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Latest revision as of 10:32, 4 January 2018

A New X
Date of Scene: 17 December 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Wolverine, Daken

Phoenix has posed:
Jean was in her office, she was wearing a black turtleneck sweater that was slim to her form and a white dress that was down around her lowerhalf. She was seated behind her desk and had requested Logan and Daken meet her in her office after spotting them in the hallway a few minutes earlier.

The door to Jean's office was left open and the young Vice Principal was typing something on her laptop, just a quick e-mail to have sent off. It is late afternoon and there's sunshine coming in through the windows.

Wolverine has posed:
    Walking towards the office is none other than the old man of the X-Men, Wolverine. Lately known primarily as Logan. Wearing his jeans, a collared white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a set of well-worn cowboy boots, Logan takes a moment to run his finger through his hair, and scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Need a shave."

    Frowning, and taking a moment to stop, and absorb this situation, Logan wipes the small beed of sweat from his forehead with a grunt and a shake of his head. "Nervous...huh."

    Another shake of his head, followed by a sigh, and Logan proceeds to the office. With a knock on the frame since the door was open, and a slight grimace, Logan waits for the voice to allow him to enter. That voice...unmistakable what effect that voice has on him. That was why he general avoids her. Hiding by the wall, out of sight, Logan waits.

Daken has posed:
In the time that Daken had once again met Logan...he had cleaned up pretty good.

Still wearing his longcoat with a popped collar, he wears black jeans, a white shirt this time, and combat boots. His hair has been trimmed to normality, though even now it still holds a bit of a wild status. His beard has been trimmed way down to a well-groomed facial hair.

"Heh, you? nervous? Funny coming from the Wolverine." He may be starting over with Logan, but the verbal fencing will still be commencing. "Ready?" he says softly to his father as he knocks on the door. He greets Jean with a small nod as he stands only a little behind Logan.

"Hey Jean."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would stand up when the two men step into her office through the open door. She'd move around her desk and walk toward them, extending her hand toward one and then the other... even if she saw Logan a bit more frequently, this was official business so she treated it as such.

"Hello." She said to them both, a smile lighting up across her lips as her green eyes looked to them both... Jean was observing them, but only with her eyes and not with her mind. She was just comparing their physical similarities.

"Come in, have a seat." She stepped back to the two comfortable chairs in front of her desk and motioned to them.

"You two are both looking quite good today." She'd add with another smaller smile.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan turns at the scent, and the sound of Daken. His eyes flash, irritation obvious in them, and he snorts. "Nervous? Me? Ya' gotta be kiddin' kid. Never. Jean is...somethin' is all." Logan sniffs, and shakes his head, "Somethin' you probably don't understand." Crossing his arms across his chest, Logan says, "I'm always ready, kid. What are you doin' here?"

    At the sound of her voice, his heart beats just a little faster. He hadn't seen her in some time, having been avoiding her by staying to the grounds, and his cabin, mostly. But now, here he was. Peeking around the doorframe, Logan looks at the fiery haired Vice Principal, and nods. "Jean." As she approaches and offers her hand, Logan looks at it, blinks, and then takes it in his own for a brief moment.

    Logan nods as Jean continues, and he takes the seat to the right of the desk without a word. Well, maybe a grunt of acknowledgement. Logan peers at her as she says he's looking good, but doesn't know how to respond to that. Logan simply nods, and mumbles something under his breath that vaguely sounds like "Thanks."

Daken has posed:
Daken simply shakes his head at Logan, already knowing what he feels for the lady just by his body language. No empathy even needed to solve that mystery. Regardless, when asked, he grins. "I was invited." Then he looks to Jean, a kind smile offered to her as he extended his hand to Jean, giving her hand a shake when it was offered to him. At the extended invitation to sit down, he does, offering a small nod as he takes a seat in front of the desk, next to Logan. "Thanks." he says almost simultaneously with Logan, earning the Papa Wolf a smirk. He does move his hand to smooth his finely trimmed beard.

"You're looking good yourself, Miss Grey." he returns the compliment, though he wasn't flirting, the way he looks just makes it hard not to take it as such. "So, should we get right to business?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean showed a honest smile to both of them, she was pleased to see them together like this... and that much was clear upon her. "Thank you." She'd reply softly to Daken's compliment before nodding to his later words and then stepping back around to her office chair where she turned and lowered herself down onto after smoothing her skirt.

"So then." She said to the two men across from her. "What is it exactly that I can help with that will give you what it is you're after, Mister Akihiro..." Her face softened after saying that and she summoned another warm smile. "Daken." She corrected herself, assuming he wouldn't mind.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods at Daken, turning his glare down just a bit as he watches how he interacts with Jean. His eyes narrow, suspicion almost clouding his judgement. It was obvious that Logan was watching him very, very closely. History was something that Logan took very seriously. There was a slim chance of hope, though, and the hope was Daken was for real.

    Finally finding his voice, Logan nods, and says, "Right to business. Good idea." Logan's eyes find Jean's. "What's going on?" Logan says, before Jean fills them in. "Ah." Logan thumbs towards Daken, pointing at him. "Now I see why ah'm here. Hurumph. Ya' tryin' to hone in, and become one a' us. Think ya' kin handle it?" Logan was obviously a little angry, as his accent had dropped.

Daken has posed:
Daken looked to Jean, about to answer when Logan took the lead first, already knowing why Daken was here. Nailing it right on the button actually. Only problem now is proving to his father that he's true about keeping to his path of redemption. "Relax old man." he says when he can already tell Logan starting to get firey with him. "He's right. I want to join the X-Men."

