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There's no 'OMD what NOW' in TEAM
Date of Scene: 18 December 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Tony Stark visits the Triskelion to share intel, toys for R&D, and sass. Barnes, Barton, May, and Skye all stop in to say hello.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Hawkeye (Barton), Melinda May, Winter Soldier, Quake

Iron Man has posed:
The helicopter has ...a rather obnoxious paint job.

The giant STARK branding on the side of it is inexcusable, really, though the lines of the chopper are streamlined beautifully in modern aerodynamics. The make isn't the issue, the paint just requires it not be ignored. The bird settled on the landing pad at the roof, in a flurry of activity. It was expected, though, as evidenced by the lack of harsh response.

Several employees exited the helicopter to be checked over, while easy handshake geetings were made from the man that draws perhaps even more attention than the loudly painted helicopter, Tony Stark himself. He's rattling off rapid-fire instructions to the straggling employee pair as he comes down from the roof into the Triskelion foyer, also trailed by an agent, who clearly hasn't been on this type of detail before. The employees are carrying a few things, which particularly is slowing them down, allowing Tony to have pretty good headway out in front of them as he heads downstairs.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint Barton was passing through the lobby from one section of the Trisk to the other when the helo showed up. Smiling, Barton, the man with a foot in both the Avengers and SHIELD grinned. "Oh, this should be good," he says and makes his way over to Tony and his entourage. "Didn't know we were having a parade today, someone elect you the grand marshal?"

Melinda May has posed:
Agent Melinda May happened to have been in the Operations Center when Stark's impending arrival was announced. She called dibs on greeting him in the foyer, though she's certain others will be about as well. Taking her place just as the STARK helicopter (nice bird, shame of a paint job) settles on the landing pad and the arrivals disembark.

She waits patiently as Tony swans his way toward where she's standing and Barton meets him partway. Because of course he does. But maybe the archer's presence will make dealing with Stark a little easier.

She's not going to be on that.

Iron Man has posed:
"Autographs are in an hour, but you can cut in line if you like," Tony fires back to Clint with an immediate smile, deviating to attempt a friendly clap on the other Avenger's shoulder. "Sir?" the employee to Tony's left questions, "your meeting is in an hour?" Poor employee, she's already kind of struggling with the case, let alone this apparent schedule change.

"Yes, thank you," Tony answers her, deadpan, which confuses her - but she closes her open mouth.

"You're... not my designated 'escort,' are you?" Tony asks Clint, tapping a few fingers against his chin, brows raised behind the sunglasses he has still failed to remove despite coming indoors. He scans around, eyes catching on May.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins at the Tony Stark circus and shakes his head, "Right, like Fury'd make me your babysitter," he says with a shake of his head, but when he spots May, he says, "That's your escort," not that he knew for sure but the way May was watching Stark, probably a good guess. "Go say hi, her name is Agent May." He wasn't sure if the two had met.

Melinda May has posed:
Almost as if she knows what the two men are discussing, she crosses her arms and watches them with the kind of level emotionlessness that one would expect from a Vulcan. Her eyes flick toward the assistants, mentally noting them struggling with whatever it is they're carrying, and then her eyes go back to Barton. Make yourself useful. Carry that thing for the kid before she drops it.

And no, she doesn't have to convey that out loud.

For those with sharp eyes -- and who don't already know her -- her black jacket does a passable job of imitating leather, but it's definitely not. It might even be armored.

Iron Man has posed:
A helicopter with obnoxious STARK branding has recently landed at the roof helipad. The small circus that Tony Stark brought with him has drifted down to the main lobby for passing agents and employees to stare at: most specifically, Tony himself, and two assistants lugging various cases and trying to manage folders of stuff.

"You didn't fight for me? You cut me to the bone," Tony answers Clint in an amused, offhand manner and shake of head, plucking the sunglasses off and slipping them into a front interior pocket in his crisply tailored suit jacket.

