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Latest revision as of 01:21, 5 December 2017

Miss Lewis And The Goth-Larper's Bad Day
Date of Scene: 31 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Miss Moreau, Darcy Lewis

Miss Moreau has posed:
A small, quaint outdoor cafe in the Bronx. A mom and pop affair, with good coffee and hearty sandwiches at reasonable prices with friendly staff. The little cafe is doing brisk business at lunch time. A few men in suits outside have a business meeting, two teenagers laugh as they share stories. Perfectly normal.

Except for one thing. A tall, bald man with tanned skin wearing charcoal three piece suit sits in front of a woman practically drowning in heavy ruffles, ribbons, and dark lipstick. Sipping her coffee, Miss Moreau gets the occasional stare. The outlandish outfit, and the very thuggish looking suited man is an eye catcher.

"You should have heard their cries of joy, Sebastian! Oh, one of them ran up and hugged me! They were so /happy/, and all because of my little pets." Comes the chipper voice laced through with aristocratic airs ruined by the deep Gotham accent littering it.

"That's great Princess. There's no kid in the world that wouldn't like a dog. But you really sure it's okay for us to be visiting children's hospitals here?"

Miss Moreau smiles. "Worried about the authorities? Why, if they try to stop us, we'll simply have the little corgis show their fangs."

Sebastian sighs, and looks to the third companion of this trio of loonies. The reason why people are giving them a wide berth, even moreso than the strangeness. A bird sits on Moreau's shoulder, as large as an eagle but with the body of a crow. It's wings shimmer in the light, rainbow, almost crystalline hues across it's body.

The odd bird watches the street curiously. With two of it's three heads, swiveled about like an owl. NYC, here's your dose of Gothamite for today.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Monday. In the Bronx, means Darcy was sent to check on a thing with a supplier. Rather, there was a supplier that was giving her issues and so she took a company car to go tell the floor manager off IN PERSON. Because when company emails from SHIELD.gov don't work, face to face is the way to go.

Now that that's dealt it, it's time for some food. And that place looks yummy.

Paydays are hte best days, thinks Darcy as she parks, and gets out of the black government vehicle, and walks toward the cafe. in her business attire, she looks like any corporate lacky though her heels are too tall for her to be a true drone.

She double takes at the odd bord, but otherwise makes no comment as she starts past the pair and the menagerie, for the door of the cafe.

Miss Moreau has posed:
Moreau, of course, takes no note of the office-drone like Darcy. Sebastian and her feathery friend however, toss suspicious glances. The government vehicle is enough to make any proper gangster get nervous.

The bird caws toward Darcy. Big bird eyes follow her, before all three heads swivel. Another caw, laced through with the sound of chimes.

The sounds of screeching tires gets the attention of much of the cafe. An SUV comes barreling down the road, slamming on the brakes just as Darcy gets the door open. The big vehicle, one lane over, has the doors opening. Two big, swarthy men in jeans and a dress shirt step out. One of them levels a shotgun and the screams start even before the trigger is pulled. Sebastian is up, flipping the table and shoving Moreau to the ground. BLAM! Blood splatter, and the man lets out a growl of a howl of pain.

"Should've stayed home, you Gotham freaks!" Yells the other man, a smg in his hands that's soon ripping an unsteady path of bullets at the two Gotham gangsters. Unfortunately, his aim is very suspect. Darcy might want to watch for stray lead!

Darcy Lewis has posed:
That caw draws Darcy's gaze. She frowns faintly, before the expression turns into a quirked brow of 'whadufuk you want, bird?'

And then the scream and the tires and BLAM!

Darcy shoves the person who was stepping out of the cafe as she was holding the door open for them BACK inside and then shoves the door closed before she tucks down into a ball with a hand over her head.

"Fuck, man," she grouses as she spies the SMG.

"Oh shit." And Darcy dives for some cover, behind a conveniently flipped table, with owner of said Fluffy-esque bird.

Miss Moreau has posed:
The Darcy-Bird fight of sass and caw doesn't materialize. Mostly due to shooting.

A stray bullet knicks right where Darcy had been a few moments ago, landing near the shot gangster and his ruffley Boss. Sebastian has a wine cork in his mouth, muffling his pained curses as Moreau presses one hand down with a ripped off section of her dress. Despite bullets flying, she has a smile on her face.

