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Date of Scene: 11 November 2017
Location: Barbara's Clocktower & Cyberspace
Synopsis: After some scrutiny, Power Boy approaches an information broker known as Oracle to help make contact with the authorities.

Ultimately, he decides he trusts Barbara and opts to ally himself with her. Far better to owe person rather than a monolithic organization.

Cast of Characters: Power Boy, Oracle

Power Boy has posed:
    The internet is for far more than just pron, despite what the song says. There are places, a seedy underbelly to the internet, where professional pornographers seem like model citizens. Criminals use the internet. So to do heroes. Oracle is building a reputation as an information broker.
    This is a rarity though. Someone new has managed to leave her multiple messages on different sites. In fact, there is a chat screen waiting on her as she finishes her security check. '4thWorlder' is waiting on her. The greeting is, in and of itself innocuous- "I need help. Willing to trade for it."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara takes her online security just as seriously as she takes the security of her identity as Batgirl. Oracle is very carefully sequestered from that life behind many layers. It's the one place where she's doing something that really is solely *hers*. And she's got her tentacles spread throughout the DarkWeb, subtle lures in place. The message left by 4thWorlder captures her interest, though.

"Let's talk. What kind of help? And what kind of trade?" she sends back.

Power Boy has posed:
    Her security protocols are up and running. How the guy is able to spoof an IP that in binary is 'LoL' is just not funny. Well, it is kind of funny, a little, but not in a funny way. the response comes uncertainly. "I am an alien from another dimension. Part of the initial invasion. I pass for human, and I turned on my companions. I realize this sounds utterly implausible. I want to get information to your SHIELD organization in exchange for an identity, maybe a place to stay. I am willing to perform services for the consideration. I like it here. I want to make this place my home. I wield some power. Seems to me that having a friend that can clear the globe in a few minutes and is fiercely protective of the people who help him might be the sort of thing that you could put in your back pocket." There is a pause. "Smile Emoji". Then it actually sends a smile emoji. He is not typing.

Oracle has posed:
She'd have to admit to being really intrigued. There would have been a time that she'd have said 'Aliens??? C'mon!' And there was Superman. And then there was a freakin' invasion. Nothing shocks her anymore.

"Okay...." Barbara considers what's being said. "So... you want me to do what? Facilitate a meeting?" If the person on the other end has done any homework, they'd know she's newer to the scene than some others and maybe doesn't have the contacts he needs... but she wonders why he chose her.

Power Boy has posed:
    It is raining outside. A cold November rain, with thunder and lightning. it is rare to have a thunderstorm, even a mild one this late in the season, but not unknown. It's kind of crappy outside. Roofs are going to be wet and cold. It would suck to be out in it.
    He's homeless. He's out in it. Power Boy is about a mile up and a mile or two North of the clocktower. He hates to be so close, but he might need to make a dramatic entrance. He hopes not. "Yes." he dictates into his Father Box. "I would like you to facilitate that meeting. I could do it, but I am uncertain of the right way to do it. Me appearing on board a SHIELD Helicarrier would almost certainly go poorly for me. I am wanting this meeting to be low key." He pushes a hand through his hair. "I just want to help people. It's hard to do that living in bushes and shrubs. Obviously, I could just be committing a variety of online fraudulent activities and handle this below board. I am really trying to do this right."

Oracle has posed:
The redhead studies her screen and huffs out a bit of a chuckle. She types back, "Well... I'd say the fact that you WANT to approach SHIELD almost guarantees that whoever you are and whatever you're doing, you're going to quite an effort. You could be a spy or what have you... but I figure you'd go another route than trying to get help from a low-key hacker if you were up to no good." The contact 'feels' to her like someone who basically just has no clue how to even locate proper channels for such things.

"Tell you what... I'm willing to make contact with SHIELD for you and make your offer to them. They're going to want to see you in person, I'm reasonably sure. Are you prepared for an in-person meet with their representatives?" She pauses and then adds to the message, "Are you seriously living outdoors? In November?" She glances automatically toward the window, not liking THAT idea at all. She always was a bleeding heart.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I am okay with it. If you were from the slave pits of Apokolips, a cold November rain would not bother you much. I am..." There is a long pause. "The language is lacking. This sound ridiculous to say. A space God from another dimension?" He makes a face from his distance off. "I am not perfect, and I am flawed, but I am trying to be better. I have access to certain technology that allows me to get by. I can survive space, so Earth is a picnic. I would kill for some dry underwear though. Oh fuck, don't send that bit about underear. Shit!" He slaps his forehead.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara can't help it. As the words fly across her screen, she has to laugh just a little. "I see you're picking up the Earth slang and profanity quite accurately there, my friend," she types back with a smiley face.

