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Latest revision as of 10:47, 4 January 2018

A Magical Meeting
Date of Scene: 10 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shazam, Raven

Shazam has posed:
    It's another beautiful day in Nassau County and Billy Batson, the erstwhile World's Mightiest Mortal is here in his mortal form wandering the shops and restaurants. It's that time of year where there's plenty to see and do during the Christmas shopping season. He doesn't have much money, but window shopping for things for his friends he can do. Finally after his feet are getting sore, he finds an outdoor cafe with the heat lamps going and sits at a table outside, ordering himself a hot chocolate as he looks at the people walking by, a bit of a melancholy look on his face as he sees families walking together hand in hand, a reminder of what he wishes he still had.

Raven has posed:
    Raven is a shadow on the setting of the cafe. Heat lamps don't provide a lot of light, and the cafe has chosen not to light themselves very much otherwise. This means that in one corner, seemingly letting loose a shadow of its own, sits the most somber looking of any of the cafe's patrons.

    Raven has a novel in her hand, and a steaming drink that she hasn't touched resting in front of her. How she can read in this particular, if not-advanced-darkness, is anyone's guess... But she certainly is doing just that.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy glances up, being the Wizard's chosen Champion has made him sensitive to magic auras, to which he senses coming from the direction of the shadowed corner table. He glances at the figure through lowered lashes and then tilts his head and decides to take a chance. He picks up his mug and walks over and says to Raven with a cheery smile, "Gosh, hi there, mind if I sit with you? It's a little lonely and you're right next to a heat lamp and I'm getting to be a little bit cold. I'm Billy, by the way, Billy Batson, and you are?"

    He's got exquisite manners, not even daring to pull out the chair unless she gives her assent, and there's something so fresh, innocent, pure and good about the young man standing before you. The telltale signs (if you can see them) of godly magic clings to him.

Raven has posed:
    Almost like a record scratching, Raven turns her quiet, mildly unsettling gaze upon the person who's just made her acquaintance. The way he talks, it's like he's out of the -50's- and she's all the more perturbed by the idea of 'gosh' being in someone's vernacular now that that someone is literally at her table, right then and there.

    She doesn't smile. Bets are still out as to whether or not she even can.

    "No, go ahead. I picked this table because I wanted people to approach me and sit down, and really, I've been disappointed in the crowd so far."

    Raven has all the senses off, for the moment. She can... -Feel- an amount of something, but isn't biting at the lure of it just yet, nor is she opening up the gates of her curiosity. Instead, she'ss just sitting there, as if everything was normal.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy tilts his head and his smile gets wider and he takes a seat across from her after placing his mug down, either he's oblivious to sarcasm or he just tends to take people at their word. He says, "Golly, I can't imagine! I would've thought plenty of people would have asked to sit with you by now! Holy moley is it EVER cold, even for December... I didn't quite catch your name?" He tries once again to get her to open up a bit.

    They probably make quite a pair to observers, with the dichotomy of their personalities, mannerisms and even dress. He glances at her novel and then says, "What are you reading?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't show it, but the simple fact that he used the word -Golly- as if it was a real thing that people should say, ever, is maddening. She is attempting to process him, but in the end, she's having a hell of a lot of trouble doing so.

    "You didn't catch it because I didn't give it. But that's okay, we'll see if you can keep up. I'm..." she pauses, for a moment. Probably best to use the old name, for the moment. "Rachel." She isn't necessarily opening up, because he'd just ask again, so instead she returns her eyes to her book for a moment. "A book." Clearly, he'll get sarcasm on the second try.

Shazam has posed:
    Nope, no sarcasm detection here, he smiles again and says, "Really? Your name is Rachel? That's a swell name, I'm Billy, Billy Batson, I think I said that earlier didn't I?" He pinkens then and pauses to take a drink from his hot chocolate before saying, "My twin sister always did tell me, 'Billy, you're such a gosh darned chatterwilly that you forget what you've said not 5 minutes before'." He takes a deep breath and then says, "So no really, what's the name of the book? I'm looking for new books to read, I usually hang out at the library but there are SO many books to read and not enough time to do so!"

Raven has posed:
    Raven literally cannot believe that this kid exists. Her attention starts shifting from him, looking around the room for whatever villain or prankster is subjecting her to... Well, Pleasantville Incarnate. Eventually- simply because of the way Billy acts, she turns on the senses, and locks her eyes back on Billy.

    That is an... Intriguing reading. Not necessarily aura, but the smell of improbable power radiating from him, in a way. He doesn't seem normal. "The book is called Neuromancer. It's a... Computer thing." she responds, her tone a little more wary- curious, but not diving in.

    She's frankly unsure what she's even looking at.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy's eyes widened, "Gosh, that's by William Gibson isn't it?? He wrote that short story Johnny Mnemonic that they turned into a swell movie with KEANU REEVES! Way cool!" He's really excited and when you turn on your senses he locks eyes on Rachel as well and says, "So I was right, you're a magician of some sort...".

    With that said he's still very pleasant, but now he's a little less of a keener and a little more serious as he says, "I'm kinda sensitive to magical energies, so I kinda noticed you before and I thought I'd come talk to you and see what you were about. I knew you weren't Zatanna, and her magic feels different than yours."

Raven has posed:
    "That's not- it wasn't-" For half a moment, Raven seems like she'll get into a conversation about just how -terrible- Johnny Mnemonic's movie actually was, but then again, she's probably the... The Book Is Better types. "Yeah. You could say I'm a magician, of some sort."

    Her expression returns to neutral, and her keen eyes seem locked on his for a moment. "Sensitive would be an understatement. Whatever has its eyes on you is old, kid. You sure you don't need any help? I don't know if it's benign, but I think it would be a good idea if we could get Zatanna to look you over."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy then laughs for once and says quietly, "Gosh, no no, that's because the Wizard at the Rock of Eternity chose me to be his Champion. When I speak the Wizard's name, I have the powers of the gods, that power clings to me even when I'm not using it..." He pauses an cocks his head and glances at something you can't see over your shoulder and then says, "Oh Gosh! I should have realized... you're..." He glances around then and lowers his voice, "Raven, of the Titans aren't you? The Wizard just let me know via my link with him."

Raven has posed:
    Raven shakes her head a bit. Closing her book, she sets it down- apparently able to keep her place without using a mark. "The Rock of Ages. I haven't heard of that in a few years. It's one of the emergency places I was told to run if things went very, very bad. Never really took the time to learn what I'd find there." She offers, then, this small shrug. "There is where you're incorrect. I'm not a Titan, anymore."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy sits back and tilts his head, "Holy moley! What? Why not?" He's honestly curious and says, "Well, anyways, if you do need help with... things, you can always call on me... just call to the Wizard and he'll let me know and I can be there with the Speed of Mercury." He says earnestly, he really wants to help her, and then he says, "It's just the way I am."

Raven has posed:
    To that, Raven merely shrugs a second time. "It's not really my place to say. As far as needing help, who knows? I don't get into a lot of trouble." she states, clearly lying. "We'll see how it turns out. If I have to, I'll send the Wizard a text message." It's sarcasm again. Maybe third time'll be the charm.

Shazam has posed:
    At that last, Billy gives her a grin, "He'll get it... he's texted me on a phone before, golly now THAT threw me for a loop!"

Raven has posed:
    Raven sighs. "Yes okay cool the ancient Wizard can use phones that doesn't ruin -anything-," she begins, before reaching to pick up her book. "Hopefully I never have to call him."