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Winter Work Out
Date of Scene: 17 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Clint and Bucky spar. Skye stops things before it goes too far. Clint learns the value of things that can be drunk through straws.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Winter Soldier, Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Evening at the Triskelion, Clint is letting himself go to town on the heavy bag, gloved hands pummeling the bag again and again, sometimes slipping backwards to add in a kick, a knee or an elbow, depending on what the combo called for. He's got his music in one year, availing himself of a single earbud now that it didn't have to share space with a hearing aid.

Around the gym other agents are working out and doing their thing.

Winter Soldier has posed:
While Clint was just going to town on a heavy bag, Bucky was sitting in a corner of the boxing ring, shadowboxing and switching stances as he switches constantly between martial arts. Though right in the middle of a swing with his vibranium arm, a memory comes to mind.

Steve and Bucky on the train just before his apparent 'death'.

'Bucky Look Out!'

That distant memory of a voice he barely remembers strung in his mind...the image flashed of him briefly wielding Cap's shield before getting blasted off...holding on for dear life from a fall that would surely kill him. He remembers reaching out to someone....then it's over.

Bucky stands there in the ring for a moment, standing up straight and looking at the floor as he takes deep breaths.

Quake has posed:
Gym time, Skye style. She's curled up in a corner, laptop on lap, ignoring the sounds of everyone else doing their thing while she puzzles over the latest set of data she's combing through. The trouble is, the kinds of traps she's looking for look entirely innocuous. Like little bits of nothing. Why she's at the gym? She told Clint she'd meet him here, and well, she's been trying not to get hyper-focused on her work..

FINE. She's hyerp-focusing. But hey, at least she showed up when she said she would, and she's not in the breakroom or holed up in their rooms. It's an improvement. Right? Right??

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint finishes up his last combo with a resounding knee to the bag that sets it jerking on its chains before it falls back to rest.

Breathing hard, he steps bouncing in place a little as he shakes out his arms. Skye he knew was there, working as always, but he hadn't noticed Bucky until now. The man had looked better. He pulls the earbud from his ear and wanders over to the boxing ring, leaning on it from where he stands. "Hey Barnes, you okay?" he asks.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky still remains paused, like he's seen a ghost, then Clint's words snap him out of it, his head turning sharply to CLint when he speaks. Though at his question, he takes a moment before he gives a quiet nod. "Yeah...I'm fine. You need a spar?" he questions curiously.

He was wearing simple workout clothes. Shorts, T-shirt, tenneshoes. He doesn't even look tired form the training he's already done today.

Quake has posed:
Hey, she's eaten today. Or she'll lie and say she has. But so far, Skye hasn't looked up, frowning at her laptop. Well, one of her laptops. This one is specific to this particular job and will eventually be destroyed. She's vaguely aware Clint has stopped beating on the hanging dummy weight and has moved over to.. that area over there.. And, to her credit, she actually looks up for half a second to register that fact fully, before looking back down again. It takes her a few moments to realize Clint isn't alone, though she can't tell Bucky has had a few moments of distress.

However, since the boys are over *there* and she's still *here*.. it seems prudent to the young woman to shift her viewing spot and head over. "Cool. Great. You guys do that," she mutters, distracted as she takes up a new, nearby, seat.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Want a spar? That was a loaded question. Clint had admired Bucky, at least the version of the man that was portrayed in the comics and on the silver screen since he was a kid. Though meeting him now, after all that happened, he really didn't know what to think. Deciding his kid-self would never forgive him for saying no, Clint nods. "Sure," he says and rolls into the ring, getting quickly to his feet.

Looking at Skye, he says, "Better pay attention, you're fighting the winner." Is he joking? Anyone's guess.

He steps out into the center of the ring, hands still gloved. "So? What are we thinking, whatever goes? But no serious injuries?" he asks.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky didn't even know he even -had- comics and silver screen time. Huh. Who knew? apparently not him! which just adds to the list of frustrating things he doesn't remember and/or know. Regardless, when Clint agrees to spar with him, Bucky takes him seriously, entering a fighting stance that he most often uses.

He didnt pay any heed to the comment of Skye facing the winner. But, when asked if anything goes but with no serious injuries, Bucky nods. "That's fine. Don't hold back on me, Barton." he says with as mall smile, as he gives him a 'bring it' gesture with his flesh hand.

Quake has posed:
Skye's fingers tap along a few keys and she peers at the resulting popup window. "Yeah, sure. Fighting the winner," she agrees, giving her screen a scowl. Whatever she sees there isn't what she expected, or at the very least isn't making her happy. It probably takes her another full minute before her attention snaps back. "Huh? What? Who is fighting what winner?"

