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Revision as of 20:21, 30 July 2017

Thats So Negasonic
Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: Xavier's Kitchen
Synopsis: Some casual chatting with students and the Home Ec teacher.
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, 858, Rogue, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum is having a quiet day. Not a lot of need for the home ec teacher over the summer. She sometimes has students asking for advice or to have her open up the sewing lab, but other then that, her life is pretty easy. She has decided to do some baking today for the people that remain in the mansion, looking all June Cleaver in black.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
It's a pleasant enough day and Lina's first official one as a student. Now that the conversation with her parents went quite smoothly (thanks to Jean's help), the newly enrolled junior is exploring the mansion further. No longer feeling like a visitor somewhat trespassing, she has come to the kitchen to see what the room has to offer in the way of meals and refreshments.

Upon entering her eyes immediately go to the woman in the room. Smiling broadly, she approaches Tatum and gives a little wave. "Hi there!" She pauses to look around the kitchen, giving a low whistle. "Man, this place is intense. Not only is it huge, but it has /everything/. No wonder people have no problem staying here year-round. Best boarding school ever, am I right?"

Deadzone has posed:
Looking over her shoulder, Tatum smiles to the new student. She's gone full on Gothabilly today, swing dress, high heels, victory rolls. The works. She wears a cute apron, black with cherries all over it. "Hello there," she says as she pulls out the cupcakes from the oven and puts them on the cooling rack. "I had the same reaction when I was new here. It has pretty much everything you could want. Hungry? Need a tour of the kitchen?"

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina's eyes dart to the cupcakes as they're pulled out. "Ohmygosh, I'm going to get so fat here. Ice cream kabobs and cupcakes? Of course I'd love one," she admits with a grin. Today she's dressed in a sky blue blouse and her typical jeans. "And yes, a tour would be lovely. I'd hate to accidentally eat someone's food or put something in the wrong place or, well, you know. Any of those things you can do wrong with a community kitchen. I've never had to deal with that before."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum laughs, pointing to the cupcakes that are already cooled and iced and decorated. "Feel free to help yourself. First rule, if it's left on the island here in the middle? It's free game. Don't leave anything on here you don't want others to eat, or it's your own damn fault. The counters along the walls get used for food prep." She sets in another batch into the oven, closing the door and then starts the water in the sink for the dishes. No dishwasher for this girl, apparently. "Secondly, we have two fridges. This one is for communal food, this one is for private stuff. Put your name on it and the date you put it in the fridge. That way, if you forget about it, at the end of the month, when we clean it out, we know if something needs to be tossed in the bin."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue appears on the patio outside the french doors that lead outside. She's talking on a cell phone and she's smoking a cigarette while wearing some aviator shades and watching some kids play off on one of the sport courts. She doesn't seem to have any idea that there are people in the kitchen behind her. At least, not yet.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina goes ahead and grabs one of the finished cupcakes for herself, biting into it. Her face lights up as she tells Tatum (once she has swallowed, of course), "Oh wow this is delicious. You're really good!" She nods at the explanation about the kitchen and refrigerators. "Okay, cool. That's good to know."

Glancing to the door leading to the dining hall, she asks "How do the meals work? Everyone up at the crack of dawn for breakfast served in the dining room or is it more casual than that? Just curious. I wouldn't want to miss a meal if we're all supposed to be here!" She doubts that's the case, but it pays to ask.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
As if to illustrate the point made by Tatum about stuff left in the island in the middle, Ellie comes in, heads directly towards it without saying hello to anyone, and scans with hawk eyes before she spots a plate with a single chocolate chip cookie. "Score," she announces before snatching the cookie and starting to eat, only then taking a look to notice who is even in the kitchen, and beyond, as she spots Rogue on the patio, and snorts, "she attending flight school now?"

Deadzone has posed:
Seeing Ellie come in and snagging the last cookie, Tatum takes the plate that is now empty and slides it into the sink that has just finished filling with suds. She continues explaining to Lina. "Well, it's a lot more casual right now, with it being summer. Yes, we have classes, but we know you don't want to spend the whole day indoors. So, breakfast tends to be a fend for yourself from the hours of 6 to 8. On the weekend, during the school year, I have my Junior class make a big buffet style breakfast for the students and teachers as part of their marks. But I think it's just going to be me making you guys waffles for the summer."

Looking over to Rogue on the patio, she has a playful smirk on her cherry red lips at Ellie's question. "Well, she can fly. So, maybe they help with the air currents."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stepped back and she put her phone away into her hoodie's pocket, it was hot outside, but she still had to wear a 'god damned' hoodie, even if she was wearing shorts that left her legs bare... she'd tell folks if they touched her legs then they had it coming anyhow.

