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Latest revision as of 22:42, 20 November 2017

Full of Surprises
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: Hell's Kitchen, New York City
Synopsis: An arrogant Amazon wants to get even with Matt Murdock but instead gets schooled. Artemis intervenes before there is bloodshed.
Cast of Characters: Artemis, Daredevil

Artemis has posed:
    Evening in Hell's Kitchen and the world is winding down for the night. A few bars and restaurants still have quite a lot of patrons but most of the businses are shut down. A few have steel bars or shutters down over tehir store fronts, heralding back to the worst criminal times in the area. The steets only have a few passing cars, mainly taxis shuttling people to the various locales or waiting for someone with a little too much in their system to need a drive home.
    In an alley near Josie's, a figure waits in the darkness. The man had given his name in the park. It was easy enough to find out about the blind lawyer in Hell's Kitchen. She had waited outside his office building then trailed him here. Now with the cover of darkness, when he exits, she will settle the score.

Daredevil has posed:
    The door to Josie's opens and closes with a creaky jangling thump, the old bell on it ringing as it's pushed open and when the tall lawyer steps on through there'll be the sounds from people inside calling out a goodbye to the man. He pauses in the doorway long enough to wave a little awkwardly to them, smiling to himself as he calls back, "See you in the office. Night guys."
    And with that he's rounded back, the tip of his cane clicking upon the cement as he starts to make his way down the sidewalks, footsteps a little slower then normal, even for a fellow without his sight. He does take a moment to reach into his jacket, fingers finding his phone and thumb swiping the screen to life as he moves.

Artemis has posed:
    As he starts down the sidewalk, she waits until just before he passes the alleyway. Then she steps out directly into his path. "You and I have a score to settle, blind man." He may not be able to see the menace but he can certainly hear it in her tone. She is dressed in her training gear, not the full armor since he is a blind man and she wouldn't need that level of protection. The leather top and skirt leave her arms and legs free, flesh bare. A paire of boots cover the lower portion of her legs.
    There is a dagger at her waist but her hands are empty for now. There is also a sword slung across her back.
    "I'm going to beat the shit out of you and leave you to bleed in the alley. Don't worry though. I'm not going to kill you. I want you to remember this for a long, long time."
    She doesn't wait for him to respond, she just swings her right fist at his head.

Daredevil has posed:
    She had been standing downwind of him, there had been no tell-tale scent on the autumn breeze to warn him of the woman. He knew someone was there, however, heard the heartbeat of a woman with a steady and slow pulse that began to race as he approached. So he had known something was happening when she advanced from the shadows, could tell the tension in her form and the malice in her manner.
    When she spoke he frowned, taking a step back and holding up his cane. "Wait. Alala, right?" He moves back a few more steps as she advances, "Didn't your friend have a chance to catch up with you? It was all a..."
    But then she's swinging at him, that fist coming around quickly...
    And no longer does he play at the bumbling blind man who so innocently fell before her. At first the cane /smacks/ hard against her wrist, then bounces off towards her throat in the same movement even as he ducks low, spinning in that same movement as his long leg slices around and through the air striking cleanly at her jaw.

Artemis has posed:
    She wasn't expecting there to be a blcok. Alala's eyes widen in surprise then the cane shifts and is coming for her throat. She shifts backwards, bending to get out of the way of the blow just as he drops back, leg coming up. She is already off balance so she can't recover in time to dodge. Ducking further back will send her to the pavement. Instead, she takes that kick right to the jaw. The sound of his foot meeting her chin is loud but they are just outside a circle of the streetlight so the shadows hide much of what is happening from the few passing cars.
    Her head snaps to the side then she is letting out a roar of frustration as she catches at his leg, trying to grab him and pull him in closer so she can bring her free hand in a punch toward his stomach.

Daredevil has posed:
    That leg is already snapping back, drawing away as he rotates the other direction, the cane snapping open as a chain suddenly separates the two different sections, one end whirling around to /smash/ hard up and to the side of her jaw again as the abrupt nunchaku lashes out in a blur of movement, a staccato fire of several strikes each seeking to take the Amazon down and take her down quickly. And through it all, the blind man is silent, listening intently to the surging heartbeat of this woman who has blood on her mind.

Artemis has posed:
    With his senses, Matt might pick up on another heartbeat in that alleyway. This one is slow and steady, having not changed from the moment the fight began.
    Alala is a good fighter but he got the drop on her. Already off balance, she brings up an arm to try and block the blows. Some get through anyway, as though he can see everything she is doing. The solid impact of nunchaku to jaw has her starting to fall. A follow up to the midriff has her doing her best to get into a defnesive posture but the third blow sends her to the pavement. She rolls away rapidly, shooting back up to her feet and yanking the sword from her back.
    "I was going to let you live. Not anymore." She swings the blade toward him.
    The sword never even gets close as there is a clash of metal on metal, a giant battle axe blocking the blow from descending upon him. Artemis holds the axe easily in her hands, eyes narrowed as she places herself in the battle.
    Alala may be angry but she isn't stupid. She draws back her sword and opens her mouth to speak.
    Artemis interrupts before she has a chance. "Go home. You have crossed the line here. Return to Bana-Mighdall. You will not be returning to the Patriarch world until you learn some control."
    For a moment, the brunette seems to be considering arguing against that order but she look on her Shim'tar's face is enough to have her backing down. She sheaths the sword then turns and walks away without a single word to Matt.
    Artemis turns to face the blind man, arching a brow at the weapon thta his cane turned into. She slings Mistress up over her shoulder, resting her right arm on the handle to help balance it in place. "I'd ask if you are alright but I can see that you are."

