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Latest revision as of 13:34, 3 January 2018

Supers in Gotham!
Date of Scene: 01 December 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Oracle

Superboy has posed:
It is a bit past midnight and Conner was bored. A patrol through New York showed no crime. Or he got too late to help - lots of heroes in New York. His homework was done (for once) so nothing calling him back to the dorms. So he wandered.

To Gotham, because if he canât find anything to do in New York much less would he in Metropolis.

Besides, it has been months since he saw Tim. And he needs to practice his telescopic vision.

So searching.

Ten minutes later. "Bah. This is not working," he pulls his cellphone and sends a message. Waits. "It is Bat time, câmon." Ten minutes later. "I bet this never happened to Kal."

Searching again.

Oracle has posed:
It's not a Robin that he draws the attention of, it's a Bat. More specifically, the Batgirl the Elder. She was in the Cave working when the ping for Tim came through, and it takes her a bit of time to return to the town proper. But better her than the Big Bat himself -- he might be cranky.
    Hurtling through the skies of Gotham on a jump line is not as efficient as what Superboy is doing, but Batgirl is very, very good at it. She lands on a rooftop in his path and waits, then flashes a bright little LED in his direction to gain his attention and draw him in.
    When he descends, the redheaded female Bat tilts her head. "Looking for Robin in particular or will anyone do?"

Superboy has posed:
That Tim gave him an official bat-line was something the younger bat maybe forgot to mention. Embarrassing too, considering all the pics of college parties he sent last week.

What? Some smart people told him to try to be normal. He is having some fun. It is not as if he failed any course. He even got a few Bs.

Meanwhile Superboy has almost given up. The truth is he lacks the combo of trully powerful super-senses and the super-speed needed to search through a large city in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe in a year or two he would be able to pull the stunt. But not now.

He sees the LED, though. And flies down to investigate. "Hey, hello. Batwoman? I just wanted to check out with Rob... Red Robin."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl chuckles. "Batgirl. He's got some things he's taking care of tonight -- I'm sorry he wasn't able to come out." Tim can explain later that it wasn't that it was an official Bat-line; it was that he left his phone sitting in the Cave while he was otherwise engaged in a training session and Batgirl was nosy. But the boy has no need to know that right now.

"I wanted to make sure everything was okay. Given the situation at the moment, it seems prudent that we all keep in touch, right?" She smiles toward the young Super. "Is everything going okay in Metro?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner lands on the rooftop, mentally facepalming. Batwoman wears red. "Batgirl, right." We need to keep our Batpeople right. "Oh, I am sure everything is fine in Metropolis. I live in New York lately. Since... hmm, about May. Hawaii before that, anyway," he smiles. Babbling.

"I was just looking for my friend," he admits, somewhat embarrassed. "I have been busy with college and he is always busy with... everything. Guy carries the world on his back."

Oracle has posed:
She mmms. "He does indeed," Batgirl agrees softly. "And he's pretty brilliant with computers. Occasionally gets lost in them." She smiles at Superboy. "What are you studying?" She doesn't seem to think it strange that he's looking for a friend. She actually seems glad that the boys ARE friends. Maybe she, too, thinks Tim works too hard.

Superboy has posed:
"I am just a freshman," replies Superboy. And he still has no idea what he wants to major into. What is the right major for a superhero? Criminology? Red Robin probably has three doctorates already. "I suppose I will have to decide where to go by the end of the year. But I still have a little time."

Oracle has posed:
"I think you have plenty of time. Some people know what they want to do before they get there, but some? It takes the whole first two years to figure it out," Batgirl assures him. "Take your time. Those first two years are meant to allow you to take a variety of classes so that you can try out things." With a grin, she teases, "Although, to be fair, I still don't see what underwater basket weaving will do for you. Unless, of course, you want to live in Atlantis."

Superboy has posed:
Underwater what? See that joke fly past the clone. Miss by a mile. Conner was in a cloning tank up three years ago, learning about real life through virtual reality simulations programmed by mad scientists.

"As cool as living in Atlantis would be, I am not sure I want to study marine sciences," he replies after a brief consideration. "And I could wait two years, but I really should also start taking courses with a goal next year. I donât know."

Oracle has posed:
Oh dear. Barbara didn't mean to mess with him. "That's fair," she replies instead of explaining. "Do you have any ideas what you'd LIKE to do? Besides, of course, being a hero. Which, to be fair, can be a pretty full-time job."

