on the hallway floor while she gritted her teeth and snarled her lips while focusing with the magic and everything to seal the rock and seal the 'pocket dimension' from effecting them any further and when it finally did close she drew back her hand and the fire deactivated with the loss of her focus on the magic creating it!

Rogue gasped and slumped backward against him where he was pushing at her, she was exhausted physically and mentally from all the wild magic and chaos. A literal trial by fire?

"I just wanted..." She spoke, voice soft and weak. "To know... if you wanted... to get pizza for dinner, tonight." She said, her eyelids still closed.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Good work." Stephen says, patting the girl's back and looking up to the 'doorway' and the rock tendrils reaching out from it now embedded in the floor and part of the wall and ceiling. Stephen falls forwards, allowing the girl to rest against his side. "Good work." He repeats before looking to the side. "Pizza sounds great. I assume it's my treat tonight."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would rest there against the super old man's side and she'd just open her eyes after a few moments of breathing and then look at the rock wall that they'd breated out of a firey dimension. "So... thats just gonna be there now?" She asked him. "Isn't that the hallway t'go up t'the roof? I liked smokin' up there."

Rogue satup then and spun around to look at him.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" She shouted at him then, with huge green eyes showcasing her sudden seriousness about the madness that they just endured!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I guess it will be there until I can get some new doors installed." Stephen says, rolling over onto his back and letting out a soft sigh. Then Stephen starts to slowly roll over more and put his legs beneath himself and slowly gets up as Rogue shouts at him. Stephen dusts his chest off and then his pants and then the back of his pants and the cloak. Extending his hand down towards Rogue. "That was a fire demon in the realm of Satannish." Stephen says calmly, being the emotional rock once again. "It was reaking havoc and had to be stopped before it upset the natural balance of the dimension."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stood up off of her knees and she walked over to the rock wall to place her gloved hand on it. "Yeah but like, okay, sure... nerd shit. But is THIS sealed?" She asked him then, pointing at it. "If I smashed through this, would the... Satanland place still be there?" She grossly did not understand how inter-dimensional things worked.

"And like... how do you do that? I mean, how do you know that a fire demon... thing, is runnin' amuck in another-- uh-- plan of existence?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I was contacted by the other denizens of the dimension, and yes that dimension is still on the other side of the wall. That's part of being a mage Anna. Every dimension is just a paper's width away." Stephen says with a soft extension of his hand to help the young girl to her feet. "Thank you greatly for your help."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepted the help to stand and she just softly shook her head. "Ya know that makes it kinda hard t'sleep at night, right?" She said, pointing back at the wall again. "Knowin' that shit like that... thing... is right there, wantin' to light us up like a damn cigar."
Rogue's hands went up to her face then and she touched the sides of her forehead, then looked back at her wrist and saw the bracelet. "Oh." She went to remove it and offer it back to him. "Here." She said, dangling it at him. "I can't be trusted with stuff like that. I'll lose it." She showed a faint smirk.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen walks over to the clogged door and rasps his thick gloved knuckles against the surface. It's a thick concrete type of sound, and he shakes his head. "It's not getting through here any time soon. You did it perfectly." Stephen says with a smile before he makes a motion or two and a pink and purple circle appears in the air and sets itself on the wall before sinking into the structure just barely an eighth of an inch.

    "There, now it's seal super magically." Stephen says, taking the bracelet from the girl and lifts his black eyebrow. "What happened to your other bracelet?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched him cast the sealent spell on the wall and she just smirked. "Well thats... good, I guess." She said to him before letting him take the fancy bracelet and then she stuffed her hands back into her hoodie's pockets. "The nullifier bracelet?" She asked and then pointed toward the main staircase. "Its in my room on the chargin' station. Damn thing takes foreve'ah t'charge up. I was gonna go t'a late movie t'night afte'ah the pizza, wanted t'make sure it was fully charged, so I don't murder anyone at the theater."

Rogue showed him a smirk then and she reached her right hand up to fuss with her all messed up hair now, it was everywhere and all kinds of frizzy from this weird dimensional hell jaunt they went on.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Well, if you know exactly where that one is." Stephen says, extending the Faltine Bracelet back towards Rogue. "Then here, take care of this one." Stephen says, before he pats her shoulder and smiles on his way towards the stair case.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepted it back and she held it up and walked to the back/left of him down the hallway, passing through the late afternoon sunlight shining in through the windows beside them.

"But... does it do that flame thing all the time?" She asked him then. "I mean, I can just aim it and say the words--" Rogue cut herself off and she squinted then at his back. "I forgot what the words were already..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen ducks when she starts to say the words and he trips, missing a few steps and landing on the stair case. "Ow..." He mumbles to himself, holding onto the banister and picking himself back up. "Okay, maybe you should put it away then, or wear it and don't hurt yourself. Either or. It's yours now." Stephen says and looks to Rogue. "Grab your phone, you're ordering the pizza, I'm just paying for it." Stephen hates the phone, and isn't on one that often, hell, Rogue is the one he talks to the most on it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue reached out to catch him and keep him from going headfirst down the stairs. When he evened out she flashed him a big grin. "Woah there, Doc." She said. "Gonna have'ta get you one'a those motorized chairs that go up and down the bannister." She was teasing him openly now and then stepped back. "I'll run get my phone, its in my room." She said at him. "There's a great little place a couple blocks down from here, they make huuuuge pies. What do you want on it?" She asked him then, tucking the Fire Bracelet into her pocket then... knowing full well that thing will likely come in handy someday.