Daredevil has posed:
    "And I thought you were going to control your sisters." He says as he lowers the weapon marginally to his side, shifting his stance slightly as he steps back from both of them even as Alala retreats. He turns his head slightly to the side, as if looking after the retreating form of the other Amazon, but then shifts his attention to someplace beyond Artemis and over her shoulder. "I would thank you, but I figure if Bana-Migdall doesn't have words for apologies then they wouldn't have anything for an advanced concept like thanks."
    It's clear he's agitated, angry, his own heartbeat is up and his adrenaline is still flowing. He grimaces a touch and shakes his head, only then reattaching the links of his weapon back into the cane, twisting it with a click and then setting the end down upon the sidewalk.
    "Is this going to become a regular thing? Because I figure if you guys are in New York and think what I said was rude, then things are going to get messy."

Artemis has posed:
    Watching his movements, Artemis waits until his weapons is put away. She shifts the axe on her shoulder slightly and then it is simply gone. Her hand falls to her side as she listens to him rant, actually rolling her eyes slightly. "What is it they call people here? Drama Queen? Is that the right term for how you are acting?" she asks as she tilts her head to the side, letting that ponytail fall over the frotn of her shoulder. "You are not harmed. When I saw her sneaking out of the hotel, I followed. I didn't want to intervene unless I had to. SHe crossed the line. Beating you up is one thing but killing was not." As though that is prefectly normal and logical. "There will be no more trouble with her. Nor Chloe. Both will be leaving tonight for Themyscira."
    She shifts her stance slightly, a hint of a smirk twisting her lips up. "And since we do have the concept of apologies and thanks in my society, I will introduce you to another we practice. You're welcome."

Daredevil has posed:
    A snort comes from him, "Thank you so much for finally picking up the leash you dropped." He says at first with some vitriol but then as the adrenalin starts to wear off he smirks and shakes his head, then lets a small laugh slip from him. In some ways he cannot voice he finds this ironic, amusing. He's used to having people gun for him, coming after him, in one identity or another. But the time he's not expecting it or ready for it from something seemingly so harmless, /then/ he takes umbrage.
    He laughs again then shifts his weight to his cane and tilts his head towards her. "So is this your full time job? Looking after your crazy sisters? Or do you have something else you do during the day?"

Artemis has posed:
    "Job?" Artemis says the word like she is speaking in an unfamiliar language. "Oh, you mean like you. A lawyer or some such. No, I do not have a 'job' as you wuold call it. I am Shim'tar of my people." She hesitates, pursing her lips slightly. Shim'tar is not a word that the people outside Bana-Mighdall would understand. "Think of it as a war leader. I am in charge of the safety and security of my people although I have others who handle the day-to-day. So I suppose the answer is yes, it is my full time job to watch after my sisters. They wished to join me here since I am on a quest but I see now it was a bad idea. They need more time to adjust to the realities of your world before they are loosed upon it again."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Yes, well." Matt frowns to himself as he turns his head slightly, perhaps still following the slowly retreating heartbeat of the woman known as Alala. She's away, at least far enough that this is not some tactic or delaying effort. So his attention turns back towards Artemis. His nostrils flare slightly and he takes a leveling breath as he nods, "In any case. Glad it didn't get any worse." Small blessings and all.
    He steps back and says, "I would love to hear more about what a Shim'tar is, and find out more about your culture. But I'm not sure I would survive the encounter." That said he turns and starts to step away. But he pauses.
    A moment passes then he dares perhaps one last question, "What do they call you? Other than Shim'tar, I mean." His lip quirks and he adds, "I'd like to know who to thank when I'm writing in my diary tonight about all of the fun we've been having."

Artemis has posed:
    The very idea of him putting this in a diary has her snorting. Artemis can't help but smile a bit at the image. "Is it pink and has a little key so your Mommy can't read about the girl you have a crush on?" she teases lightly. She does answer his question though. "The title is only for formal occasions. My name is Artemis."
    She doesn't move to stop him, knowing he would prefer to be on his way and not deal with more Amazons. They haven't given him a very good imrpession. She's not sure that can be fixed either. Kind of hard to get over the trying to kill him thing probably.

Daredevil has posed:
    He lifts his chin, makes a small 'hm' sound, then gives a nod. "Artemis."
    A moment passes and he says it again. "Artemis."
    Then he turns and starts to walk back onto the sidewalk, that cane clicking a bit on the cement as he moves. She'll hear his voice, however, as he says as if to the air and not to her, "Dear Diary, today I met this woman named Artemis. She didn't try to kill me, that's a positive. Her friend did, however. That's a negative. More later."
    She can't see the smile, but she might hear it in his words.