Yeah, welcome back, Skye.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins at Skye's reaction. "There she is!" he proclaims brightly. "Your next," he says continuing to tease her. Then, it's down to business.

Never tasked with anything related to the Winter Soldier, Clint had no idea what he was up against, but came on strong anyhow. Throwing a quick combo, high right, high left, then dropping down into a sweep right after, testing Barnes' reaction time and technique.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky didn't speak to Skye, but did give a small nod at her arrival. THough his attention was on Clint. When he charged at him with a simple one-two combo, Bucky uses a single forearm to easily block both strikes, taking a single step back and lifting his foot to dodge the sweep. Though seeing as Clint may be vulvnerable, he snaps his foot forward towards Clint's chest to knock him off balance...then moves forward himself, a sharp jab coming right at Clint afterwards.

Quake has posed:
"I am not fighting the winner," Skye says with a smirk, lips pursing. She does stop her peering at the laptop now. Well, after hitting some keys and closing a few windows. The lid to the thing is shut and Skye settles to actually watch. This could be interesting. Her boyfriend against the man who had inadvertantly been responsible for Skye and Clint getting together.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Hmm, Barnes was quick, but for a tall guy, so was Clint. He rolled with the momentum of his sweep out of the way of the kick and the punch, coming back up on his feet. "So are," Clint argues back to Skye without taking his eye off of Barnes.

Sensing Barnes might take his words for distraction, Clint drops his guard a little, setting a trap for the other man.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Barnes realizes that Clint is fast...though he had no idea about being one of the factors in Clint and Skye getting together, nor did he necessarily need to, in his own opinion, were he to be asked. But! regardless, he does view Clint's words as a weakness...but the eyes on him even as he speaks says otherwise. Were it different...well, that's something else entirely.

So...he takes his normal arm and he throws a hook at Clint...only to make it a feign at the last moment, pulling it back to swing at Clint with his Vibranium arm with a scary speed, hoping to hit Clint in the chest.

Quake has posed:
Skye crinkles her nose at Clint, and makes a mouth of the fingers of her right hand, thumb tapping to middle finger twice, before she sends a few other hand gestures his way. Each slow, and coming with a slightly distant look from the woman until she pins them down, and by the last, she's grinning.

~Am not. You wish. Money on Bucky~

Of course, she has no guarantee Clint's following, intent upon his opponent. Calling out helpfully to Bucky, "He's weaker on his left." She could just be making that up.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint blocks that first punch, and drives a knee up to knock the wind out of Bucky's gut. The move leaves him open to the damned metal fist though and he's driven back before he can land the blow. His chest throbbed with the impact and he coughed a little. Damn that thing was tough. Though Clint had been taking beatings since he was four, one more didn't do much to faze him. He rallied quickly, using his long legs to his advantage, kicking once, twice then using that quickness, throws a roundhouse at Bucky's weak side. Sure, he didn't have a cool metal arm but he wasn't going to back down because of it.

Winter Soldier has posed:
After Bucky knocks Clint back before Hawkeye can knee him in the gut, effectively taking Clint down for a second before he got back up, he reenters a fighting stance, his eyes right on Clint as he comes at him with kicks. He dodges the first one, blocks the next one with his metal arm, and actually catches Clint's roundhouse kick, attempting to use his strength to throw Bucky to the side.

Then? a front flip while using his heel as a blunt weapon, atempting to strike Clint's shoulder with a downward kick.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grits his teeth as his foot is caught, he leaps up, and tries to kick out with his other foot. Except Bucky's not there. He's flipping above him. Jesus, the speed on this guy. Of course the mutual kicks put Clint's shoulder out of reach but Clint comes down hard on the mats all the same. He oofs as he hits, then rolls fast out of the way, getting back to his feet, but slower than the previous time. In the field, this would be when Clint started looking for other options, a weapon, something he could use. Unfortunately that wasn't in the rules today, so he had to improvise, distract, by time to find an opening and then throw everything he had at it. "So, get up to much sparring like this in the war?" he asks, a probe. "Back with Steve?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky notices that he easily has the upper hand, and he approaches with his hands up, still taking the spar as serious as it should be. Though when asked about the war, Bucky seems to freeze a single moment, but he shakes his head. "No....at least, I don't think so.." he shakes his head then before he runs at Clint, a knee primed to be aimed at the man's gut to try to knock the air out of him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Huh," the archer says. Clint saw that freeze and felt a little guilty for it. Using Steve and the war like that felt wrong. The primed knee, dead give away, Bucky might as well have sent Clint a letter to let him know what was coming. Clint twists out of the way, then uses that turn to snap a wheel kick around aimed at the back of Barnes' head.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Of course, Bucky wasn't a fool when it came to combat. Knowing full well Clint would move out of the way and capitalize on it, he ducked his head low...but let his shoulder take the full hit, grunting...but instead of fall to the ground, he used the momentum of the strike to spin, attempting to punch Clint right in the mouth with a fast, momentum-fueled strike.