Opening the kitchen doors, holding the silver handles in either gloved hands... Rogue stopped and her sunglasses covered eyes looked at the three in the kitchen. "Ya'll were talkin' about me, weren'tcha?" She said then. "Oh, snap... cupcakes?!" The doors were left open and the southern gal moved to the counter to grab at one.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina turns as she hears someone else coming into the room, but Ellie makes straight for the food on the island and grabs some. It's probably normal for new students to arrive regularly, so she's not at all surprised when Ellie doesn't bother with introductions. Tatum's explanation of the meal situation earns a nod from Lina. "Oh, okay. Well that's good to know. So you're one of the teachers? Cooking, that's home economics right?"

As she overhears Ellie and Tatum mentioning someone flying, she turns and spots Rogue outside. "Oh, it's Marie," she says to herself softly. "I wonder if I should go say hi. Hmm, but she's on the phone." Rogue solves Lina's dilemma by opening the doors. The accusion of them discussing her causes Lina to blush slightly. "Yes, but only good things," she points out. "We were just discussing how great you are at flying." It's... almost the truth. Close enough, right? She pauses for a minute before venturing "We're not talking about planes here, are we?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Ain't nothing wrong with waffles," Ellie quips as Tatum answers Lina, still not acknowledging the new student directly. She does look back at Rogue and snorts at Tatum's suggestion, "maybe she wants to look good in the 'Danger Zone'." When Rogue asks if people were talking about her, Ellie raises her hand, "that was me doing the talking, mostly because of your aviators, I was wondering if you're going to flight school...teacher lady," she thumbs at Tatum, "says you just be flying though." She continues to work on that last cookie, the fact it's the last one, makes it all the more delicious (scientific fact!). Lina was almost trying to pretty it up, good thing Ellie is here for the truth.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum shrugs over to Rogue. "Well, when you look that damn fine, is it any surprise?" she asks with a playful wink. She starts showing Lina where the breakfast foods are. Cereals, fruits, yogurt, bread. She shows off where the toaster is, the Keurig. And then where the peanut butter and such are kept. "This counter here is our peanut and egg counter. If you have allergies, please don't use it?"

Tatum nods her head, wiping her hands off on her apron. "Yes, sorry. I should have introduced myself. I'm Ms. O'Neal. Home ec. So cooking, sewing, budgetting. I like to think of it more as life skills. Survival in the big city. I also teach things like how to grow your own veggies and herbs in pots, cause who can afford a stand alone home with a garden these days, right?" She's starts holding out her hand and then stops. "Ummm, I'm a null, by the way. I turn off powers. Touching you isn't going to kill you, is it?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to the three of them while she was taking her gloves off and moving to stuff them into the side pocket on her hoodie and she was just all grins. "Firstly, Miss O'Neal... that is why I love ya, cause ya see all the beauty I have t'offe'ah and ya ain't afraid t'tell me about it." She then went to pick up a cupcake. "Also your cooking."

Rogue lifted the cupcake up then and went to take the wrapper thingy off of it. "Secondly... Ah can already fly planes and whirlybirds... so why would Ah even NEED t'go t'flight school." Rogue then looked up and grinned at Ellie. "And lastly..." Marie would then tip her chin up and make a proud/egotistical expression. "Ah don't need no machine t'fly, if I wanna... then I just lift right up inta the sky..."

And with that said, Rogue floated up into the air and silently swept over to sit down on a clear space of marble countertop. She then went to lift her Aviators up and place them on her forehead. "You want a pair, Ellie?" She asked then with a grin.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina pays close attention to where everything is. "Oh, I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. I'm good." As Tatum introduces herself, Lina does so as well. "I'm Lina Whitecroft. I'm a musician. Well, mostly singing. But technically that still counts, right?"

She pointedly eyes Ellie for a minute as the other girl basically derails her whole attempt at making nice. Glancing over at Tatum, she shakes her head at the question. "As far as I know my powers being suppressed wouldn't do any harm to me, no. In fact, that's something I need to work on. Keeping them under control."

She hears Rogue talking about how she can indeed fly planes and other things. "Hrm, I guess I was wrong. We /are/ talking about plan--" She cuts herself short as Rogue levitates for a brief moment before perching on the countertop. "Oh, so I was right. And wrong. I guess I was both."

