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(Mystique and Sebastian Shaw have a meeting.)
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Latest revision as of 00:39, 31 July 2017

The meeting of minds
Date of Scene: 30 July 2017
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Mystique and Sebastian Shaw have a meeting.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Mystique

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sabastion Shaw sits at a small round table with his black hair combed back as he usually did, dressed in his suit, and tie that cost about what some people would make in a life-time. He wore a simple pair of purple-glass sunglasses as he had the newspaper folded on the table infront of him. but was looking out the window thinking about things. Also in the store were quite a few very large men, and while yes they were still armed most of them looked like they could just fight their way out of trouble. The other tables were taken out of the dining area so there was just a large open space between him and the serving area, so it was empty for now as most of his guards were standing by serving area watching the workers.

Sabastion had made his first move on the board yesterday, and it had worked out well... He was thinking, about which to do next as he had many plans. He was working with what he had avaliable, but in a match like this you must not move unwisely so he thought about it, as he sipped quietly. It was a nice day, and it looked actually quite busy outside the Cafe to the New York Streets busy, and as common as usuall. The sign to the store read 'closed' and there were also two large men by the door to push away anyone who got 'confused' of that. Though it was mid-day for the city with the sun up, he just sat in silence inside the Cafe.. thinking.. Plotting.

Mystique has posed:
    A young waitress, a pretty thing, young, walks over with a pot of some high-end coffee, freshly brewed for their very rich guest who had reserved the cafe this morning. As the guards are guards, and the man is the focus of her attention she does not seek to serve them. Instead, only asking simply, after pouring a cup of coffee, "Would you like cream, or sugar?" In what must be her best customer service voice possible. The girl, perhaps, is seeking to get the very best possible tip from this very, very rich person.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man looking out stops, and looks at her from his window, he gives a smiple smile, nothing that would win awards or not, but adds.. "No thank-you... Miss?" and watches her. To a standard waitress this might be flattering, though to Mystique who is able to just feel the vibes coming off him it screams danger. Not that he is going to do anything, but that one best not interupt his planning with such a simple question.. This waitress would of had a very bad day coming up soon.

He returns to looking out the window, though if she stands there he will look back at her, but for now he just looks out at the people passing just doing their normal thing.

Mystique has posed:
    "Good. Then, we won't have any further distractions," says the very pretty young blonde waitress, in her very best customer service voice.
    She then has the audacity to move to the chair, opposite Sebastian Shaw, crosses one leg over the other and sits back in her own chair after pouring herself a cup of the same coffee, even as she lets her masquerade slip away. Pale, caucasian skin fades into something more of a vibrant blue. Blonde hair becomes striking red. Yellow, pupilless eyes replace the more human blue ones that were there a moment ago.
    "I understand," says Mystique as she pours a bit of fresh cream into her own cup, "You wished to speak with me."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
As Sabastion looked back he reconized the authority in her voice, as he turned around to look at her again, and see's her turn into Mystique. He holds up a hand for the guards to calm down, and he gives her a smile that is more true then the last one. He waves a hand to the chair across from him without missing a single note.. "Glad to finally meet you, as it rather hard to meet in these times, but we have much to talk about." He snaps his fingers, and the man behind him hands him a electronic notebook before he looks at Mystique again.

With a small grin he waves a hand, "Do not worry about them.. They don't see, or hear us... really. We can talk freely without much worry. And I have some questions for you." he adds turning on the notebook "Ah... the imporant first one." he adds putting it down for a moment. "I know who you are, and who you work for.. I do not doubt your loyalty to him, but if I were to... call him an ass sometimes.. would you run back, and tell him?" As he asks he watches her, even if she lies it tells him something, but for now it was still deniable, and he wanted to know where to start. He did not want to convince her away from Magneto, especially on thier first meeting, but it is a judgement to see where she is at.

