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Latest revision as of 00:53, 5 December 2017

What Time Do You Call This!
Date of Scene: 19 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Blink

Molly Millions has posed:
It is not just the aftermath of the invasion. St. Molly's seems to have found a whole new galaxy of clients, of the decidedly not human variety. Not that for Molly herself it makes a huge difference aside from the languages she's yelled at in. It's been a busy month, not that she hasn't noticed Blink's absence, but that she's restricted herself to one nag message a day. Her lenses? Absent; casualty of the Darkseid fight. The woman herself watching over an ongoing pit fight at the moment.

Blink has posed:
The final days of the fighting had been touch and go for most of the freedom fighters. Unbeknownst to her friends Clarice had taken a bit of shrapnel to the thigh when she'd been too slow in closing a portal behind some refugees. The resulting shock had been enough to finish off the already exhausted teen. It hadn't helped that the same blast had destroyed her phone - or that she hadn't spoken the language of her carers. All in all it had been a stressful recuperation - but one she couldn't rush for fear of portalling somewhere /really/ bad. Patience. It wasn't the mutant's strongest trait.

So it's with a borrowed oversized tee-shirt, her scuffed and worn boots in one hand and a rather wobbly edge to the portal that Blink arrives into the din just outside the club. Better that than slicing someone up if she tried to turn up inside after all. Clarice takes a slow breath, closing the portal behind her and hitting the intercom to the main entrance at the same time.

Molly Millions has posed:
It's Shadow, well technically Shadow 2.0 that notices first. The ping given its controller a unique tone that has Molly halfway across the bar before Bao has even palmed the door open.

When the door opens she's there to eye Blink with eyes the golden green of a cat before squinting beyond in search of someone to be murdered for Blinks present state even as she moves to usher her in.

"What happened? Where have you been? Are you okay? Let's get you upstairs. Are you hungry?" worried? Her? Never.

Blink has posed:
The purple portaller's mouth opens to answer the first question, only to be forstalled under the torrent of follow ups. Eventually, when she can get a word in edge-wise, she waves the concern away with one hand, the ol' Blase Grin kicking in automatically even as she allows herself to be ushered past the busy bar and into the stairwell to head upstairs.

"I got sloppy is all, bit of shrapnel clipped my thigh." That explains the long bandage, clipped might well have meant slashed for all the medically minded material gives away.

"Was too tired to try getting home, and my phone's toast." That was the frustrating part, all those cool pics of her doing stuff, and that one building falling around her as she blinked through it... A quick glance at her adoptive parent's face makes the girl think twice about whether losing /that/ video was actually a bad thing.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly is content to provide a physical block, listening even as she helps guide the portaller upstairs,"I knew you were... out there," alive,"but really Clarice. I'm going to put a tracker on you for my own peace of mind." Molly grunts, shifting things around to make room. Don't ask about the obviously alien tech grenade on her desk, some things it is best not to know. A gesture is made for Blink to sit even as she asks,"Shower? Or just some clothes for now. I know Conner has been worried about you too."

Blink has posed:
"Really?" Mention of the young superhero has pointed ears pricking, only to be quickly hidden behind an air of non-chanlance that fools neither of them. "I mean, I'm glad he's okay too. And you, I mean, you /are/ okay right Ma?" Her fingers gesture to the eye-region of her own face before breaking into a bright smile. "You've got really pretty eyes y'know? Maybe your next lenses could be clear?" Better to make light of it than admit Molly might be /actually/ wounded.

The talking had all been while the teen makes her way over to a chair, falling into it whilst doing her best to hide the pained wince that crosses her face. She's only partly successful. "I came here first to see you, but I'll go home after to get some proper clothes. Get one of the docs to check the stitches and make sure the bone's setting nic..ly." Crap. She's not meant to reveal that little factoid. Not yet at least.... Moving on! "I mean uh, no Mol's I'm good. I just wanted to uh..." What? Check she was still alive? Let Molly know that Clarice herself wasn't dead? All that, and more besides. "Wanted to check in, y'know? Been missing ya, and that good vodka I know you're hiding." Her grin returns quickly.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes, sweetheart, we'll have to patch in to the monitor so you can call him in a little while." Molly isn't fooled, not in the slightest, though she does shift to go and dig up some more comfortable clothes for Blink to put on,"Nanites." she reminds, though the gesture brings a quiet,"Ah." she's still trying to decide what she might choose to say when there's mention of bone, and oh yes did she notice to judge from the way her eyes narrow.

The clothing is at least tossed her way with a snort before she does go and pull out the vodka,"I can call J'onn. He's already been adapting my synthetic technology for commercial use, I'm sure he would be happy to take a look at your leg and make sure that the bone is properly set. Not to mention that I've been telling him about my daughter who wants to join the League for weeks." at least a vodka is poured, and offered her way.

Blink has posed:
"Hey now... They invited /me/... I'm still not sure I'm ready to go sign up to a place that might try and put themselves above my Brotherhood responsibilities." Not that those responsibilities seemed to amount to much... Since nothing had been given to her since that tantalising suggestion she might be ready for more important missions... The teen's heavy sigh is unexpected, and clearly a surprise to herself as well going by the widening of softly glowing green eyes.