As Lina speaks, her power begins to take effect. Rogue's attitude towards Ellie gives Lina the impresson that all is good, but she tenses just a little in concern. Paranoid that things might take a turn south, without meaning to her voice begins to do it's thing and suggest to the room that everyone be calm and get along.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate blows Marie a kiss for the compliments and then her brows arch up as she lifts up and sits on one of the counters. She takes a moment to clear her throat, giving Marie a look of amused disapproval and then takes on a tone to impersonate the school's favourite Biology teacher. "Miss Anne-Marie, now that your are nearly a graduate of our fine learning institution, you are looked at as a role model for the others. So if you could refrain from putting your posterior on the eating and cooking surfaces, it would be greatly appreciated." She then flicks her fingers at the woman to show her that she is actually serious in spite of her silly way of showing it.

Taking Lina's hand in hers, Tatum gives it a warm shake and then pulls away to start washing her dishes. "Well, that's why we're all here. To learn how to control and to best utilize our powers. I used to hate mine. And if you like music, you will be happy to know that we have Dazzler here are our main Music teacher, with me doing assistance at times. I was Juilliard trained so I can say for a fact that voices are considered an instrument. What year are you? Who are your room-mates?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is caught off guard by Rogue so nonchalantly suggesting she already knows how to fly planes, "seriously? You're like...what? A year or two older than me at best? No way in hell you had time to finish flight school! Are you even old enough to be eligible?" Ellie frowns, because the way Rogue talks about it with such ease, she suspects it might even somehow be true. She just didn't use the proper tone of voice for that reply to be considered trolling.

When she looks at Rogue give a demonstration of her powers, Ellie snorts, "I could do that..." except if she were to try, there would probably be a hole in the kitchen's ceiling, and the next floor, and actually all the way up to the skies. Yeah, she doesn't have fine control the way Rogue does. She'd loathe to show it, and so just leaves it at her somewhat childish assertion that she could do it too.

When asked if she wants a pair, Ellie turns to look at Rogue and rolls her eyes, "if I wanted to look like some..." and just as she's about to give another biting remark to Rogue, Lina does her voodoo voice thing, and she finds it hard to mouth out something mean. She wants to, but the words stop from being formed. After a slight struggle, Ellie grumbles, "I don't want stupid shades, I'm inside, only dorks wear shades on the inside." Hey, she made it in the end! Even if not up to par.

There's also deduction in play, she more or less got to see what Rogue can do. Even if not all. The teacher said what her schtik was. Ellie knows what she can do, which leaves only one potential suspect to the sudden lame compulsion that took hold of her. This brings Ellie to whirl and glower at Lina, "newbie, you like playing games? How about I get a turn and show you my power, to your face!" Yup, she's not being calm anymore, turns out when something sets her off, her brand of fury is hard to contain. Too bad Lina didn't inquire about her codename first. "I..., I..." she walks threateningly towards Lina, and somehow, still slivers of Lina's affect holds her from outright suckerpunching the girl. "Fuck this, I'm not even hungry," she wraps up her attempt to hurt Lina, as she storms out of the kitchen just as quickly as she came in.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Doesn't take long for a new twits to appear:
<Newbie Gal at XI is a witch. Puts the lame in everything. #BurnTheWitch #VoodooSucks #FML>

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina giggles at Tatum's words to Rogue, but refrains from commenting since it's not really her place to offer thoughts on that matter. Instead, she beams at Tatum and says hastily "Oh my goodness, that's awesome. I didn't know so many people were musically talented here. You're the second or third person I've heard mention something about music." She appears to be quite excited.

That is until Ellie turns on her. "What?" Lina gives her a deer-in-headlights look. As Ellie approaches the newer student, Lina is frozen in place. She's stopped talking for the moment and suddenly realizes what happened. "Oh no," she whispers as she brings her hands up to cover her mouth.

As Ellie storms off, the last thing Lina does is call out to her "I'm so sorry, Ellie, I didn't mean to!" She caught the girl's name from Rogue and uses it in the hopes that it will help. Somehow she gets the impression that's not going to make things any better.

Shuffling her feet, she eyes Tatum and mutters "You should have kept that grip on me a little longer, I suppose. I may as well tell you my voice is kind of suggestive. I think... I think that I just made a very big mistake without meaning to." Suddenly looking very frustrated, Lina whispers "Damn it," under her breath. "My first day here and I'm already... I don't even know, getting on people's nerves. Pissing people off. Something." She lets out a long sigh. "Way to go, Lina."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would shake her head while hearing Ellie storm off and Lina get worried about it. "Don't fret on it, sugahcake." She'd say back to her. "Nega hates all of us." She said very casually while swinging her feet. "I love you, Ellie!" Rogue would shout out into the hallway after her fleeing 'friend'. "She's like the little siste'ah Ah neve'ah had, and neve'ah wanted..."

Deadzone has posed:
Watching as Ellie storms off, Tatum shakes her head. "Don't worry about her. She... what Marie said. She hates everyone. I don`t even think she likes Sapphire and who can hate that poor girl?"