"Sir," the other employee attempts to get his attention, extending a visitor ID badge, that he was just handed, near Tony's left arm. Tony snares it without looking, approaching Agent May. One of his bright Public Face smiles is affixed.

The agent previously tailing Tony from the helicopter pad gives a 'LOOK' from behind the entourage at Agent May with widened eyes in a sort of 'wtf even is this' expression, hoping to be dismissed, probably.

"Agent May?" Tony asks with a tilt of head, managing to be polite yet still arrogant in the same expression, calmly offering her a handshake of respectful greeting.

Winter Soldier has posed:
When Bucky heard that Stark was going to be making his presence known in that rather....interestingly paint-jobbed Helicopter, he makes his way up, where he so happens to find Clint and May already conversing with Tony. Though he stayed back, looking fairly incognito out of the tac vests it seems. Black jacket, rugged coat over that jacket, blue jeans, black T-shirt underneath his coats, and combat boots. Gloved covered his hands and a baseball cap covered his head.

Approaching Clint and May from behind, he gives Clint a look first. "What's this about?" he asks the archer curiously, before his attention falls on Tony and May as they speak..or rather as Tony introduces himself. This should be an interesting talk.

Then Bucky's eyes actualy -see- the helicopter. It's difficult for him not to silently cringe.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint catches May's look and he lets out a sigh. Sure they were both Level 7's but she'd been one longer. Seniority, it just sucks sometimes. He steps around Stark as he answers, "Yeah, sorry, once you meet May, you'll see why not." Really he had no idea Tony was coming or he would have put in for the detail. "Hey, man, let me carry that," he says with a nod to the case.

When Bucky joins them, Clint flashes Barnes a smile, "The circus has come to town, you met Tony yet?" he asks, but keeps his vocie low.

Melinda May has posed:
"Mr. Stark." May shakes Tony's hand before reaching over and plucking the case out of the remaining assistant's hands, hefting its weight a LOT more easily. Of course, she very promptly turns and hands it off again to Barnes to carry. You show up, you get put to work.

"Tony Stark, James Barnes." Hey, at least she bothered with SOME kind of introduction. Though it might be more noteworthy that she didn't indicate that Barnes is an agent. After introductions, she gestures across the foyer and toward one of the secured conference rooms designed for this kind of meeting. "This way, please."

A glance toward the overwhelmed agent frees him from further obligations so that he can run away and hide.

Iron Man has posed:
"Um," says the employee to Barton when he offers to help her, but since no objection comes from the boss, the employee nods and gives up the larger case. She had had two: that one, and a small one stowed under that same arm. It's not particularly heavy, just bulky. She now has her hands more free to use her small tablet, checking through it. "This other parcel is for the Director," she says to Clint, hopeful that he'll direct what she needs to do with it. It is a flat cigar-box shape wrapped neatly in tan paper.

The other employee allows himself to be helped as well: first by May, then to Barnes, without objections: they are taking this with more awe than Tony is bothering with.

"Hello," Tony says simply to Barnes with a nod, perfectly willing to smile and do the handshake thing.

But then they're being led, already, and Tony hooks a very specific stare at the male employee, who flashes a 3-0 at him with fingers. 30 minutes. Tony then addresses the group in general, though mostly May's back: "There's still a good half hour; I'm uncharacteristically early, I know. Any chance of lunch?" Tony asks, amiable, and relaxed about the whole situation.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint hefts the case easily, and when the other package is given over, he tucks that under his arm. "Sure thing. Kinda trusting though, could just walk off with these," he teases the employee about what he's pretty sure are more cigars for the boss. "

At the question about lunch, Clint shoots a look to May, this was her show, he was just a not-so-innocent bystander.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky gives a glance to Cint as she speaks to him softly. "It's complicated." He knew Howard, but he didn't know Tony. So when May introduces them, he extends a gloved hand to Tony to shake his hand. "You can call me Bucky." he greets with a smile.

Then he looks to Clint as he is able to persuade Tony's assistant into helping her out. He keeps quiet for now, not gonna start chatting at people quite yet.