Thank goodness this wasn't with his vibranium hand...

Quake has posed:
Skye watches quietly, not making comments as the fight seems to be not only serious, but Clint is using it as a means to draw Bucky out. Neither man needs her sarcastic input. Besides, she's busy watching blows land, and wincing, more certain now than when they began that she is /not/ fighting the winner.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The punch hits Clint square in the jaw and drops him to the mat with a THUMP. The blonde haired archer, gives his head a shake, rolls back and spits a bit of blood on the mat when he stands up woozily. His lip and jaw throb in time with his chest, but he takes a fighting stance anyhow arms up, ready. "C'mon, lemme see you do that twice," he taunts. For all his rough edges and salty language, Clint and Steve have one thing in common. They never give up.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky watches Clint -drop- to the mat hard, but watches with approval as CLint gets back up, woozy and hazed as he may appear. Though when Clint challenges him, Bucky decides he wants to end this in one more well timed hit. So he approaches Barton, his eyes locked right onto Clint's...before he attempts a roundhouse kick party of his own now, a kick aimed for his ribs, one for his head, and another for his chest.

Quake has posed:
Okay, this was all getting ugly now. Which left Skye wondering what to do. She could jsut speak up and break it up - but she didn't want to be that girlfriend, either. Or she could just leave - but what would May say? Skye could picture May scolding her for not putting a stop to their stupidity. And they were being stupid. Bull-headed stupid. Skye wincing as blows that should have been pulled not only landed, but incited further ones.

"Hey! Assholes. You're on the same side. Both you boys forget that?"

Reluctantly, Skye gets up and makes her way to come between them. Or tries to.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's still got some fight in him. The kick to the ribs? Blocked, though the impact sent him back a couple of inches and he could feel his arm bruising up where foot met flesh. He ducks the roundhouse aimed at his head seemingly by chance, before leaping into a kick of his own aimed at Barnes' already turning torso. Even money if it lands as the kick to the chest finds it mark sending Clint to the mats. He lands hard again. Taking a moment to breathe into his hurts, push past the pain. For a moment, he felt anger course through him, the kind he'd felt as a kid when he was a kid and couldn't do anything to stop his dad-

He gives his head a shake. "Focus, Barton! Sparring!" he says to himself.

Then Skye's there coming into the ring. He didn't know if he should be angry or happy about that, but he manages to climb back onto his feet all the same. His eyes go from Skye to Barnes, and Clint says to the latter, "Call it a draw?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
Barnes duels with Barton until they both manage to roundhouse kick each other simultaneously in the chest...but Bucky is more sturdy than Clint is. Where he is pushed a step or two back, he sees Clint got kicked down pretty hard. He looks like the fight is over by how he ends his stance, standing upright and perfectly straight. Though Skye's inclusion does help. He gives a small nod to Clint then.

"Should be proud Hawkeye. You lasted longer than almost everyone I've fought so far." a small smile for him then. But then again...Bucky wasn't trying to kill him. He turns his head to Skye as she interferes. "I realize. Why I stopped....though he seems to still have fight in him. It's commendable."

Quake has posed:
Bucky earns a scowl. Skye might like him, but that didn't mean she had to put up with bullshit. And, being she was Skye, she rarely did.

"It might be commendable, but both of you are idiots. What was that anyway?" She recognized the look she'd seen on Clint's face, and a very similar one had been on Bucky's. Those boys were both dangerously close to forgetting it was just sparring - if they hadn't already.

then she grins at Bucky, just a tiny bit, "Besides, you don't really want to fight me, do you ?" She supposed Bucky was the winner here. She really was laying down double meaning with that question.

"You okay, Hotshot?" He'd been the one spitting blood.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Bucky's nod is returned in kind. Respect for a hard fought battle, and an acknowledgement of who the winner was. He smirked though, at the complement. "Had my bow, you wouldn't have seen it coming."

Guys, right?

