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Revision as of 00:07, 7 January 2018

Naomi Lewis (Scenesys ID: 240)
Full Name: Naomi Lewis
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Residence: Travelling
Education: High School (Dropout, 11th Grade)
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 27 November 2008 Actor:
Height: 172 cm Weight: 58 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Born in San Diego (now National City), Naomi Lewis had a fairly standard life until a car accident caused her to reflexively activate her previously unknown mutant powers. Sent away from her home, she made her way as far from National City as she could get and is currently in New York, where she's trying to make sense of her life and get started again - and figure out what she wants to do with these new powers of hers.



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Naomi Lewis is a tall dark-skinned girl in her late teens, probably seventeen-ish. She's pretty enough, though more in a girl-next-door sort of way. It's most obvious when she smiles, which causes her face to light up; she does so fairly often. Her hair, which is naturally so dark it looks black, has been pulled into a number of nearly waist-length twisted braids, each about as thick as her thumb or a little more.

Naomi dresses casually, and perhaps slightly lazily. She tends toward jeans and solid-colour T-shirts. The shirts in particular tend to be a little baggy - they don't seem ill-fitting so much as intentionally chosen to be a little loose. The fit mostly obscures her figure and also looks comfortable, which is the point.


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Naomi was born out west, in San Diego (now National City). She's the third child of three from a middle-class family, and has two older brothers.

Naomi's early life was nothing special aside from a tendency toward scholarly pursuits that was obvious pretty early - she was the kind of kid who got teased for being a nerd and it wasn't exactly wrong. She spent some of her time with computers because she liked them, and a lot of her time reading. She did well in school.

Naomi's mutant powers never activated until she was sixteen. She was in an accident when her bike was hit by a truck. It probably would have killed her if she was a normal person; instead she literally bounced away from it, skipping off cars, buildings, and the road. She eventually figured out how to stop almost a half mile down the street, unharmed but very dizzy.

Well, that got everybody's attention. It made the news because it's not every day you see a girl bouncing down the street. Including her parents' attention, who informed her she was no longer welcome as a mutant. (One of her brothers sympathized. The other wouldn't speak to her.) What they did do was give her a nest egg (it was part of the money that had been saved for her eventual university education) and told her to get out of their life.

So she did.

Naomi took her money and went as far across the country as she could get: New York. She took the only room she could afford and tried her best to get a job... something that actually worked because retail in the holiday season is a busy time and they needed all hands on deck. With that, she could make a life, even if it wasn't necessarily great at first.

But living in the bad parts of town means that bad things happen sometime. Naomi found herself walking in on a mugging on her way home from work one day in December, and without thinking she broke it up. What were they going to do, knife her? She'd never considered that she might be able to do good like that before. And she'd also never considered that criminals talk, and people might remember the girl who did things like that...

That's where she sits now. Slowly settling into New York, starting to get a feel for her new life - whether bookstore cashier or vigilante, she doesn't know which way she'll go yet.


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Naomi is a teenager who is doing a remarkably good job of adapting to being in a situation she never expected.

Naomi has grown up seeing some supers as people to be admired and is interested in being a part of that. On the other hand, she's sometimes a little uncomfortable about being a mutant - being Superman is one thing, and would be pretty cool, but finding out you're something weird and a little scary is something else. She doesn't know what to think about her powers; they're at least relatively easy to control (in that she doesn't shoot fire randomly or turn into a horrible monster or anything) but she knows she's not using them with any real finesse. Being bounced around like a pinball is all well and good but she's pretty sure that she could do more.

She's a little unsure about her life, the way it currently stands. She's ... well, she's making it, more or less, on her own, but she's not sure she wants to be just a bookstore cashier or other retail worker for the rest of her life. Originally she'd wanted to go into post-secondary schools to study computer science or electronic designs, both of which she's good at, but that's out of her reach right now. She still does want to take continuing education, if only she could.

And there's the hero thing to think about. She hadn't thought about that when she first learned she had powers, but helping people - protecting them - felt good. She could do that... but it doesn't exactly pay the bills, as far as she knows, and she's not sure what she thinks about doing it. Maybe it's the only way she could be respected. Maybe not. She honestly doesn't know, but she's not the kind of person to let people get hurt while she's thinking about it - she'll be out there.

Naomi is a geek. There, we said it. She likes books, she likes complex strategy games, she likes her computer and tinkering with it. Even programming and mathematics! She doesn't always 'get' people very well, but she tries. She's friendly, just a little awkward with other people. A social expert she isn't.

Despite everything, Naomi misses her parents. Unfortunately they don't want anything to do with her. She is (quietly) in contact with Kent, her brother, but beyond that she doesn't talk to anyone from National City anymore and she's not really happy about that. She intends to show her parents that she's more than... well, whatever they expect her to be now. She's not the sort to fall into depression, though. If anything she tends to be an optimist.

Short form: Naomi is a general optimist who is currently in a bad position and trying to make the best of it. She is slowly accepting that yes, she is a mutant, and yes, she has powers that occasionally make her uncomfortable, but she's not yet entirely sure what to do with them. She knows she can help people even now, though, and she's not the sort of person to ignore that fact.

Naomi just has to figure out what's going on with her life, press on, and find out where she stands in the world.


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Naomi's mutant ability allows her to create a barrier around herself. Though she does have to 'turn it on' and is as vulnerable as any other human until she does, it takes next to no attention once it's active, and she tends to bring it up reflexively when she feels threatened or gets hit. Her barrier is effectively skin-tight (though she can get close-fitting clothes under it when she activates it, she can't cover most carried items), and it doesn't interfere with her ability to do things like pick up objects. It is invisible unless actively being pressed against or damaged, even lightly.

