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Latest revision as of 00:12, 17 November 2017

Log 3124
Date of Scene: 12 November 2017
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nixe, Rainmaker

Nixe has posed:
    A cold, dreary rain pitter-patters against metal-framed apartment windows, layering a soft natural soundtrack over the distant street noise below and casting an opaque darkness down from the thick rain clouds overhead, the kind that makes the world stop at the chilly edge of a glass pane far too eager to reflect even the faintest indoor light while shrouding streets, skies, traffic... intruders...
    There's a faint scrape of burnished metal sliding along weathered guides as warmth rushes out the dark and empty living room of apartment 13F, and the sounds of the world suddenly parade across the suite, sharp and close. Night enters silently and quietly shuts the balcony door behind her. This high off the ground there's no passing headlight to catch off the coal-black of her hood or shine contours along the inky darkness of her face mask. The ninja sets down her backpack and only the faintest rustling of wet, silky fabric announces she's undressing. Black is traded for black, then discretely bottled away in a flask for safe-keeping before the tell-tale crinkle of a plastic bag breaks the silence.
    A few seconds later, a faint red glow gropes weakly out around the room, catching hold of couch legs, barstools, and a thin necklace that even in the meager light shows a hint of its golden hue. The young trespasser spends only a moment straightening her hoodie and tucking the jewelery away before taking her little pen light and approaching the master bedroom. Barefoot, she slides more than steps across the floor, moving with the silence of a cat on a nocturnal prowl.

Rainmaker has posed:
    It's a night where Sarah has the apartment to herself pretty much, and because of that, she hasn't thought to close the door to her room. After all, she doesn't have any roommates who are going to come home late and wake her up (Roxy) or who are going to be playing games in the main room (Caitlin). it's a bit cool in the apartment, but not terribly so...enough for jeans to be comfortable but where a short sleeve shirt is still warm enough.

    The bed is occupied, of course. A fall of loose jet black hair, faintly reflecting the small red light as it draws closer, the mussled falling on one side of the pillow, with Sarah herself turned on her side, a bare shoulder just visible, to go with the arm laid over the comforter. An equally bare leg is poked out one side of the sheets, just the foot and lower leg.

    And she's making faint sounds as she shifts in her bed, her brow furrowed, her fingers tightening against the blanket and pillow. "...nnrr...nah..." escapes her lips, her breathing faster.

Nixe has posed:
    In the solitary darkness, there's no difference in the tone of the bedsheets, the bronze-skinned Amerindian hiding within them, or the fair nymph watching from above. Careful to keep the light aimed elsewhere in the room, Nerina trains her eyes on the faint reflections, takes small, measured breaths, and she listens... and listens, and listens...
    The light cuts out and the naiad sinks down below the foot of the bed, tucking out of sight with a last glimpse of the rainmaker from below hanging in her vision. Then the loose edge of a bed sheet rustles as the sneaking flautist crawls underneath the bedframe to really hide.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The silent steps don't draw Sarah from her dreams...or nightmares, as she starts to thrash slightly. "N..no...don't...get...no..." she mumbles, her voice fearful, her breathing more ragged as she kicks out, the comforter starting to slide off the bed as it tumbles down to brush your legs as you slide underneath the bed. The mattress creaks above the hidden nymph as Sarah shifts back and forth. "...p-please, don't...."

Nixe has posed:
    There's no rescue from an angel under Sarah's mattress, but then it's not quite an angel who's listening. Laying still on her back, Nerina sets a hand to the locket at her breast as water begins to leak away and roll across the carpet. Flowing and spreading out, the nymph stretches to the four corners of the bed to check for anything kept in the privacy of her new domain.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There isn't a whole lot under the bed...a misplaced sock and pair of underwear, both clean, that seem to have escaped from the laundry basket during folding. A small wooden box that smells vaguely musty near the head of the bed. But nothing else really other than the carpet.

    Above, you here the whimpers intensify, along with the thrashing, until with a small scream Sarah jerks awake, sitting up. She sits there, her breathing shaky and harsh. A moment later it segues into soft sobs as she breathes in and out, taking deep breathes to calm herself.

