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Latest revision as of 13:05, 4 January 2018

Red Robin Has Something Fun To Play With
Date of Scene: 30 December 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Oracle

Red Robin has posed:
    The young man breezes on in, looking like he feels like a million bucks. Tim Drake never, ever, ever comes to visit without handing over at least a coffee. Today, after securing the door, he notes, "Heya!" He trucks right on over and drops a white paper bag on the desk. The smell is immediate, and she knows that bag. He stopped off at that pastry place she loves, and it's still at least warm. Tim leans over to kiss her cheek very chastely. He hands her a huge, still steaming coffee. Also her favorite, from another place. "Whose our -second favorite-, now?" He asks with a delighted twinkle in his eye. It immediately goes away though. "Do I need to stop doing that?" He almost looks worried that their affection will cause her trouble or issues. "I mean, it isn't wrong, is it?" Over thinking as always.

    Next to the bag he drops a USB drive, rather what is left of one after Tim took it apart. "I isolated it. I dismantled it in a faraday cage, put an old crappy laptop on it in the cage, with no network access. I have swept it several times. I cannot find anything on it that would lead to a data compromise. I don't have your tech." He purses and twists his lips. "Agent Melinda May of SHIELD gave that to Red Robin. SHIELD will not act on it, but she seems to think we can. Before we take it up⦠let's make sure we aren't being jerked around. Can you get access to SHIELD, and see if this lady is who and what I think she is?"

      The young man flops into a chair a little further away from her than he normally sits. He spooked himself. Never let it be said that he doesn't love his older siblings. The slightest hint that he might cause a problem between Dick and Barbara has him rabbiting.

Oracle has posed:
Oooh! Pastry! Barbara turns to look down over the half-wall from the loft when he comes in. The coffee is accepted, the kiss accepted with a grin, and the bag eyed lustfully. "No, of course you don't have to quit that. You're always going to be my little brother, Tim. If you quit kissing me, I'll think you're mad at me," she tells him easily.

And then he's handing her a dismantled thumb drive. A copper brow quirks upward at the explanation. "Melinda May was in Gotham?" she asks slowly. Because... well, she's been *perusing* certain things in the SHIELD computers. With permission! Sort of. And she knows the name. "Why did she bring intel to us?" she wonders aloud. <And why hadn't her own contact sent it her way?> Hmm. Something to think about.

Red Robin has posed:
    The young man's relief is both immediate and palpable. "Okay." He says. He pauses. "We have a lot to talk about. I need to know what I can talk to you about. Okay?"

    That incredibly foreboding thing said, Tim continues. "She claims she is operating along. SHe further claims that SHIELD is letting these guys go because it is hard to operate in Gotham." Tim tilts a brow at that. "I would have to admit that it might actually be true it is hard to operate in Gotham. List to Alfred talk about Matches Malone and some other stuff. I maintain a couple of fake identities myself, and it is hard to break in. I can see how it would be hard. And money doesn't stir most of these guys. They are too scared of us to talk to others. I totally can see how it would be hard to run an operation in Gotham for folks that are not us."

    Working his mouth as he thinks for a moment, the chair squeaks a little closer to her. "Regardless, I saw her at the Stark Party, and made her for an agent. She was with a bunch of other agents and Avengers, so I paid attention." His cheeks go a little rosy, just a tiny hint. "I don't care that she is older than Bruce. I hope you look as good as she does when you get to be that age. Grayson will be a lucky man." He shakes his head. "Anyways, she doesn't move so much as stalk or slink. My read is she is old school, and she just wants the bad guys sorted out." Tim takes a drink from his own coffee, and fishes in his bag. He brought more pastries. They end up on the desk. His cheeky grin lets her know he was holding out for her answer on the cheek kisses. "I am inclined to trust, but we should verify first. Whaddaya think, Babs?" His grin is back in place. Secure that not -everything- is changing.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is a little... at a loss when he makes the comment about what he can talk to her about. "Uhm.... anything?" she ventures. Because he can. "Whatever you want, whenever you want to," she elaborates.

And then she listens to the information on May and the operation, a faint furrow between her brows. "Well... I can tell you that she's definitely an agent. Assuming the woman you met is this one...." She pivots her chair, taps a couple of keys, and brings up an image of Melinda May on the holographic screen. "And if she brought you something and told you it was //from// SHIELD... I'd say that she's likely telling the truth. It's too easy to check, you know?" She purses her lips. "I'll look over the drive and the intel if you want. I have some things I can check to verify that they're not just laying out bait or something. But I don't see why they would."