Melinda May has posed:
The conference room was really just across the way, so they still have just about the entirety of those thirty minutes left. "Something can be arranged," May replies to Tony's request for lunch. But, she is NOT cooking. Thirty minutes isn't nearly enough for that even if she were inclined to do so. Which she's not.

The cases all get set on a table against one wall, and then May's speaking quietly into the commlink in her ear. "Lunch is being delivered." And by all that's holy, if he turns his nose up at it she will NOT be pleased. "Please. Have a seat." She herself appears prepared to remain standing.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint follows the party into the room and setting down the case and putting the cigars down on top he leans against the wall, arms crossed. "So what's the big visit about Tony? Also, should we be worrying about you? You're early."

Iron Man has posed:
"I think the Director is expecting them," The employee smiles a bit at Clint uncertainly, without fully responding to the sarcasm. It's a sort of cute confusion, and probably a major reason why this particular assistant was brought along. Fun to tease.

"Bucky, huh?" Brows arch as if deciding if the name fits Bucky, but if he has a snappy comment, it doesn't come out...yet. But there's lunch talk, and Tony is distracted by it.

"Fabulous," Tony answers regarding lunch, upbeat, strolling into the meeting room and selecting a chair, drawing it back and relaxing into it, stretching his legs briefly, probably the leftovers of tension from his helicopter flight. He doesn't go for head of the table, just picks one on a side. The assistants stay near the door, clearly expecting to wait outside, but they don't go yet.

"I can't just stop by to see how the Helicarriers are working out?" Tony asks Clint in mock 'dismay,' leaning back, and twisting a ring slowly around one of his fingers with the other fingers of the same hand. "...If I ever do that, yes, you should worry."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky remains siletn still as the SHIELD agents and Tony go about hteir business, though he does look towards both containers, briefly wondering what was in them before he turns his head to Clint when he asks his question to Tony, and listens carefully at his response.

When spoken to by Tony, he nods once and only once. Though he was prepared for that sharp Stark wit, he is only slightly surprised when he doesn't get it. When it's revealed he's likely here to check out the Helicarriers, a small narrowing of his eyes before he just smiles and hangs back.

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't seem the sort to try and encourage conversation, so if the silence becomes a bit uncomfortable, too bad. At least the food arrives quickly enough. It's by no means 5-star restaurant quality, but it is decidedly better than the usual military-esque cafeteria fare. Even if it does seem bent on representing all four major food groups. And, enough food was brought for Stark, his assistants, Barton, and Barnes. Which means it's a LOT of food. May only claims a glass of water for herself.

"Care to give us any hints about why you're here, Stark?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Tony's remark about the helicarriers gets a slow nod from Clint. "Well, 192 days since our last crash, I'd say were doing pretty good," Clint jokes. Is he joking? Hard to say with Clint and to be honest the helicarriers too sometimes. When May asks Tony what Clint was going to he goest to grab some food for himself and take a seat while he waits to hear more.

Iron Man has posed:
"...I feel like you may think I'm building up for a big reveal, but this isn't like that," Tony says, after creating a plate with a mixture of the various offerings. He doesn't turn up his nose at all, but does investigate everything and gather his favorites. "Don't be shy," he says to the assistants, who come to have some as well, with plentiful thanks given to the agents for the meal.

"Well, not yet, at any rate." Tony sighs. "Two things have brought me here. Firstly, some information on some 'groups' forming up in the city. You're far better equipped to delve into them than I am. But they've dinged a bunch of red flags that I had an eye on, and we don't need a surge of terrorism attacks, obviously." He pauses to have some salad. "Second, some presents for your R&D team." A gesture to the cases. "I didn't add red bows, but the sentiment's there."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky keeps his arms crossed as he listens. Though he tilts his head at Tony Stark as he speaks about getting information on specific groups and...presents for research and devlopment? interesting. Probably the nicest Stark he's ever met, and that's a statement in itself. He sighs a moment, he smiles though to Melinda a moment as she questioned Stark at first.