Nixe has posed:
    The laundry gets a brush as the furtive nymph's water forms a slender finger to trace along its edge and the box receives a similar caress as living water collects around it and laps inquisitively at its sides.
    Then the curious little pond freezes as Sarah wakes with a start. Slowly, very slowly, the naiad collects herself back into one solid piece and her lips purse into an empathetic frown.
    *Vrrm--Vrrm--Vrrm!* *Ding-a-ding~!... Ding-a-ding~!*
    And then the sorrow and quiet are shattered by the shrill insistence of a phone alarm beneath the rainmaker's bed.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The sounds above you stop as Sarah stills, save for an occasional sniffle, before you hear her shifting over you, the old bedframe creaking and groaning as she slides to the edge. There's a wash of dark hair that falls over the side first, pooling on the floor before Sarah's upside down head here, her eyes reddened and glistening with unshed tears, but her mouth twisted in a frown as she peers underneath for what's making the noise. She looks a bit confused that anything IS making noise under her bed...did someone lose their cellphone when they were sitting on her bed or something?

Nixe has posed:
    The phone alarm blares for a few agonizing seconds before dieing abruptly, muted. In the renewed silence, the quiet rain is barely noticeable and in the darkness underneath Sarah's bed there's... nothing. Her two pieces of forgotten clothes, the wooden box, and an impenetrable wall of darkness.
    ...And several gallons of panicked water flowing as silently as it can out the opposite side of the bed.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Luckily, there's not a whole lot of light under the bed...enough that Sarah, still shaking off her nightmare, doesn't immediately realize what she's looking at, only that their's motion on the other side. But she can feel the water. And rolls over the bed promptly to the other side. "Hey!" she says frowning down at the puddle making a break for it!

Nixe has posed:
    The puddle stops and draws back together, sucking a blonde form back out of the carpet fibers. The nymph's clothes are pulled through the semi-liquid mass only afterwards to take their proper places.
    "Telefono stupido," a familiar voice grumbles in the dark. "Hey Sarah," Nerina adds weakly.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's brow furrows, as she scrubs at her eyes, blinking. "NERINA?!? What...how long..." She looks a mix of confused, embarrassed and angry. "When did you get here? Why were you under my bed!?!" She leans over to flip on the light on her nightstand...which is where Nerina gets enough light to clearly realize that Sarah really doesn't wear anything to bed apparently, which is quite apparent with her having kicked the sheets off and sitting up.

Nixe has posed:
    The peeping nymph waits for Sarah to turn away towards the lamp before rising from her hiding place, flowing up over the edge of the sheets in an unnatural and too-fluid way to be truly called standing or crawling.
    She turns her head away and shields her eyes as the sudden light strikes her features, illuminating the room with loose blonde strands and a familiar grey hoodie that's only gotten about chest-high above the mattress.
    "I was curious - I didn't want to disturb you," she defends as if it were all the excuse she needed. "And I wasn't here long."
    Squinting as her eyes adjust to the new light, Nerina turns back to look at the host she's intruded on. The lamp grants a soft warmth to her sea-blue gaze as it stumbles downwards before reaching Sarah's face.
    "You were having un incubo," she states more than asks.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other girl lean back slightly as you flow back up onto the bed, getting a faint flush at the glance down. It's not like she's embarrassed of how she looks as she is, but on the other hand, it's a bit different when someone is unexpectedly looking you over. Or perhaps it's just that it's Nerina doing it. She frowns more, still looking a bit angry. "You...were curious..." She mmms, then scrubs at her eyes again, sniffling. " Shit, well....I'm guessing an incubo is a nightmare, huh?" At least Nerina's appearance has helped...she's no longer shaking now, distracted away from the evil dreams that had her in their grip.

