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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/11/11 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=296, 950 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:296|Kitty Pryde (296)}}...")
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Latest revision as of 00:11, 17 November 2017

By Our Powers Combined.
Date of Scene: 11 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Martian Manhunter

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty doesn't come up here without a mask. Not as yet. And although she sent word that she'd arrive at the Watchtower to meet him, Shadowcat was early. Taking advantage of the view for a long while because she's genuinely fascinated by it, she eventually makes her way to the training rooms to wait for J'onn's arrival. She doesn't like to sit still, though, so when he arrives on the scene, it's to find that she's working her way through a tai chi series of movements. Her balance impeccable, she holds her pose for a long moment and then turns toward him, having .... what? Sensed him? Seen him? It's actually not quite clear.
    "Hello, J'onn," she greets him with a faint smile. "I hope you don't mind. I was a little early, so I figured I could wait here without anyone having a cow over me being in classified areas."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
As usual, J'onn was in the Monitor room of the Watchtower, continuing his vigil over the Earth and the surrounding Galaxy. J'onn was pleased to hear that Kitty was coming up to train, and while he was aware of her early arrival he was busy identifying an anomaly near Jupiter. Once the anomaly was identified, a report filed, and notification sent to the rest of the League members he went to find her.

Finding her in one of the training areas, J'onn waits as she finishes her routine, and gives a small nod in greeting when she turns to him. "Hello Katherine." J'onn returns the welcome, "I do not mind at all, and I believe your accesses are such that none would question your presence." He fully walks into the room, and adds "I was held up by the presence of a new ship near the planet of Jupiter. It appears the Saturnites had an unregistered space vessel they were testing out. All is as it should be. How has your training gone? I hope that someone from STAR Labs has reached out. I believe they have a facility near where you live that would fit your interests."

Shadowcat has posed:
"They have reached out, yes," Kitty replies easily, walking toward him. Stopping within a few feet, she tells him quietly, "I want very much to participate in the work they're doing. I have a couple of research interests of my own to bring to the table, although.... I confess, I have an ingrained wariness of doing so." She shrugs a little. "Reactions to mutants and metahumans being what it is."
    With a small smile, Kitty adds, "And my training is going as it always does -- my speed in full combat has suffered just a bit from the lower number of missions I was taking on while I was at school. So just building it back up."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods his head, she can feel that he is glad that they have reached out and there is topics of interest for Kitty. "Perhaps there are others that share you wariness despite the honorable nature of the scientists on the team..." A small gleam in the Martian's red eyes, a bit of smirk quirks his lips, "...and perhaps those same individuals have methods in order to protect the data collected, and insure that it does not fall into the hands of the Greedy or less Honorable." His brows raise slightly, a smalls shrug of his left shoulder, "Perhaps." and he leaves it at that.

"That is good you are back to practice, and training." J'onn nods slowly, considering the ramifications of the missed training, "Our life is not one of safety, unfortunately, so we need to make sure we are capable of protecting the ones we care about whenever possible, as well as ourselves." He motions to the training room, "What would you like to work on today?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Tilting her head to study him, Kitty's dark eyes are thoughtful. "Can you really do that?" she asks him baldly. "Make sure that what I want to work on doesn't land in the wrong hands? Because.... I know that *I* can't do what I want done. I need their brains on it. But it could very easily be misused to try to control mutants instead of helping them." She doesn't beat around the bush, this young woman.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I do not worry about any of the scientists, but they are monitored by a few in the League that share concerns about what their research could be used for in other projects." J"onn is open with Kitty, "If someone were to try to capture them we would know about it, and move to discover what happened." He moves his hands behind his back, standing almost like a military man as he continues his explanation, "The data for the research is held on systems created by the Watchtower. Only authorized systems or users have access to the data in any way. If the data storage systems are moved then they have a failsafe that will destroy all the information on them. The backups for the data is kept on our systems. This data is vital but ultimately incredibly dangerous. We are making sure that it is not abused by /any/ Country."

