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Latest revision as of 14:27, 6 December 2017

Circus People Unite!
Date of Scene: 06 December 2017
Location: Gotham Rooftops
Synopsis: Nightcrawler meets the last remaining Flying Grayson. It's sweet!
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Nightwing, Oracle

Nightcrawler has posed:
     To operate in Gotham, you have to have certain attributes. The first attribute is a good snarl. The second, is you have to be stealthy. The X-man in question is so stealthy, that it is really hard to see his snarl. Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler, is in Gotham tonight, perched next to a gargoyle. His affinity for the darkness is so great that he is cloaked in it, almost impossible to be seen. His lamp-like, golden Amber eyes are muted to the point where they do not glow. He looms over the edge staring downwards at a trio of young men clustered around a fairly new Camaro.
     He confirms the number as the three loud college-age men engage in crude banter and load the car with a few heavy blunt objects. One of the objects is a poorly washed aluminum baseball bat that still has a little bit of blood on it. He cannot let this one go, this one just went a little too far, and Kurt has decided that somebody needs to pay.

Nightwing has posed:
What's the best way to follow up a Wayne Holiday Party, for the likes of Nightwing and Batgirl? You go out on patrol. After some of the shenanigans that happened before, during, and after the party the night out is very welcome to work out some excess energy.

Their patrol takes them through the part of Gotham that has been connected with some of the riots. Batgirl and Nightwing have also worked with some of the snitches in the area to track down known anti-mutant gangs to see what kind of trouble they are up to tonight.

From rooftop to rooftop the silhouettes of two common vigilantes can be seen flying through the air with the greatest of ease. As Nightwing moves from one point to the next he flips, curls, twists, and smiles as this is where he is most comfortable. "Ok, last one said that we might see a couple groups in this neighborhood..." he calls over to Babs "...lets see if the information is worth it."

Oracle has posed:
As she lands on the rooftop just behind him, Batgirl's boots make hardly a sound. She's pretty agile. Firing off the next grappling line, she pauses on the edge of the rooftop. "If I hit the freakin' ground and die trying to flip like that, I'm going to haunt you," she informs her partner in crime-fighting.

Then off the building she launches, swinging toward the line that he's holding just as he departs it. The goal is to catch his line, 15 feet lower than her current altitude, using a series of flips for the momentum to make the catch.

It's a risky maneuver and one might think the two are positively insane to be doing this... until her glove captures the line and slips. And then suddenly the acrobat in the lead moves almost faster than can be tracked, back onto her line, and Batgirl's grip is secured by Nightwing's hand around her wrist while he dangles by nothing more than an ankle wrapped through the jump line.

"Damn it!" carries quite clearly to the unseen watcher on the next rooftop, where they're planning to land. A swing backward and then another forward swing, Batgirl fires off her own line and lands on the rooftop where the watcher sits. "I couldn't make that third rotation!" she scowls back toward her partner. "What am I missing?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The elf takes notice of the soft voices and the graceful figures running over the rooftops. Normally, the woman would have his attention. Tonight though, it is the young man. Not many people move like that. Game recognizes game, or so Kurt heard growing up. He's reminded of a trapeze act from once upon a time, and the circus memory makes him smile. The impetuous mutant makes no motion and takes no action to impede them. In fact, he leaps now, when they are near. If only because his targets below are about to get into the car.

    Kurt leaps off the roof, light playing over him once. his dark fur glistens. Strapped to his back, two swords rest. The hilts glint once in the light. After falling about 10 feet, the mutant spreads his feet, and there is a flash of light and a puff of purple brimstone. #BAMF!# can be heard as air rushes in fill the sudden vacuum. Almost instantly below, about two feet above the head of the young man with a bat, there is an identical puff of brimstone and flash of red light as the dimensional barrier gets ripped again. #BAMF!# It is followed with a grunt, groan, and crunch as two collarbones break. Under the weight of a falling mutant.


