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Latest revision as of 12:52, 3 January 2018

Old Friends, New Sites, Old Habits.
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Flash

Nightwing has posed:
The moon rises high in the sky over Avalon Heights as the varied people scurry around the streets below. For most, the bright lights of the City block out the beauty that is the night sky. For Nightwing though, he stands on the very edge of one of a Wayne Enterprises Industrial building, the wind rustling his hair but not moving him from his perch as the building he is on towers over it's neighbors. For a few minutes his gaze was focused skywards, taking in the Moon as much as he could in the City, and then his gaze shifts down to the small crowd below.

"Mask, zoom and record." Nightwing says in a mutter to himself. In his ear, he will hear ~Confirmed. Vision enhanced four times. Recording on.~ Below him, there is a group of seven men, and two of them have the inhuman physique that you find with some chemical enhancemt. Their gruff voices arugue back and forth

"Piss off, Boss said to make sure the shipment gets here with no trouble. I say we clear the block."

"Look. Don't bring no trouble to us. Bring the boxes in, drop 'em off, and be done with it."

"Such a bitch. Knock a few peeps 'round, and no one will bother us..."

Nightwing lets out a sigh, shaking his head, "Always the big ones that come up brain dead..."

Flash has posed:
Barry is eatting a bowl of noodles with a big eag on it, and is just putting the chopsticks away, adding a "Ganxiè zhaodài" to the chinnese man. He is out of costume just munching down surrounded by other Chineese men. Leving the restraunt he streeched a little bit before going to a dark alley by himself just to have a streak of red leave it again. The streak dissapears as the Flash is now running, over the land, over the water so fast that no-one could even see him now he runs leaving a line in the waves as he speeds back to where he is supposed to be for the night. He felt like eating some chineese food, and so ran over to China for a quick bite, but really was ment to be in Gotham so was hurrying back.

    On his way he decided to stop into Bloodhaven.. He had not heard much about it to be honest, but knew the Bats wasn't usually there so figured it might be a good place to run-by. It was easy really as going this speed everything was slow. The cars just stood stil the people not even moving yet as he zipped up, and down the roads just running.

He only stopped twice the first time was to catch a Ballon and return it to a small girl before darting away again into his speed-force, and the second time was when he finally found something. He was running up, and down the shipment area again moving so fast he hardly noticed the men that were there as someone who wasn't supposed to be there. In a 'flash' he ran up to them, and around them a little to make sure he was right about them as they just looked out into the areas where they were standing like statues until he slowed down enough for time to catch up with them.

Finally he stopped just a little bit back from them coming to a sliding stop he smiles at the group.. "Hey guys, you look lost need some help?" zipping over to next to the swearing guy, "And you sir shouldn't talk like that.. Swearing only shows a lack of intelligence." Zipping back away again to his original spot before he reacts as he knew bad guys usually liked to draw guns.

Nightwing has posed:
And when he thought things couldn't get any more interesting, in comes the Flash, and Nightwing gives a rather large grin. He stands now, withdrawing his grappling gun, as he mutters under his breath "Mask. Change Frequency. Justice League Communicators." To which he hears ~Confirmed~

Over the standard League communicators, Flash will hear the call come in using Nightwing's identification. *Flash. Good to see you, man. It's been waaaayy too long. Wayne Building, to your left, I'll drop down in a sec.* That's when Nightwing steps off the side of the building.

The rush of air exhilarates him, and he twists to fire off the grappling gun so that he can swing in opposite of the Flash's position. *The two big oafs are hyped up on Bane Venom. Think they must be bringin' it in to sell to the local gangers. There's a syndicate I've been followin' for a few weeks.* Just enough time to get his thoughts off as the five normal guys do draw guns, and the two hulking behemots pull up a parking meter each.... yeah, they aren't original at all.

"Oh shit?!? The Flash?" and then, just as the Flash expects, the ever common "GET 'IM!!" and they all start to point their guns where they last saw him. Nightwing is almost there, when he tells the Flash *You figure if they can't see a guy, they'd know better than tryin' to fight him? At least we know they're consistent if a bit dumb.*

Flash has posed:
The flash is taking up chewing on a pretzel as the call comes in. He almost chokes on it, as he looks around a bit before he is told where it is coming from. He puts a hand up to his ear, "Robin... Is that you, wow you sound older.. Your not doing the voice thing are you? You are definetly doing the voice thing." and chuckles a bit. "Oh hold on a minute." releasing the ear-piece.

He moves fast going to each person he quickly dismantles the guns they drew droping the parts so that gravity, and inerta can pull them away from the group though he doesn't detain them just disarm them from the dangerous weapons. Returning directly infront of them he wags a finger at them.. "No... Bad villians.. Bad! Can't you see I am talking to an old friend here." and gives them a chuckle with the grin.

"Wow Robin, how ya been man I mean I haven't" he pauses to dash to the side as the large men come in with their parking meters smashing down at him. "Heard from you in a while so this is where you been hiding." he continues ziping away again letting the big men running at him swing at empty air again.

He was jovial and may not look like he was taking them too seriously, but he was really just stalling. The non-juiced guys would be fine as long as he kept them weapon less, and he hoped the Venom guys would run out of energy, or juice here sooner or later. "So umm.. you got a plan here, or should I just take them down? I don't mean to.. Oh! that was close I think the big guys are learning!" he adds the last part, as he darts again this time the big guy tries to hit the ground he was moving to.

The other men are looking for other weapons, and getting new ones of course though it seemed the big ones were keeping Flash busy. Nightwing would of course know better, though that last comment seemed they surprised him just a little bit.. Not enough for him to be worried yet, but his eyes seemed to narrow a bit to take into cosideration what they planned on doing next.