Shadowcat has posed:
The breath that Kitty releases is slow, and a subtle tension that invaded her body when he mentioned that he could do such a thing releases when he talks to her of the safeguards. The relief is visible and she murmurs, "That helps. A lot, actually. It means I can bring what I want to do to them and hopefully they can help with it -- I have a couple of friends in need of something to help them keep their power in check."
    There's a pause as she considers how much to say. But he knows Jean. He's said so. "One of them needs it far more immediately, though. His power is.... too powerful for his body to contain. In the past, other people have been helped with such things like Havok and Cyclops, but... this friend's power is much bigger even than those." Her worry for the guy is clear, and she purses her lips. "Thank you for that information, J'onn."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn just watches Kitty for a time, glad that his precautions are ones that she is comfortable with, "I will tell you that not all of the League knows of our precautions, and some would likely not approve." His features remain blank, no emotion seen there, "Some of us, however, has seen the dark side of Humanity, and we are unwilling to make such a gamble." J'onn's subtle hint that this information is not known across all the League may be a shock, maybe not, for Kitty.

"If there is anything that I, or perhaps Batman, given his studies, can do let me know. We would treat the information with utmost care." J'onn's face creases into a frown, picking up on her concern for this friend, "Would you like to talk about it?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head, although it slowly. "I.... " He's an alien. He may have a better idea than she realizes about this. "My friend taps the Phoenix force. He's.... a conduit, for lack of a better word. I'm just trying to find a way to help him either bleed off the extra or help him ground it somehow that he's not regularly suffering brain bleeds."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn listens and considers the problem for a minute before speaking again, "I am only vaguely aware of the Phoenix Force as an Astral Entity or Power." He finally admits, "It sounds as if he is incapable of regulating the access to this power source?" J'onn asks, to make sure he understands, "From what I know of most of the metahuman genetic capabilities they should have something that instinctively protects themselves. I know there are rare cases of that not occurring, but it is rare that someone lives long when that is the case." After another moment of consideration, he asks "Have you looked at his genetic composition? Perhaps like other genetic abnormalities we can find something that will help build a filter for his body."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I'm .... not at liberty to discuss his genetic situation, J'onn," she finally says. "But I do know that there are people looking into it." Shifting her own attention, and by extension his, Kitty says, "You were interested in what my abilities can and can't do. So I was doing a little experimenting the other day. You might be right about the whole not actually needing to breathe thing, but I'm definitely not getting a handle on it yet."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Raising his hands in a show of supplication, J'onn nods his head "I apologize if I have moved too far into personal matters, Katherine. The resources at the Watchtower are open to you if you need them. I can show you how to segregate the data so none of it is stored here when you are done."

J'onn easily transitions to the new topic, the light of interest in hs eyes, "Have we figured out where you transition to yet since we know it is out of phase with this plane?" J'onn considers, his thoughts going down a certain path, "If the other plane you phase to has oxygen content, or if we could figure out how you could absorb oxygen, or even more interesting if you no longer /need/ it because of the plane you are attuned to.?

Shadowcat has posed:
"I know you think I'm phasing *to* somewhere, but I ... just don't know. Seriously, no matter what I'm doing, I don't seem to go any farther into phase *with* anything else." Kitty pauses and she seems to be considering her words very carefully. "J'onn.... my friend said something the other day when I phased through the floor to the room he was in that did catch my thoughts. I've phased into and out of plenty of places since I first got my ability, but.... his comment just before he kinda passed out again was that I felt like a memory to him." She doesn't have the actual words or experience -- and of course, Nate doesn't either -- to give him a better explanation. "No one's ever said *that* before, so.... is it possible that his ties to the Phoenix power let him see the place I'm attuned to? How do we even attempt to create a test to learn what I might be attuned to, besides Limbo?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn considers this for a moment, "Well, we could try something that I had not thought of before, because I am not sure if it will work." He motions for Kitty to follow him, and in the training room another set of chairs appear in the center. J'onn takes a seat, "I could move my consciousness to the Astral Plane, and watch you phase from there. I do not know if I will be able to determine /where/ you phase to, but perhaps I can get a sense of the location. Then we might be able to discover more."