Nixe has posed:
    "Nightmare," Nerina repeats, trying out the word. There's a rose to the Italian's cheeks as well, but it may be the shock of being caught. "Un brutto sogno, a... bad dream?" She finishes rising to what might be a half-crouch for the short flautist, not lifting herself any higher than Sarah before reaching over and setting a slender hand gently on the other girl's shoulder.
    "It's okay. You're here now," the vagabond assures warmly into the Amerindian's brown eyes.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah takes a deep breath, which does interesting things to certain areas, before reaching up to gather her hair so it's falling neatly over her back, more or less. It seems like it's almost a nervous habit, something you haven't seen from her much before...she looks really unsettled still. She flinches a bit at the touch, pulling away reflexively. She hasn't done -that- before, the few times you've touched. She catches herself, then swallows. "...yeah, I was back there, now I'm back here." she mutters quietly, rubbing her reddened eyes, then looks back at yours. "...sorry, it's...I just...I just need a little bit..." she says quietly. "It's not you."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina's hand jumps back at the flinch as if the jerk had shocked her too, then quietly draws it the rest of the way back out of sight beneath the edge of the mattress. The naiad's eyes can't muster a warmth to match her voice but framed by the haggard bluish wells of her sockets and accented perhaps unflatteringly as a long lamp shadow stretches itself across one slightly-sunken cheek, Nerina offers a stiff grin before rising fully to her modest height and striding smoothly out of the bedroom.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Nerina..." Sarah says, as you reach the door. "It's..." She shifts, then searches for the right words, sensing she's offended. "I...I don't...like being touched by anyone...after those types of nightmares." she says, a little stiffly herself now, avoiding your eyes. "But...but thank you." She gets a slightly shamed look now. "I didn't mean to...I wouldn't mind normally." she stammers a bit, before running out of steam, swallowing. "...sorry..." she whispers quietly.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina might not hear the apology as her blonde hair disappears down the dark hallway. Lonely silence lapses in the bedroom with only the sound of rain against the window for company - then it's joined by the low, melancholy tone of a flute.
    A minor chord paints itself in the dark apartment air as Nerina's grey silhouette comes back into view cradling her plastic instrument against her lips. She glances to the red-eyed girl on the bed as her slender fingers reflexively follow a descending scale.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah blinks, but quiets, just watching uncertainly now as you play. She's...not sure what this means, but it doesn't seem like she's...upset. And the sound is fairly comforting, really. Calming, even, as she watches her play, sitting crosselegged on the bed. Outside the window, the clouds slide away from the moon, letting in a shaft of silvery light that brightens the bedroom slightly.

Nixe has posed:
    Moving to a corner by the window, Nerina sits down and continues to play in the shadow of the pale white moonbeam as it reaches across the room. Her flute summons a soft, tearful piece that rises in small hopeful builds only to fall back into its minor key and wander through a long, slow melody. It's not a piece to draw cheer from, but as the blonde nymph shuts her eyes to focus on her playing, it is an expressive one.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah finds herself sliding to the edge of the bed facing the other girl after a moment, her dark eyes watching now, a shadowed form on the bed, as the moonlight shines down in bands across her legs. She parts her lips, but doesn't say anything, just listening to the quiet piece, though it makes her swallow down the emotions still floating around her from her dream.

Nixe has posed:
    And heedlessly the lone flute continues, treading again and again over the melody line like a lost soul in a maze - trying a little nuance, a different pitch, then brusquely forcing itself away in a sharp and jarring ascent. The nymph's eyes shut tighter as the more fiery edge of her spirit flies out on the instrument's breath and a sad refrain gives way to shock and anger...
    Nerina's face wavers just slightly around her eyelids as her skin there shifts back and forth to water while the last impassioned note echoes in the bedroom. Then one last time the melody returns, quiet and weak in the aftermath before dieing a slow, soft death on a trill and a last step down - never escaping its minor key.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Quiet descends again as the flue stops, the last echos bouncing off the walls. And when Sarah breaks it, parting her lips to speak, it's almost shocking for a moment...her voice quiet. "...your song. Your bad dream?" Those dark eyes stay on Nerina, watching her expression...but for the moment, at least...she seems to have calmed. The faint trembling having vanished during the song.

Nixe has posed:
    The malnourished blonde takes a deep breath before lowering the flute from her lips and opening her eyes to look back up to Sarah. The same cold, dry grin curls across her face like a fallen leaf as she gives a small nod.
    "Yes. When I can't sleep, sometimes I play music or walk."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tilts her head, then pushes herself to her feet, padding over hesistantly, before she sits beside you. "Does that happen a lot?" she says quietly. "I know...I can't sleep, after nightmares. Not for a while, anyway. I have to get up and do something. Exercise usually."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina scoots slightly to the side to give Sarah room beside her in the shadow of the windowsill and her grin relaxes into a small but equally cheerless smile. The dark and sunken way her eyes rest never quite fully alert may answer that. "I eat food and walk," she replies.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah nods slightly, watching your eyes as they shift back and forth, then looks back towards the bed. "...they had me in the cell for...for weeks." she says quietly. "Experiments and...cutting pieces out of me and..." She inhales. "The director told them they could do what they wanted."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina allows silence to lapse at first as she glances down again at the naked Amerindian. "You don't have any scars," she notes.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah nods slightly. "They're mostly on my back. Or were...intrusive." she says neutrally. "Under my scalp too. She didn't want to 'damage' me anywhere where it would be..." She hesistates, getting a vaguely ill look. "...where it might spoil her...fun. She promised that a lot."

