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Latest revision as of 22:47, 20 November 2017

Teleportation Misfire Equals Trouble
Date of Scene: 17 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Blackout finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets nabbed by the Green Lantern.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Blackout has posed:
Somewhere else in the world. The pseudo villain for hire Blackout is leaving a high security wing of a federal building with his prize located within the darkforce backpack strapped to his back. His body is completely covered in darkforce, even his face which appears featurelss. He is fleeing the scene, pursued by security who wield energy blasters. He manages to get to the edge of the security where the teleportation dampers are weakest and he opens a portal. As he does, he's blasted in the left shoulder by the high energy pulse and it spins him around. Dazing him, but not harming due to the armor he wears. He falls backwards through the portal and opens another one instinctively to exit on the other side.

A portal opens within the Museum room of the Hall of Justice. He hits the floor, skids a few feet on his back and lays there thinking he's safe and escaped scott free. Then again. He looks around at the ceiling of the room and quickly realizes he's in the wrong place. He comments, "Oh hell Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan was on Monitor Duty on the Watchtower, the Justice League's satellite when he notices an alarm going off on the monitoring system. Looking down, Hal fronws and says, "Now that is something you don't see ever day." With a flash of willpower, Hal warms up the power ring, and heads for the teleporter.

    There in seconds, Hal sets the controls for the Hall Of Justice, and taps the button. In a flash, Hal is instantly transported 22,300 miles below, into the HoJ. With a quick scan of his surroundings, the teleportation room is now empty. But there are sounds coming from the other room. Hovering off the floor, Hal heads that way, shields up and ready for anything.

Blackout has posed:
Getting to his feet, Blackout checks the straps on his shoulder to ensure that the backpack is still secure and its 10lb weighted electronic object is still within. He takes a moment to assess his surroundings and realizes that its a museum, oh crap, the hall of justice museum. He'll start walking, padding silently in his darkforce boots while looking for something of value.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal hovers into the room, the green glow signalling his otherwise silent approach. Stopping several dozen feet from Blackout, Hal sighs, crosses his arms across his chest, and says, "I should have expected it to be some low life thief breaking in here. You are going to have a hard time finding anything of value. We moved everything to the Satellite for safekeeping."

    Hal smiles, ready to move into action if necessary. As it was, perhaps they could just talk about this without getting into super powered fisticuffs? Yeah, right...

Blackout has posed:
The green hue doesn't go unnoticed and just as it becomes present enough to draw Blackout's attention the hero's words fall upon the dark covered ears. Blackout turns with a start. Slightly crouched, ready for action. His featureless mask peers up to the floating hero in green and he mutters, "Awe hell." But no time is wasted, he realizes that there needs to be distance between him and the hero. So Blackout makes a break for it. Weaving in and out of displays, trying to take away line-of-sight from the green death-ray potential shot.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal is actually surprised by thye villain's reaction, as he tries to make a break for it. That gives the villain a few seconds to get away, before Hal brings his willpower to the fore. Blackout was doing a credible job of dodging, as Hal does not want to destroy anything "intrinsically valuable" in the old building.

    "Figures. I'd get the one villain that decides to run for it, and the Flash isn't around to help me out." Following Blackout, Hal tries to avoid do any damage as well, trying to get a "bead" on BO, but failing.

    "You aren't making this easy on yourself!" Hal says, through gritted teeth as he almost takes down a sword, shield and armor display donated by Wonder Woman. "This will go much easier on you if you just give up. I'll even put a good word in for you with the cops!"

Blackout has posed:
As he runs, a black disk opens in front of Blackout. The disk is a portal. Blackout calls back, "Don't think so, hero!" Then, Blackout leaps through into the darkness.

Then 5 feet behind Hal, another portal opens at a downward angle. Blackout comes sailing through with the intention of getting the drop on Hal. Blackout intentionally wants to grab Hal from behind in the free fall.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Nice try..." Hal concentrates, and using his willpower, tries to grab Blackout with a giant, green oven mitt as he gets close enough...and misses, as the villain disappears! "What the...?"

    Blackout does get the drop on Hal, and grabs him from behind, the force of the impact and the weight and velocity of Blackout, causing Hal to briefly lose control. They both crash into the floor with a resounding, "Crack!"

    Hal grimaces in pain, as he realises that was a shoulder, his right one, and it hurt like hell! That was evident by the reaction on his face. With a push of willpower, Hal attempts to throw Blackout off of him with a wall of green energy, to try and get his bearings.