Shadowcat has posed:
Following him readily, Kitty doesn't seem concerned about the idea. "Sure," she agrees. "I've had the professor and other people talking to me when I've phased before and they've never mentioned seeing anything odd from there, but.... I don't think anyone's done what you're suggesting." She moves to settle into the chair across from him, and then waits until he tells her that he's ready.
    When he does, she simply phases as she's always done. For her, the simple step sideways is literally just like breathing. She has occasionally found herself waking up in a lower floor than where she started hre nights, although that hasn't really happened for years. She learned quickly once she came to the Mansion. In her phased state, she doesn't have to move, and she still sits on the chair as if it's still there -- she's just sitting on the air, just as she airwalks upward. As if it's a solid construct for her.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
What Kitty will see is that J'onn will slowly float into the air in a cross-legged seated position. His eyes close, and for all intents and purposes looks as if he stops breathing. She will feel, however, a ghostly presence near her after a moment. His voice will be extremely clear in her head, <I am ready, Katherine. I have made my presence known so you can tell I am here.>

When Kitty shifts, J'onn can see a ghostly image of kitty show up on the Astral Plane, which is /not/ something he expected, and as it happens he sends her sends her his view of what is happening. He will focus his concentration, and he can see there is indeed a planar element to her phasing. The way he identifies this is that his view of her phased on the Astral Plane shows a type of energy fluctuating throughout her form. Part of this he can tell is the attachment to her home Plane. The second part is the attachment to the Astral Plane. The third energy field, though, he is unfamiliar with.

Shadowcat has posed:
She can feel his presence close by, and when he sends her the view he's seeing, Kitty too is surprised. None of the telepaths she's ever worked with have said anything about seeing her pop up in the astral plane -- were they looking? She has no idea -- that thought is clear in her head, though, as is the puzzlement. "What exactly are you looking at here?" she asks him, aloud though she doesn't really need to. She has to close her eyes, though, because what he's showing her mind's eye isn't matching what's in front of her actual eyes and it's very disconcerting. "That looks like I'm ... connected to something, for certain. But... what?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I am currently more than just interacting with the Astral Plane. I have moved my consciousness to the Astral Plane, I am an actual Astral Being at this point in time. As other creatures and entities on the Astral Plane could interact with me now." J'onn begins his explanation. "The Astral Plane is a common link across all Planes and Dimensions. There is some parallels with alternate universes or realities, but I believe it is solely a metaphysical distinction."

As he focuses his vision, J'onn continues "Some of your previous Telepaths may not have been able to see this, Katherine. My physiology allows me to see all of the energy spectrums. When I make an Astral Presence, I am now capable of seeing the Energy Links across the Astral Plane. What I am currently seeing are your Home Plane.." J'onn will mentally highlight the various energy field that represents that connection, "... as well as the Astral Plane.." another highlighting of different energy field "...and at least one other.." which is highlighted separately.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hasn't really ever considered too deeply *how* she phases, she just knows how her phasing *works*. And occasionally finds new things she can't phase through, though that's rare. "I'm not... entirely clear on what that means," she admits to him. "My best guess on the one that you can't identify would be that it's my tie to Limbo. But... why would I be tied to the Astral Plane in any fashion?" The metaphysics are not exactly her strong suit, that's for certain.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"My guess, is that in order to actually move you through your various states of phasing you must expend energy in some way. We know it is not a changing of your molecular structure. So that means you are tapping some source of power to change your cellular structure similar to how a teleporter would move themselves from one place to another. In your instance, though, we may be dealing with a local phenomenon that you are existing in multiple spaces at the same time."

J'onn is thinking out loud at this point, throwing out hypothesis to see what Kitty thinks, "However, in order to do that you must use some form of energy to perform that 'movement'. Perhaps while not a psionic capability, you are drawing from the Astral Plane as a source of that Energy, as many non-psionic abilities draw from this plane, such as Mystics or Illusionists. There are creatures that exist on this plane as well."