Nightwing has posed:
*Hah, Yeah Flash, but ya might be a few Robin's behind now...* comes Nightwing's voice over the communicator, and then from the sky comes a dark figure in the midsts of the five men staring at dismantled weapons. An escrima stick is twirled in each hand, "Heyas boys. Guess today ain't your lucky day." Then back over the communicator *Awww, Come On, my voice wasn't /that/ high before?!* Well, yeah, it probably was...

Nightwing dips down, and sweeps the leg out from under the nearest thug that is just now turning to look at who dropped in their midsts. A shout goes out "Oh no! It's Batman too!! Fu...." and the thug is cut short as an escrima stick bounces off his forehead, dropping him to the ground. "C'Mon, Man!" in a voice just like that ESPN announcer, "'Least get the name right. I don't even have a cape!!" Another thug get's dropped from an elbow to the solar plexus, and a knee to the face. "Nightwing!! Sh..." another escrima stick, another dropped thug. "We have a Winner!!"

Back over the communicator *It's Nightwing now. Got the name from Supes and a Kryptonian Story. Will have to tell you when we get done takin' out the trash.* As he glances over to the two Venom Thugs, he grunts in acknowledgment, *Will be outta juice in a few more seconds. Watch out, though, they'll have an injector on 'em somewhere. They can't suck it down like Bane.*

The last of the thugs happens to have enough time to get a swing in as his comrades are taken out. Nightwing leans back, a smirk on his face, "Well. That wasn't half bad, Sweet Cheeks. Given some time, you might be somethin'..." A high kick to the head causes the thugs eyes to cross, and his jaw to dislocate, "...plenty o' time in the eight by eight you're goin' to get, Sweet Cheeks." He turns back just in time to dodge a flying parking meter that buries itself in a nearby wall. He backflips on one hand, rolls to gain some distance, and then is up in a fighting crouch to face one of the two Bane thugs that turned to face him. *TWo... One... and we're good...* just as they both start to see the men apparently start to deflate on themselves.

Flash has posed:
The flash chuckles at him, and watches him fight waiting for the two to come after him again. Now that Nightwing is fighting the other five he guesses he should stop playing with these two as he get the information about them. He actually speaks now to him, though face to face his voice takes a more distorted tone from him vibrating so fast back and forth just part of him keeping his speed up so they can't come close to hitting him again. "I see.. I see glad to hear it is temporary... Nightwing.. Though he smiles a bit when he says it." He seems to take off again, but this time he runs litteral circles around the two men as they start to deflate. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but seeing as it sucks the air out of the area not to mention the people in the area it is rather difficult to try to inject yourself when you are grasping your neck for air. It doesn't take long, as flash doesn't really want to hurt them any more then neccessary, heck he would like to finish this without throwing a punch if he could as he didn't enjoy hurting people he just wanted them to stop, and turn themselves in to be honest.

Since he is running in the same direction, a red blur surrounds the two now thin men for a moment before Flash stops sliding into a stop leaving two knocked out men, one with an injector next to him. Barry just shakes his head, and walks up kicking it away from the unconsious man.. "Just say no to drugs!" he quips with a laugh turning to face Nightwing.

"You know I think I liked the Yellow, and red better to be honest." as he wears his red suit with yellow lightning bolt on it. He grins at him, and zips over to look at the other thugs he gives a nod, "But maybe I am biased.. I see Bats didn't teach ya how to hold back at least." he grins at him shaking his head. "I was thinking about taking a Brooding 101 class myself, but I didn't want to share the class with some kid.. would just be embarassing." and laughs!

He sticks a thumb out at the other two.. "So what do you want to do with them? This is your area I don't want to step on any toes, so I was going to just call 911, and wait for the cops but now your here I figure when in Bludhaven right?" he speaks like he always does, fast and almost to the point of babling.. He speaks a lot, and quickly and you know in his head he had already thought of a whole bunch of other stuff to say that is just what bubbled to his mouth first. The one bad thing about being a speedster was people like Rob... Nightwing, was that they were just so slow.

He continues to speak without it externally looking like he ever stopped.. "So who is the new kid? I have seen him around, but figured it couldn't be you... thought you would be a lawyer or something by now. Though this part doesn't surprise me." he grins, "The name from a Krypton thing does, I didn't even know you liked Superman.. I figured you were like Bats, and didn't trust him.. too much power or some such thing."

Nightwing has posed:
As always, Nightwing marvels at the way that Flash handles the situations they are traditionally thrust into without much warning. While Flash takes care of the two Bane Thugs, Nightwing does check on the other five, and actually fixes the jaw of the one he kicked. "Let's say that Batman and I..." There's an uncomfortable pause, before he adds "...disagreed on some things that had me out on my own for a bit." Obviously there's more to the story, but given his respect for Bruce and the current company it is a story for a more personal venue.

Nightwing laughs at the suit comment, "Ya know, I think I can see why you'd say that..." Taking out enough plasti-cuffs to make sure all the thugs get secured before they wake up. "...but the kids that run the name get the suit. Only fair." He snickers a bit at the brooding comment, "Yeah. One thing I was never good at was brooding. I prefer witty banter and disarming conversation." Once all the men are secure and stable, he walks over to Flash, offering his hand, "Too long, Flash. Far too long."

"Mask. Authorities. Location and Numbers of criminals sent." Nightwing then looks to the Speedster, and says "All taken care of now. Bludhaven cops aren't a big fan yet, so I'll take off before they get here." Flash can tell that Nightwing is focusing to keep up with his train of speech, runaway train at that, "There's a few things Batman and I disagree on, and Supes is one of them. More I've talked to him, the more I respect who he is, and what he's tryin' to do. I think he's a good man. He needs friends, not oversight."

That said, Nightwing fires his grapple up to a neighboring building, "Let's take this somewhere else. Cops will be here in about four minutes."