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Latest revision as of 11:26, 4 January 2018

Mutants in Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 14 December 2017
Location: Mutant Town, New York City
Synopsis: Alex and Ororo talk about the school.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Storm

Havok has posed:
A diner in Mutant Town. It's a place that Alex has been hanging out time and again and developing a friendly following with the locals. He always wears his black X-Jacket over his unstable molecule long sleeved shirt and black cargo pants over black combat boots. He's like the poster child for the pretty X-Men and being the cool Summers brother. He's seated in the diner, toward the back in a booth against the windows. He's facing the main dining area and entrance and casually sipping on a soda after having finished lunch. The waitress gathers his empty plate and leaves him the check. His jacket is to his side in the booth.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe arrives at the place, the bell ringing over the door above. She's clad in a leather jacket and a snug, low-cut top, her freshly-cut mohawk standing out a bit even in this neighborhood. She's a known figure in the community, of course, but a bit aloof, the kind who gets admired from afar rather than approached by strangers.

She sees Alex at his booth and makes her way over, putting a hand on the seat across from him, "Well, good afternoon, Alex. Enjoying the ambiance?" she says with a quirk of a smile.

Havok has posed:
Seeing the unmistakeable mohawk, Alex smiles. The last time they spoke, she had the long flowing white hair, and the mohawk is a definite change and flashback to the distant past. When she approaches, he will set straighter and place his arm on the back of his own booth casually. "It only just got better. Damn O; I totally forgot how cool the mohawk was. Join me?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe grins and takes a seat, "I never forgot. I thought it might be a nice change of pace and it's easier to maintain. One of the downsides of having wind powers is that you get things blown into your hair all the time," she says.

She signals the waitress, shrugging off her jacket to reveal toned, deep brown arms, "Coffee, please, cream and sugar generous on the side, and a slice of the apple pie," she says. "I take it you've been keeping busy?"

Havok has posed:
"Doing my best to keep busy out of the school." Alex replies as he settles back against the corner of the booth, better to face his companion. One arm stays on the back of the booth, the right, closer to her, stays on the table holding his drink. "It's been wonky for a while. And really getting away from those kids. It's hard to imagine I behaved like that. But it's pretty clear, my jackassery has karma and retribution."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe raises an eyebrow, "As does your self-deprecation, it would seem. Not to excuse bad behavior, but everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't mean you need to be an exile," she says. "School or no school, the X-men are a family. But if you've had some time to think about and reflect on your decisions, that's always good and worthwhile," she says.

Havok has posed:
"Well, I've been doing what I can do out here. Mutant town needs attention. Plus, all those kids that were kicked out last term need more direction." He's talking about kids graduating. It's a point of contention with him (and even Lorna and a few others) that regards Xavier's as a failure to many of the mutants who don't cut it as X-Men upon graduation. They're often kicked out to the curb and no longer supported, even though they need help. Which there is a reason for Genosha. A place where mutants can go and fit in.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe doesn't disagree necessarily, she's just more likely to argue the point from within the school. "I concur," she says, "And it's good that you've found a purpose. Frankly, I think we could do well with more solutions all around. Xavier's is excellent, of course, and I've strived to help make it so myself, but that doesn't mean it's one size fits all. Some people would be better suited outside of a school environment or need different kinds of support," she says.

Havok has posed:
There's a reflective nod given as Alex processes her remarks. "I'm just looking forward to offering college level classes. I was lucky with the whole role on the X-Men. College was just a short commute. Man, the good ole days." For him that was over 7 years ago. For everyone else in his class, less than 2. Due to his fall into another reality with a time differential. He pauses a moment looking at her mohawk, and smiles, "I want to touch it." having flashbacks to the yesteryears.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe laughs softly and leans forward, "If you like, "she says, tilting her head a little bit, "Careful, there's a bit of gel in there. Might be a little sharp, But isn't everything worthwhile now and again?" she says. She takes a sip of her coffee and considers, "I think expanding to college courses is certainly a challenge, but I think it'll go well enough. I think the more we can expand to offer more options for mutants, the better we're doing. I think maybe even a location off-grounds, perhaps even here in Mutant Town, geared towards community activity, would be worthwhile."

Havok has posed:
He's careful to touch the tips of the mohawk. Feeling the density and spikyness of it all. He smiles. It's been a long time and it's definitely flashback. "Love it." he says again then touches the bare scalp. "And then this. Excellent. A lot braver than I am with the whole shaving the head stuff." He then withdraws his hand and leans back against the seat. "How about a community college setting here in Mutant Town? Is that what you're saying? Or are you just talking about a YMCA sort of thing. Community gatherings, kid friendly."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles, "I've considered fully shaving my head," she says, letting his fingers play over her shorn scalp. "American tastes are still very conservative and I suspect they might find it challenging. Which is actually a good reason to do it. But the stubble itches as it is," she says. "And yes, something along those lines. Maybe a combination of the two, in some ways, a community center that offers further education but doesn't require it to be a part of the community," she says.

Havok has posed:
"Continuing education courses are a great community benefit. Things that older and younger people can learn together. Creating a bond. Plus, this neighborhood is already aligned in genes. So yeah, getting them to talk to one another about something other than fear and oppression, that would be spectacular." Spectacular is still by far his favorite descriptor. Something he's been using for years.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods, "I think trying to provide a positive example and something good to work towards, not just preventing bad things but giving them actual goals, is worthwhile. I'm sure there are already a few young people here who look up to you, Alex," she says, sitting back and putting a fork into her pie.

Havok has posed:
He gently turns his glass while thinking, "Role models...". That's just a passive comment and he looks down to his black jacket with the X on it. "That's definitely what we strive to be. Some better than others. Some brothers who make it a point to be all role-modely."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe raises an eyebrow, "Your brother is a very driven individual. Nobody measures up to him, generally, because, if we did, he'd just push himself harder. THat isn't exclusive to his brother, I assure you," she says. "You have to be the best Alex you can be. And you usually are. With the occasional slip up. But it's not as if I'm perfect," she says.

Havok has posed:
"The slip-ups are the most fun.", states Alex with a grin. Then he appends, "Really though. When I lead the Six I made a huge difference. We saved the world several times over. I miss that focus, that drive, and that ability to move in a positive direction. Since I've been back, it's been really bland in the heroing department. Hence another reason I've been hanging out here. Waiting for some jerkwad to pop up his head so I can bust it."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles, "I'm sure if you're just looking to pick a fight, there are plenty to be had in this neighborhood. It's getting better, but there are still plenty of bullies and gangs to throw down with. Admittedly, given your powerset, doing so without causing a lot of collateral damage is probably a bit difficult," she says.

Havok has posed:
"Hey, you gotta always bring up the collateral damage. You're lucky you've got the mohawk.. miss thyphoon, tornado, hurricane force winds and ripping houses off their foundations - girl." He jabs right back with a large grin.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe grins, "True, but I have a bit more subtle control and know how to use those abilities within, say, a crowded neighborhood. It's a little more difficult for you to precisely aim your giant energy blasts just to knock down your average mugger. Although I bet you manage now and again," she says.

Havok has posed:
"Average muggers are for dropping buildings on." Alex says with a chuckle. "It's the mutants with the huge body armor that I'm gunning for. The ones I can knock straight to the moon. But..." he offers a segue after taking a drink. "I'm totally thinking that we do a good ole fashioned team-up and go looking for trouble. Cause I've missed kicking ass with you."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe grins a bit more broadly, "I think I might be up for that," she says, "It's been a while since I did any patrolling of that sort. I get so caught up being a schoolteacher that sometimes it's easy to forget that's not all I am," she says.