Nixe has posed:
    The blonde frowns in empathy and pauses before asking, "May I see them?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah hesistates, then leans towards her, reaching up to touch the side of her head. "Here..." she says, pulling back her hair, showing a faint pink scar running along the side of her head. She twists a bit, showing off more of her back, the neat circular scar punched right over her spine at the back. "Here..." She pauses, then says, her voice neutral again. "The rest were acquiring eggs for testing."

Rainmaker has posed:
Or at least...they didn't leave visible scars. Internal or mental, perhaps.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina watches quietly and sets down her flute, her eyes drinking in the sights with a cool but attentive impassiveness. A fingertip brushes Sarah's skin as she traces the faint ring and her gaze fogs while the naiad loses herself to a memory.
    "It gets better with time - some of it," she reminisces soberly. "For two weeks, I bet everything was still new and sore, but some things get... boring, noioso." Another small smile crosses the world-weary flautist's face now that Sarah's back is presented to her and in the shadowed corner she's afforded a moment of privacy.
    "I think in that one way I had luck; knives, drugs... but I only remember being touched like that a little."
    "I did wake up with someone else's eyes one day," the naiad mentions off-handedly.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other woman squirms at the touch against the scar, but doesn't flinch away this time. She looks back sharply however at the last, straightening up. "...what?" she says slowly. "How....?" She frowns, unsure if you're joking. "I...I don't know. It would have helped if it...if I didn't already prefer girls, but..." She swallows. "...I don't think anything would have made it better."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina takes her time tracing the mark, her finger just a little calloused as it falls into the slight well between Sarah's back muscles. "La chirurgia... Chirurgy?" she explains simply, guessing at the English word. "Doctors with drugs and knives, I do not know the English word. They took us apart and put us back together to learn if body parts carried mutations; some do."
    Dropping her hand to give the Amerindian some peace, the nymph glances back at her flute before belatedly processing a piece of English. "You like girls? Sei una lesbica?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah shifts slightly, her back smooth and muscular under the scar. "And...that worked? The new eyes they...gave you?" she says slowly. "Your eyes aren't originaly your eyes?" She tilts her head, then nods slightly. "Since I was in middle school, pretty much." she says simply. "Didn't exactly make me popular where I grew up."

Nixe has posed:
    "They worked, but they put mine back," Nerina replies laconically as her eyes drift to a long bang that's fallen across her face and the blonde tucks it back into her hood before lapsing into another memory as she stares at her hand.
    Without sparing another look at the Amerindian beside her, Nerina slips a knife from her pocket and casually slides its edge along the side of her palm, opening a long red line.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah stiffens, then slides over reaching to gently rest her hand on your arm. "Hey. Don't do that..." she says, frowning. Her fingers curl lightly against your forearm. "...don't hurt yourself...."

    She inhales, then lets out a breath. "...Please don't."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina looks back when she's touched but slowly lifts her injured hand, which is already beginning to bleed. "It doesn't matter," she assures simply before turning back and lapping at the wound. The naiad's slow licks don't show any signs of pain and her shoulders sink just a little as tension waded inside them is released.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other girl watches quietly. "....does it make it better?" she asks after a moment, watching as you lick at the blood, frowning. She can see the tension leaving her friend's body, but...it's not how she deals with her own issues.

Nixe has posed:
    The wounded nymph swallows the red on her tongue and goes back for a little more before deigning to answer. There's no new vigor or cheer when she looks back up, but as her hand continues to trickle warm lifeblood, Nerina reaches over to cast it in the moonlight. It's a small, bony thing when sprouting from her puffy sweatshirt.
    "Yes. Would you like some?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's lips part, then she says slowly. "No? It wouldn't help..." She's vaguely remembering some of the things she's read about cutting behavior though now. "...you shouldn't need to hurt yourself for it to help..." she adds after a moment, lowering her hand from your cutting arm. "How long have you been doing that?"

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina gives her knife a little flick to fold it closed and slips it back up her sleeve. Painted a pale shade by the light of the window, the pink and reds of her palm dissolve into clear water. The sprite's transparent hand glistens faintly before reforming itself whole, unharmed, and unscarred.
    "As long as I've been free," Nerina replies, then thinks better of it and adds, "Longer." Pulling her arm back, she lets it rest again in her lap and lightly curls her fingers around the body of her flute. "See? No more wound or bleeding; it doesn't matter."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah pauses, watching as the cut vanishes, then looks back to Nerina, leaning on her hands as she tilts her head. "....it still hurts, doesn't it? So I'd say it matters. Even if you can heal it away afterwards. "You always remembering doing this?" she questions after a moment. "I mean...before you were caught?"