Blackout has posed:
Just as Blackout was about to entangle Hal with darkforce, he's blasted back. Darkforce tendrils are seen in his wake as he flies back floundering through the air and then impacting with a statue of Superman. Blackout lets out a huge oooof as he impacts with the statue and then with the floor. Once again, slightly dazed like before, so off kilter. Though not out.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Dammit! I just got that shoulder re-set after the Darkseid fiasco. Argh." Hal takes a moment as Blackout seems out of it for a moment, and using his ring, pushes his shoulder back into place with a "POP!" and a growl from Hal.

    Breathing rapidly, Hal stands up straight, and regards Blackout for a moment. "Neat trick with the shadows. Cool power set. Still no match for a power ring. I'll give you one more chance to surrendur. The first one was free. You won't catch me with that trick again. Next one will end up like a boxing match, and I get to bring ut the big gloves."

    With that, two giant, green boxing gloves appear out of thin air. "So, what'll it be? A TKO or a KO?"

Blackout has posed:
Blackout chides, "Damn, that musta hurt." as he gets to his feet. Feeling his own aches and pains and recent shoulder injury (from 10 minutes ago). Blackout watches as Hal settles himself through the pain.

When Blackout is on his feet is when Hal starts talking about boxing. "Seriously dude? You've got to get a new shtick. Cause that is what, 1975?". Blackout knows better than to directly engage a Green Lantern. So the next second will see him leaping to the side where a portal opens and he disappears into it, once again.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Yeah, it hurt. Thanks for noticing." Hal smiles, and adds, "I hope you are doing okay? Looks like you had a tumble. Transport gone wrong I take it? Hate when that happens. It's like, one minute, home free, next in the clutches of the greatest hero of all time."

    "Listening to the hatchet job Blackout does on his gloves, Hal lets them fade, and says, "Hey! What's wrong with the classics? It's not like I'm an architect or artist or something?" Hal says, with a touch of irratation in his voice. "Anyway, why don't you..." Hal blinks, when Blackout disappears, and says, "...dammit! Ring, can you locate him?"

Blackout has posed:
The ring will identify that he's not within range. However, range is debatable when considering pocket dimensions. In fact, the ring will likely alarm when Blackout re-enters the room behind Hal, 20 feet away. But this time, instead of attacking, the room will be flooded in complete and utter darkness. Such that light cannot penetrate. The radius of this darkness is about the size of a city block and will flow through all the halls of Justice up and down (with access).

Blackout will say loudly, "Now it's Dark!" and then start moving to the side. He can see in the darkness. Flashlights or other illumination won't help others to see within it.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Negative Green Lantern. His is undetectable at this time." The power ring informs him, with cold precision.

    Grumbling, Hal narrows his eyes, and concentrates, setting up a kind of "sonar" sense, using tiny electro-magnetic pusles from his ring to the surrounding area. "That should prevent him from sneaking up on me," Hal says with a deep, low voice.

    That was when Blackout appears again, this time with a different trick. "Nice." Hal blinks, trying to see, but being unable to pierce the veil of darkness.

    Behind him was where BO was when he first appeared. "If you're smart, you will not stay there long..." Hal mumbles, and concentrates. "Fool me once..." With a flash of willpower, Hal says, "Sorry trophies!" And with that, he wills a massive tidal wave of energy around him, 360 degrees, in an attempt to knock this villain unconscious. A little better than boxing gloves.

Blackout has posed:
Blackout is running, about to pull another attack. Blackout replies, "I wasn't here on my own accord. But now it's a matter of ego..." Then suddenly: BAM! goes Blackout as he's slammed by the pulse of green energy. Knocked into a wall with such force that he won't remember last week when he wakes up. Laying on the floor, admist the rubble. The would-be thief, Blackout, lays unconscious. Though he remains fully armored by the darkforce.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The "clang, crash, bang" as several statues and artifacts are knocked over reaches Hal's ears, and one more thing, music indeed. Blackout was unconscious. "Nice try." Hal says, as he stands over the villain with a smile. Placing his hands on his hips, he says, "You almost had me there. I'm impressed. I'll add you to my second tier Rogue's Gallery."

    Hal grins, and with a quick scan, makes sure the villain is alright. Wrapping him in emerald tendrils, Hal flies up and out, heading for the nearest precinct with backpack and villain in tow. "Guess I'll have to clean up later...or call the Flash. He's good at cleaning up after the rest of us..."