Shadowcat has posed:
Okay... the expending of energy makes sense to her. Conservation of Matter and Energy are both simple concepts -- they don't come from nothing. Kitty considers this idea. "So.... why, if I'm existing in multiple places at the same time, do I still see my home plane all the time?" she wonders aloud. "I can't see into the Astral. And although I can feel the tie to Limbo, I can't .... use it, respond to it, make it react. Nothing." She purses her lips. "But what you're seeing there seems to indicate that I actually *am* straddling a line of some kind, with one foot in both worlds. So why wouldn't telepaths see that?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"My guess on why you see your Home Plane is because it is where you first learned to use your powers." J'onn responds, "If we are moving parts of you to various planes, perhaps you also need to learn the pieces of you that view the world to these other planes?" J'onn asks, "For example, I couldn't see these same energy fields without my Astral Being. There are ways to view the worlds that change when you see from different perspectives."

He takes a few moments to consider her telepath question, "Perhaps no one has truly looked before? The connection is incredibly subtle, even I only noticed it from my Astral Being, and that may explain why you cannot look into the Astral Plane. I am curious if you work further on Phasing i f you can create your own Astral Presence?" She can tell that he thiks that is a stretch though, "How many of your telepaths have tried, or are even capable of creating an Astral Being? I know Jean is, but I am not sure if she has gone down that path yet. It is a taxing ability at first."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head in both worlds. "I have no idea. The professor, maybe. Miss Frost, maybe. Jean. They're the only ones I really know who have the kind of power you're implying. At least... I *think* they're the only ones I know. That's all that pops into my head at this moment." She pauses. "Nate manifested astral images on our plane. He *might* be able to do it, but his training in his ability is ... sketchy, let's call it. Which may mean Rachel could too." She ponders.
    "So can you actually touch the me that's there?" Kitty asks curiously. She's never had the sense of anyone else in her 'phase' space... and even now, although he's showing her this, she doesn't really *feel* him, per se. Not like that.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
There is a pause, Kitty can feel the shock in her statement about Nate, "Manifesting Astral Images on this Plane?" J'onn asks to confirm he heard right, "That is, terrifying, Katherine. To pull from the Astral Plane, creating something, and giving it substance is immensely powerful. I would be hard pressed to do such a feat."

He brings his thoughts back to her, "I will try." and J'onn reaches out with his Astral Being. He is more a sense of Energy than a Physical Body, and it is possible he could interact with her own Energy. As he moves closer to her, she may feel as if she is approaching a unique Energy Field she has not phased through before, but the sensation is not painful."I wonder if this is the issue you have with Electronics? Some mystics run into similar problems when drawing power from the Astral Plane."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well.... I don't know if that's exactly what he did," Kitty hastens to add. "He ... had a memory of something traumatic in his past, and we could see the 'ghosts' of those memories playing out in front of us. So perhaps I'm not explaining it properly." Although, she thinks -- and it's where he can hear the thought -- it's possible he does have that level of power. She has no idea, truly. It's why she worries about him. The Phoenix Force is not something she understands even a fraction of.
    Bringing her meandering mind back to what they're doing right this moment, Kitty focuses on his movements. Or rather... she blocks out what she sees altogether and focuses on what she's sensing in the phase with her. And then jumps, physically, when he puts a hand 'on' her. Or rather... *through* her, just at the edges. "I can definitely feel ... something. An energy field. It's... almost like ..." She has no real words. "Like feeling an invisible wall. So it feels like if I just walk, I should be able to walk through it."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I am sure either way shows he is quite adept with his capabilities even if he is not well trained." J'onn nods at the further explanation of what Kitty saw during her interactions with Nate, "Jean is quite accomplished, and your Professor Xavier is without compare when it comes to such abilities. I have no doubt he is in very good hands."

J'onn scratches his chin, brow furrowed in thought, as he considers the interactions with Kitty on the Astral Plane. "That you feel resistance is different than normal?" He asks, "Are there other materials or energy fields you have worked with that you felt the same resistance from?" J'onn clarifies his question. His eyes focus on the Astral Energy signatures, and allows Kitty to see the overlay through their shared mental connection, "If there was a way for us to identify internally, for you, the sensations of these different Energy Fields, you may be able to adjust your focus so that your step into those Planes more than the others."