"We've got Docs Mols, I'm already on the mend..." It'd been several weeks after all, the thin bamboo splint hidden under all the bandages was doing the job as far as she could tell. She was even putting a little weight on it now after all.

"Is J'onn the martian guy you were talking about?" A beat, a grin that's far too insinuating for the teen's own good. "Had a tumble with him yet?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh, well, the Bat might be an asshole, but the Martian's good. And you know I like the Imperator, too, what you want to do is up to you." she gives over the vodka even as she adds,"I know, but you're still healing, the people they've been caring for are already healed. You might as well take advantage of the best opportunities." at least, as far as she's concerned. She pours herself a vodka, only to snort at the question,"No. I'll give him points for one of the few aliens not to finish up a tale about being the last survivor of an ancient species with '...and I'm /curious/ about human compatibility'. But you'd no doubt recognize him as the one they call the Manhunter."

Blink has posed:
Blink nods, taking the drink with a small blink of surprise as if it's appearance had somehow not registered on her radar before. Maybe the painkillers were more powerful than she thought. That'd certainly explain why her portal had been so... wobbly.

"I suppose you're right... Just a bit unnerving how shiny their tools are." She grimaces, the idea of new tech doctors apparently not a good one. Yet the same woman will happily charge down a line of armed men. Odd the way the mind works.

"So fill me in!" She comments loudly, moving the conversation away from health in general. "What have you been up to? Who did you beat up before it was over? Any big news I've missed?" Carefully she eases her leg up to rest on a nearby box, her other leg still resting on the floor.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly settles down with her vodka on the edge of the bed,"You're telling me. But, considering he's cloned me a new kidney and eyes that wont technically need lenses to handle transitions... not a complete jerk." she points out, definitely keeping an eye on Blink carefully,"Well..." she begins and pauses,"I... ah... was there when their leader came through, in Metropolis. And with the help of something called the Stardust Collective and J'onn, had a crash course in alien so that I could open a portal to shove him through. So we dumped him into space, which is why there's not been any new portals for a few weeks."

There's a sip of the vodka and she clears her throat,"And then I found out from someone called... ah... Star-Lord? A... Guardian of the Galaxy, apparently? That there's a massive intergalatic bounty out for the guy. Darkseid. Obviously, they're going to take a portion of the reward for their expenses, but the rest of it's going to the people that helped get rid of him."

Blink has posed:
Blink snorts a laugh as the tail comes to an end. "Star Lord? Really? That sounds like some cheesy eighties film." The teen continues to giggle up to the point she takes a sip of the vodka, which is when it turns to a soft cough, once, twice, swallow... Done.

"I'm guessing we're supposed to gloss over the /why/ you needed a new kidney and eyes right?" The knowing look the young woman gives the closest thing she has to family is at once admonishing, and relieved that it wasn't worse than it apparently ended up. "So that's it for now then? He floats about in space, and we don't worry about boom tubes. At least until someone picks him up... I'm guessing vaccuum doesn't kill dicks like that." It's not really a question. Even with the slight hint of hope to it.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a shrug of Molly's shoulders,"Apparently he at least picked it as a child, but still. You know I still don't understand half the names people like to call themselves around here." there's a lopsided smile from her,"But, y'know... he's nice. Doesn't mind a bit of trouble. We almost got arrested in New York until the cop remembered me from the Darkseid fight."

There's the clearing of her throat,"Lucy's nanite's have been keeping the kidney in working order. I had it replaced years ago in Chiba when the original took some shrapnel." why yes, that's a rather pointed look at Blink's leg there,"When my eyes were made, they were the newest thing. Low-light, the lenses helped with some heat vision and made sure that you didn't go blind at sudden light changes... but while back home they... blended in, here I stand out like a sore thumb. The Martians experimented with synthetics before they went into genetic manipulation, so J'onn's cloned an upgrade, essentially, that will provide additional functionality without need for the lenses. One of which got shattered during the fight. Along with the original drone."

Blink has posed:
"Oh Mols..." Blink looks all set to give the older woman 'the talk' about being careful and the like. And then their eyes both go to her leg, the teen revises what she was going to say. "I'm just glad you're okay, that's all that matters in the end right?" Full grin beaming brightly in a 'see, let's be reasonable about this' kinda way.

"I'm glad you're getting some new augs, and that they'll help you fit in. Can't have been easy suddenly not being able to 'blend' anymore." Clarice at least had never been able to blend in the first place, so had never known the lack.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's an amused snort from Molly as she drains the rest of her vodka,"Injury is less of an issue when the medical response is sufficiently advanced. I didn't have nanites back home, but I also didn't die for their lack. It's about... understanding your limits and deciding what is worth the risk. Do I wish you hadn't been hurt? Of course... but I'm not going to grief you over it because you were doing what was necessary in the face of an alien invasion. But now, making sure that you heal properly, and fully, may well affect your ability to do so in future. So shiny or not, you're better off going to someone, mutant, alien.. whatever... that can make you as good as new, and not simply 'good enough'."

A fresh vodka is poured before she grunts,"It's beyond that. Synthetics have a limited lifespan. The nanites can keep them operational, but sweetheart I'm already too old for this shit by my world's standards. So if J'onn can clone organics that will help me maintain that a little longer, I'd be an idiot to say no."