Red Robin has posed:
    "They have a certain reputation for dirty dealing. In fact, I told agent May as much and she didn't argue. She seems like she would argue if I was wrong." Tim bites his bottom lip in thought. He is considering this. "She seemed to be expecting to meet Batman. SHe was frozen when I caught up with her. She was under-dressed, like she did not expect to be out that late. Is it possible Bruce has been getting information from her? I think I am past the testing stage, but he gave me a lot lead yesterday. I mean, my leash? It was long before. I think I am graduating or something. THink he might be checking up on me to make sure I'm doing my due diligence? He told me yesterday he trusts my judgment. It seems like a Bruce thing to do. To reassure me, then give me a test to prove to both him and me I passed."

    Tim Drake is a devious little bird, but they all are. He regards her for a moment, then quietly says, "Cassandra is great. She's my sister too, but she doesn't⦠do social stuff. Not like us. Uhm, I mean. Like can I like, talk about girls and stuff with you? Or is that weird?" He hastily adds, hands up in front of him, "Like not gross stuff!" He goes bright red at that. "I mean, like. Girls. Like." He sighs. "Like how do you know it isn't just because she's gorgeous that you like her?" He holds up the index finger of his left hand. "If you help me with that. I'll tell you all about watching Batman meet Richard Dragon last night!" He's a liar. He's going to tell her anyways. "And I get my own cave!" No wonder he's such a spazz today, he's got a full plate. With Nightwing burning the candle at both ends, he has no one else to talk to.

Oracle has posed:
Both her eyebrows shoot to her hairline, and Barbara is silent while she takes in the volume of words coming at her. "First," she comments finally, amusement clear in her gaze, "Of course they dirty deal. However, I have a back door into their system and a contact who promised not to screw with me because she's figured out from the code that I'll hose her entire network if she does. So... I'll check and make sure they're dealing square."

There's a pause. "Second.... uhm... yes, you can talk to me about girls, if you want to. Cuz Cass has her own stuff going on and couldn't talk to you anyway. We'll come back around to the rest of that question. Third, Congratulations on the cave! That's so cool!" She's genuinely thrilled for him.

"Fourth, of COURSE it's possible he's testing you. ANd even if he's not, you can assume he will at some point. He still tests me and Dick too. Doesn't matter how old you get." Barbara grins. "And back to the other thing.... it could //be// that you just like her because she's gorgeous. I mean... do you like actually spending time TALKING to her, or do you just wanna touch her all the time and don't really care what she thinks? That's... kinda the only way I can think of to tell."

Red Robin has posed:
    His expression is guarded, and his brows knit a little. He nods his head. "Thank. I'm glad you told me that this could all be a test?" Tim agrees with her. "I mean, I would keep testing me. Especially after giving me some cool news." He regards Barbara and gives her one of his brightest, most genuine smiles. "I needed to know that. I'm glad that he trusts me. I mean, some parts of being me, well they suck." His parents. "Other parts of my life are pretty amazing. The people who have become my new family?" He just leaves it there. She knows.

    Leaning back in his chair, Tim admits. "It isn't like I didn't date. I mean Ari and I dated for over a year. Her uncle finding her naked trying to seduce me? That kind of ended things." He shrugs. "I've kept it in my pants, Barbara. A teenage pregnancy? That is really not the sort of thing I needed." Smart, but embarrassing. His blush is warm again. She could fry an egg on his face. "I have maybe kissed this other girl. She's smart. There is chemistry. She is on the job when we meet though, so she is flirting with Red Robin." Of course she is, because Tim never does anything that isn't three times as complicated as it needs to be. "But she is smart, and a little sad. Like she lost something too. I haven't talked to her enough for it to be serious? But⦠well, I get lonely." Of course he does. Dick moved to Bludhaven. She's here in the tower, Cassandra has always been more inclined to operate alone. Now, Batman has a new Robin. "And she is tough, and smart, and kinda vaguely feline."r
    He leans over. "But⦠that is just.. Feelings." He dismisses it.

