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Blast from the past
Date of Scene: 18 December 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Steve Rogers discovers that Peggy is alive and well in this time, thanks to the help of a Timemaster.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Peggy Carter

Captain America has posed:
It's getting on towards Christmas. He's down in the garage, looking out at the falling snow, sitting on a motorcycle. Not that he's goign anywhere. Hell, he doesn't even have the keys to it. Still, SHIELD has all sorts of cars and he sits in the underground garage, looking up the ramp that leads to outside. He's dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, a warm leather jacket. His look is far away, like miles away...years away. It's hard to tell what he's seeing or thinking of, but if anyone comes down to see him, it's clear that wherever he is...this isn't the plac.e

Peggy Carter has posed:
The garage is located underground. There is a soft *ding* from the elevator, indicating that someone from above had selected this floor. The metallic doors slide open to reveal there is one occupant in the car.

Peggy Carter is dressed in a pair of tan slacks with a short heeled pump covering her feet. Her shirt is white and crisp, button up. Over it is a dark brown leather bomber style jacket. The jacket has some creases and wear, obviously from an age gone by and something she has worn often. Her dark hair is still done in a style from another era though, the perfectly coiffed curls. Her make up is applied just so, a smoky eye and red lipstick.

She walks out of the elevator and heads toward the motorcycles that are kept in a row there. Some are personal, some are fleet. She puts her hand in her pocket, pulling out the key for her bike as she walks along the line. Spotting the back of a tall man sitting atop her vehicle, she clears here throat.

When she speaks, her accent is British and distinct. "Excuse me, sir, I believe you are on my motorcycle."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogersturns around, that voice...familiar but there's always folks from overseas here. He hops up and says, "Apologoies, ma'am," but as he's getting off the bike and he sees you, he starts to actually trip over the bike, his leg catching and he looks at you fairly wide-eyesd, as he hops to his feet again and brushes off the dirt or dust from the bottom of his jeans, blinking, as he looks at you.

He looks around, as if expecting someone to be around, filming, or something, then he looks back to you. "Is this some sort of test? Or joke? It isn't funny," he says, narrowing his eyes a moment. "Not in the least, Fury. Now cut the nonsense...." the actual like is cut the crap but it isn't as if he's going to make that kind of remark. Language...remember?

Peggy Carter has posed:
As the man stands and turns, Peggy's mouth drops open slightly as her eyes widen in shock. She knew that Steve was around but she hadn't had the opportunity to see him. She wasn't even sure how to approach him. If she should. After all, it had been a long time. He'd been in this time for years now, likely had moved on with his life. She'd been here about a month, after her little trip aboard the Wavefunner. "S..Steve?" she says in a soft voice, looking at him as though he's a figment of her imagination instead of real flesh and blood. She fights the urge to reach out and touch him, to see if her hand would ghost right through him.

As he admonishes Fury or whomever, she realizes he doesn't believe she is herself. Understandable. She should be dead by this point in time or quite old and grey. Instead, she's in her prime. "I agree, this isn't the least bit humorous," she says as she tucks her hands into the pockets of her jacket. "It's really me, Steve. The story is rather convoluted but suffice it to say, you are not being tricked nor tested."

Captain America has posed:
He purses his lips then, getting his arms to fold over his chest and, well, there's a little protest from the jacket cause, well, muscles. And so he looks over to you, keeping his arms folded there as he watches you. He's watching everything...your breathing, your lips, the look in your eyes. He's listening to your voice, hearing it...hearing the way you talk, everything about you and trying to find that give away, that thing that tells him that it isn't really you.

And he cant' find it. He watches you still and you can almost hear the challenge in his voice to stay even tempered. "How so? I mean...I've been around a while. I have no other things I have to do tonight. So suffice it to say, I have nothing wrong with a convoluted story."

Peggy Carter has posed:
She's half tempted to roll her eyes at the challenge evident there. Peggy can't really blame him. It's hard to trust after everything he has been through in his life. To have a ghost come walking into the garage when he was just minding his own business has to be a shock to the system. "I have been trying to become more acclimated to this time. I haven't been here very long. I was recruited to assist Rip Hunter, a Time Master, to assist in fixing damaged timelines. Unfortunately, there was a malfunction of his ship and I have been stranded here. Or fortunately." She looks him over slowly, trying not to let too much hope creep into her tone. He may not agree about it being a fortuitous reunion.

"When you were modified, my first words to you were 'how do you feel'. Your response, which is not in any of the record books, was 'Taller'. I agreed that you looked taller." It's the best she can do to try and convince him she is indeed herself. "I was...pleased to hear that you were alive and well. When I joined Captain Hunter it was the 1950s. You were still lost."