Shadowcat has posed:
Tilting her head, Kitty studies what he's looking at. As she puzzles through her power -- how it feels, what she does with it, how it reacts -- a slight frown furrows her brow. "I... " How does she explain this? "J'onn, even now, I don't really 'feel' you as a resistance. I feel you as present, but..."

To try to illustrate what she means, she moves in the physical plane, her astral version mirroring her movements. Using his perception to gauge distance, she walks through the space that he's sitting in, without warning him. With his physical form not in this world, she doesn't register his presence with her own senses. But from the shared perception, there is a definite resistance.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn considers this for a moment, and nods his head as <That is not necessarily a bad thing. I will bring myself to the Physical Plane, and see if an Astral Entity interacts with your Phased Form differently.> As a ghostly image of J'onn appears on the Physical Plane he will close the mental sharing of senses for her, his voice is still deep but has an odd echo effect to it on the Physical Plane "Let us try the same experiment."

Before she does, J'onn adds "This may be a factor of your focus being on the Physical Plane even though you are connected to other Planes..." Considering this some more, he adds "...I am not sure if you are capable of changing that perception. I may be able to help guide you mentally through it, but then I am unsure if you will be able to accomplish it on your own."

Shadowcat has posed:
As he closes the shared perception, Kitty opens her eyes. Able to see him now, she nods to his explanation, and she says, "I'm not entirely sure I will either. I don't think it really changes how I use what I can do. Although knowing a little more about it is pretty cool." She shakes her hands, because she's a little nervous about this one. Now that she's felt what J'onn felt when she walked through him on the astral, she wonders what this will feel like.

Taking a quick breath, she phases to intangibility again and then repeats her actions, walking through him. This time, however, she can feel the resistance for herself. Her dark eyes go wide as she passes through him -- it's harder than she expected it to be. Slower, as if his person is a more viscous substance than air. As she passes through to the other side of him, she solidifies and wavers on her feet just a bit, gasping in surprise. "Holy crap!"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn also felt a tingle as Kitty passed through him, the process wasn't painful, but definitely unexpected in his Astral Form. Once she has made it through, J'onn tilts his head a little, and asks "Are you ok, Katherin?" concern clear on his features. "From what I could feel, that seems different than our tests on my physical form..." His eyes taking her in, as she steadies herself, "And appears to be different for you as well.."

Once he is sure she is ok, J'onn asks, "I wonder if a mystical barrier you would feeling something similar with?" His mind already working on the different possibilities, "All of my barriers are used via telekinesis so they are strictly physical manifestations. This Astral Form is the sole ability I have that would use energy from the Astral Plane that you could interact with..." He pauses, shaking his head, "...not true. I have an ability, very rare, but the strain allows me to only do it once. I can build an alternate reality within someones mind using the Astral Plane. I do not think it would be something we would want to try though."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I'm okay," Kitty assures him. "Just... surprised. Mystical barriers definitely cause me problems. Certain kinds of spells actually have extra effects on me when I'm phased," she admits. Standing fully upright again, she puts her hands on her hips and walks off the residual sensation of tingling. "There have been shields that have actually repelled me completely when I'm out of phase. Does that help?"

When he offers that other thought, Kitty looks a little leery. "That sounds.... utterly terrifying, actually."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at her comment on the Mayavana, "It is actually something we use when we find our loved ones, and want to build for them an environment where we can share a dream we wish to make a reality..." perhaps there is a slight change to his skin tone, "...it is a very, personal, experience. Most of my people consider..." pausing, a slight frown, "...considered it the greatest of our abilities."

He thinks through what Kitty has told him on her interactions with Magic, "I believe that further gives credence to our hypothesis of your tie to at least the Astra Plane. We may be able to investigate it more to see if with more knowledge you can consciously control that aspect of your Phasing." His Astral Form floats back and forth, hands clasped behind his back, his thoughts moving through the next steps "This other plane or dimension, though, that is also something we should try to identify. I am not a teleporter, but if we had one that could take me to Limbo or identify the energy of this other Plane I may be able to discern your connection similar to how we did the Astral Plane."