Superboy has posed:
Rest assured there will be a google search about 'underwater basket-weaving' before dawn, coming from a certain college residence laptop.

Conner nods at Batgirl's statement. "I like many things. But being a hero is what I want to be. I like to help people, and I want to keep the world safe. I mean... I know it sounds weird, but I have seen some things I don't want to happen ever again, to anyone. I just can't stand still."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl nods. "Pretty sure I completely understand where you're coming from." She tilts her head. "Superboy... do you mind if I ask you a personal question? YOu're welcome to tell me you'd rather not talk about it, if you like, after I ask."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods, more seriously this time. Batgirl is from Gotham and crime in Gotham is usually worse than anywhere else. He doubts he could stomach it like Tim seems able. He even fears he would do something unheroic. "Ask away, I don't think there is much of a problem. I don't have big secrets or even a real secret identity."

Oracle has posed:
"Well, that was actually part of what I was going to ask you about," Batgirl admits. "Do you have Superman's memories and the technical know-how of the Kryptonians? I was never quite sure how much you knew or were given. And ... well, I was going to suggest that if you do have the technological know-how, you might consider looking into the tech fields for where your skills would best be of use."

Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs briefly. Then sobers up, "oh no... not really. I don't have his memories. Holy... cow." Biting his tongue there not to say something stronger. "I hope the bad guys don't think I do. That would bring me so much trouble," then smiles again. Because, yes, bring it on.

Not much technical knowledge, no.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl grins. "Well, thanks for answering it. I was always curious about all of that. It's just in my nature to be nosy, I guess." She looks curious. "Have you thought about just using college to get a solid history of Earth under your belt, so that perhaps, like Kal, you might be able to have a good Big-Picture kind of view of the world as you help in various places?"

Superboy has posed:
"Actually, yes," which might be a surprise for those who known Conner. But he does stop and think sometimes. "I know quite a bit of Earth history. I have some memory from," he makes a vague gesture. "I mean, the labs put some knowledge in my head. I understood the high school courses when I went to high school in Hawaii. Briefly. Aliens destroyed it."

Long and probably amusing story there.

Anyways. "History is fine. Geography too. I get CS is important, and not that difficult, at least the intro courses. Definitely I want to know about the big picture. I mean, look at Genosha. I canât believe Magneto did that the other day. I was starting to think it was all bad press."

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah," Batgirl sighs. God, the world is a mess. "Well, I wouldn't presume to advise you on how to live your life, but I figured if you're thinking college stuff, it might be helpful." She grins a bit. "And, well.... you know, I'm kind of really nosy about Kryptonian tech. I'd love to get someone who understands the Kryptonian programming stuff to help me integrate it into some of the Bat-computers. To secure them, you know?"

Superboy has posed:
"Oh really? I thought the bat-tech was already more advanced than anything on Earth," comments Conner with a grin. "I mean, at least Justice League standard, right? And Kryptonian technology, what little I have seen, it is a bit strange. Like... crystals that grow by themselves."

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah... I know. And the Bat-computers are definitely Justice League level." Or perhaps still just a hair better because no one really upgrades those ones much... maybe she should offer her services for that? The redhead shakes off that thought. Oh my! "But I'm always looking to make things better, that's all." Batgirl grins cheekily. "I'll let Red Robin know that you were looking for him, though. He usually has his phone on him, even on duty, but... he was in a training run tonight and I was worried you were in trouble. It's really nice to meet you."

Superboy has posed:
Conner could let Kal know Batgirl wants to learn about Kryptonian computers. But the truth is he doesn't sees him often. It is Conner fault, as Kal is always the paragon of niceness, but he is being a teeanger about some matters.

"Thanks. For I all know he is fighting ninjas in Mongolia," he jokes. It only happens every two fridays, right? "And great to meet you, Batgirl. Oh, er, if Batman asks. I wasn't here... here. Okay?" He is happy not all the batpeople is grim and broody. Tim sometimes worries him a little. Batman definitely does, for different reasons.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl laughs. "He won't ask," she tells him with certainty. Primarily because he already knows, but poor nervous kid doesn't need to really know that right now. "I hope I see you around again, though. It's been really nice to talk to you." She waves at him, and as he lifts off, she fires a grappling line to take her onto her patrol route.