    Lifting back up into the air, rebounding off the fall, knees bending as the broken bones absorb the force, the mutant springs over the head of another young man to land behind the back of another of the men. Before the first man even falls to the ground, Nighcrawler has a fist in the second one's kidney. The college aged fellow, this one a ginger, howls in pain.

    "Alice from Mutant Town sends her best wishes." His voice carries, accented as it is, and pitched low to carry. "Oh shit!" Ginger swears. The other remaining one is a blond. He pulls a snub-nose .38 caliber pistol from his pocket. "It's a fuck'n demon!" He sounds near panicked.

Nightwing has posed:
The grab on Babs is done as if it has been practiced thousands of times, the confidence on Nightwing's face shows there was no chance he'd miss, and before he releases her, he says "No falling, no dying, and definitely no haunting..." he shivers while hanging upside down, "...that's just plain freaky."

Reaching up with his other hand, Nightwing says to her from his own backswing, "You keep your head in place, helping keep your center. Use your arms and legs for the momentum. Tuck is incredibly important to help you spin, but also minimizes your profile..." as he snaps his legs forward, he adds "...and remember how you want to finish..."

Just as Kurt leaps from the roof, Nightwing spins through the air.. once... twice.. three.. and then an incredible four times before he lands next to Babs. However, his focus is quickly turned back towards the falling and DISAPPEARING figure that left the roof he just landed on.

"Guess we got work to do..." Nightwing says to Batgirl, and dives backwards and head first off the roof in the direction of the group down below. As the gun is drawn, Nightwing pulls one of his escrima sticks, and fires it off to knock the gun out of the youth's hands, "I'm betting you don't have a permit for that..." His voice can be heard from above, a grappling line snapping out to slow his decent just enough that when he lands the flex in his knees allow him to take no damage from the fall. "...now what's a bunch of bad boys like you doing in a nice..." his eyes glance around, "...not-so-nice place like this?"

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl is off the roof a split second behind Nightwing, batarangs flying, attached to wires that fling themselves around the guy who took the kidney punch. The gun is just a non-issue, as far as the woman seems supremely unconcerned about it.

She lands on the far side of the group, taking a flanking position. They are clearly practiced at these maneuvers. But it's Nightcrawler who has Batgirl's attention. "You're... just a little out of your territory, yeah?" she asks him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The cavalry is welcome, and noticed. In particular all four of those somersaults. On a generous day, with the right conditions, maybe ten people can do a quadruple somersault.


    Fewer still can do it here, in the dark, on a rooftop. It's an impressive feat.

    The Cavalry takes out the remaining two. Nightcrawler stands there for a moment, looking at both of them. "Hallo, Liebchen." His warm voice says to Batgirl, giving the slightest of courtly little bows to her, his tail curling as he does so in a little accent to the bow. A circus bow. A broad finger points at Nightwing as the odd-looking mutant stands. "I remember reading about you. I felt bad for you." The white gloved hand lowers, and as Ginger starts to struggle, delivers a painful, but not damaging punch to the side of the head. Ginger cringes, whimpering. "I lit candles."

    As if remembering the witnesses, he switches languages and puts Batgirl in a weird spot, she almost certainly does not speak the language. In Romani, he says very plainly. <Do you still remember this language? It is hard to practice with. Did they even teach it to you? We mourned the death of some of the greatest artists of their day. You should not show off so much in front of her. Very few of us can do four.> The fuzzy elf gives the fellow acrobat a little nod of respect. In Romani, he continues, <I understand though. She is lovely. Good for you.>

    He lectures the other men, "Normally, I let this stuff go. Stupid is, as stupid does, mein foster mother would tell me." Kurt snarls, "But you beat Alice after she already gave you all her money." His amber eyes glow yellow with an almost evil light. He makes sure to show his teeth as he speaks, his tail lashing in restrained rage as he speaks. "You called her ugly. You took her dignity, along with her money. I should break your faces, so you know what it is like--" He cuts himself off. "Be glad I leave you in better shape than you left her. No more of this." He looks to the Gotham vigilantes. "Sorry to intrude. They hurt one of mein people though. Normally, I am nicht the sort. Vengeance is mein, sayeth the Lord. But they broke her face. She is seventeen. Some things, even I can nicht forgive."