Regardless, Bucky doesn't know all this stuff. Silence is golden...as they say.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"That's only because you usually are," Clint says to Tony about the big reveal. He smiles though, taking the edge of the words. The mention of those groups though, gets Clint to look up from his food. "Yeah? What sort of groups and," a glance is given to the cases, "What sort of toys?"

Melinda May has posed:
"Barton." May says the name mildly enough, but it's clearly an order to stand down. "I'll have someone from R&D retrieve the cases after your meeting with Fury." After all, it sounds like the intel that Stark has gathered is on the important side.

Finally, she moves to take a seat at the conference table, though still doesn't claim any of the food. She ate not too long ago, and if anyone needs the extra calories, it's likely Barnes. "Does this have any correlation with the recent hacker activity our analysts have picked up?" She flicks a quick glance toward Clint. Not a word.

Iron Man has posed:
"You're so suspicious. Why aren't we better friends?" Tony asks Clint with amused sarcasm, as if needing to think about it, tapping his fork into the salad thoughtfully. He seems to shrug and give up on overthinking that question. "My first assessment is they're unhappy with folks with powers and want to reduce the number of those. I'd like to advocate for people staying alive, /personally,/" Stark remarks offhandedly. There's a focus to his gaze on the topic, even if he's acting flippant: he does care about it.

"'Toys'? If you want a new set of arrows from me for Christmas, you could ask," Tony teases Clint.

Attention comes back to the hacker activity from May, and Tony considers that. "...I would not be shocked at all. That would be consistent. Maybe this'll help you close your net, if you've already started." Tony seems pleased with himself, similar to someone that delivers a gift that is well recieved.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky looks to May as she doesn't take any of the food. He takes a small bit from each little display of food available and he makes himself a little sandwhich. But, he ends up giving a little nod to all prseent and he turns heel to leave when nobody is looking. Though he did enjoy te happy talks.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snorts, "Class divisions?" he offers as a glib suggestion. Though as much as he liked to poke fun, Tony was a friend.

"Jeeze, don't people ever get tired of sucking?" he asks when it turns out these guys are another group of anti-meta bigots. Heeding May's warning, Clint doesn't speak up about what SHIELD knows, he just hangs back and smiles. "Hey, at least I'm easy to shop for," Clint grins before shaking his head. "Should be good though, Strange got me something for breaking my bow, not sure how it works yet but may need less arrows going forward."

Melinda May has posed:
Clint's last comment earns him a raised eyebrow from May. What's he been working on for Strange, now? Well, she's likely to find out sooner or later. "Don't be surprised if someone from our Cyber division contacts you to work on this new intel you've got." With any luck, it'll NOT be Skye. She can't even begin to imagine the levels of cussing that'll go on if she meets up with Stark.

Sipping at her water glass, May watches the two assistants briefly, to make sure neither of them is looking overly ... squirrelly. Of course, they likely had Stark level vetting, so they should be all right. But still.

Iron Man has posed:
The assistants actually are very quietly conferring notes using their data pads and aren't even much listening to the conversation; they sat down at the end. There's more interest from them to wonder what is in the cases than any of the rest of it. The woman of the pair seems more concerned over the agenda and timing of meetings for the next week. They don't hide what they are doing particularly.

"I don't give away puzzles I've already solved, that's ... a bit petty. In those cases, easier to just give the answers, although yes, might need that parade." Tony listens to the bow thing, but doesn't seem particularly invested. In fact: "Good; no gift needed, is what I heard," Tony chuckles.

"Cyber division? Sure. They'll be busy and maybe unhappy, it's a lot of data," he warns.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snorts again, "I get weird magic stuff and that's what you get out of it?" he replies to Tony with a shake of his head.

He eats and listens after that. Cyber division had a lot to do already, but he knew, or rather suspected, who'd end up with the job of dealing with Tony's data. "Not going to be cyber that's unhappy," Clint jokes mildly. Maybe, he'd see Skye again in a month or two...