    "I need to find Shiva and get a read on her. Bruce knows. Help me find her? Also, Richard Dragon wants to teach me, and he thinks I'm talented, and he and Bruce had a staredown. You know, like in the books? Where they mentally fought?" His eyes are getting big and round as he says it. "THey looked at each other. It was super quiet, then Bruce says." Tim's voice gets all gruff and he does his best Batman. "I congratulate you on your victory." â¢'s mouth drops a little. "It was just so freak'n cool! The were playing a game of like, mental ninja chess or something! I mean⦠just -wow-. I know, I know, I know, ou probably had to be there, but it was so amazing!"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara quirks one brow again. It was all pretty simple stuff... til he got to the feline part. Cuz... tough, smart, he's lonely.... FELINE? It doesn't quite fit. And then he dismisses that as "feelings." Which almost guarantees there's more going on in his head. Blowing out a slow breath, Barbara says quietly, "There will come a point... where someone you met in the mask becomes more than that. And you have to decide whether to trust them with your secret." She shrugs a little. "All I can really tell you, Tim, is .... don't do it lightly. It //is// lonely." She knows, maybe even better than anyone else. Because she's not like Bruce and Dick, certainly not like Damian and Cassandra. She's the one who had an almost-completely normal life before the mask.

The Shiva thing makes her sigh heavily and then he talks of Dragon and Batman. Her own eyes get very wide. "They... didn't spar, or anything?" she demands. Her brain is having trouble wrapping around that. "Wow," she breathes, looking almost as star-struck as Tim must be feeling.

Red Robin has posed:
    "It was like out of a Kurosawa film, Barbara." Tim says, his voice really low and quiet as he admits it. "I was afraid to breath too loud. It was like I was an intruder. They sparred, but it was all too subtle to really be seen. Like a tensing of muscles. Like umm, opening with a certain kick, bt knowing that it would be countered, and running through the counters until the winner was inevitable." His eyes are still wide. "I will try to remember that later, when I watch Bruce. How much care he has to not kill, when it would be like spreading butter on bread, that is how easy it would be."

    He tilts a brow. "I was expecting him to be stern, like Bruce." His tone changes, and Tim admits, "It makes me sad, how enlightened, and positive Mr. Dragon is. Because Bruce is hurt inside, in a way none of the rest of us are. He wouldn't let us get like that. I'm grateful for that as much as I am  like him, he didn't let me become him. I just wish that someone had saved him."

    His sigh is soft, and Tim leans over. "I remember hiding Robin from my dad." He says gently. "My dad died not knowing what I was doing. I know your position is different, but⦠you can talk to me too." It's funny. Kiss her cheek, he'll do. It's impish. It's safe. He reaches over to squeeze her hand, and it might be the most intimate, sensitive gesture he's made. There is nothing flirtatious about it. It is a simple gesture of solidarity.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara takes his hand and holds it tightly, her brain brought around to the sincerity of his words. And she smiles just a little sadly. "There are days when I wish I could tell my father. Sometimes... sometimes there's this look that he gives me, and I can't help but wonder if he //knows//. But he's never given away one way or the other, and ... I can't risk it. He has to have plausible deniability. And my identity -- especially with me and Dick dating publicly now -- brings any guesses far too close to everyone else's identity." She bites her lip. "Honestly? I don't know if we're going to make it. I... " She offers Tim a small smile. "I think he's not sure we're going to either. It's not like we have any kind of a roadmap for making it work, what iwth Bruce being Bruce and my dad being divorced. But... we've made each other a promise. Even if it doesn't, it //doesn't// impact this. What we all do together."

He can see that she's very worried about that part. What would happen to the team if it goes sideways.

Red Robin has posed:
    "What do you mean you aren't going to make it?!" Out of the chair Tim flies. "Of course you are going to make it. The way you look at each other? The way you have always looked at each other?! That was dumb! You're dumb." He's going off! Is he hurt by her admission? "You love Dick!" He pauses. He manages to say it, "Giggity." Then back off he goes, stalking across the room!

    "You sometimes say stoopid stuff, Barbara, but that? That was stoopid!" He almost spins about there in the spot. "You two love each other, and if it doesn't work out it's because one of you two let being afraid stop you from the best thing in your life! You two could have it all. You could have everything! The job, kids, a home, your own family, -everything-, if you would just believe in each other and yourselves! Can you imagine it? Two of the best people in the world manage to find each other, and they manage to fall in love, and then they chicken out because it is hard?!" He is really worked up. So worked up he grabs his bag and starts stalking towards the door. Tim has completely lost his shit!  "I don't even know you if you can't see that for yourself! I cannot even believe you would even say that!" Is he going to cry? He sounds absolutely heartbroken. "You're stoopid if you can't see that! You can't let stuff get in the way of actual love. I mean, what is the point of letting anyone ever be close to you if a little fear and doubt is enough for you to say that. Of course it's scary! I kissed an Avenger because you guys have your sh*t together! I mean, what the hell, Barbara? You are going to let doubt get in the way? Well then you better stay in your f**king tower and not get out. A car might come along and kit you. Life might get a little hard and complicated, and you'll have to go hide in a f**king hole or something. You used to have the biggest balls of all of us. Now, I'm worried it might not work out? That's dumb! That's like Bruce level dumb! Tha's like⦠gah!" He points at her with his left hand. He is about to tear up. "Corinthians. Thirteen four, through thirteen." And he recites it, almost trembling with rage that she could ever say such a thing about her and Dick.