Shadowcat has posed:
"That part... I'm afraid I can't really help with. I mean... Illyana isn't at the school right now. And Nightcrawler is the only other teleporter that I really know -- and what he does isn't exactly the kind of teleporting you mean, I don't think." Kitty pauses, as if a thought has suddenly occured to her, though. It's a queer little thought. "J'onn.... would it be possible, if what you're thinking about my power is true...." She hesitates, seeking words. "Could I have, in the year that my powers first manifested, *seen* into another dimension? Like... while I was dreaming or something?" She generally thinks of the astral plane as somewhere telepaths out-of-body travel when they're sleeping, but it's an imperfect understanding of the realm, at best.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"I will see if any of the League knows a teleporter that would be willing to help us." J'onn nods as their options seem limited currently The Astral image disappears, and J'onn's eyes on his physical body open up. He stands smoothly, looking over to Kitty. "We can also try finding a mystic that can manifest similar magical constructs."

J'onn slowly nods his head, "I believe it is entirely possible that before you developed your standard control procedures for your powers that it allowed you to push them to their limits." Tapping his own head, he continues "Martian children, as they begin to learn to use their telepathic abilities, are notorious for putting thoughts into the minds of Adults with some of the strongest minds. Control is learned for their own good, and we practice from the earliest age their talents manifest." His red eyes get a far off look as he adds, "For those telepaths that show skill in psychometry or precognition, it is very common for them to receive their first visions in their dream state. Some believe it is the natural connection with the dreaming mind and the Astral Plane."

Shadowcat has posed:
Pacing a little bit, Kitty admits, "When you showed me there was another tie there... I thought it was Limbo. But... there's another possibility. The Bamfs." She looks up at J'onn. "When I first came to the Mansion, my powers were new. I was afraid of Nightcrawler, and I had dreams about little demon-beings that looked like him. When I got to know him better, I thought they were the cutest things... so I made a little stuffed Bamf as a joke." She smiles a little. "That little guy kept me company for a long time. And then... not too long ago, real live Bamfs showed up at the Mansion on us." She looks pensive. "They're.... cute. Generally mischief-makers but not horribly destructive or mean. Just... cut-ups, you know?" Nibbling at her lower lip, she admits, "Kurt has always teased that they're my fault."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn watches Kitty pace, and listens to her line of thought. He is quiet for some time before he finally responds, "I believe that it is as good a hypothesis as any we have at this point." J'onn creates a mental replay for him and Kitty, the memories that J'onn has collected from their tests so far, and they manifest in the middle of the room. The mental constructs can be viewed from any angle, and J'onn moves around it as he attempts to better understand what they were seeing.

"I also believe it is possible that we do not know all of the connections you may have currently. This connection with the 'Bamfs' could be your first interaction. However, after your time on Limbo, depending on what figure out with your power, you could also have developed a connection with Limbo.." He look back to Kitty, red eyes intense with thought "...You may not be limited to the connections you currently have, but capable of building new connections as your power grows. This could allow you to learn to move through various substances, with varying additional capabilities, that you did not have originally."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I'm.... not sure what other substances there really *are* to pass through," Kitty admits. "I mean.... I can pass through solids up to and including adamantium and vibranium. Liquids. Gases. Although, as I said, gases do have a tendency to cause trouble for me -- when I come solid again, it's like they've clung to me and I absorb them or something. Knockout gas sucks." She rolls her eyes. "Magical barriers and telepathic hits definitely have effects on me... both of which you're suggesting support the hypothesis you're building." She shrugs just a little bit. "I suppose it's possible that my power is actually a dimensional power, I guess... and that somewhere along the way I limited myself. Or... maybe I didn't limit myself at all and what I have is just a really weak kind of dimensional ability. Like something a full teleporter would consider a useless ability in their world or something." She tilts her head. "Does that definition really matter? I know what I can do... I'm willing to experiment and see if I can push it further, if you think it's important. But I don't think I'm really all that powerful, J'onn."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"We could find substances from these other dimensions or planes." J'onn tells Kitty, "we could find you run into different response much like the magical barriers you've already dealt with..." He smiles as he follows that line of thought, "...it would be even better if we determine you have a way of identifying these substances /because/ of your dimensional connections."

