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Latest revision as of 13:31, 3 January 2018

At the Museum
Date of Scene: 01 December 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Lara Croft meets Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis and a plan is hatched to visit that fabled realm.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Aqualad

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara Croft is located in the 'Hall of Bio Diversity' in the Museum, which boasts an explosive array of diverse creatures on display that are yet all still closely related to one another.

From sea creatures to land dwelling creatures... they're all from planet Earth even if they appear to be something from alien worlds!

Lara is wearing a black leather jacket and a grey hoodie underneath it, she's got some dark jeans on and dark leather boots. She's come to this part of the museum today to snap some photos of a creature specific she and a few colleagues had brought back from a trip to Southeast Asia last year. They'd finally gotten it up on display and she wanted to send some photos of it to her friend in England.

The area wasn't too terribly busy as it was a rather off-hour for the Museum as a whole.

Aqualad has posed:
Two men and a woman are standing near one of the exhibits, carefully handling one of the carefully mounted deep-sea exhibits. The man is wearing a suit-- probably a museum director? The woman wears a business skirt and low heels under a labcoat. Probably the marine biologist.

The third person, however, is a distinctive looking man with dark, mocha-colored skin and pale blonde hair. His eyes are an unusual shade of clear blue, pale as ice. As Lara gets closer, more distinctive features appear-- including webbing between his fingers and gills at his neck.

"This is a dark rockling," Kaldur explains to the others, in a gentle and rasping baritone. It looks like a kind of shrimp in his hands, which he handles deftly and carefully. "They hunt for smaller fish, though they are not above scavenging for food. I will add this to the list of specimens to bring up in the diving bell," Kaldur promises the others. They thank him for his efforts, and move away for a small conference while Kaldur carefully puts the strange shrimp-like creature back onto the display shelf. He looks over at the woman approaching with a camera, and catching her eye, nods at her with a strangely grave gesture of polite greeting. Almost a bow.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had managed to catch the tail end of what Kaldur had been explaining (fish pun intended) and she smiled softly at him when he greeted her with a somber gesture.

"Hello." She said to him, her British accent was already evident in just the way that her voice spoke that one word.

"Are you a donator to the exhibit?" She'd then ask him next, whiel her dark brown eyes fell across the displays hidden behind the glass and illuminated by soft white lighting, she skimmed some of the information cards near to each of the animals on show here.

"There are some very unique specimen here." And it was true, some from the deep sea that looked truly alien.

Aqualad has posed:
"Good day to you," Kaldur responds, nodding again. His accent? Impossible to place, even for Lara's talented ear. It's strangely smooth in some places but with strong enunciation on odd stops. English is clearly not his first language, but it's hard to guess -what- his first language is!

"I am... no. Not one of the donors," Kaldur explains, shaking his head at the woman's question politely. "Merely assisting the scientists here in arranging the exhibit."

He glances at Lara's phone, then at the rest of her. He doesn't seem to miss much, with a clear eye for subtle details. But he doesn't share what he percieves.

"Few surfacers get a chance to see the wildlife on the floor of the ocean," Kaldur agrees. "Life has evolved on the surface in very different directions."

Lara Croft has posed:
The Brit would gently nod her head to the other's words and she'd summon up a little half smile. "Ah. I see. Well it is always good to meet other contributors to the museum." She would say to him then.

A hand was offered/extended toward him. "I'm Lara Croft, archaeologist. I've brought in a lot of pieces for the Museum and they... encourage me to go out and seek yet more." She'd say with a little stronger upward tug to the corner of her lips.

"So you're a marine biologist then...?" She'd fish around for some more information off of him because she was just naturally like that, a young and very curious person by nature.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur glances at Lara's hand, a half a beat slow to grip it back. Not unwilling-- just not processing it with the instinct of a native-born resident. He's definitely not baseline human, the webbing near his thumb making the grip slightly awkward.

"It is my pleasure, Lara Croft," he tells her with another modest bow of his head. But, he smiles a little. Not a robot, then! Just... very self-possessed, it seems.