But how the hell to help this person? Barbara considers. Typing out quickly, "Hey... where in the country are you located? You don't have to give me specifics -- but I might be able to have some clothing and things courier'd to you, if you need that kind of help." It's not something she would offer just anyone, but this contact strikes her as... strange. And 'young.' Inexperienced, at the least.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I live in the Metropolis area. Currently I am about 2 miles south of your clocktower. A mile up in the air, getting soaked." He shakes a bit of water out of his hair. "This isn't that bad." Power Boy closes his eyes. "Honestly? I saved a puppy from some debris after the invasion." There is another pause. "Look. This is stupid to you, I am sure. I don't have a name. I mean, Darkseid called me Power Boy, but I spend the first 18 years of my life a nameless slave warrior in training. I was promoted to take advantage of my gifts. Beatings were severe. I." He squeezes his eyes shut. "That dog loved me when I pulled him away from his dead mother. He loved me when I helped him. Nothing ever loved me before. He is living with a friend It's going to be too cold for little dogs to be living outside. I miss him."
    Wait. All of this is over a dog?

Oracle has posed:
Alarm sends a frisson down her spine at the words on her screen. He's *where*???? Shoving back from her desk, Barbara bolts for the south bay of windows, though in this weather she certainly isn't going to see squat. When she comes back to the screen and reads the rest of what's sent, there's a long pause before she sends anything back. When she does, it's simple. "The balcony door is open. Come in."

Because if he's already identified where she lives... well, he'll know exactly where to go. If he's bluffing, he won't. 'Clocktower' is pretty specific, however. And given that he said something about 'appearing' on the helicarrier, she stands just inside the glass doors of the balcony, her arms crossed while she waits to see if a soaking alien shows up.

Power Boy has posed:
    he descends at speed, and alights on the balcony. He's soaked to the bone. He's also backlit by the occasional lightning bolt. Tall, board shouldered. Young. Maybe 20? Maybe. He has a nice, pleasant baritone. He looks her over. There is nothing sexual about it.
    In fact, it is almost insulting how he looks her over. He's not human. "I was expecting a 300 pound shut in." He admits. "Good for you." he considers. "What can I do to make you less uncomfortable with my presence?" He slowly offers his soaking hand. "Power Boy."

Oracle has posed:
The statuesque redhead quirks up one eyebrow at his 300-lb-shut-in comment. When he offers to shake her hand, she reaches out one hand warily, and says, "Oh... it might be a while before I'm 'comfortable'," she informs him. "The answer to how you tracked down Oracle's location might be a start."

When she releases his hand, she walks to the couch and picks up a bundle. Returning to him, she holds them out -- there's a heavy towel and a set of sweatpants, a package of unopened boxer-briefs, a T-shirt, and a hoodie. "Why don't you go get dried off," she instructs him quietly, pointing the way down the hall. "The bathroom is through there. And I'll have something hot for you to drink when you get out."

Whatever else the woman is... she's clearly got a significant amount of empathy.

Power Boy has posed:
"I do not have to use the bathroom." Off comes the shirt. Slave pens. He has no nudity taboo. He bends over and pulls a large, but one hand portable piece of vaguely glowing super technology. "I cheat." Power Boy assures her. "That is an Apokoliptian Father Bow. Interstellar teleportation. Matter alteration. Portable super computer. he gives her a look. "It is centuries, maybe even thousands of years ahead of your technology."
    His very clear blue eyes regard her. "Miss Oracle. If I wanted to hurt you, or demolish your home, it would have happened. I am not threatening you. I would never threaten you. You are trying to help me out. I am not at all going to hurt you, or reveal your location. I..."
    Power Boy regards her seriously. "I have one friend. I would love to have more. And... not to be a jerk, or arrogant? I'm a good friend to have."