Naomi's barrier protects her from most sources of damage. She's exceedingly hard to hurt, especially versus kinetic, physical damage, like punches, bullets, swords, or being crushed. Conventional weapons don't worry her, including vehicle-mounted weapons and even direct hits from tank shells or explosives, though many impacts will throw her around even if they don't hurt. Trying to take her out with physical damage with her shield up is largely ineffective, as she's pretty close to invulnerable.

Naomi is also protected, but to a lesser extent, from damage from other physical sources. Though she isn't nigh-immune to damage from these sources with her shield up, she does have a superhuman durability where they are concerned. It also prevents people or objects from touching her directly, causing powers or effects that require physical contact with her to fail.

Against completely non-physical effects, such as empathic powers or mind control, Naomi's barrier provides no defense. It also provides no defense against biological processes, such as poison or disease (though it may be difficult to poison her by injection for obvious reasons). The shield is not airtight, and doesn't protect her from inhaled dangers, but does protect her from winds and such - it lets air diffuse through so she can breathe. It doesn't provide general life support, though it may protect her from some environmental hazards.

Naomi's barrier absorbs kinetic impact when struck, and she can then expel that kinetic energy to launch herself away from whatever hit her (or whatever she hit). This allows her to ricochet around an area off walls and other obstacles or launch herself in a ballistic arc, depending on the power of the impact against her barrier. She can even jump to increasing heights and distances, as with every bounce she falls from higher up and has more energy to rebound with. As her rebounding gets more forceful, she may cause damage to the things she bounces off of, because her full weight hits it each time.

Of note is that it doesn't matter what caused the barrier to strike something, which means Naomi can build up a charge by running into things, jumping, or hitting someone herself. She can progressively amplify her power on rebounds for greater speed and force, or if external forces act on her such as being hit, she can use that for a quick boost. Energy damage doesn't give her as much kinetic power to work with.

Naomi can split the stored kinetic force between this and her Kinetic Recoil power, throwing both her and whatever hit her away from each other instead of moving only one or the other.

Naomi can also use the kinetic charge to launch objects. The easiest use of this power is to launch back whatever hit her barrier with the force it hit her with; for instance, if a bullet hits her, it will bounce back towards the person who shot it. Naomi can adjust the angle it launches at to switch targets, though her ability to do so with fast-moving objects is limited and her aim relatively poor.

With a little bit of effort, Naomi can instead hold the charge for a few seconds. Physical objects that hit her field and aren't moving under their own power simply stop as their momentum is absorbed into the barrier, and usually fall at her feet. In this case, she can apply the force to an object that she touches within the next five seconds or so, launching it instead. Larger objects won't be thrown as far as a smaller object since they take more force to move. If someone punches her, she can use this to 'punch' them back by applying the stored kinetic force by touch.

If she stops holding the charge, or if she doesn't choose to expel it in time, Naomi lets loose an omnidirectional blast like a shockwave as the kinetic power is dispersed. This pushes everything around her, and is more like a shove than anything else - though if she's absorbed enough kinetic energy it may be a super-strength shove. Either way, it pushes rather than strikes; small objects may go flying, larger ones may slide or be tipped over. The shockwave only extends up to two meters from her at the largest and is usually smaller, though thrown objects may go farther.


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Naomi is particularly skilled with her computer (operation, programming, and building). She can design new programs or analyze old ones. She is sufficiently knowledgeable about computer security to be a useful hacker, given appropriate equipment.

Naomi is both smarter than many people and willing to apply her intelligence. She has a love of learning that makes her a superb student and gives her a solid grounding in many fields of knowledge, though being an eleventh grade dropout makes her a little short on some kinds of training.

Naomi reads quickly and learns very well from books. Her programming is actually self-taught.

Naomi likes to work with her hands and build technological objects. Unfortunately she doesn't really have the resources to do so on her own at the moment, but at least it lets her make repairs to her rented room.

Naomi is good enough at video games that she can place in online tournaments, and has even occasionally made cash in money matches. Hey, it's a talent.


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Naomi didn't come to New York with much and she hasn't been able to afford it since she got there. She has some money saved (not in a bank; she can't legally set up her own account as a minor without an adult) but there's not a lot of material goods in her life right now. She doesn't even have a computer, which is the worst. At least she has a smartphone... she owned that before she left California.

Naomi has started a part-time job in a bookstore. It's nothing special but it's enough to keep her off the street, though her hours are unpredictable and they think she's a student.


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Naomi has no choice but to use stored kinetic power after she gets hit; she cannot simply choose to have it vanish. She can only hold the power in for a few seconds before it bursts out of her field anyway, as described in her Kinetic Recoil power. This also happens if she deactivates her shield while holding a charge (or something deactivates it involuntarily).

Naomi's powers don't operate when she is unconscious. This is a problem if she is knocked out somewhere dangerous. With it off, she's no more durable than any other healthy teenager. Additionally, it is an obvious power when in use, since there's a visual effect every time anything touches her - including her feet on the floor or her hands when she picks up or touches anything. As a result, unless she's in a dangerous situation or feels threatened right now, her shield is usually not active, which makes her more vulnerable to ambush than most super-durable mutants.

Naomi has a power that makes her extremely difficult to hurt. She tends to assume that she's close to invulnerable and acts appropriately, taking hits for allies, friends, or civilians that are in the wrong place at the wrong time. While she's not /entirely/ wrong about her durability, especially against threats like firearms that tend to just bounce off, Naomi is hardly invincible or immortal and her power doesn't always help her. She can misjudge threats between it and her inexperience.


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The Search for Students: Part I January 21st, 2018 Rebound stops a mugging with an audience


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