"I am not a biologist either, I am afraid," he apologizes. "I am a resident of the city of Poseidonus. You know it better as Atlantis," he explains. "I was invited here to assist in identifying some of the more unusual animals."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would retract her hand after noting he hadn't been terribly comfortable with that gesture and custom but she didn't mind that too much, not everyone was in her time around the world.

Her overall demeanor really perked up when he did indicate his origins and why he was here and it seemed to make her quite a bit more engaged. "Is that so?" She asked him, curiosity laden in her voice now. "There is still so little known about your home... I have read... countless accounts of its history, but know not what is fact and what is fiction. It is a great honor to meet your, sir. Truly." She'd show a flashed smile then.

Aqualad has posed:
"The honor is mine, Lara Croft," Kaldur tells Lara with a grave sincerity. He seems to mean it, too. "There is much Atlantis wishes to know of the surface world, and much the surface world wishes to know of Atlantis. I am part of King Orin's diplomatic mission to the surface. He hopes we can learn from each other in this way," Kaldur explains. He gestures vaguely at the exhibit. "This is a small contribution to the effort, but leanring from one another is the first step to understanding."

"Are you a biologist as well, then?" he inquires. "Or are you a student of the natural world?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would slowly nod her head to what he was saying and she'd keep her eyes upon him, clearly interested in all he has to say. At his last question she'd show a faint smile and give a slight shake of her head. "I am not a biologist, no... I went to University with several though and some of their contributions to the Hall here were put up on display today. They weren't able to attend and see it themselves so I came to take photographs for them." She'd hold up her phone to emphasize her words, assume... he knew how all of that worked of course! Surely he did! right?

Lara glanced to her left as a few people passed by but she'd soon look back to him. "I would very much love to see where it is you come from someday. I have done some underwater exploration in my short career, but nothing on the level as what it is you... know to be home. I've seen a few shipwrecks and the such, but it has been some time ago and nothing quite as... grandiose!"

Lara would laught softly and shortly then. "But I am sure you have a whole host of us... above water types... seeking the same kind of opportunity."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur smiles. It's a subtle expression, but Lara would easily pick up the approval on his otherwise glacial features. "Poseidonus would welcome more visitors from the surface," he assures her. "My King has commanded that we learn more of our cousins from the world above." His tone suggests that whatever Orin orders, he embraces wholeheartedly. A strong devotion to duty, this one.

"Travelling to Atlantis is... challenging, unfortunately. Few humans can endure the crushing depths. Poseidonus sits near the surface, but it would require a 'submarine' for you to swim that deep. And special equipment to endure the cold and pressure. Many are excited by such an idea, but few relish pursuing the opportunity to venture to the depths," he explains.

Lara Croft has posed:
"Ah, yes..." Lara would say to all of this with a slow and understanding nod of her head. She'd flash him a quick and brief smile. "I am one of the few on the surface who was not born with a... pension for super-human abilities." She'd then show a quick grin and a little shake of her head while her right hand reached up to stroke some brown hair back behind her ear.

"Which isn't true, there are more of us 'plain' humans on the surface than there are those with amazing gifts. I am over dramatizing it."

After another little grin she'd nod her head. "I would do the submarine approach, either way. Just getting down there to see as much as I could would be enough to fuel my desire to put up with the harsh restrictions that my fragile person would need to endure. I'm... a bit of an adrenaline junkie, just being that deep in the water alone would be a rush for me."

It wasn't something she admitted often, but she WAS a fiend for dangerous stunts and heart pounding adventure.

Aqualad has posed:
"Please forgive me, if I sounded insulting," Kaldur hastens to tell Lara. "I did not mean that it is impossible. Just... that for many it is a difficult proposition in practice to visit Atlantis. If you wish to visit the depths, it would be my pleasure to escort you to the city," Kaldur tells Lara. "You would be privilege to sights that few surfacers have ever seen. In the history of my people, stretching back millennia, only a score of surfacers have come to our depths. I cannot speak for the court in this regard, but my King has made it clear all visitors from the surface will be welcomed. And once in Poseidonus, there are antechambers set aside for surfacers to breathe and take their ease. You might find it uncomfortable, but it is not unbearable," he promises her.

