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A lovely Day in the Park
Date of Scene: 19 May 2017
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Rogue is enjoying a nice day at the park, when Captain Marvel finds her to talk about their past!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Rogue has posed:
Senior Classes are out at Xavier's now and because of this Rogue has a lot of free time... Charles had told her not to get a job this summer like she had planned to do... so she was kind of bored. Plus, what happened a few nights ago really rattled her chains... it was a terrifying experience to relive something from the worst night of her life, the night her parents 'died'. To see the man that caused it all? Today is the first day that Rogue has stepped out of her room today, and she did it by flying out the window and then making her way to this park in Salem Center.

Anna-Marie, as of right now, is just laying on her back ontop of her leather bomber jacket, she has her aviator sunglasses on over her eyes and her hands are resting on her stomach over the tshirt she's wearing, with blue jeans on her lower body.

Rogue's got earbuds in her ears and she's listening to some classic rock music, her two-toned hair is just all wildly splayed out beneath her head as she lays there in the park soaking up the sun and enjoying the fine day, meditating almost... in her own way.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
There's another in the park sporting a rather similar type of look, the t-shirt, the jacket, washed up blue jeans, and the finishing touch of the aviator sunglasses. It's uncanny how the two have similar tastes in clothes, though with these two, it might make more sense than most would expect. For the other person in the park is Carol Danvers, she's been on a drinking binge the other night, and she decided to take the day easy. She wasn't proud of last night, but the memories that haunted her, she had no other way to handle them. There wasn't exactly someone she could talk to, especially when keeping her tough as steel front. She's all USAF. No flaws in her, just perfection. She lives in fame or goes down in flame. Nothing can stop the USAF, and so nothing can stop Carol Danvers. True, these days most know her as Captain Marvel, but it's all the same in every aspect of her life. Which is exactly why she hates those moments of where the truth shatters her illusion.

She wouldn't suffer a hangover near any she works with on a regular basis, so the Apple Park in Salem Center, Westchester seemed to make the perfect spot. Secluded, not likely to be inhabited by anyone who truly knows her. Especially hidden by her trusty aviators...but then, then she has to wonder if she's seeing ghosts, phantoms, or the real thing when she sees a familiar young woman chilling out. Either way she starts to slowly approach Rogue, and if Rogue doesn't notice her at first, she may well realize someone is nearby when Carol casts her shadow over Rogue, looking down at her, and while her aviators block her eyes, somehow it 'feels' like that look she's shooting down at Rogue is quite menacing.

Rogue has posed:
Carol probably got her bomber jacket through some legit way... like being apart of a military squadron of fighter pilots or something... Rogue? She stole hers from some guy in Washington who was mean to her in a bar. When he went to go to the bathroom she got up from her table and took his jacket (mostly just to get the wallet that was inside of it), but after she put the jacket on to stay warm, she decided to keep it... ever since. The aviators inside it were just a bonus.

When the shadow fell over her, Rogue could feel it, as well as the person it came from, but her eyes were shut eneath the Aviators so all she did was speak out. "Look, lady... I don't wanna be in you and your husband's creepy basement movies. So stop askin' me okay?"

There's a lot of rich people in Westchester, one of them had approached Rogue when she first got here about a proposition that seemed totally off-the-level.

"There's a highschool down the street from here. I'm sure mosta the girls there are as slooty as they come, so waddle your way down there and ask them!"

Her southern accent was likely just as Carol remembered it, but she was without all the Goth-makeup and clothing now.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol remains standing there, completely silent, but something about her silence is seething. Like the quiet before a storm, like something is about to erupt. One can almost see the red flashes accompanied by jarring music from 'Kill Bill' everytime The Bride looks at someone who abused her.

The voice, the accent, that all served as one heck of a flashback to a nightmare for Carol. That damned girl that Mystique called her secret weapon. At first Carol was careful not to hurt the poor child doing Mystique's bidding, only to realize too late that she was overmatched in that specific fight. It was the first time in her life Carol felt helpless. The first time that no matter how hard she struggled, it wasn't enough. At one point she even stooped as low as to beg Rogue to let go, and she still wouldn't and then all got dark.

Standing here over that girl now...Carol is tempted to see just how much charge she has in her for a devastation photonic blast, and yet, wouldn't that be tantamount to what Rogue did to her? It's cowardly to wipe out a life when the opponent has no chance to defend themselves. So while she toys with the thought of hurting Rogue, she just snaps, "did you finally learn to let go...? Or is it still.../don't let go Rogue, whatever happens, don't let go/..." yes she heard Mystique's talking in Rogue's earpiece during that night, and she mimics the intonation of that harsh command pretty well. The voice is still ringing in her head to this day.