Melinda May has posed:
May looks at Clint again, then at Stark and his two assistants, and touches the commlink in her ear. "Agent Johnson, please report to conference room C off of the main foyer." She doesn't give any time frame, figuring Skye will either reply and tell her off, or will show up quickly enough. And it's equally likely that Barton will text her. Tell her to come get something to eat while there's food here. That might also be workable incentive.

Quake has posed:
Skye's nose is buried several encryption layers deep into the latest round of data pull from Operation Hammerfall when May's request filters through. And by filters through, we mean, makes Skye realize she hadn't turned that damned thing off when she settled down to work.. Oh, sure, she /wore/ it for plausible deniablity, but the young woman tended to ignore it as often as not. It wasn't like a person couldn't find Skye if they really needed her, and, well, frankly, she had better things to do than be dragged away from her laptop to answer some inane questions, or worse.. run the latest batch of securty checks because someone didn't think ahead, or someone showed up unexpectedly, or any other number of scenarios that amounted to bothering her when she'd rather be doing something more intersting.

Besides, this was her job, wasn't it?

Without even looking up, or batting a lash, or replying, Skye merely turned the damned thing off, and for good measure, took it out and shoved it deep into a pocket. "Sorry May, must have forgotten to put it in when I sat down to work this afternoon. Shame that, huh?"

Yeah, Skye flirted with insubordination the way Tony flirted with anything in a skirt. Which is to say frequently, and with great abandon.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey, I'm happy for you and your 'weird', really," Tony says to Clint evenly, lifting both hands in a sort of 'whoa' motion, as Clint gets grumpy about not getting a gift anymore. Clearly /that's/ the problem.

Toby considers what is left of the lunch materials, and finishes what is on his plate efficiently. He then picks up a bottle of water, manages not to say anything about it although his expression suggested he ALMOST did. He then reclines in his chair again, one knee resting over the other leg, casually.

The two assistants look over, a bit restlessly. "You're welcome to go back to the foyer," Tony waves them off as if just remembering them, and the two assistants slip out the door. He does watch the female assistant go in particular, before returning his focus to the tasks at hand with a vague smile.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint rolls his eyes and shakes his head at Tony. "Right, way to catch the point there, T."

Then when May isn't able to reach Skye by comms, he sighs, and pulls out his phone and types < Food. Conference room-

He stops short, yeah, he'd seen her work past too many meals. He deletes and types again < New data from Tony, conference room C, might help with that thing you were talking about this morning > It wasn't strictly a lie, after all something in those files might help and it stood a good chance of getting Skye's attention.

Melinda May has posed:
May takes a sip of her water and seems capable of waiting with infinite patience. For those who know her, though -- like Barton -- The fact that she's staying completely still is an indication of her annoyance at being ignored by Skye. She could not care less how important the hacker's intel might be. If she tells the kid to get off her ass and go somewhere, there's a damned good reason for it and she had BETTER listen. And do it.

She watches the two assistants leave as well, though very likely NOT for the same reasons Tony did.

Quake has posed:
There's a buzz as Skye's phone vibrates, and she flips it over to peek at the screen, Clint's text sitting in the preview window. She gives a little appreciative grunt. "Ah so that's what she wanted."

Which left Skye to consider how she was going to tackle the matter at hand, especially as she knew she'd be heading to that conference room. Not only was Tony entertaining to the nth degree, but if he really did have something that might help her with her current task, she wanted to get her grabby little fingers on it.

Which only left how to deal with the summons. Both of them.

First things first, she did a quick save and sleep on the laptop, closing the lid and gathering it up. And then quickly slipped her commlink back into her ear, stupid annoying thing that it was - whose great idea was it to make her wear one anyway? Even if she knew it went with the pretty level 2 badge, and now that she wasn't fronting Hammerfall she didn't have the leeway she once did. The Hydra data might be important, but it didn't carry the weight she'd once been given.

"Conference Room C, huh?" If he'd not made reference to the conference room, Skye would have ignored May in favour of Clint, but that little tidbit tied the two together. And of Clint and May, May actually had the right to tear a strip out of her.

