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Working for the Man. The Iron Man.
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: Stark Tower
Synopsis: Lyssa interviews for a new job with Stark Industries, with Tony and Hermione.
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Breath, Iron Man

Radiance has posed:
This morning, Hermione brought her best friend and room-mate with her to work. She booked herself a meeting with Tony, made sure Lyssa had her resume with her and is bouncing happily in the elevator on their way up. "Wait till you meet him! He's so nice. He's warm and friendly and he is so helpful. I want to tell all those nasty reporters that they don't know him at all. And have you seen how well I land now! I actually land! Like, not with my face! Which is way more heroic looking then me tumbling out of the sky and all over the dirt."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ums.. "Okay." She (well, the adam's apple and shoulders and part of her voice don't totally agree with that, but..) shrugs a bit, somewhat awkward in the unfamiliar space. And yes, Min does actually *land* now, this is true. Min isn't actually as calming of an influence as she thinks she is sometimes, though. So she is looking around at things carefully all the way in, picking out the details of the place. "I'm sure he's a great person. Maybe he can give me some suggestions on wings sometime."

Iron Man has posed:
As the ladies enter the conference room, Tony is already there. He's dresses for work today with a suit jacket over the back of his chair, a cup of something likely caffeinated sitting in front of him. He is talking to no one, really, no one visible anyway. Though those familiar with Tony's technology know that he can have a phone in his glasses, the arm also serving as something akin to a jawbone bluetooth. "No," he says sharply. "No that's -not- what we agreed to. I've been giving him forever and a day. And it's excuse after excuse. Yeah, I'm pissed," he says, his tone sharp, the annoyance in his voice. "No seriously. I can name seven other companies who should be able to provide it. He gets it by the 30th or I'll give all our business to those other seven. He'll be the only one NOT helping provide those chips to Stark industries. Yeah, i'm serious." And he taps his glasses, before turning around to look at the table, his voice carrying the whole time the roommates walk down the hall towards the conference room. So much for that nice and warm and friendly...

Radiance has posed:
Hermione has far too much energy and pep to really be a relaxing person to be around. There is the reason why Tony refers to her as PomPoms, reminding her that she will always be a cheerleader. She smiles to her room-mate and nods. "If anyone can give you advice on your wings, it would be him. Seeing the Iron Man suit up close? It's even more amazing than any of those things on TV show." She pauses when she hears him in the conference room. She looks wary, smiling to Lyssa. "Okay, so he can be a little ... brusque when he's dealing with multi-million dollar deals, but I promise, in person he's a pussycat!" The look of worry on her face is clear. She gets to the door and knocks on it lightly. "Mr. Stark, Sir? I brought my room-mate here so you could meet her? About a job? Remember?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa clicks toward the table, heel-toe in a practiced shimmy in conservative heels, hose, and a black knit sleeveless dress with a tube neck that comes below her knees. Conservative lipstick, mascara and eyeliner, nails freshly done.
On the business dealings, she comments, "No, that's exactly what I expect from a business deal. It's kind of comforting, really."

She stops and smooths her hair briefly with a hand, then crosses her hands in front of her, holding a leather folio and waiting to be allowed inside.

Iron Man has posed:
"Can your roommate manufacture computer chips that could run a small city but can fit into the tip of my finger? If so, they get a job no questions asked," he asks as he looks to Hermione and then back to Lyssa. He gestures to a pair of chairs after coming over to shake hands, "Hi, Tony Stark. Apparently I run this place, or Pepper does." To which a rather mechanical british voice chimes in. <<I would say Miss Potts runs it sir. You run it into the ground, and she rescues it for you...repeatedly.>>

Tony looks up and clears his throat, "Well....Jarvis. We have company. Be nice...or else you'll be the new voice of Speak and Spells across the country." Tony seems to be a bit amused though, and Jarvis was likely reading his vitals and knew he needed an outlet other than the two of you to vent his frustration lest this interview be a quick one.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione smiles at her mentor warmly. She likes Tony. He's like a second father for her. Her New York father, if you will. Not that she would ever tell him that, since that might make him feel old. When asked about the computer chips, Min looks warily at her room-mate and shrugs. Can her best friend do that? She doesn't think so, but you never know these days. "I don't... think so?"

