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Latest revision as of 19:15, 3 January 2018

Arts Center
Date of Scene: 09 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Shazam

Wonder Woman has posed:
Its about 3:45pm on a Monday afternoon and there's a small gathering of people present in the newly opened Themysciran Arts Center.

Later tonight there is to be a larger event where more will attend a party to celebrate teh facility's opening, but for now the public is meandering about to explore the facility and get to see it in its early phases of preparedness.

Diana Prince is here now, and will be throughout the rest of the evening, she's standing near to the large Christmas tree in the main lobby of the facility. She's speaking with people as they come up to her to meet her and get a photo taken. She's dressed in a white blazer and white slacks with black heeled shoes on her feet. Her black hair is tied back behind her head into a braided ponytail.

Diana is all smiles as she gets to interact with the public and meet fans or supporters of what she does, both as Wonder Woman and as an ambassador--not just to her people, but also for peace and justice.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy Batson, the erstwhile "World's Mightiest Mortal" was curious, had heard that this Art Center would be opening up to the public and his love for wandering into places like this (mostly for warmth) as a street kid before he met the Wizard led him here and inside. He shuffles in behind some much better dressed individuals and takes a look at Diana who is smiling and interacting with the public.

    It's the first time he's actually seen her in person and he's a little intimidated by her, the Princess of the Amazons, one of his idols along with Superman and Batman and Captain America. Even as a younger teen he had a bit of a crush on her. It's why even when he was chosen by the Wizard to be his Champion and joined the Justice League he took care not to bump into her. Kind of awkward to talk to someone who's father is one of the Gods that gives him his powers and orders him to do things.

    Despite that, he takes a breath, and gets in line and waits for his turn.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It wouldn't take long for the line to reach Billy and it wasn't so much of a formal line... like to meet a mall Santa Clause as it was a clump of people who were just taking their turns.

Billy was also at the end of that group and by the time it was his 'turn' the rest were already moving on to look about the Center as well, to take in the Themysciran art on display and (most popular) sample some of the food in the cafeteria area.

Diana would look to Billy when he would step toward her and she'd smile at him. She'd step toward him and offer her right hand. "Hello, I am Diana." She'd say in her non-American accented English voice. "Welcome to the Arts Center for my people and our culture." She'd say to the young man with a pleasant tone within her word.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy instantly reddens and looks down bashfully as he says, "Gosh, hi Ms. Prince... I... err... golly... I really don't know what to say..." He clears his throat, squares his shoulders as he glances around to see who all might be listening and then says, "We haven't met... but we have a mutual acquaintance..." He takes a deep breath, "Your father, Zeus..." He says this quietly, "He's one of the gods who gives me my powers... I'm Billy, Billy Batson."

    He looks up into her eyes, not saying anything else, hoping she makes the connection seeing as his information would be available to her as one of the founders of the Justic League including his secret identity. He then says louder to cover the conversation, "I'm a huge fan, and I love art galleries so I thought I'd come here and meet you in person!" He gets a goofy grin then.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been informed of Billy Batson's presence, but she had not had the chance or opportunity to interact with him. "Ah yes." She said then, smiling more evenly now, a warmth about the expression on her face.

"It is a pleasure to finally get the chance to meet with you, younger Mister Batson." Diana would reach over beside her to a table of treats and flyers with information and such about the new Arts Center. She plucked up a red and white sugary treat and offered it to him. "Have a candy cane!" She said with a glee in her voice and a smile on her lips.

"I do hope that you are doing well and... that the great responsibility you have been tasked with... hasn't been -too- much of a burden?" She'd ask then in a more serious tone to her voice.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy accepts it gratefully and then says, "Gosh, well, I wouldn't say it's been easy!" He scratches his head, "But the good outweighs the bad, and I've met some really swell people along the way." He smiles at her and says, "When you've lived like I have for most of your life, you learn never to look a gift horse in the mouth!"

    There's something so fresh and innocent and optimistic and more importantly, GOOD about him. He literally shines with it and it's clear that even though he was chosen probably far too young for the responsibilities thrust on him, the fact that despite his origins it has never harmed his heart and soul is the reason why.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile at the young man's enthusiam and innocent charm. She'd nod gently to what he'd say and she'd draw in a breath before responding. "Those within the Justice League have been informed to keep a watch over you because of the power that you have been granted." She'd say. "But so far... I have had no reports of you mis-using said power, or causing any undo harm or danger to those around you. So it would sound as though you are doing well with it... at least from a public standpoint?"