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing gives a nod in greeting to Nightcrawler as well, his eyes are focused on the thugs strewn about the alley, "Huh?" Is his eloquent response to the elf's comments on lighting candles. Nightwing simply nods in response to the Romani language, <Some. It's been awhile.> The rest he tilts his head, obviously out of practice with the language.

As he processes what he just heard from Kurt, he listens to the crimes laid at their feet and frowns slightly as it all starts to make sense on why he is out here in Gotham. When he's done speaking, Nightwing nods his head, "No, we understand better than most. Do you have any evidence about what they did? We can turn it over, and make sure the pay for their crimes."

Oracle has posed:
The charm is not lost on Batgirl -- the X-Men are not unknown to her. She smiles faintly. "Nightcrawler. Very nice to meet you," she says mildly. Her manners are impeccable, even standing here with three jerks incapacitated.

The litany of WHY Nightcrawler is in Gotham has the redhead in the mask scowling ferociously. "Is that right?" she asks, with a certain amount of menace in her tone. "I'm quite sure the Bat will like to deal with *them* personally." Because even if we don't have evidence to stand up in court, the men's reactions to Kurt's recitation pretty much damns them in her eyes. Which means they will definitely be in trouble. She *is*, however, hoping that there's evidence. Sending them to jail is so much fun. She totally ignores the whimpers at the mention of the Bat.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    <It is a pity when your heritage is taken from you.> Nightcrawler looks at the redhead. "I do adore it when mein reputation precedes me." Nightcrawler removes a zip drive from his belt. "Not many security cameras there. They did what they did in front of two though. Do what you want with them. I got what I came for." He tosses the zip drive towards Batgirl. "Liebling?" He warns her. With a nod, #BAMF!# there is a coughing, retching reek of brimstone left in his wake. To the observant though, there is another flash of light up on a ledge.#BAMF!#

    He settles there in invisibility, watching the other two as they work, but remaining. He likely has much to go over with them, and it would be rude to do otherwise. He is many things, but only rarely rude.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing goes about the process of securing the criminals, checking on their injuries (as his standard procedure), and finally removing any additional weapons that they may have on them. For the more seriously injuries he heard, then found on examination, he performs some quick field medicine to make sure the injury will not get any worse. He then uses his mask to call up the authorities so that they can find the illegal weapons, making a copy of the drive, and leaving that copy in easy sight. "Can never be too careful..." He adds to Nightcrawler, and pockets the original drive given to them.

<Yes. Or you don't get a chance to learn all of it...> Nightwing adds in response as Nightcrawler disappears. He looks over to Batgirl, "Well, this night got way more interesting..." glancing around he asks her, "...have time for a talk with our new friend?" a small grin shown on his features, and a grappling hook fired up to the nearest roof to take the conversation to a more private venue.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl catches the tossed drive, not apparently concerned about what they're conversing about.... though she looks curious. She's never heard Dick actually speak Romani before. And she recognize that Romani is what the language must be -- Germanic roots, but definitely not German. More lyrical. She hands him the drive, helps secure the scene, and then shakes her head. "The PD will be thrilled with their new guests," she comments mildly.

Blowing out a slow breath, she grins. "Do let's have that conversation. I have a notion it'll be way more interesting than anything else we might find this evening." She moves in concert with him, their actions practically choreographed. They've worked together too long for it to be otherwise.