"A...aah! What a lively day we're having, hmm?" Offers Moreau to Darcy as if this were a lazy sunday afternoon and not a one sided firefight.

"Yes, yes, head down! Keep small, low target profile. Not even screaming, Miss! How brave!" She praises. Sebastian grouses.

"Oh, hush, Sebastian! Miss? Care to press down on my friend's wound while I...deal with our gentleman callers?" So pleasant. Part of the table shudders at another shotgun blast. It won't last long at this rate. The bullets slacken for a moment.

The two men laugh. "Get out here, Moreau! You're gonna pay for what you did to Charlie!"

Moreau simply giggles. "Going back on deals is horrible business, gentlemen! Lying pigs die as pigs are wont to do!" Moreau's taunt only has Mister SMG firing again.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
When the steampunk LARPer chick greets you in such a calm and unperturbed manner, you don't freak out. Darcy pulls herslef up, leaving the shoes behind, eyeing the situation.

"You've gotta way to deal with those asshats?" Darcy asks as she scoots in near Sebastion and reaches out to take over putting pressure on the wound.

"Cause my sidearm aint gonna do Jach Schitte against a fucking SMG."

Miss Moreau has posed:
When Darcy so easily helps? It gets a thankful smile from the gothic gangster. A finger touches her chin. Sebastian for his part, seems finally to be calming down. Or at least is settling into shock. Either or.

"I live a dangerous life, Miss. My Family bleeds, wounded by these fools that do not see the beast that they rouse with such an unforgivable action! Keep Sebastian alive, and I guarantee your own." Her words lose that airy, cheerful lit, into something almost formal. There's a growl to it, rage flushing her cheeks.

Then, a hand goes to her side-ribbon, and she opens the red book. Flipping through it, she ponders.

"First, we need cover. Ah! Good timing, she must be starving by now!"

A breath. "By my Power and Brand, heed thy Mistress' call! Come forth, Shirahebi!" A shimmer, and shadows filter in just before the table and the front of the cafe. Reality twists for but a moment, and something slithers from the brief darkness. A giant snake erupts into being, it's scales pure white and angled, thick as if they were stone plates. The massive creature coils, bullets bouncing and scorring off. Both women could stand and still find cover behind it. Moreau does, as she runs her hand lovingly down the snake's back.

A loud hiss, and the two assailants pause. "Wh...what!?" The shotgun wielder drops his weapon. It's all the time the snake needs, and it's striking. Chomp. The other man dives out of the way, but Mr. Shotgun is slowly drawn down the snake's gullet, screaming.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Offers MOreau pleasantly as though the giant snake isn't eating someone.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy turns her focus on Sebastian, ost of it anyway. The woman is talking oddly, and then she SUMMONs a giant ass snake.

"The fuck? Okay. Not questioning now. You, do your thing. I"ll keep you boy kicking. Just... don't have any of your critter eat me, Okay?" Darcy's going ot try to ignore the Beetlejuice moment happening out there.

Miss Moreau has posed:
Seeing his partner devoured by a giant snake puts the fight out of the second tough, at least for a few seconds of horrified gaping. He brings up his assault rifle, and starts firing. The more controlled fire is enough that a few of the bullets penetrate. But thus far, it seems to only annoy the snake as it swallows the rest of it's struggling meal.

Moreau sighs. "Shira! Don't be such a glutton in public." Chastizes Moreau. The snake hisses, and spits out a boot.

Sebastian by now has at least calmed down somewhat. His words are a little slurred, that shotgun caught him good. "Heh...makin' a scene again, Princess!" He mutters. Most of the bleeding has lessened, but he'll definitely need a doctor after this.

Moreau ignores her minion and smiles oh-so-pleasantly. "Oh goodness no, I wouldn't do something so vulgar to a new friend! Rejoice, brave one. Not everyone gets to see a master of a craft at work." Her hand touches the giant snake.

Magic laces over the creature, and it shudders. It makes a hacking sound, and should Darcy look? She could see it's insides squirm and move, particularly around the throat. It's coloration becomes more silver, and the heavy plating of scale sheds off.

The smell of soot, and with one more hack, it spits out a burning glob that lands on the assailant. Pitch, spittle, and some sort of fire ignites, and gunfire finally ends. The man screams, covered and flailing in the sticky, burning substance.

Moreau closes her book, and the snake fades away as though it was never there.

"That should settle matters. How is Sebastian doing? I would have the name of my brilliant, brave medic."