May got the reply.

"Yeah. Heading down. Better be worth hauling my ass out all that way." She knew it would be. But it wouldn't be Skye without the snark.

Iron Man has posed:
"You're making fun of my selective hearing? It really enables my laziness well, no need to mock it," Tony replies to Clint, with a smile. These conversations, while ultimately pointless, are enjoyable. At least on Tony's end. He watches Clint text, and, perhaps to not be the only one not in the middle of technology, flips his own phone out, checking through a volley of messages with an unconcerned scroll of thumb.

"Should I text her too?" Tony asks the room idly. "Maybe with a selfie?" he adds thoughtfully.

Iron Man has posed:
There's a brief flash, of camera perhaps?-- and some Blue Steel is sent to Skye. You're welcome.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint lets out a breath through his nose, when May's phone vibrates and his doesn't. Spotting Tony's little photo session, he shakes his head, "Dude, really? Sending selfies to my girl," he seems more amused than mad but all the same digs into his food while waiting for Skye to arrive.

Melinda May has posed:
May's only reaction is to raise an eyebrow. Vulcanesque, indeed. But, at least Skye finally responded. She can accept that. She does, finally, ready to steal a morsel of vegetable off of Barton's plate. Because she can.

Quake has posed:
Skye's phone buzzes again, and is flipped on, the woman expecting Clint and getting Tony-duck-face extraordinaire. "Oh god. Must be fucking serious. That's the whole trifecta now."

She texts Tony back <<Ha.Ha. Get my name right and maybe we'll talk.>>

And since she's got it open, Clint gets a quickie as she rides the elevator down. <<How pissed is May? And shit, could you guys be more impatient? ETA less than a minute.>>

Sure enough, it's not quite a minute later Skye saunters into the conference room. "So. What's so important?" Tony gets a smirk. "And don't think I forget your lunch. Though you keep sending me messages like that and I'm going to start charging you to look at them."

Iron Man has posed:
"Totally, 'Dude'," Tody agrees in amusement, drawing out the use of 'dude' in a return tease with a brow slightly quirked. He's no Melinda May, and his eyebrow raises scream a different emotion, but hey.

When Skye appears, Tony has no problem with taking over THAT spotlight to update her. "Ah, there you are, Agent Petunia," Tony says without even a miss of beat on the name. "I understand someone from the Cyber division is interested in a pile of data. Don't worry, I didn't connect strings to it. I've just got enough balls in the air to catch on my own, this time." He rubs his chin slowly, but continues, "Anyway. It lends to suggesting a series of groups that are gaining membership. Looked to me like anti-meta sentiments, and 'interesting' attempted purchases. But it could be against another group; the hatred sort of blends into a smear of asshat." He is more sober and serious for the last. "And if that links in with something you have... all the more reason to accelerate comparing it."

A pause. "Also, the salad here was getting cold." Tony indicates it, tone deadpan.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint barely raises a brow when May steals from his plate. Like he was going to stop her.

"That's right duuude," Clint replies to Tony with a shake of his head as he spears some salad. It never reaches his mouth. The text from Skye arrives, and he sets down his fork to check and reply. < Finally. And about a 4? > There's no scale of course, but it doesn't matter the message is sent off just before Skye comes through the door in her typical fashion. She'd find out for herself.

Melinda May has posed:
May turns to look at Skye as she cruises on in. "And there's still some food left." It's said in her usual neutral tone, but as with other things she's said, it might as well be an order. Sit. Eat. Talk about computer stuff while eating.

"Stark was about to share some intel with us that might correlate with your current work." Yes, her phrasing was intentionally vague.

Quake has posed:
Skye texts Clint back << Defcon 4 is nothing. Wait till she starts firing off the nuke codes. I don't break a sweat for anything over a 2.>>

Tony's snark is met with a smirk and a lift of brow. "Oh, how original. Petunia. What, did your secretary find you a list? Make sure nothing was more than one or two syallable to make it easy on you?" Eyes twinkling with mirth. Because, of course, Petunia is three syllables for one, and well, because she and Tony seem to start all interchanges with one another with a certain level of sass. read: monumental levels.