Rogue has posed:
Marie had assumed that her words would be enough to get the person to leave her alone, but when it didn't happen and then she heard a voice slightly muffled by the music in her ears... Rogue reached up a bare hand (her gloves were laying on her chest rolled up together) up to her left ear and she puleld an earbud out. "Say what?" She asked the person blocking out the sun.

Rogue's left hand then lifted her aviators up and she eyeballed Carol... It took a lingering amount of passing seconds to tick off of existenace before Rogue quietly said aloud then. "Shit."

The aviators were placed back down onto the bridge of her nose and Rogue satup on her elbows (her gloves rolled down to her waistline). "Uh... you're... here... t'kill me... right?" She asked with a heavy exhale. "Figures." She added, after this past weekend.

On Rogue's right ring finger she was wearing a fancy engagement ring, which might stand out to Carol's eyes. "Ah deserve it though. And well... I don't care anymore. So, just go ahead and do it."

Rogue laid back down on the jacket and went to put the earbud back in her ear. If she was going to die today, she wanted to die to some sweet tunes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol has a perfected manner of intimdation in how she looms over Rogue and stares her down her own aviators, somehow managing to project a menacing look while her eyes are hidden by sunglasses. Perhaps it's her posture, which years as a high ranking officer perfected into quite imposing. "Yes." She agrees with the first exclamation to escape Rogue's lips, "shit is right."

"Isn't that what you wanted for me...?" Carol asks when Rogue checks if she came to kill her. "I guess you can tell Mystique she can stop sleeping soundly at night...I'm still alive, and I may just decide to kick her ass." Doesn't sound like a direct threat towards Rogue at least, "you take that earbud out, we're not done yet..." she delivers an intentionally weak kick at Rogue's thigh, meaning to get her attention. "If you get that you deserve it, and don't care, then why did you even do it? What did Mystique promise you? Money? Drugs?" Not much else Carol can think Mystique might use to bribe a teenager. "I want to know what my life was worth to you!" It's not so much that she raises her voice, as much as she speaks with powerful deliberation.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue felt the kick to her thigh and she grumbled a little... she had her own temper afterall... but she knew this wasn't the right place to use (most likely). She reached pup and took the earbuds out of her ears and let them dangle down around her collarbone. She had her eyes still shut behind her own Aviators though and she shook her head at Carol's words.

"Ah... don't DO drugs...." She said in her thick and sultry southern tones. "And Ah... don't HAVE any money..." She added, answering the woman's questions.

A second later and Rogue setup on her elbows again, her eyes opened and she looked up at Carol. "Raven said she was my new mothe'ah. She made me believe that Ah was loved by someone and she told me that someone as powerful as you, couldn't eve'ah end up as bad off as you ended up. That you'd 'bounce right back' from it and Ah'd have your strength'n such for a longah period'a time."

Rogue pursed her lips together then and she glanced down at her feet where she was laying on the grass. "Ah didn't know it would turn out like it did... But afte'ah it all happened, I skipped out on Raven and her crew... Realized that they were a buncha assholes, so Ah left'em. Family, is all Ah wanted. And Ah didn't get it. So, whatevs."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'm not asking you for money, I'm asking WHAT. DID. MYSTIQUE. OFFER?" Carol seems to be gradually starting to have little cracks in her own cool. Did she mention she went out drinking the other night? Probably not, better not to discuss painful things. But when it does happen, her judgement tends to be a bit off the following day. Like right now, when she's starting to allow herself to get real angry, as she reaches for her aviators and takes them off her face, slipping them into the pocket of her jacket, as she sets her furious blue eyes on Rogue. Maybe it was better with the aviators on.

When Rogue does talk, Carol cringes, "that demented woman...you took everything from me, you know that? Everything." She doesn't get into elaborate details because she can feel the anger flowing in her veins, she's scared she might do something she'll regret to this girl. Because if she just spoke the truth, she could have just been an idiot lead astray by Mystique, that woman was a pro at manipulations after all. "For family...huh? Family." Carol is starting to vibrate a little, a bit of a glow starts to flare about her body and hair, when she finally turns to take a few steps next to a near by tree and just throws a fist right through it's trunk. Literally punching a hole in the tree. The tree didn't do anything, but it was better than punching Rogue, even if the girl could probably take it. "I hate families. Mine sucked. Yours sucked more." Yeah, that's a bit of alcohol talking, mixed with everything else. At least she summoned enough sense to avoid starting an outright fight with Rogue. "So what are you up to these days? Not stealing lives anymore?" She pauses after the abrasive question, and snaps, "if anything, I'm glad you're not doing Mystique's handiwork for her anymore...at least there's that."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue satup when the woman punched that poor tree. She watched as she puleld her fist out of the wood and looked up at the tree to see it leaning over a little more now in that direction, surprised it hadn't fallen right over...