As they make it to the rooftops, Batgirl points Nightwing toward the ledge where she saw the flash of light, and they join Nightcrawler up in the shadows among the gargoyles of the town. "I'd say welcome to Gotham, but... seems like that's not exactly a welcome reason to come," she observes as she and Nightwing land easily.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The elf waits for them. He fades into view, but only barely. "Forgive me?" His odd hands gesture at his mostly obscured form. "Is simply easier to be... discrete." Amber eyes blaze to life for a moment. "I like this city. So many places to hide or vanish in. Very easy to teleport in, as well. Nice lines of movement. Maybe I should move mein family to Gotham?" He sniffs, "The Jersey smell almost drowns out the brimstone." He quips.

    He only faintly becomes more visible, offering first Nightwing his hand in a strong clasp, then seeking out Batgirl's so he can leave a kiss against her knuckles. "Do nicht tell mein wife, but I am a little jealous that you have someone you can do this with. Shadowcat und I can do this, but she keeps very busy these days. We are busy hunting down Raven Darkholme, if you see her, or run her down, please let us know? She is the sort of person who gets disappeared by governments once captured. Also, if mutants brought her in, well, maybe things would improve."

    Taking a step back, he crouches, tail tip casually flicking as he all but vanishes once more in the darkness. "She knows who und what you are, ja?" He asks Nightwing. "I would nicht want to reveal your secrets. I am so sorry about what happened. I will see to it that you get instruction, if you want it, in your people's language. I am a foundling, it is nicht so gut that I know more of your own people than you do. I am happy to help as  much, or as little as you might like. I must admit, I have mein fingers in a few pies at the moment." He gives a soft laugh, "Und maybe not as many fingers as I might need, but I also haff a tail, so I can juggle a few language lessons." His respectful tone hastily adds, "Only if you want them, mein herr."

    "Danke shoen for all your help tonight. I try to stay out of Gotham, we understand territory, but the world is changing. Might be gut for all involved to have better communication, even if only through back channels, ja?"

    He has beaten around the bush enough. "Are there questions you need answered, Erm, Nightwing?"

Nightwing has posed:
Chuckling as he nods in agreement, Nightwing follows in the direction that Batgirl points out, and lands on the ledge near Nightcrawler. He walks over to the X-man, giving a nod in greeting that is followed by the friendly handshake, "We've not had a chance to meet before. I'm Nightwing..." Obviously the other parts of their Romani conversation lets Nightwing know that Nightcrawler is familiar with is 'other name' as well.

"If we come across her we will make sure to let you know." Nightwing agrees on the search for Mystique, "She's a pretty high commodity right now." His mask scans the surrounding area, looking for heat signatures of any more unfriendlies that may be in the area that can listen.

"I think I'd like that quite a bit if you've got the time to help..." Nightwing adds, a bit hesitantly at first, but gaining in confidence as he continues the conversation. "...and thank you for the respect to the Family." again ambiguous, but it's obvious he's talking about his Mother and Father to the Elf.

Nightwing glances back to Batgirl before he answers, but will add "I think any help we get in tracking down people like these we will appreciate. Not /all/ the folks in Gotham share the same view, so be careful if you run into someone else..." he adds with a grin.

Oracle has posed:
"Seriously hot commodity," Batgirl replies mildly about Mystique. "Even if she were here, we'd likely never know." She'd shove a hand through her hair, except that it's covered. She contents herself with crossing her arms, her stance comfortable as she watches over the Gotham skyline while they talk.

When she looks back at Nightcrawler, her smile is very faint as she tells Nightwing, "I'm pretty sure he knows exactly what kind of scum we're dealing with over here -- they just don't usually cross the river to make trouble." Shaking her head, she says thoughtfully, "Back channels can sometimes be very helpful."