But she nods, taking a seat at the table, pulling a tray of food closer to peer at it, picking out a bit and popping it into her mouth. "So, what, this besides what I pulled from Hydra?" Because, of course, that hadn't been part of the Stark portion of that mission Tony's contribution, under Nat, had been distraction. Which left only something else. "And you're just passing it off to me? What gives?"

Snark levels fade away into actual sentences with serious tones and eye contact that isn't filled with amusement from the young woman.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony doesn't call out on the syllables, but.... "Did I mess it up? Gerbera, my sincere apologies," Tony says, dismissively since he evidently now has the name correct, with a breed of Daisy. But, like her, he focuses more on the business at hand, the serious core of it. Which may suggest that he IS actually taking it serious to a degree, not just coming over to spread rubbish around. Well, not JUST rubbish.

"Not specifically for you, that was just a happy coinicidence. This is a new lot. I'm doing this thing where I'm being a team player." Tony seems somewhat agitated by the statement. Clearly it isn't paying off well, this team player thing. "The objective is to protect people in the city." He lowers his head a bit, but his eyes stay steady. "But no, it likely isn't urgent. It's not a monster sitting on a hospital. But maybe the next time it IS urgent, I'll get a few meters of credit." He draws in his coat, and tosses across the table at her a little plastic teal colored case, no doubt with a tech device inside.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint doesn't have much to include. Taking a bite of his salad, he lets the tech folks talk tech.

Melinda May has posed:
May also settles back to let the techies talk. And, based on what she just heard over her comm, it's likely for the best. Fury being delayed isn't that big a surprise, but considering that Stark got here EARLY, it would be nice to reward that level of punctuality with the same.

A shame she's not the one in charge.

Quake has posed:
Skye takes the tech packet Tony tosses her way. "Nice. Team player, huh? I'm sure we can make a playdate to share she I dig out of this." He was being nice. She could be nice. Besides, he'd done them a huge in Operation Hammerfall. (Though more than even odds would say she'd have worked with Tony on this merely to get her hands on the tech and peek at it.)

She grins at him. "I'll have my people call your people. And by my people I mean I'll grab a pizza on my way over." Which won't even touch the $1000 he handed her for lunch the next time she came waltzing into his office. Something about proscuitto, decent cheese, all the other acoutrements, and a bottle of wine that ate a chuck of that bit of cash... She knows offering pizza is tantamount to throwing down the sass gauntlet with the man. Just as they both know she'll be bringing him something worth his time when she does come visit - pizza or no pizza. "And try Shasta next time, huh? Actually, if you all don't mind, I think I'll take a peek at this and get back to what I was doing." All that by way of excusing herself.

Melinda May has posed:
Wait, what's all this about Petunia and Gerbera? It doesn't show on May's face -- heavens no -- but it takes her a moment to catch up with the fast-flying snark. And then, she actually has to resist the urge to drop her head to the conference table surface.

As long as they're working together. As long as they're working together. As long as they're working together.

Iron Man has posed:
"Pizza, hmm, Marguerite? I suppose that could cover another selfie from me, at most," Tony decides, with a spread of hand in a very generous way. He doesn't stop her from leaving at all: that's why he threw the object. He knew very well she'd need to go see what's on it. Information, always the bait for those who love cracking a mystery. "Oh-- one last thing, Gloriosa? Please send my assistants back in, on your way out," he adds to her, cheerfully.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Skye summoned, tech stuff done, salad finished Clint's work here is done, he pushes up from the table, puts away his plate then grabs a water. "Thanks for the food folks, it's been real," he says giving Skye a nudge and "See you tonight." He heads off to the work he was actually supposed to be doing.

Quake has posed:
"Not your servant, Stark. Find someone you pay for that." And now she really is gone, giving Clint a quick grin on her way out. That Tony's assistants find their way back in is quite possibly just coincidental.