Rogue's hands went up to remove her own Aviators then and she laid them down in her lap. "No." She said back to the woman. "Ah had a great family... but they died... they left me!" She said back in a louder tone of voice, but she dialed it back after that (her own recent days being quite tumultuous).

"Ah was a kid who didn't understand how her mutation worked. Ah'd been lied too and manipulated inta being a tool for Raven and her army. They wanna kill everyone who's not a mutant, you included. Ah thought Ah was makin' a name for myself in honor of mutant rights. But all Ah was doin' was becoming a monste'ah. Like Raven. So Ah quit. And ran away from her!"

Rogue pulled her feet up closer to her, her knees up in the air. She nodded to the east. "Ah'm goin' t'school at Charles Xavier's place now... He's helpin' me be a bette'ah person. Ah lived on the streets for two years afte'ah what Ah did t'you... till, he took me in. When he did, Ah was... barely even able to think straight. All the minds that Ah'd aborbed, were fightin' for control'a my head. Ah was losin' myself, close to suicide."

Rogue looked down at her gloves that were laying in the grass beside her. "Ah'm sorry." She said it in a very pathetic voice and shrugged her shoulders inside of her tshirt. "Ah am a monste'ah, dealin' with it every day."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Have they...?" Carol snorts, "dying isn't leaving...it happens, very rarely is it a choice." Turning to face Rogue once again, now that she's calmed herself by letting out aggravation on the tree, Carol snorts, "Mystique is welcome to meet me one on one next time, instead of sending kids, she's a coward." Well, to be fair, Mystique would have to be out of her mind to try and face Ms. Marvel on her own back in the day. What she choose to do was the correct tactic, even Carol would acknowledge that if she were more level headed. "She's bonkers. One day she'll bite on more than she can chew, I hope it breaks her teeth."

It's the mention of Xavier that surprises Carol, as she stands still for a moment, giving Rogue a look over. "That so...? Did he approach you or you him?" Carol asks, as if it really mattered. "You take the powers, you also take the pain..." Carol notes with complete emotional detachment. It only then dawns on her the sort of nightmares Rogue might have experienced herself, as a child, "after I recovered...I lost my memories for a while. Did you get them?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened and sat there, curled up on the grass with her bare hands holding onto her ankles and rumpling the denim fabric of her jeans around her lower legs. "Mystique is a trained kille'ah. She's not gonna do nothin' honorable... she's only gonna do what she's trained t'do... Find weaknesses, an' exploit them... t'kill whomeve'ah is in her way." This was all just said in hopes of making Carol know that Raven will never meet her for a 'one on one' face-off, because that'd ensure Mystique would lose.

Rogue then nodded her head two small times, and in a somber tone of voice she admitted. "Yes." She said to Carol. "Ah got lots'a your memories up in my head. Personal shit... that Ah know you'd hate for othe'ahs t'know about you." She looked over at Carol again. "Ah'm sorry too... neve'ah before did all this stuff stick with me. But everything that Ah took from you? Its stuck, like bug in in tree sap..." With a heavy inhale of air and a shake of her head, she then exhaled the breath back out.

"Ah heard tell of Xavier's from some folks up in Calgary... made my way here, hitchin' rides. Showed up, hungry, dirty, lost and confused. Xavier was gracious enough t'take pitty on me. Even afte'ah Ah explained about you. Some'a the othe'ahs wanted t'throw me back out, but they relented t'the Professah's wishes."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I wiped the floor with her crew enough times to know that..." Carol seems to have sobered out of her anger, "that's why you were her secret weapon, you could end me. My guess is I wasn't supposed to ever recover...maybe you let go too soon after all." Carol muses, and as she looks Rogue over while she admits to having gotten Carol's memories, she mutters, "if you know what I've been through, worse, if you remember how it felt...I guess that's more punishment than I can ever beat into you."

"That man is unique, Xavier, he sees potential where others see the past." She looks over at Rogue again, and pretty much commands her the way her voice sounds so firm, "put your gloves on."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded her head about the presumed punishment. "Barely a full nights sleep since it happened." She replied to Carol whilst sitting there all bunched up on the grass, looking more like a child than her age would even suggest. Her mind rolled over all the different ways she could apologize, or should apologize, anything else she could say or do to show it, but she figured she'd best just sit there and stay quiet.