Upon hearing the voice of JARVIS, she waves up to the ceiling. "Hi JARVIS. Met any cute AI's lately?" she asks, teasing the super intelligent AI.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa smiles a bit. "Sir. Jarvis. Pleasure to meet you. I can't manufacture chips, sorry. I don't even know how to read the schematics. Medical journals I can read, but not engineering." She arranges herself and slips into a chair, crossing her legs at the ankle. "And a tiny bit of aeronautics, I guess. Not computer engineering though." She straightens a bit and looks to Tony politely, knowing that she just isn't going to be able to match her roommate's bubbly and pretty.

Iron Man has posed:
Bubbly? Yes. Pretty? Alright, probably a solid yes there too. "Stop encouraging him," he says between the both of you but the computer stays quiet, the AI likely having other things to do and having achieved in its goal of both calming Tony down and having a bit of fun at his expense. "Will you get everyone bottled waters?" He looks to Hermione, asking politely, pointing to the mini fridge in the conference room that is usually stocked with water, LeCroix, and Red Bulls. Looking to Lyssa then he holds out his hand for the resume that was brought, planning to skim it as he says, "Alright then. Sell me. Obviously my adorable front desk girl thinks you are amazing. Convince me why I should let you back into the building."

Radiance has posed:
Sitting herself down between her room-mate and her boss, her eyes ping-pong between the pair of them. Tony requests bottled waters and she is quickly up out of her chair, a quiet, "Right away, Sir," as she fetches them. She turns, holding the bottles up by her chin, giving Tony big puppy-dog eyes when he threatens not to let her room-mate in the building ever again. She's pretty sure he's joking, but what if he isn't? She nervously approaches, placing the bottles in front of both Lyssa and Tony. She then steps back to listen, not wanting to interrupt.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa slides a resume over, followed by a printout of a wiki of collected super sightings of her hero ID. The resume is sadly slim, as expected of someone of her age. "Do you want the job skills, the other skills, or any other background stuff? I wasn't completely sure which job I was going to be interviewing for, so it was a bit interesting trying to prepare. If nothing else, you get the diversity angle."

Iron Man has posed:
"That's easy," he says. "You're interviewing for whatever I think you'll be good at. Or, if I think you're too cocky, you're interviewing for the mailroom and then we see if I decide to promote you out," he says with that grin as he looks over the info slid over with his blueish tinted glasses sitting on his nose, resting on the bridge as he ponders. He skims them, muttering quietly under his breath as he just sort of reads the words on them, saying anything in particular that stands out about her schooling or seeming knowledge or, as you suggested, 'other skills' that may be relevant.

Radiance has posed:
Looking to her room-mate, Hermione has to shrug as Tony talks about the mailroom. As bad as he makes it sound, it would still be a step up from where Lyssa is now. So really, anything better then the mail-room is a bonus. She sips at her water, trying not to bounce excitedly, and flashes a quick thumbs up at her roomie.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa was a high school athlete, moved, and has been working in a gas station at night in a high crime area, under her *old* name. Other than that, she has been doing volunteer work at an LGBT center - security type things basically, probably since she's a jock and a super, but also some community organizing and canvassing and stuff. There's a side note about having more first aid skills than usual, and a bit of paramedic training. That's what can be shown on a resume, anyhow. She waits quietly and lets Tony read.

Iron Man has posed:
Leaning back in his chair, Tony puts his ankle over one knee, resting his hands on top of the calf that's crossed in front of him as he reads about Lyssa and skims through the highlights. "Well...we do have a fueling station here," he says with a grin, the word 'fuel' emphasized and for those who know, planes, helicopters, high tech vehicles, they all come to and from Stark industries and of course there's a place to fuel them, though the fuel may not always be regular gasoline. "How are you with the sciences? You said not engineering but...." it's a fair question. And he turns the resume over, reaching into his pocket to take some notes as he looks back to Lyssa. "Here's a silly question? What do you want to be when you grow up? Heck, what would you like to be doing for work in two or three years?"