"The gas and breathing is still interesting. I feel there is something I am not fully comprehending." She will see a frown of consternation, maybe the first she has seen on the Martian's features, "Something similar again to your problem with electronics." He let's out a sigh, adding it to the list of topics to further investigation.

He looks towards her at the end, shaking his head, "No Katherine, I disagree with you. Power comes from knowledge and application. I believe you will find that you are very capable, and because of your willingness to study and understand you will outperform foes that show powers that are traditionally considered 'stronger'.." he even makes the air quotes with his fingers, "Time, Experience, and Age I think will see your capabilities grow."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks... rather overwhelmed by all that he seems to feel she'll be able to learn about her powers. And she laughs softly. "Electronics, magic, telepathy... they're the biggest threats to me, really. The first two make sense.... and in all honesty, so do electronics, if you think of them from a certain angle. The brain is nothing more than an organic computer, infinitessimally small electrical current firing the neurons. So... perhaps the tie to the astral is close enough to that same kind of electricity that there's bleedover."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Agreed. The Human Brain, in fact, is the most impressive Organic Computer on this Planet." J'onn agrees emphatically, as emphatic as the Martian ever gets at least, "The fact you do not lose your capability to move or think is an interesting point to bring up. It may not be your Phasing, but the tie to these other Planes or Dimensions that cause the Electronics issues?"

Letting out a long sigh, he pauses, and turns back to Kitty "Wait. The 'Bamfs' you spoke of. Have you tried interacting with them while Phased? Or even Nightcrawler? Perhaps a test of him teleporting while you are phased? Either with you, or through you?" He pauses, thinking about this for a moment, "Perhaps while someone with the similar capability to see in the Astral is around? I would gladly work with you both, but I would not push myself into the dynamic at the Mansion."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods slowly. "Uhm..... Nightcrawler has just now figured out that he could teleport only part of a human... or leave part of someone behind during a teleport. It .... I don't think it would be wise to ask him to attempt to teleport with me in phase. I think he would adamantly refuse that request at this time." She smiles a little. "I haven't tried with the bamfs, but they can teleport as well. So one of them might be willing to help me with this." Maybe... they're kind of ornery.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Oh." J'onn states simply at the discover of what Nightcrawler can do, and slowly nods his head in agreemtn "Yes. I believe keeping all of your parts attached is the appropriate state we want to keep you in." Joke? Perhaps, it is always hard to tell with J'onn's dry delivery. "Can you phase objects? Perhaps we can try a stick or something of wood, and see if he has a similar reaction." Taking a deep breath, J'onn adds "The other activity we could work on is attempting to identify, from your perspective, the different energies while you are phasing back and forth."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty didn't realize that they hadn't gotten to that part of her power. "Yes, I can phase objects with me. People, as well. I don't seem to have any trouble with any of that, although... taking people through a solid substance, I always tell them to hold their breath. I kind of assumed that if I had to, they should too." But then, J'onn's suggesting that she doesn't have to, that it's all in her head.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Then there is a gleam in the Martian's eye as Kitty explains how she is capable of phasing other people "Oh, well we have a new set of tests to perform now." J'onn replies back, "We should have you Phase me, and we can see what affects your power has on my physical form. Especially if I take on the same dimensional shift as you do." J'onn reaches his hand out to Kitty, waiting for her to take it, "We will try just phasing me first, and once we are comfortable with it then we can try you Phasing my physical form while I am Astrally projecting."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty eyes the gleaming-eyed Martian. When people get that look, they usually wanna do something a little risky. And sure enough, he says all that, and she just shakes her head and laughs. "All right." She puts her hand into his much larger one.