When the command to put her gloves on came and surprised her a bit, she looked over at the woman and stared at her for an examining second or two. Rogue then just accepted the order and reached down to pick the gloves up and unravel them. She started to slip them on, the right first, working the long black amterial over her hand and down her forearm... then she did the same with the other hand. Finally, with them on she wiggled her fingers a little.

"Try t'keep'em off when Ah can in the summe'ah, cause'a the wicked tan lines." She muttered this rather quietly, because she ultimately figured Carol did not care why she did anything, let alone stuff about tanlines. Rogue could tan, but it took a lot more sun exposure than the average person... more side effects since Carol's powers were leeched.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I lived through those moments, I know pain," Carol states matter of factly, though the way she speaks is almost detached compared to before. Like she's not bothered as much by those memories of harrowing torture. She looks over at Rogue, waiting patiently for her to put her gloves on and when she does she reaches to grab her in a tight hold, hand in hand, pulling Rogue up but also keeping a tight grip as she looks directly in her eyes. "I want you to make me a promise, Rogue."

It's not a request, when one considers Carol's voice, she is demanding that promise. "You stole my powers, you stole my memories, and you stole my life...but with them you stole my core values. The US Air Force core values...," she looks at Rogue in expectation, almost as if she wants to hear them and as she starts, she checks if Rogue can recite along with her. She suspects the urge would be there, "integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do." She takes a brief pause and continues, "I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight, and win. I am faithful to a proud heritage. A tradition of honor, and legacy of valor. I am an American Airman. Guardian of freedom and justice. My nation's sword and shield. It's sentry and avenger."

With the reciting done, Carol squeeze a bit harder on her grip on Rogue's hand, "I want you to live by this creed, by these values, when you take use of my powers against anyone. You do that, and I will even forgive you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was pulled up by the other woman's strength and she stood there in front of her with those gloved hands hold the others. Rogue stared into Carol's blue eyes, the eyes that she could see in her dreams. She had distinct memoires of looking at 'herself' in a mirror and seeing Carol's face in it, becuse those were Carol's memories, throughout all the years of her life.

Rogue recited the same lines as Carol started to say them outloud, though she said them much softer and her lips just sort of moved-in-tune with that of Carol's. She exhaled softly when they were done and she gently nodded her head. "Everythin Ah took from you has already altered how Ah live'n do things... Its... already made me a bette'ah person. Ah don't wanna hurt people anymore. Ah wanna help them. Thats why I'm with all them nerds at Xavier's place." She flashed a little nervous grin then after calling them that name, she'd always liked to tease.

"You should see the look on their faces when Ah go off on these rants about their... uh..." Rogue thought of Scott 'these are secrets, Rogue, don't talk to anyone about them.' and she gently nodded her head. "When Ah go off on rants about the Air Force'n such. They just stare at me like I'm a nutcase."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol seems pleased enough just hearing Rogue recite along, even if it's not with the same frevor and conviction she carries from her years in the USAF. "Good. At least something good came out of it...even if it's still fucked up." Carol seems to have reached some kind of peace, as if Rogue accepting that promise has made her channel away the desire to severly hurt the girl. Besides, she knows Rogue served as nothing more than a weapon guided by Mystique's hand.

"Maybe you can teach them a thing or two about the Air Force, and what it means to be real heroes." Carol winks playfully, because if she wouldn't, there wouldn't even be a hint that she wasn't entirely serious. She's well aware of some of the things the X-Men undertake.

"I will stop by the Mansion every now and then, just to check on you, don't slip up on your promise...I'll hold you to it," Carol reminds her, and then sighs deeply. "I think it's best if we part ways for now...I need to relax."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was honestly impressed that this woman didn't want her to die, didn't want her to die right here under the pummel of fists and kicks and whatever else she might have at her disposal. So when Carol said these things and clearly seemed to have a cloud lift off of her, Rogue just kind of went a bit wide-eyed and nodded her head several quick times. She kind of felt her own opinion of Carol change too, she'd respected her before... but now she felt she was potentially the best person ever created on this crazy stupid planet.

"Y-yeah, you got it." She stammered out to the other, nodding several quick times as well. "Ah'm gonna prove it t'everyone, that Ah'm not a villain... That Ah'm now... like an extension of you, out t'try'n do good for people. Mystique screwed up, ya see?" Rogue showed a small smile. "Cause now there's two'a you out there, or at least One and maybe one-quarte'ah." She showed a little grin then.