A small breath. "I've done too many wrongs for one lifetime. I've committed atrociites the world over. Now I need to make it right. THat's why I want to join. Start fixing what I've broken." he looks right at Logan at that last bit, then he looks to Jean. "Assuming there's a spot open."

a small smile there, but it's an honest one. As for Logan, he doesn't need to see Daken's guts to know he's being truthful.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would look to Logan and she'd show the older man a smirk at his words to his 'son'. "Kind hearted as ever, huh Logan?" She'd say to him in her smooth voice before moving her green eyes then to Daken.

A nod was given to his desire to join the X-Men. "For a secretive group, it is remarkable how many people know about it. I'm starting to wonder if we should simply drop even trying to be hush-hush about the whole thing all together." She was mostly just joking though, to lighten the atmosphere.

"I'm sure it would go over well with potential future student parents."

Jean would let that line of thought subside before she moved on and nodded toward Daken.

"Okay." She'd exhale. "So the point of entry to the team requires that you be tested in the Danger Room. We need to get a measure of your abilities as a combat inclined member, but most importantly we need to find out how well you work with a team and what you can bring and add to said team."

Jean's eyes would flicker over to Logan. "Wolverine can assist you with that, as can Cyclops. Myself? I would want both of their opinions on your resulting measurements... to sway my final judgement call."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan snorts. "Who ya' callin' old man..." Logan crosses his arms across his chest angrily, and shakes his head, "You. An X-Man. Tell him it ain't possible Jean. He ain't paid his dues like tha' rest o' us. No way." Logan looks at her directly. His face saying the obvious, and he sent her way, non-vocally. "I don't trust him...yet."

    Logan does get the whole "truthful, turning over a new leaf, all of a sudden good guy atmosphere" that Daken is selling. "Ah get ya' wanna change, Daken. I do. But on the field o' battle, that was where trust went away, and domrethin' more than trust takes hold..you depend on tha' person watching yer back ta' be there fer ya. Or people die. Usually everyone but me."

    "After that little tirade, Logan looks at Jean a bit sheepishly, and grumbles, "Kind hearted...hurumph." Logan uncrosses his arms, and says, "I am what I am Jean. An it ain't usually pretty. Or warm hearted." As Jean continues, Logan sighs, and the look of resignation filters into his expression. "Damn right ah'll be a part o' it." Logan looks at Daken. "An' it won't be easy, either. No "kid gloves"...kid. Tha' Danger Room can break ya'."

Daken has posed:
Daken nods a few times to Jean, thoug hshe does get a little smile for attempting to lighten the mood at least a little bit. But regardless, when it's declared that he'll need to prove himself in the danger room, he nods unafraid. "Alright. Guess I have some practice in the Danger Room to do." Then Logan gets his attention when he attempts to turn him down right flat. Which gets Daken's attention, looking him right in the eye. Though whne he surrenders to Jean's judgement and starts to tell him that it won't be easy at all for him, he smiles softly.

"Nothing ever has, and nothing ever will be easy for me. I've suffered worse. YOu want to come fight with me, let's do it. If anything I might learn a thing or two from you." he was about to drop the parent bomb, but he didn't, remembering where he is. He sighs though, and it's easy to see calling Logan his father is hard enough.

"Alright...when do we start?"

Phoenix has posed:
The vice principal would listen to both of their words, but specifically after Logan's tirade she'd reach her right hand up just a little and from a small red glass bowl on her desk a fun-sized candy bar would lift up out of the bowl and start to slowly twirl toward Logan in mid air... Jean kept hte candies there for the students who were most deserving of them when visiting her office.

The candy bar was delivered right to Logan's chest and would hover there until he took it.

"You get a little too fiesty when you're hungry, Logan." She'd tell him with a soft smirk before her eyes would then look to Daken.

"You may begin at your earlier able moment. Come back to me once you've completed the sessions with Logan and Scott... I'll need to talk to each of them about what they think of your performance there-after."

Wolverine has posed:
    Listening to the talk, Logan nods, grabs the chocolate bar, and eats it. "Yeah, yeah, I get it Jeanie. Like Betty White." Logan then stands up with a grunt. Cursing Logan peers at Daken suspiciously again. "You might learn a thing or two. Hmmm." Logan turns back to look at Jean, and shrugs. "If yer sure about this Jeanie." He looks back at Daken, "We can start when yer ready. Might want ta' settle in first."

    A pause. "Alright." Logan sighs, and gives in, knowing he could never refuse Jean Grey anything. "Ah'll get with Cyke, set up a plan of attack er' somethin'." Logan shakes his head, and heads out of the room, all the while cursing, grumbling and complaining to no one but himself.

Daken has posed:
Daken nods to Jean at her words that he could start at their earliest possible convenience. "Sounds good. Thanks." He is -very- amused when Jean floats over a candy bar to Logan, understanding the joke completely causes him to chuckle a little bit. Regardless, when Logan speaks again, he nods. "I'm as settled in as I'll ever be. I'll let you know when I'm prepared." he says easy, and watches his father leave the office grumbling and cranky.

Soon after, he rises to his feet and looks to Jean. "Thanks for the chat Jean." a smile for her then as he extends his hand once more in gratitude.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would stand up when Daken did and she'd trail her eyes after Logan also before putting them back on to the son.

"Don't let him get to you." She'd say to Daken. "Purseu him and make him grumble as much as you possibly can... His soul is good, its just covered over in a layer of grumpiness and another thicker layer of hair."

Jean would then show Daken a warm smile. "I'm glad to have you here and I look forward to having you on the team." She'd say then, apparently assuming that Daken would do just fine with the duel trials he had to face now.

Daken has posed:
Daken gave Jean the warmest smile then, chuckling a bit. "I did that for years. Though with the wrong intention in mind. I know he's a good person. I just need to show him like father like son." he smiles then.

Though when she states her happiness in advance for him being on the team, he gives her another smile. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." a small nod then before he turns heel. "See you soon, Jean."