She doesn't give him warning -- she wants to see if he can tell immediately that it's done. Kitty phases them both into intangible ghosts standing in the room, and she looks up at him. For her, nothing has changed except that they're intangible, but what he sees.... she's honestly intrigued.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Oh, the Martian certainly has a few risky ideas, but seeing as he has been alive a LOOONNNGGG time he is probably more free with his physical self than he is with anyone else's. Perhaps there is more to it, more that even he does not acknowledge, but that would be a conversation for another time.

Once Kitty has shifted them, it does take a moment for J'onn to realize it has happened, and he registers that to the investigation list. Next he exhales, his eyesight moving to find the expelling of air, and he is surprised to find that the molecules exist in the physical plane... which proves that currently breathing is a necessity. Finally, he attempts to change the structure of just his hand, his own version of phasing (which causes his mass to change) and looks to Kitty mentally asking <Can you notice the difference?> and he will slowly lower the mass of his body until she does notice (if at all.)

Shadowcat has posed:
Although he speaks to her mentally, she responds verbally. "Notice what...?" And then she does feel the difference where their hands are joined. He's not quite fully there anymore. And she is perplexed. "You have control over your own molecules to keep them from just floating off," she murmurs thoughtfully. "But if I let go of my contact with you, you should just slip back into tangibility. Or at least... your version of it, so if you're phased within my phase, you'd still be phased in the physical plane." She tilts her head and considers. "It would appear to work the same way with you as it does with anyone else I take with me." She tests out the idea by letting go of him.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
When Kitty lets go of J'onn he does come back into phase from her perspective, but stays phased from his own capabilities. Once he returns to normal, he asks, "Did you notice a difference in how I felt from your power's perspective? I can also increase my mass significantly, but I wanted to try something that would put less strain on you if there is a difference in Mass for your power."

J'onn also shares his test with exhaling and viewing the molecules, the memories something for her to consider, "and it appears that breathing is something that is a requirement. I wonder if that would be changed if your point of view could be shifted from Physical Plane to Astral Plane?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty tilts her head, considering. "I.... don't *think* I noticed it from a power perspective, no. I just noticed that I couldn't feel your hand as much. It didn't -- at lest I don't *think* -- cause a ripple in my power. As far as mass goes... I know that I can actually phase Colossus. He's about the heaviest thing I've ever taken into phase, in his armored form. To me, the person or thing I'm holding is just the same as it always is in the physical plane, we just both move."

And that brings up a half-tangent as well. "But now that you mention that... I'm not sure that we have mass in that state. Well, we do, somehow... but I don't think I can feel any kind of a weight difference. Taking Colossus into phase, I can move both of us through the floor without him having to do anything -- not like when we're solid. I couldn't budge him if I tried." It's a lot to ponder. "I honestly have no idea if there might be a mass or size limit on what I can do."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Hmms..." J'onn rumbles to himself mostly, nodding his head, "..We can test the mass and size limit. I am capable of shifting myself to around the size of skyscrapers, with a similar Mass content given my body structure, but we can test that at another time." Yes, Kitty phasing Godzilla sized J'onn, epic feat indeed!

"But I would not be surprised if we find that once in Phase the normal laws of physics no longer apply. Still makes the breathing concept even more interesting to investigate. We could try us in water, I can make a telekinetic bubble around you, and fitler out anything but oxygen while I stay in the water..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins. "I have to admit... you're asking the kinds of questions I *never* have thought to ask about my own ability. It's kind of cool." There is a hint of fatigue around her eyes, though -- it's a new kind of exercise, and it's taking the same toll that a new workout should take. "You've given me a ton to think about today."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
It doesn't take a telepath to see that Kitty has put in a long day already, so J'onn nods towards the exit, "I was going to have some food. We can take a break, you can eat here if you like, or I can arrange for travel back to the Mansion." J'onn waits for Kitty to start heading towards the training room door before he begins walking, "This is what is nice about an objective observer in training. They sometimes find those questions that we do not think to ask ourselves. You have done a tremendous job today, Katherine. We continue to make amazing progress in understanding your capabilities, and I think we will continue to push the boundaries."