Diana would smile to him and then motion toward a lounge area where there were sofas and chairs. "Would you like to sit and chat? It is long overdue that I get to have a chance to speak with the great and powerful Billy Batson." She'd smile again and walk toward the lounge area with him should he follow, and she'd settle down onto the edge of a sofa chair with her hands moving to the tops of her knees.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy blushes and rubs the back of his head and says, "Golly, I try, I mean, I am the Wizard's chosen Champion after all and after what my predeccessor did... Gosh, well, now the Wizard's a lot more involved and mentors me and monitors me." He gives her a grin as he takes a seat on the couch beside her and says, "I'm not great or powerful, I'm just a young man who happens to be lucky enough to have the powers of the Gods. The Wizard choose me because he saw the goodness in my heart. Kinda makes you want to live up to that."

    He's very self aware and his next statement proves it, "My whole life, I've looked up to the League, you're my heroes, every one of you. Every day I was out there, I'd ask myself, what would Superman do, or what would Wonder Woman do... maybe not Batman, but he scares me." He gives Diana a weak grin before continuing, "I believe in fair play, I believe in taking people at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt, back home I've come up my share of nasty bad guys but I never had to act like they did to win a fight, I always found a better way. I... I guess I'm saying I like being a hero, a symbol, for everyone and I try to live up to that every day."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana listened to the heartfelt words from the young man and she smiled, nodded and even grinned a little at them. "He is scary, it is okay." She said in a near-whisper in response to the part about Batman, teasing the caped crusader even if he wasn't here.

Diana would remain seated with her back straight and her attention on the young man. "You have done nothing but seem worthy of the gifts that you were granted, Mister Batson." She said to him then. "And because of this, I would very much like it if you came to be around the Justice League more often so that we could hopefully help you, as a whole team, in being better prepared to use what has been gifted onto you by the Gods." Was she inviting him to join the Justice League?

"We have a number of young members who are with us for that very same reason, learning from those who have been at this for a... few more suns and moons..." She showed a faint smile.

"Would that sound like something that would interest you?" She'd ask then, raising one dark eyebrow up just a little in an expression of curiosity while she awaited his answer.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy blinked, him? Being invited to join the League? His whole face lights up and he says excitedly, "Would I? YAHOO!!!" and he literally jumps up and throws a fist in the air before he realizes that people are staring at him and he then blushes bright red and sits down quickly, hiding himself until people look away again. He finally says, "Umm... yes?" He squeaks as he peeks at Diana from underneath his lashes, his face still red. Finally his embarrassment fades and he says, "I know I'm younger than most, and have a lot to learn, and I'd be honored to join the League. I mean, how can I not, it's like a dream come true!"

    He settles again, "I, umm... hung out around the Hall of Justice a lot when I was living on the streets, but I've never actually been inside, at least beyond where the tourists are allowed to go." He blushes once more.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's blue eyes would raise up to watch the young man stand up and literally jump for joy. It made her crack a smile that turned into a light laugh and she was happy to see him... so elated!

When he'd drop back down and respond to her she'd show him a grin and a soft nod. "We will have to change that then." She said to him about exploring the Hall. "I am sorry that it took this random meeting for this invitation to finally be extended to you, but... if you have kept up with the headlines then I am sure you realize just how... busy of a year it has been for the League."

Diana would look to Billy then with a bit more of a serious expression. "Where are you staying now?" She asked him. "You are not still... on the streets, are you?" She'd ask him then.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy nods and says, "I've kept up a bit, borrowing papers left behind, watching the news through windows and stuff. Holy moley, I've dealt with some of the spillover myself during the Akopolis invasion and the Parademons invading Fawcett City." He then shrugs his shoulder and says, "For some reason Earth seems to be the place that every intergalactic despot wants... not to mention all the anti-mutant sentiments and the assassination of the President."

    When you bring up where he's staying now and whether or not he's still living on the streets, he hesitates and doesn't lie, exactly but is evasive as he says, "I'm... safe... if that's what you're asking?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would gently nod her head in response to the first part of his summation of keeping up with general news and information. "It has been... hectic, and frustrating... but also rewarding in that things 'could' have been far worse without the efforts of heroes like you." She'd say in response before gently nodding her head further to his words.

"I wanted to make sure that you were well established, otherwise I could set you up with a place of residence at the Hall of Justice, or in an apartment near to it. But if you are in a comfortable place, then I am glad." She'd show another quick smile.

"I am sure that many of the others within the League will be excited to meet with you, especially those of the younger groups, such as Kara... You may know of her as Supergirl more-so."