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Revision as of 10:41, 10 December 2017

Randomness! Random chaos everywhere!
Date of Scene: 09 December 2017
Location: Midvale, New Troy
Synopsis: Captain Marvel, the Urban Wolf, and Breath team up to deal with some... very random monsters.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Amarok, Shazam

Breath has posed:
Somewhere in an alley somewhere in town is a forgotten scribble on a wall. Which starts glowing ominously, then sparking. Also unnoticed.

Soon though, the screeming and random mayhem starts. THAT gets noticed.

A group of jumbled up, vaguely humanoid shaped creatures with random colorations and arrangements of limbs and facial features distributed in weird places start walking around the street, gibbering incoherently and zapping things with multicolor energy blasts that turn the things into.. other random things.

Amarok has posed:
High above, on a rooftop like a proper Gothamite, stands the military grade wolfman, (much better name) the figure known as the Urban Wolf. The screams of panic draw his head towards that part of the city, and off he goes, vaulting down into an alley to zip to his destination via grapple gun.

Shazam has posed:
    When the screaming starts, it's either serendipity (or maybe just the Wizard arranging things from the Rock of Eternity), that Billy Batson, the World's Mightiest Mortal is walking along the streets of New Troy to encounter this. The stampede of people make the young reporter for WHIZ Radio do a double take as he sees the weird constructs.

    He checks himself and closes his mouth as he mutters, "Holy moley! That looks like trouble, magical constructs? Here? This looks like a job for..."

    He quickly ducks into an empty alleyway, looks up to the sky and says, "SHAZAM!" Black storm cloud gather almost instantly and a huge bolt of pure magic lighning flashes down, hitting Billy and blinding anyone who may glance in his direction. When the light clears, in his place stands Captain Marvel (DC Version) and he flies up into the air and says, "Golly, first things first, let's get everyone to safety."

    As the creatures threaten people, he first slams his fists into the pavement and yanks up about a 10 foot section of concrete, making a wall to block off those who aren't capable of outrunning the creatures, next he picks up and with the speed of Mercury flies as many of those who are injured to safety, trusting his barricade to keep them at bay long enough for him to finish evacuating everyone so that he can fight without worry about potentially hurting civilians.

Breath has posed:
Breath gets The Call, and since she's actually close by... for once... uncharacteristically, since this isn't her usual beat, goes jetting toward the address listed, with a roaring jet exhaust noise. Into her comm, between bursts of jetting and inhaling, she murmurs into her comm, <Breath responding, be on scene soon.>

The Random Things stumble about. One of them grabs a hapless and too-slow pedestrian and screams a string of random nonsense words at her, and she clutches her head in confusion, trying to stumble away but staggering toward the invaders instead!
Another Random Thing blasts a fire hydrant with a magenta ray, and the fire hydrant turns into a large wooden chair! Which is immediately launched into the air by a fountain of water from the water main.

Amarok has posed:
The Urban Wolf arrives by hopping off a roof, just in time to nearly get a facefull of water-chair(tm), twisting wildly away from it just in time, and barely stopping his would-be-lethal freefall with another grapple shot to a low hanging wall, kicking off it as he arrives and using the momentum to propell himself shoulder first into the hypnosis wielding Cthuloid.

Shazam has posed:
    Uh-oh! It seems that even with all of The World's Mightiest Mortal's abilities there's always ONE person that needs saving! Billy turns just in time to see the explosive arrival of The Urban Wolf and flies down to catch the creature's victim princess-style in his arms.

    He grins at her as he flies up out of range and says to her, "Gosh, you were almost going to end up in a very bad way there ma'am, but don't worry! You're safe now!" He takes her to safety and then narrows his eyes, "Got to do something about this..." He calls down to the Wolf (who he assumes is a hero) "Golly! Thanks for the help!" As he flies down and with the Strength of Hercules, punches one of the creatures into the rest of the group, trying to disable some to even the odds.

Breath has posed:
The Red Random Thing gets knocked over! It lands on its other two limbs and glares with an eye in its.. thigh? Arm? Ew. The two former legs come down into a hulking pose, then it makes a huge swing at the Wolf! telegraphic, easy to avoid, but covering a large area. Then it leans to the side and swings its other.. limb over its body to hook down at the most obvious place to step back to. It starts chattering, "BLUE ONYX LIGHTPOLE THE WHIMSY AARDVARK!", screaming disorientingly at the Wolf!

The Orange Random Thing looks over at the incoming hero, then gets punched into Yellow! Yellow goes tumbling in a somersault of limbs and crashes into a lightpost, waving limbs around randomly. Orange BOUNCES off of Yellow and goes flying back at Captain Marvel even faster! Though not, apparently, with any real control.

Breath comes swooping overhead on glider wings, then looks up and blasts wind down at the scene as she... she? maybe? With that build it could go either way.. brakes herself to circle in to a landing behind one of Captain Marvel's barriers. She fistpumps at Captain Marvel, "Awesome, let's take care of this!"