Captain America has posed:
As you mention that he looks at you and he says, "Well...I was...." see, that's the sort of witty remark you can expect from Cap. That snappy comeback. "You're late..." he says. And you can see his expression, his features, all of it soften slightly. "I wouldn't really have believed you...not ever, honestly...or atl east not without a lot more conversations but...it so happens that there's some strange things happening nowadays so you traveling forward in time is hardly the most unbelievable thing I've heard this year." He walks towards you, "You're not in uniform though. Don't like wearing all khaki and forest green anymore all the time?" He holds a hand out to you as he steps forward.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I have...had...moved into Intelligence. So while I am still in the service, it isn't very often that I am to be found in uniform." As he offers that hand, Peggy lets out a soft sigh of relief. She didn't realize she'd been that tense. His offering of that small bit of contact is enough to fix the awkwardness for her.

She slides her hand into his, her nails perfectly manicured and kept to a medium length. They are painted in a shade of red that matches her lipstick. "I will have to find out about some of these other things, which make time travel seem dreadfully dull," she says with a hint of a smirk.

Captain America has posed:
He squeezes your hand, putting it up to his lips, kissing the back of it briefly before he lets go and he nods. "Well....then? What do you have planed tonight, Agent Carter?" Yes, he knows what people in the intelligence community are called. "I'm not sure that I'm ready for the dance yet but no matter what, I was going to have to buy you dinner first. That's supposedly the way of things, isn't it?" He smiles at you now, those light blue eyes a lot like you remember as he takes a step back then looks to you again. The red lipstick, the button up and pants. He grins just a little bit, "You found away to keep some of the old days with you though...and still look....well...like you." He takes a step back as he looks to the motorcycle then back to you. "I hope it's not too forward of me to ask then? Despite Natasha's best efforts I'm still not nearly as good at talkign to women as you would think."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That earns a small laugh from Peggy. "Of course I look like me. Who else would I look like?" As he looks to the bike then back and mentions his lack of expertise talking to women, she can't help but smile. "You've always been quite charming. I am certain you have women falling at your feet." He may have a women here, she realizes. But no, he wouldn't be asking her to dinner if he was. Unless, he's just being polite. Agent to agent, so to speak. Or old friends just catching up.

"I was about to head home for the evening. I could be convinced to stop for dinner first. Dancing we will save until we find a place with decent music." She gives him another smile as she tilts her head slightly. "We can take a car if you prefer. Because if we go on the bike, I drive."

Captain America has posed:
"What is it with women and driving? I swear...you'd think cars were just invented." He just shakes his head as he looks to the bike and to you and his grin is all wide but then he simply steps forward and those strong arms wrap around you and you're pressed firmly into him as he hugs, perhaps just slightly too tightly and he leans down and kisses your head, well the top of it, or near your temple, as he says simply, "You've been missed, Peggy. A lot. I will have to learn more about what it is that got you here but...I'm glad you're here."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Well, it is /my/ motorcycle," she says by way of explanation on the driving thing.

She goes very still as he pulls her close. Peggy can feel the strength of him as he holds her, tight but not in an uncomfortable way. It makes her feel...cared for. Slowly, she relaxes, leaning her head against his chest since really, it doesn't reach higher than that! Her arms wrap around his waist and she returns the hug. "I was so happy when I learned you were alive here," she whispers, perhaps afraid that speaking too loud will break the spell and bring reality crashing in to destroy this very pleasant dream. "I'd missed you so much."

Captain America has posed:
He also exhales, all the tension from seeing her to the conversation to realizing she's alive to this...a lot of it fades away and he just holds you there, for what seems like an inordinate amouhnt of time and yet if someone were actually counting it's probably only two minutes. Which...in the grand scheem of things, since they're about 70 years in arrears on hugs, this is barely a drop in the bucket of hug-Vig...Hug-interest owed on 70 years of back-hugs. If the IRS had a hug collecting department it would have to expand. And so it's allowed before he finally steps back, "Why don't you go home and I'll go freshen up becuase I wasn't expecting to be taking you out...but we can go get fondu....you do...fondu...don't you?" And yes, he grins, that playful grin.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"That was terribly bad," Peggy points out with another soft laugh as she shakes her head. "I don't believe I have ever had fondu. So that should be a treat." She has no idea what she's in for. She does move away though, reluctant. What if he disappears again for years? She's not sure she could take it. Letting him out of her sight is going to be difficult.

She swings her right leg over the motorcycle as she zips up her jacket to help keep the cold at bay. There was a helmet hanging on the handlebars and she pulls it in place over her head, probably ruining her hair in the process. Or perhaps that is her superpower, keeping her hair looking so perfect most of the time. She gives him an address. "You can meet me there in say, an hour? That should give us both time to freshen up and change."