Oracle has posed:
Well, she's damn sure not turning her back to him. But Barbara does blush vividly as he starts to strip off. The box he holds out to her though? He can see the intense interest and scrutiny that it's getting. "Holy shit," she breathes. Her green eyes come back up to his, shocked. ANd for a moment, she's kind of amused to realize his eyes are just as beautiful a blue as a certain vigilante's. Shaking that off, she mrmurs, "You.... you can't let ANYONE know that thing exists. Oh God..." Her hands come up to shove her red hair back. With wide eyes, she blows out a breath. "We need to first thing find you someplace that *that* can safely reside. Change clothes," she orders, pivoting on a heel to get that hot drink for him.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I do not mind being wet." He complains. When she gets back though, he is wearing the sweatpants. He agrees. "I do not normally tell anyone. If you were smart, you would have run. You showed trust though.Your intelligence is in all the security you have. That is how I knew where you were. Even then, I took over a week to case the position and make for certain you were not some sort of crook." he has no idea about her other activities though. His eyes betray that. "I have a cell phone. You should put a number into it with an alias. If ever you need... assistance here? I can be very handy to have on call." He keeps guarding his words, like he wants to stress that he is valuable and has worth without being a braggart.

Oracle has posed:
Tilting her head as she comes back with a mug full of coffee -- because her coffee pot is on an unending cycle -- Barbara smiles faintly. "Well.. I showed a little trust because it was clear you already knew my location. If you were going to be a threat, logically you would have done it without giving me prior warning that you knew who and where I was," she points out, holding out the mug. "I will save your phone number, yes. In the meantime... sit. Tell me what information you want to exchange with SHIELD and what you want in return. I cannot promise that I'll be able to fully broker anything -- my contacts are perhaps not as wide-ranging and influential as you might need for this -- but I'll do what I can and at least get you into contact with someone who can help if I cannot."

Power Boy has posed:
    His nose wrinkles. "Coffee." He makes a little face. "I don't feel discomfort from the Earth Environment. His tone is quiet. "I do not need to Eat, drink, or any of that." His hands are gentle. "Your kindness is genuine. It makes my heart smile." His tone is quite gentle. 'Save the effort. I'm not meaning to be a bad guest. I'm not human." He accepts the coffee, although he is very unlikely to drink the bitter stuff.
    "I will give Shield every bit of information on the military capabilities of Apokolips." he moves to sit as directed. "I will also offer them my assistance when they request it. I will live outside of Metropolis on a small bit of land that they provide. They will provide me a legal identity. They will not surveill me, so superhuman friends may come and go as as needed. But if they want to meet with me periodically, well, i will reside where they put me" he says it quietly and gently. "I will help, and I recognize that I am a possible asset. I want some privacy. it' not like they cannot get a hold of me through other means. i will be living where they let me, after all. I operate with Supergirl fairly often. I am more worried about her identity than mine."
    he is quiet. "Or can you do all of this without them?" he asks her.

Oracle has posed:
Pulling in a long, slow breath Barbara moves to sit on the edge of the chair across from his position. Before answering whether she COULD do it without them, she asks with sincere curiosity, "Why turn to SHIELD instead of asking Supergirl or Superman for help?" There's no judgment in the query.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Well. I was thinking that something official might be better. Someone objective and separate." Power Boy pauses. "Superman has a reputation for being a stickler, and I don't want to involve Supergirl in anything that might be shadowy." He wrinkles his nose again and tastes the coffee. Way too bitter. He puts it down. "Alien taste buds. Sorry. I prefer sweet to bitter."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara smiles slightly. "I'll remember that," she tells him quietly. "All right.... well... yes, I *could* probably get you the identity, if you want to live quietly and not have them know who you are. It sounds to me like you're willing to put your powers at their disposal, however... and if that's the case, then having an open identity with SHIELD seems a much better course of action for you." The redhead shrugs a little. "There are more rules to follow when you do things that way -- they will definitely watch you and keep tabs on your activities. But sometimes that's not a bad thing either."

Power Boy has posed:
    "Supergirl keeps a secret identity." Power Boy replies. "Sometimes we are out in civilian clothes. It might be best if she was not being watched." Power Boy answers. "Look. I am going to help this planet out. This is my home. I just..." he considers his words.
    "I have wants now. I want to have a little place for me, and my dog, and to see my friends." He regards her. "I will do what it take to defend the planet. I will help my friends. I just need to have just enough to sort of get by."

Oracle has posed:
Superman and Supergirl both keep their civilian identities quiet. Barbara has to think about this for a moment. "I don't think you're asking for anything untoward. And the offer seems more than fair. I honestly think they'd be fools to turn it down... but it's possible they'll ask for other concessions. And I have no idea what those might be. So. Let me think on who best to contact about it and put out a few feelers, okay? I don't want to make you any promises that I can't keep."