    Love is patient, Love is kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;  it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

     Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part,  but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

     When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.  For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

    Tim Drake, reciting a Bible verse. He trembles. "If you have a problem, you come to me. I will make it go away. I will fix it. You two -love- each other, and to have someone doubt that they can make it when they so plainly feel affection for the other, it is⦠profoundly upsetting." The verse calmed him. "Please, have more faith in both you and him? I do, and I am always right."

Oracle has posed:
Tim's powerful reaction knocks Barbara off-guard. Apparently, speaking of her fears out loud is //not// going to be good for him. She'll remember in the future not to do so. It clearly hurts him too much. Her blue eyes follow him as he paces, so agitated that she doesn't even try to interrupt him before he's had his say. When she does speak, it's with sincerity to him.

"You're right. Being worried about failure before you even try isn't what we do around here," Barbara agrees quietly. "You and I are overachievers... and we overthink. So the reminder that overthinking is not productive and will sabotage what I want most is a good one." She smiles slightly. "Bruce tends to tell me the same thing, so... there you go."

Red Robin has posed:
    "You are like, my best friend." Tim says, his tone openly adoring despite his anger. "You can tell me anything. I've got your back, but that was stupid. I'm sorry to tell you that, but it is. You wanna be afraid of something? I can understand that. I am afraid of letting you down." Tim stands there, immobile. "Every day, an extra attempt for Barbara. Another Rep for Dick. One more try for Batman. Give it another bit of effort for Alfred. The worst thing I could do to any of you would be to get hurt, or worse yet to never come home." Tim looks at her seriously. "It's okay to be afraid. I'm afraid every day. But being afraid that the world will make it hard to be with the man you love? Shoot, that's dumb. Maybe I'm naive, but who gives a -fig- about anyone else?"

    He looks down at the ground, frowning. "No. Really. Who lets the world tell them who they can be with? Not you! You're Barbara Gordon! You're an unstoppable beast!" His tone is full of admiration even if most women might prefer to not be called a beast. "I believe in you. You should too. You can have fears. Like your fear that Jim Gordon will figure this all out? Well, yeesh, Barbara. He knows." He just gives her a look, his lips pursing and the left side of his mouth lifting in that funny face he makes when he is thinking. "He's not a moron. How many six feet tall redheads are there that have your eye color? You would know him in a mask, right? He knows who you are. That is a -silly- fear. Now, what happens to the rest of us if something happens to you? Now that is a smart fear." Tim just tucks his hands into his pockets. "I'm just saying that some fear is good. But fear of losing someone you love? Well, you shouldn't have those. They become self-fulfilling prophecies. Trust me.I'm a scrawny little nerdy guy who got taught how to fight the hard way; I understand fear.  I've got your back. What if I told you I wasn't gonna datei--" He pauses. "Wow. I almost told you her name. Uhm, well, what if I said I wasn't gonna date anyone, because I was afraid you wouldn't like them?"

    He gives her a really long look. She holds that much power over some of his opinions. "That would be dumb."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara's smile gets a bit bigger, and she nods to him. "Fear is normal for a lot of things. I didn't say I was going to let it run my life, Tim. Hell, if I did //that//, I never would have gone off my first rooftop. I didn't know enough to know that my attempt would have literally ripped my arms out of my sockets... I'm lucky enough that Batman and Robin were both watching." She blushes slightly. "Dick is the one who taught me to fly." It perhaps says a lot about their relationship, truthfully.

"As to you telling me you wouldn't date someone because I dont' //like// them... I'd have to say... first, there would have to be a really good reason for me to even say that. Not a dislike that comes from personality clashes. It would have to be a lot more serious. But I'd also say in the end... your heart is going to do what it's going to do. Whehter you like it or not."

Red Robin has posed:
"So is yours, Barbara." Manipulative little jerk. He grins as she says that. "Now, eat a pastry, and let's find Shiva, shall we?" He moves back over, giving her a wink. "Maybe I can get a bead on where her head and her heart are, and maybe we can get out of this mess huh?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara slants him a look. Manipulative little jerk! She sees where he went with that. Rolling her blue eyes, she shoos him out. "Leave that chocolate pastry, runt!" she calls after him.