Amarok has posed:
The Urban Wolf is prone as the swing comes, but easily flips himself up and over the, lets say for sanity's sake, arm, managing a glancing kick in the process, and landing low, but on his feet. As the screaming starts, he shows visible signs of irritation and pain, but quickly reaches up and clicks something on his helmet, seeming markedly better after that. No attention is payed to the real heroes on the scene, as he launches another assault on the monsterous moblin.

Shazam has posed:
    Captain Marvel blinks and then using the Courage of Achilles begins to dodge the strikes of Orange as he surveys what is going on. Out of his peripheral vision, he sees Breath and makes eye contact and a thumbs up as he says, "Oh! Hi! Did you come to help out too! That's so peachy keen!"

    He turns back just in time to see a punch coming his way and barely manages to avoid it! He frowns and flies up out of range and says, "Golly, this isn't going to work, we could fight these things forever this way... Let's try this... SHAZAM!"

    As the lightning comes down, Cap flies out of the way, letting the magic lightning slam down on the creatures, testing to see if Zeus's thunderbolt will do any real damage or if he needs to find some other way to defeat them.

Breath has posed:
The Red Random Thing seems easy enough to beat down with kicks and punches, at least, and even relatively glancing hits on its joints seem to severely cripple it. It screams more gibberish at the Wolf, not that he can hear it through his helmet, then crumples into a pile. Which then flashes multicolored and warped rainbows and shrinks down into an empty soda can.

Orange Random flails at Captain Marvel, bouncing off of walls and buildings faster and faster and swinging at him with powerful, but ultimately completely ineffective swings! It's moving so erratically, the lightning misses it.

Breath nods, "I'm the Breath! I.. eep.." She? jumps as a ray from the Green Random Thing turns the barrier into a giant rubber duck, and responds by crouching in and blowing a blast of wind back into it to launch it into a wall! The Green Random Thing deforms, then rolls back out a bit, and then gets blasted with lightning, along with the Yellow Random Thing as it stands up and gets ready to fight! They explode in rainbow flashes of light, leaving a broken fast food toy and a broken bicycle wheel in their wake.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf pauses and looks at the empty can...Well, one would assume he's looking at it, the eye slit marks on the mask are pointing at it, but without actually seeing his face, who can say? After a moment, he reaches his foot over, and stomps the can flat, before turning to check the rest of the fight for if he can jump in, which he is to late to do so.

Shazam has posed:
    Seeing this unfold, Captain Marvel gets a goofy grin and says, "That's so COOL!" as he stares at the various objects that were once crazy looking creatures. He nods then and says, "Huh, so they were transmogrified objects, looks like we need to find the sorcerer or demonic entity that's doing this... but first... DA DA DA DAH!" And yes, he does sing that heroic ditty.

    He flies down and grabs the arm? Leg? Limb? Of one of the few remaining creatures and begins to spin it, faster, faster, until it's a whirlwind. At the end of a revolution he let's it go, aiming for the rest of them, using the power and momentum behind it to try and get as many of them as possible.

Breath has posed:
Orange Random gets grabbed by a limb in mid attack, then spun and launched back toward the alleyway from whence it came! Blue Random stalks out, all thorns and edges and nasty shapes, and the two get mashed together at high speed, exploding in colors! Sadly, they are too spread out to hit more than one like that. A soda bottle and a trash can lid go flying into the air!

Purple Random Thing launches itself at Wolf.. kind of.. from two or three impossible angles. It's hard to get a good look at, and makes the eyes swim to try to figure out where exactly it IS. But there's a vague impression of a series of swings and sparkling energy of some sort originating from it!

Breath whews. "What the heck? I think they're coming from in that alley somehow? We need to check it out!" Then Magenta Random steps into view and starts flinging lasers, lightning, blasts of fire, and more every which way. Lots of lightning, though. She ducks behind the rubber duck again!

Amarok has posed:
The Urban Wolf stands resolute as the glitch in the matrix attacks him, waiting until it's within inches of hitting him before ducking under, grabbing it's flailing appendages, and diverting it sharply to the ground with a massive crash. No time is wasted and a series of kicks, punches, and knee strikes are hurled at it without mercy.

Shazam has posed:
Captain Marvel glances up at Breath and then gives her a thumbs up once more and says brightly, "On it!"

    He flies into the alley, giving whatever creatures in his way a powerful stiff arm, sending them into whatever immovable object there is nearby, saying, "One side! Coming through!" He lands in the middle of the alleyway and glances around, seeing what's in it.

Breath has posed:
The Purple Random Thing gets demolished easily! They're pretty flimsy once you actually put a hand on them, it seems.. It explodes in colors, leaving behind a bent pizza box.