Power Boy has posed:
    "I can have the Fatherbox manipulate bank records." Power Boy says it quietly. "I want to have a baseline identity, and a home. A little modest thing. Someplace of comfort where I can live and be alone if I want while I am out and about helping protect Metropolis." he looks at Barbara. "Is there a way to do that that does not leave me beholden to a spy agency with a reputation for being a bit underhanded?"

Oracle has posed:
Now she does blow out a breath, looking at the inside of the clock face. "Yes," Barbara tells him simply. "There are ways I can set it up for you." She looks back to him. "Does your Fatherbox manipulate records by stealing money from other places, or just wholesale creating false records?" she asks.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Whatever is expedient." Power Boy answers. "I can limit it. I would prefer to create it whole cloth, but even then as it is spent, well, it is coming from a bank. It will diminish the bank." His shoulders work in a small little shrug.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara purses her lips. "Okay. Let me .... " Her brain is clearly working at high speed. "Can you give me 24 hours to look into a couple of things? I want to get you off the streets as quickly as possible -- no one deserves that." She grimaces. "But I need to sort out the best way to backstop an identity for you and a way to finance this that isn't going to draw attention."

Power Boy has posed:
    "Unclaimed bank accounts." Power Boy says. He reaches into his bag and presents her with a piece of paper. "Supergirl named me Beau Telle. I am 19." He pauses. "Today!" He says, doing the math in his head very quickly. that makes him blink a couple of times. He starts to stand. "Take the time you need. My vitals are here." he adds a thumb drive. 'Here are photographs of me. Finger prints." He gives her a little look. "So, umm. I think that is all you might need?"

Oracle has posed:
Standing up when he does, Barbara can't help but laugh softly. "You are... going to be an interesting ally, aren't you?" Tipping her head at him, the redhead says, "Happy birthday, then." When she reaches out to take all the stuff he's handing her, she looks thoughtful. "With all this, I should be able to backstop the identity you need and find some small piece of property somewhere that will suit you."

There's a long pause as she studies the young man. And then she says quietly, "I'm flattered that you decided I could be trusted with this, and I'm giving you my trust in return." Unspoken is the warning /don't betray it./ She has no need to issue threats.

Power Boy has posed:
    "There is a small parcel for sale. A guy could fabricate a little house on that little stand of timber, live of the grid, and be a quiet recluse." He taps the side of his nose. "Information is on the thumb drive." he adds quietly.
    "Prior planning prevents poor performance." Standing at his full height, he walks back on over to put his wet clothes back on. "As to my use as an ally, I am about as useful as a kryptonian. They have far superior senses. I can feel emotions and use them for other stuff, but the guy who owes you a few favors." he looks at her for a moment. Then he is dressed in his wet clothes. He had avoided using his powers. He superspeed put his clothes on. "I can be useful." 'Beau' promises. "And heaven forbid anyone who messes with my friends." it is both a threat, and a quiet, gentle warning. he'd rather have a friend.

Oracle has posed:
Tilting her head, Barbara merely smiles quietly. The young man has already shown her his mettle. "I'll have it backstopped quickly. I do highly recommend that you keep that little piece of high tech fun completely on the down-low, though. People in this world ... will abuse it." She'd love to get her hands on it herself, but even she wouldn't necessarily be above using it in ways that are not appropriate. "I look forward to hearing from you now and again, Beau." And although she figures he already knows it, based on his very presence here, she tells him, "You can call me Barbara."

Power Boy has posed:
    "I didn't look that up." Beau says. "But absolutely, Barbara. You have a friend in Power Boy." he makes a face at something. He shoulders his bag. "Take your time. Umm, I do not need to be rich, just enough to keep me in dog food and pay taxes, and not worry if I want to eat food, or have an Earth social life? Just a quiet life, by my own life. That is all I want. In exchange. Well. Should your home be compromised..." he just makes a very unsavory look. "Or you need someone to confirm or back you up at meetings?" he just shrugs. "I remember the people who help me."

Oracle has posed:
There's a moment when the redhead really looks like she wants to take him up on that offer of securing her home better .... because OH MY the things she could do with access to Apokalyptian tech! But Barbara doesn't ask. "I'll remember. I promise," she tells him. "If you need anything else, before I get back with you, ... well, you know where to find me." She smiles a bit.