Radiance has posed:
Hermione holds her bottle of water like some sort of security blanket. It's possible she's more nervous about this interview then Lyssa is. She chews on her lower lip, trying not to look obvious with her back and forth looks between the two most important people in her life here in New York.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Fair question. I'm good with medical sciences. I've debated things with Hank McCoy before. He was right, of course, but I still thought I had a valid question on the effect of exogenic hormone application on certain power frameworks, and the three other doctors I has asked had no idea what I was talking about. I've thought about doing a few things, and I haven't decided which; I like medical sciences, so far, but I don't know if I will ever be a top contender there. Or it might be that I got used to dealing with doctors and stuff. Negotiating. I don't think that has to be doctors that I am negotiating with. I really just haven't had a chance to put some of these skills to good use yet."

Iron Man has posed:
"Alright," he says. "here's the deal then. Researcher slash lab assistant. You get asked tough questions, you come back and find an answer. While you do that, you go to school. Full time. Yes, you're going to work a job and have a full schedule. You get B's or better, I pay for it. Anything below a B, it comes out of your pay check. If you're that smart, get the proof so that people don't question it. While you do that? You get to hang around with some really smart people and one or two rather perky exciteable types who like to make people feel welcome," he says, looking to Hermione and smiling before he looks back to Lyssa. "Seriously, it won't be an easy gig but anything worth having usually isn't. You up for some hard work?"

Radiance has posed:
She can't help it. It's the cheerleader in her and her team just scored. She lets out a squeal and barely manages to not shake her hands in front of her in joy. She at least has the sense to look apologetic for her outburst and dips her head down to grab at her bottle of water and studiously drink. She grabs her phone, distracting herself with its use while the two talk work and now schooling.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "Yes, sir. Sounds like a plan! Did you want me to do anything else while I am at it?" She thinks a bit. "Also, what's the health benefits looking like right now? Obvious question."

She smiles over at Hermione, then looks back up at Tony.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark grins, amusedly, as he looks to the cheerleader (literally) and then back to Lyssa. "Nope, you're fine. Monday, you'll start. Until then get your paperwork in order. Check in with HR on the way out. Hermione can take care of all that. And don't blow it. That's usually the biggest piece of advice I give people. There are some awesome minds here. You can earn a free education. Prioritize. Stick with it. Make something awesome after you make something awesome out of this opportunity. I don't care if you invent a sweat resistent spandex - just go do something no one else has." And he stands up, shaking Lyssa's hand and then preparing for whatever Hermione may do, which in excitement has ranged from wrapping her arms around him to just standing there shell shocked. It's always a mystery with that one.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione first gets up to give her room-mate a huge hug. "This is so awesome! We can turn that second room into an office like space for your studying so there are no interuptions." She then smiles over at Tony and wraps her arms about him, squeezing perhaps a little too tightly before kissing him on the cheek and letting go. "Thank you, Mr. Stark. I knew you were the right person for her to talk to. Thank you! Thank you!" She then turns back to Lyssa. "This is something that needs to be celebrated. That's it. I'm trying any sort of food you want. Even that raw fish stuff!!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, then gets pulled into a big hug and oofs slightly, hugging back and then straightening her dress. "I have a couple of ideas, but I have never had a chance to look into them. I'll make you something, sir."

She grins at Min's reaction. "Okay. I don't feel like the 'raw fish stuff', though. Maybe some Ethiopian, if we can find it. I saw some and it looked yummy. I'm going to have to sort out my workout schedule now too. Let me know if you need me to work with you on anything."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione lets out a sigh of relief as she is saved from having to eat the raw fish stuff. She looks to her room-mate oddly at the mention of Etheopian food, confused. "I... THere just seems like something wrong about that. And you can always come with me in the mornings to work-out. I'll show you were the employee gym is. I mostly do aerobics when I'm there, because... well, in the morning, I'm kinda at my strongest.