In the alley is some sort of.. symbol, or glyph, or something, scribbled carelessly on a wall. It glows in weird, impossible colors! It looks like a window to... something jumbled up and glitchy. Tendrils of glitchy random randomness snake out towards random pieces of trash from a knocked over garbage can in the alley... Then the Magenta Random Thing starts throwing lightning bolts at Captain Marvel! And fire bolts! And balls of ice! And glowy lights!

Breath sees an opening, and runs around the duck. "Let's go!"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf finishes beating on the pizza box a few seconds after it becomes a pizza box and turns to join the fight proper. Just in time to narrowly avoid getting his head taken off by a stray bolt of lightning. Remember kids, leave superheroing to the trained professionals, like mentaly unstable assassins. Coming back up from his near meeting with Zeus, the Wolf does what a sane person would do in this situation. No, not run away screaming in terror. He pulls a large gun out and starts firing indiscriminately at the creatures in the alley. Hopefully they react as poorly to supersonic rubber as they do to subsonic fists.

Breath has posed:
They are actually not nearly as vulnerable to things that go bang as their reaction to getting punched and kicked would indicate! Maybe because your fist and shin are bigger? Such a mystery. Still, it doesn't seem to be very able to shoot lightning when it is being bounced about by being blasted by a bullet ballet, so it's not a total waste!

Then Breath swings around the corner and WHOOOSH! blows it back and sends it flying into the side of a dumpster, where it scrambles around with its random limbs, flailing helplessly. She looks over, sucking in a huge breath. "Awesome. Charge?"

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf keeps firing as he advances, completely ignoring Breath's question. This could be because he is an antisocial git, or because he cannot hear her/him/it. You make the call! Advancing is quick when you're a wacko with a gun, and within moments he's in the alley, fist, feet, and gun dancing about in a brutal walts.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy was momentarily frozen as he stares at the glyph and just about gets hit by the lightning. Which would have been bad because lightning would have changed him back to his mortal form. It's why he whistles and then says, "Golly! Gee wilkers, that's some serious magic..."

    He takes a moment to access the Wisdom of Solomon to figure out what the glyph is, and then by extension, how to disable or destroy it. Deciding to start with the most obvious, he rushes at it and then tries to throw a fist at it into the wall where it's placed.

Breath has posed:
The Magenta Random Thing is beaten down and transformed into a flash of light and a half eaten hamburger!
Cap takes a swing at the wall and suddenly yanks his hand back, leaving the wall unscathed! The wall glyph sits quietly, glowing impossible colors and oozing bits of not-here-ness, quietly.
Breathlooks at the wall confusedly. "Uhhh, what the heck? Any ideas? Like, water or something?"

Shazam has posed:
    Captain Marvel pulls his fist back at the last second, just as he was about to hit as the Wisdom of Solomon finally kicked in and told him that it would be a VERY bad idea to hit it. He glances back at Breath and says, "Holy moley, we need to disrupt the glyph. The Wisdom of Solomon says that it's like a badly drawn Gate rune that leads to a realm of magic, but I can't tell what realm that is or what sorcerer drew it."

    With that said, Billy looks up into the sky and calls out, "Lord Zeus! A little help please? I could really use a thunderbolt right about now... SHAZAM!" He directs the magic lightning at the rune, hoping that it'll at the very least stop it from sending new creatures for now.

Breath has posed:
The glyph flashes static and crazy colors for a moment, then flickers out and returns to being just a very strange scribble on the wall. The ink still looks a bit... weird, but it doesn't seem to be DOING anything now, so....

Breath huhs, "...Coolness. Well, that seemed like it worked. Kind of wish Raven was here right now, but I guess we can call her as soon as she gets done with whatever it was she was busy with. So, uh.. Yeah. Awesomeness. Everybody okay?"

Amarok has posed:
The wolf steps over, holstering his gun as he moves to examine the wall, his head tilting slightly in confusion at in the process, not unlike Jason Voorhese. Unlike Jason Voorhese, he actually seems to be examining it, instead of just blankly staring. Same effect, but there is at least something clearly going on in there....Probably.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy takes a breath and then lets it out and says, "I'll be right back..." With that, he heads to where there's a fire hydrant, breaks the cap and then with his foot, directs it at the scribble, hoping it'll wash off.

Breath has posed:
There's already a broken fire hydrant, actually! The water makes the ink run and deform, but it still looks... wrong, so you aren't sure you actually.. fixed anything there. Probably take a lot longer to come back on at least! So there's more time to Mount Doom it, whatever it is!

Breath ews. "Okay, that color is going to give me nightmares, and I don't even know why. Can we please just put up some hazard tape, sweep the place up a little, and call Raven on this in the morning?"

Amarok has posed:
Whilst the Wolf is staring at the marking on the wall, it is suddenly kersplooshled by a now badly damaged fire hydrant. And by proximity, so is the Wolf. He leans back away from the wall, reaches up, and starts wiping his visor off, to little avail. A brief pause, and he starts walking away. The beauty of forgetting to turn your ears back on. Every conversation eludes you entirely.