Lara Croft has posed:
The explorer would gently shake her head side to side then while she put her phone away back into her leather jacket's left pocket. "No no, no offense was taken." She'd reply to him then. "I was merely expressing my... resentment for not being graced with wonderous powers to which I could use as heroicly as those whom grace the evening news do."

Another little headshake then and she'd wave her hand gently at him. "Don't mind my oddness. I'm... not the most skilled at social interactions. I grew up with my nose stuffed in books and make-believe maps to treasures and... well... Lost cities."

A grin showed on her lips then and she'd nod once toward him. "Uncomfortable rooms are not a problem for me. I have been in so many uncomfortable rooms that I couldn't even count them all." She was doing her best to be sociable and charming, considering she was talking to someone from a city she used to read wild stories about as a child... and on into her adult years as well.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur's brow furrows slightly. "I did not perceive you to be odd," Kaldur reassures her, after thinking it over for a moment. "Granted, your customs are... strange to me in some ways," he concedes. "But I have observed that there are very few surfacers who have 'powers'. Among Atlanteans, all share in common talents. Our gifts are hard-earned, not granted by luck."

He pauses, gathering his words. "I have observed, here and at home, that we share something in common: heroism is not defined by our talents, but by our will to use them. In that measure, I know surfacers who are greater heroes than any Atlantean-- despite the advantage offered by biology," he remarks. "Few Atlanteans have the courage to visit the surface, yet many of your kin wish to visit the depths. That is an entirely more inspiring courage than some might recognize."

Lara Croft has posed:
"It could be some level of naivety, however." Lara replied then with a little singular nod of her head. "Its entirely possible that the surfacers, such as myself, have been staring at their little fish tanks with little toy ship wrecks in them... and have developed a romanticized level of misunderstanding on the dangers we'd face in an actual under water lost city as deep as Atlantis sounds to be."

Lara would show a soft smile then and she'd put her hands into her jacket's side pockets. "Either way, I am up for the adventure of seeing it someday. If it is the last adventure I ever do go on, well then... at least it is one of importance and legendary status." She'd smile yet again before exhaling a light breath.

"How long have you been on the surface? If I might ask... A few months?" She took a guess there based on what she'd observed of him so far.

Aqualad has posed:
"Less than a year," Kaldur agrees, nodding at her perceptive question. "My King invited me here as part of his diplomatic mission. He has sought to strengthen ties between Poseidonus and the surface, particularly after Namor and his kin have maintained such hostile aggression," he says, lips thinning a little. No love lost between the Atlantean factions.

"This-- here," he says, gesturing vaguely. "A century ago, it was unthinkable that an Atlantean would walk on the surface. My King wishes to strengthen ties between our lands," he clarifies.

"Tell me, Lara Croft-- what drives you to seek Atlantis?" he inquires, driven by curiousity for the brown-haired Brit's motivations. "You do not strike me as a bookish historian. You sound as if you crave adventure. This is a rare desire, at least so far as I have experienced it."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would gently nod her head to his words, absorbing the information like a sponge... this whole thing fascinated her. It was like if a child found out that Harry Potter was real and they were now speaking to someone from Hogwarts. Though! She was trying to contain herself and not be overly anxious or giddy about it all.

At what he last spoke of, she showed a sudden smile. "It is a byproduct of my father..." She explained. An inhale of oxygen was pulled in between her lips then. "He instilled a sense of desire to explore the world and find its hidden secrets, to seek out what had been lost to time and society. He would read me stories of relics of great power that were long forgotten and he'd use his own wealth of education and knowledge to add... a belief in me that these things truly did and do-yet-still exist."