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique lifts her coffee up to her lips, casual, relaxed. Even when the men had advanced, she'd barely considered them a threat. Either confidence in herself, or, confidence in her intel of Sebastian Shaw. Her yellow orbs remain focused, by all accounts, on Shaw. Her demeanor languid, almost indulgent.
    "He's been called worse," she states with most minimal of smiles. "I doubt he would blink an eye. If I have a need to relay information to him, it won't be about names someone called him."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw chuckles, and nods holding up a hand shaking his head. "Very well... let me give you something interesting then. Maybe it will be a bit more reportable... I have made a move.. Senator Creed made a mistake, a large one, and it seems he worked with some major anti-mutant organizations. It seems some mutant hacked him, and the information got to me... I have taken him off the grid." he grins again, and holds up a hand. "I didn't kill him, but lets just say their holdings are no-longer their own." and he chuckles a bit taking another sip of his drink.

"He looks out the window before he continues, "But he is not the problem.. The tech has already been started, and the... cure.. is already started. The path has started, and this isn't the end of it.. So I am curious.. What would you do?" he looks back at her.. "Just keep on destroying it everytime it pops up, and hope not to miss it?"

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique regards Shaw with an unreadable expression, setting the porcelain mug down. She listens, and listens well, to everything that Shaw has to say. To reveal to her. "Taking a United States Senator off the grid is bound to be a dangerous gambit," she ventures, first. "There will be questions. Suspicions. And, those that hold the same values he espoused will be rallied to think correctly. That the mutants have taken action to silence him."
    One hand moves to rest upon the thigh of her leather pants. "The tech has been started, true," she agrees. "And it cannot be undone. To continue to destroy it is futile. Instead, we - take ownership. And control of it."
    She adds, after a momentary pause and taking the cup again, "That is what I would do."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw watches her, and nods quietly, and watches her carefully and chuckles with a nod. "I see... I agree it would be if the information was public, there are no ties to him.. Actually it saved him from quite a bit of an embarassment, and legle issues." he added a shrug, "It saves the trouble when all the stuff is black-sites, and off the record.. Makes everything quieter." he falls silent after that taking a sip of his drink again watching her.

"Second I agree with you, but Erik..." he shakes his head, "I do not think that is the stance is in line with yours, save them all by destroying it if I have him right." he smiles at her, and continues. "He is a bit dedicated to the mutant cause, which I don't mind, but it makes him short sighted in some things." he holds up a hand again "We all have our blind spots, I am just glad you can see it.. Though maybe that is why he keeps you so close, that is a good way to look at it."

Mystique has posed:
    "I presume, then, you've already had a simliar conversation with Magnus?" Mystique isn't surprised, but, she wants to be sure she has her information right, afterall. Her coffee is quaffed, and the pot ignored, now as she once again settles back, comfortable in her chair and in her skin. If she has a comment on how ferverent Magneto's thoughts are or how different they are for her own, she does not speak them openly.
    "Is that why you've sought me out, Sebastian? To - seek me out to either get inside Magnus' head, or to be a voice that he would listen to since he may not listen to yours?" There is no judgement in Raven's tone, she is merely curious.
    "Or, do you have something of further interest to me, personally?" At that, the woman smiles, somewhat seductively. Not that she thinks Shaw would fall for such a simple gambit, but it doesn't hurt.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw chuckles, and shakes his head looking at her, "From your reaction I doubt I need to.. I mean not even a mock defense of your... boss?" he asks shaking his head with a small smile. "I do not need you to spy on him, if I wanted to do that I would use someone else, though there is no need he is quite capable of taking care of his own things." and shrugs, as it was easy to state this as even if it truth it might be an embleshed truth that are the hardest to tell what parts were the lie. He smiles, "I need your help with another thing all together.. I was going to make a." he thinks about the word for a moment.. "Distraction.. For moving somethings that I would not want to capes to know about." he shrugs, "I need the heroes to be busy, and other then just attack them as usual I had something better planned."

He leans back, and looks at her.. "If I could use that distraction to put myself further ahead in the match-up then perhaps it will be win win." and smiles. He eyes her, "Perhaps this distraction would be good information to bring to ones boss as well, so I do not offer nothing. Though that is if one is wise enough to know how to take advantage of it." he shrugs, and nods to her. "I was wondering if you wanted part of this, if you could handle something like this."