He lets out a long slow breath letting the tension from the fight drain with the outrush of air. "Just guys being dumb," Clint answers Skye's question. "You know, got to see who the biggest badass on the playground is," he says. Though, what she'd seen was right, both of them had nearly lost control.

Her next question, earns a thoughtful touch of his jaw, the lip was already swelling a bit, and the jaw ached like something else. Though when he worked his tongue in his mouth he couldn't taste any more blood. "Yeah, think so Keyboard," he replies. "May just have to sign a bit more than usual until I can get an ice pack." He flinches, case in point, he'd bitten his lip just then.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks guilty then, approaching Clint and Skye, bowing his head in silent apology. "Sorry...." though that was mainly to Skye, he lifts his head then to see Clint just in time for his bow remark. Then it's the knowing grin of who would win between Bucky with a sniper rifle and Hawkeye with his bow?

The World may never know. He does, however, move to his bag at the corner of the ring, returning with an ice pack in hand that he cracks to get it up and ready. Huh, WS tech. "Here." he says with a soft smile.

Quake has posed:
When both Clint and Bucky start cracking pissing contest jokes about Clint's bow, and whatever it was Bucky imagined he'd put against Hawkeye, Skye just throws her hands up into the air, complaining, "Oh my god. You two deserve one another. Seriously."

Even if her exasperation has some laughing behind it. They were so.. Boys. They were boys being boys, and she couldn't compete with that.

Clint's comment about signing nodded to, even as she shakes her head. "Yeah, well. You know exactly how many words I know. Good luck with that." Bucky she just shakes her head at, though it's clear he earns some forgiveness for the ice pack he offers Clint.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint takes the ice-pack and puts it to his jaw. The cold stings, but still feels good on the sore bone and muscle. He allows himself another little breath then gives Bucky a smile, "Thanks."

Skye's exasperation is noted and he gives her a little shrug. What could you do? They were hardwired to be like this sometimes. Survival of the species and all of that. "Guess that just means I've got more to teach," he says resting a gloved hand on Skye's shoulder a moment, before he lifts it again and moves to the edge of the ring. "We can talk lesson plans once you take Bucky down," he teases before, slipping through the ropes to jump down to the floor.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks at Skye curiously. nothing wrong with comraderie! Though Clint and bucky always got along great, he didn't fuel his ego. Regardless, when Clint teases Skye about taking down Bucky before talking about lessons, he actually looks at Skye as if she as actually going to spar with him. a small tilt of his head there before he moves to the corner, sipping lightly on minimal water to keep him disciplined and tone.

Quake has posed:
Skye snorts, grinning. "Bucky can't handle me." Yeah, she gets the boys thing. Though they'd both been close to it not being comaraderie that she'd broken up.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles, tossing down the ice pack on a bench long enough to pull off his gloves and tape. "True," he calls back to Skye, giving her a grin of his own, and then mouthed words thank you. She'd pulled him back at the very least from letting things get stupid. Well, stupider.

"Well I'm done for the night guys," he announces, as he puts the pack back on his face. "Game to do this again, Bucky, but got to say, no robo arms, that's cheating," he teases. Though he wasn't too sure how eager he was for another round.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky turns his head to Skye, giving her a small smile. He had no intent of fighting her...because he knew it'd get bad for her -real- quick. But Skye had the spirit to learn how to fight good, so maybe Bucky could give her a hand with that. Regardless, he looks to Clint as he announces his departure. "Hm...I'll see about evening the odds." a warmness in his tone there as he sits, though now left to his thoughts, the distraction is long gone...

Those memories of a broken, dead man.

Quake has posed:
Bucky gets a full on smirk. "Well, lucky for you, I don't have time to beat your ass to the mats tonight. But how about I take you up on that offer another day. And I have a bone to pick with you. Breaking my boyfriend so that he can't even kiss me properly? That's mean, Bucky. I thought you liked me."

She smirks, and looks over at Clint. "What say we blow this popsicle stand?" Because even if she'd been in the mood to continue, he really did need to clean himself up and tend to his bruises and that split lip. She puts the fingers of her right hand flat against her chin, and drops them out away from her, from the elbow, mouthing as she signs ~you're welcome~.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
A nod is given to Bucky. "Don't bother," he says about evening the odds. "I'll get you yet." He still wasn't sure he wanted to do that, but hey, fear wasn't something he wanted to show just now.

A smile acknowledges Skye's signs to him, and he says, "Let's do it," as he puts his gloves away and with a wave to Bucky, waits for Skye by the door.