She'd slowly shake her head side to side. "Atlantis was always one of the forefront of these things. Prior to your people announcing their existance, your culture was rumored to still exist but no one was quite sure where or how. Mysteries inspire humans... they give is an inner excitement that helps fuel our imaginations. They can makes us smile and make our hearts beat faster. Make us feel alive."

Lara would then show a simple and soft smile to him.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur chuckles. It's an easy laugh, and for a moment it belies his stern mien. "That is something humans have in abundance and Atlanteans do not," he concedes. "Perhaps it is the way of my people to hide in the depths. Beyond the lights of the city, the oceans are cold and difficult to navigate, even for us. There is a comfort in community, and dangerous things lurk in the depths. Our strength comes from our cities, not from exploration. Perhaps that is the character my king wishes to return to our city," he muses.

He focuses his eyes back on Lara. "I have read some of the legends your culture has regarding Atlantis. Our history waxes and wanes, but the accounting goes back tens of thousands of years. Still-- we know that Atlanteans lived in other parts of the ocean even furthur in history, past even our recollection," he concedes. "Some of those lost cities contain wisdom lost to the eternity of the depths, even beyond our current understanding. Atlantis is advanced in many ways-- but in others, we are very stagnant."

Lara Croft has posed:
At the first of what he said she would nod slowly and even gently shake her herad from right to left because she couldn't even imagine what life must be like down there, on a day to day basis. That is what fascianted her so much and brought up those childhood-like senses of wonderment in her on this subject.

"Its not just books. There are movies about it all as well... though most of them are questionable of quality." She'd show a slight grin then. "I am not a very big movie buff either, or i'd attempt to recommend some for you."

A light exhale later then and Lara would continue. "I truly hope that being up here on the surface has been a positive experience though. But... I guess that if it has been a negative one you would've already sought to retutn to your people and write us all off by now." She'd smile again then.

Aqualad has posed:
"Experience?" Kaldur's brows rise minutely. "It has been the adventure of a lifetime. Of ten lifetimes. I have seen the mountains that scrape the sky," he remarks. "Experienced rain, and snow, and hail. I have felt the warmth of the sun on my face for days at a time and the food--" he pauses, to comport himself. "Atlantean cuisine is often raw and unprepared. The seawater," he clarifies. "On the surface, I have tasted foods that are unlike any I've had undersea. That alone is worth braving the endless surface," he says, glancing skywards as if checking to make sure hostile clouds aren't looming overhread.

Lara Croft has posed:
This particular line of dialogue intrigued her to hear the answer to. How he explained his time up here and the things that he valued, it amused her--in an endeering way.

"I'm rather fond of chocolate, myself." She said to him then. "My birthday is on Valentine's Day, which is a notorious haven for chocolate treats. I was smothered with them as a child, in a good way. I guess they conditioned me for that to be my favorite type of indulgance."

Lara would take out a business card then and she'd offer it over to him. "I won't take up any more of your time, sir. But truly this was an honor. Here." She'd give the card over. "If you do wish to have an archaeologist and... rabid explorer visit your homeland someday, I am more than willing to be that very one."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur takes the business card with a peculiar gravity, using both hands. He looks it over, both sides, and then carefully puts it into a pocket on his jacket.

"It is my time to spend, and in your company seems a more than pleasant way to spend it," Kaldur promises Laura. "I have enjoyed meeting you. If you can arrange a submersible and what supplies you require, I will make the necessary announcements with Atlantis. Whenever you desire, we can arrange for your trip to see what few surfacers have ever beheld."

"Farewell, Lara Croft. And the honor was mine, entirely," Kaldur tells Lara, bowing politely.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would take a step back from him and she'd nod her pointed chin down and up again at him. "That shouldn't be a problem." She'd say to him then. In truth, Lara was pretty busy with all the madness going on in the world between SHIELD and the events in Washington D.C. afterall a presidential assassination wasn't exactly a common place thing...

"I will hopefully be in touch with you soon." She'd give a light wave of her hand to him then and turn about to move toward the hallway that would take her out of this exhibit.