Mystique has posed:
    "That depends," ventures the woman in blue, with the comfortable awareness and certainty she could, and would, provide just about any distraction necessary to rouse said capes, heroes, and X-Men. "If I'm to presume that you're wanting to keep the contents of this effort private, then I'll also suppose that you understand my services don't come cheap. But, you mentioned that Magnus, too, might be interested. So. What would be in it for us?" By us, she could either mean simply herself, and Magneto - or, all of mutantkind. Mystique does not elaborate on that point and likely purposefully so to see where Shaw will go with that inqiry.
    By all accounts, however, she's still listening. Which means she's still open, perhaps even interested in the proposal.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw smiles, and waves his hand when she mentions money, "Of course.. Of course.." he had delt with Emma Frost, the ice queen herself so dealing with Mystiques way was much easier. "Well as I said, I do not spy on Erik, as I carry a brief respect for what he is doing in his new country." he then smiles with a pause, "So I do not know if he is working on anything he could put in effect or not, but if he were the Batman, and his League would be quite busy.. If you do your part carefully there might even be more..."

He leans forward, and looks at her eye to eye... "If you do your part I am talking war... Between the land and the sea... A short war to be sure, but still one where everyone will be looking. You want to be a 'hero' go help them, if you want to steal then take what you want... I can not tell you how to use it, that is up to you. I only know what someone such as Erik would plan for such an event.. I only know I have much to do in that small amount of time." he grins at her.. "Much to do... Much to do indeed."

Mystique has posed:
    "I see." The woman nods, some, thoughtful. Her lids narrow, thoughtful and introspective as she considers the weight of the words that the man across the table from her in his finery and feeling (justifiably so) in his full power. "An opportunity, however I, or Magnus, would choose to utilize that." She can appreciate the value, there. Her hands move together, fingers splaying outwards, like spider webbing and each index finger rests against her chin. "And," she measures carefully, "Just what is my part that you would have me play, Sebastian?" The -real- reason she was brought here, no doubt.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
He chuckles, "The goverment is not so hard to bend, and turn.. A senetor is nothing, but the public eye of a decision made to finally vote on all those involved either forground, or back." he shakes his head, "What I am going to need you to do is mearly imitate a goverment offical. A diplomat if you will, and deal with an angry, a greeving Aquaman with the steel of what it could be while you are back by the money to get the influence to make it count." he looks at her, and leans back. "He is going to be on the offincive as soon as he shows up, but I want you to turn on the heat in negotiations. To push him back to the sea, force him away... arrest his people.. he is a soft king, one that will be forced eventually to make a very bad decision." he looks at her, and smiles, "The Bat-family will be occupied so you need not worry about them at least for a little bit, and if other things go well you might even have Shield against the Atlantians.."

He stands, and puts a card on the table.. "After you decide call me, and I will give you time, and the place.. This will be moving quickly so do not take too long." he adds looking at one of his guards as he walks to the door. Outside a limmo pulls infront of the door, and he is escorted out, though one might notice it would be hard to see who he is with all the people around him. The guards here would stay, and not seem to ask or even look at her though there would be a shot from the back. Then another, as she might see one of the servers shot trying to get out of the kitchen then dragged back in. She would be free to leave no-one would even aknowledge her being there like they don't even see her at all.

Mystique has posed:
    "A very intricate plan. Dependent, it sounds, on many cogs perfecty aligned." This is neither a criticism or an approval, merely an observation. "It has it's good points, and bad points, as all plans do at this stage. But, it does have merit," she agrees. "I'll be in touch." The card is taken, and tucked into the upper portion of her halter top with an errant smile. It's not her place, nor her interest yet, to know exactly why Shaw is targetting the Atlanteans. Slowly her leg unfurls, as Shaw gets up.
    As the staff, each, are neatly executed, Mystique rises herself. And, taking the visage of the poor waitstaff girl whose body she steps over, Mystique walks out the back of the establishment, the same way she'd come in. And onto the streets.
    She would need to let Magnus know about her meeting. As Shaw, likely, was already aware.