Nixe has posed:
    "I started after they caught me," Nerina admits quietly as rests against the bedroom wall. "It helped keep my thoughts away from other things, helps me relax... I don't notice the pain anymore. It doesn't hurt like being kicked. Like other things, that got boring. Do almost anything long enough and it's normal, bearable."
    The blonde girl pauses after sharing her nugget of wisdom and musters a teasing grin as some life returns to her eyes. "Something you don't learn in the first two weeks, Duesetti."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's lips thin at that, mustering a faint curve to her lips. Though it' not funny to think about; it's more a dark humor at this point. "Duesetti?" she asks after a moment, pushing herself up as she starts to pad across the room over to her dresser.

Nixe has posed:
    "Due settimane," Nerina expands as her eyes rise to follow the Amerindian. "Two weeks; that's your fortuna."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The Apache girl opens a drawer, pulling out an oversized t-shirt, then sliding it over her head, tugging it down. It's too cold to go without outside of the covers, after all. She reaches behind her to pull her hair out of the back, letting it fall loosely behind her. "If it hadn't been for Caitlin, I would have been frozen and sent to the main site, so, yes....the only reason they didn't do it immediately is the director wanted to punish me first for escaping her so long."

Nixe has posed:
    The naiad nods as she rocks forward and pushes against the floor, easing herself slowly and reluctantly to her feet. "Lucky," she affirms. "If I could scar, I would have a lot more marks than a little circle."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah tilts her head, then nods solemnly. "...lucky for you." she says, walking back over to sit down again beside you. "Doesn't do anything for scars in here..." she says, tapping her head. "I'm guessing."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina smiles somberly. "No, non lo fa. It doesn't. Sometimes I remember waking up feeling rested and con vigore when I was little. Now I'm happy just to not wake up from hunger or someone pulling on my clothes."
    Pushing herself off the wall, the young blonde hops onto the edge of Sarah's bed and pulls her feet underneath herself, cross-legged again with her plastic flute sticks almost comically far out of her pocket. "Come back to bed and get warm," she suggests, patting the sheets.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah raises a brow, then smiles a bit. "Mmm, well. I did warm it up for you." she says amusedly. Then more seriously. "...and you don't have to worry about hunger or being pulled on here." Her eyes twinkle a little. "I'll just toss something at you from across the room to wake you up if I have to." But she does stand and walks over towards the bed, perching on it.

Nixe has posed:
    "For me?" Nerina echoes, glancing back at the mattress. "It's not that big... and if you have to, I would want to you touch my leg instead," the naiad adds as she blinks hard with a grunt. Then reaching behind her head and squirming in place, she pulls back her hood and lifts her hair out from the confines of her clothes. It's a lengthy affair until the whole blonde river is falling across Sarah's comforter, but the young Italian sighs in relief once it's done.
    "Odio sedersi sui capelli," she grumbles to herself.

Rainmaker has posed:
    "-Much- more comfortable if you're on top of it rather than under it." Sarah notes wryly, then smiles a bit. "But you can have the warm area, if you'd like. You're the guest..." she murmurs softly. She smiles a bit at the hair. "You can pick a side and I can help you get your hair arranged a bit, if you'd like? On top of the comforter, I mean."

Nixe has posed:
    "Verita, verita," Nerina concedes as she bounces a little in place to try out the mattress. It only serves to unravel her hair that much more and leave it falling in all directions. "But it was comfortable underneath," she replies with a little smile back just to be contrary while ignoring the two foot bang that's fallen back across her face. "If you mean a braid, do one that will be comfortable to sleep in."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah considers. "If it's just for sleeping, I could just use some ribbons to tie it off into a lose ponytail? Will hold together well enought o sleep with, and then you can wash it and we can do something more intricate in the morning." she says simply, getting up to walk over and root around in the top drawer of her dresser, then emerges with a variety of colored ribbons as she brings them back over. "Here." She sits down behind you, perching as she starts to gether up the hair, then winds a ribbon around near the top...then another a bit lower...then another below that, all the way to the bottom where she ties a last ribbon in place, leaving a short little puff of hair left. "How's that feel?"