Pulling a small device from her utility belt that looks almost like the SmartWatches that people have now, she presses several things on the face and holds it out to Kurt. "Attach it to any cell phone. It will scramble the signal and give you two options -- Nightwing's direct line or Oracle's. She's a dispatcher, for if you need help."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "What? People nicht appreciating a blue demonic-looking mutant bounding up the sides of apartment buildings in the dark und periodically teleporting in a haze of brimstone with a laser light show?" Kurt teases. "I am shocked." He gives a playful wink."I appreciate you looking out for me. I assure you, I am always careful. Except when I am nicht."
    His eyes can be hard to read, especially with the 'lights out' as they are now. Regardless, the elf's tone seems to be content enough.

    His tail tip taps the concrete. "I will make arrangements about your lessons, if ther eis a way to contact you?" He fishes in his belt, and provides them with a scrap of paper. It's a twitter account '@Original_BAMF.'
    He takes the device, looking at it. "Guess you did nicht need mein twitter." He quips. "Surprisingly easy to hide out in the open, if you are careful about it."
    The mutant regards them both. "It is gut to see you still using your skills. You got too tall, though, mein herr. I am surprised you can still do that, at your height. The speeds for the rotations are harder to achieve." His grin is quiet, but he adds, "I can give you lessons there. See if we can push you to the more exclusive 5 or 6 rotations club, but might nicht be possible even for you. Unless you can sprout the tail? It helps." He slowly stands. "You should be proud of yourselves. Nicht once did you make me self-conscious. You are a credit to your families." His tone makes it obvious how important the meaning of that 'family' word is. "I will be in communication after we hunt down Mystique. Maybe sooner, but resolving this crisis is the X-Men's first priority. We need to defuse it before Genosha und America come to further blows." His eyes darken. "Mein herr, liebchen." He gives that circus bow again. "Contact me if you need us for anything. I am nicht in charge, but I get to do what I want." He mock dusts off his shirt as it he is just that important, his smile parting his lips. His eyes linger on Nightwing. "Anything. You haff family who has nicht forgotten you. We can look und see if there are any still out there, if if you want, mein herr."

Nightwing has posed:
"Well, even around Gotham that might draw a few curious glances..." Nightwing responds to Kurt's description of him moving around the City. "But, you'd be surprised what this place can get used to." After a moment's pause, he adds "You're likely to catch me in Bludhaven more often than Gotham these days..."

Taking the offered paper with the Twitter account, Nightwing gives Batgirl a grin when she hands over the communication devices, "No way, now we can totally troll each other on Twitter like any good social media friends." Then he offers Nightcrawler a wink, "Once I'm allowed to /have/ a Twitter account!"

Even under the mask it is easy to tell that Nightwing is taken aback by Nightcrawler's praise, "Lots of training, every day, every night, and a lot of bruises... skin and bone." He tells him honestly, "I was working with Batgirl to help her learn some of the finer points. I think we'd both like a chance to work with you, and improve on our techniques." The smile is genuine that Kurt sees from the young man, "It's been a pleasure, and really good to find Family again. Same for me, contact me any time you need help, or just want to talk about travels."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl has remained mostly quiet, letting Nightwing have the lead here -- after all, there's clearly a conversation happening within the conversation, and Kurt's own words have given away that he knows Dick's civilian identity. Which, considering what he's given away about himself, is not exactly a surprise. It causes her some worry, though, and she makes a mental note to go back one more time and make dead certain that his booty is covered digitally. "You are NOT allowed to have a Twitter account," she tells him with a roll of her blue eyes.

Tilting her head at Nightcrawler, Batgirl wants to be amused at his compliment that they're a credit to their families for not making him uncomfortable. But honestly, it didn't occur to her to worry about what he LOOKED like when what she was actually worried about was whether he might actually slice those bad guys -- who are now being picked up by black-and-whites half a block away, if the red lights are an indicator -- in half. The swords looked pretty lethal.

"He tried to teach me the quad," she admits ruefully. "Unfortunately, I have body parts that get in the way." Hips, curves, you know. They all cause DRAG. "I'm never averse to learning new things. All the better to keep my family safe." She smiles slightly at Kurt. "I hope we hear from you soon, Nightcrawler. Be safe on the rooftops out here."