Nixe has posed:
    "Okay," the blonde consents. While Sarah rummages for her ribbons, Nerina bows her head and sweeps her hair back with both hands to help collect it. The naiad fidgets a little as her fine locks are handled and idly fingers the exposed holes of her flute.
    Once the last ribbon is tied, she turns around -- far around to inspect Sarah's handiwork. About an inch of the nymph's neck has turned completely to water, which might be for the best as she's spun herself completely around.
    "Colorato," she smiles before whipping back around and flicking the ponytail back and forth. "Heavy, but not too tight. Grazie."

Rainmaker has posed:
    The other girl smiles faintly. "I thought about it some after last time...this is easier to do. So keep the ribbons too, they're yours to use." she says, patting your leg again. "Now...under the sheets. You look tired...and you always need the sleep..." she says gently. "I'll draw the blinds so you can sleep in tomorrow, okay?"
She gets to her feet, walking over to do just that, taking down the colored towel marking that her roomies are out.

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina smiles wider at the touch to her leg but forces the expression down to a confused frown. "Under the sheets? With you?" she blurts in honest surprise.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah blinks at that, and flushes, looking suprised herself. "With me? No, I...I thought I'd let you have this bed, it's more private. I can go sleep in the main room...." she says, uncertainly. "I mean, you always feel more comfy when you're safe, and I wouldn't want to...to suprise you or...." She trails off, rubbing the back of her neck. "Ah...that's..what you meant, right?"

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina mouths an 'oh' as realization dawns. She smiles back in amusement at the mix-up. "You said you were una lesbica then told me to climb in your bed. It did sound a little strange." Reaching back, the blonde flips her new ponytail over her shoulder and rolls its paintbrush-like end between her fingertips.
    "Can you bring my bag in here first, per favore?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's lips quirk. "...If I was asking you into my bed for that, it would be a lot more obvious why..." she murmurs, still slightly flushed. Though thankfully it's a dark room, so can't be seen really. She then goes walking over to fetch said bag from where you left it, bringing it back to the bed. "Here you go..." she says, setting it on the bed next to you.

Nixe has posed:
    "There isn't much of me to see anyway," Nerina quips in jest before Sarah departs. When the Apache returns she offers a nod in gratitude and moves it to the far side of the bed, towards the window. The nymph pauses as she's bent over the side of the mattress, then looks back at her host.
    "Grazie ancora," she says quietly.

Rainmaker has posed:
    The dark-haired girl nods slightly. "You're welcome. Always." she says simply, then smiles as she tugs the sheets back and pats the matress. "Get comfy then. And sweet dreams to you." She pulls the sheets and covers up over you as you get into place, before stepping back. "If you need anything, I'll be in the next room."

Nixe has posed:
    Nerina tugs at her sweats while still bent over and flows more than pulls herself out of them, seeping easily through the puffy cotton as nothing more than a phantasmal silhouette from the neck down. A tendril that might be the nymph's left arm sucks out her underwear and the young blonde reforms herself dressed for bed with her bra, panties, and ever-present locket once again exposed around her neck.
    Burying herself under the bedsheets, the thin Italian begins to disappear almost immediately in the vastness of the mattress; even rolled onto her side there's no great mountain range that announces her presence. Smiling softly as the fat pillow and warm blankets envelop her, Nerina looks up with long-suffered fatigue fast returning to her eyes.
    "No more incubos tonight," she lectures up to Sarah. "If *you* need something, my flute and I will be here."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah mmmms, then nods slightly. "...deal." she says with a faint smile, a shadow in the darkened room as she pats the top of the comforter roughly over your hip. "Sleep. You need it. I'll get you a good meal in the morning too, and if it keeps raining out, you can just stay here tomorrow. My roommates are gone...there's no one but me here at the moment."
    She pads over towards the door, peering over her shoulder as she pauses in the doorframe. "Good night, Nerina."

Nixe has posed:
    The blonde can't help but smile back, though the expression is similarly hard to see. "Buon giorno, Duesetti," the she calls from the darkened bedroom.

Rainmaker has posed:
    With that, Sarah slips out, closing the door quietly behind her, then sighs a bit, shaking her head. "...not much of her to see...hmmph." she murmurs, shaking her head a bit as she makes her way over to one of the beds, pulling back the sheets to slide underneath. She leaves her shirt on this time...it's cool enough she doesn't want to be freezing for the next fifteen minutes unti lthe bed warms up. She sighs out, frowning thoughfully.

    But....she does feel better now. Enough that she feels she can sleep without the monsters waiting for her.