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Latest revision as of 14:40, 8 January 2018

As the Dragon Flies
Date of Scene: 05 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Samus Aran, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Samus Aran has posed:
The gentle hum of the gunship and its subtle drawl is the ever present comfort for one of the best damn bounty hunters in the galaxy. What is she hunting today? Actually, she doesn't have an official bounty. Her actions today are strictly of a personal nature.

The yellow and red gunship breaches Knowhere airspace and flies to the docking bay. Once there, she loads up. Rockets and bombs are loaded into her ever present suit. Just because she has no intention of getting into a fight doesn't mean a fight won't find her. Once locked and loaded, she exits her vessel and makes her way into the pub.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814, was floating into the area inside the head of a Celestial. His eyes watches everything going on, knowing how most aliens felt about the Green Lantern Corps. As a Law Enforcement Officer, recognized in nearly all of known space, he was as distinct as a supernova.

    The look on his face was one of concentration, as Hal lands near the entrance to the "Burnout Pub". With a chuckle, Hal shakes his head, and walks through the doors, and into the hive of scum and villany. Now where had he heard that term before...?

    Looking around, Hal moves towards the bar, watching all of the eyes and other sensoyy organs swinging towards him. The din of laughter and sounds of talking diminish to a low din as he moves past. Was he here for them? Or someone else?

Samus Aran has posed:
The Yellow and red armored woman is very observant. She spies the Green Lantern as soon as he enters. Yeah she knows who he is. She also knows that There was neither hide nor hair of the Green Lanterns when the space pirates attacked her home. So she is rather indifferent to them. The person in the armor just shrugs it off as she moves across the room.

Her attention locks onto a rather shadey looking blue skinned kree. The man is rather flamboyant having a small harem around him. Several females and even a few males of varying species. One thing is certain though, he's a bit of a creeper. The person in the armor steps in front of him. "I need information." The voice is distorted, sounding like a mechanial masculine type.

The Kree just smirks, "Do ya now. Well, You must have something now don't you. After all, the type of information Jay-tar has doesn't come cheap." That seems to make his harem swoon.

The person in yellow is not swooning. In fact she seems like she couldn't care less. "What do you want."

He looks at the person and just snickers. "Well I could ask for money but I wanna know whats under your helmet. That type of information would be beneficial to me and some of my friends."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Marching up to the bar, Hal Jordan looks at the "being" behind it, and says, "I'm looking for someone. I was wondering if, perhaps, you could help me out with that?" The big, blue being behind the bar snorts, and says, "Go away Lantern. You know ah ain't gonna tell you anything. You or any a' yer kind." A pause. "Wanna drink?"

    Hal frowns, shakes his head, and looks over his shoulder at the very hostile faces throughout the bar. "No. Nevermind." Hal turns, and starts to leave, when his eyes fall upon a new arrival. She was speaking to a...hmmm...a Kree. Huh. Deciding to watch and listen, Hal tosses a few Imperial credits on the bar, and grabs the green, noxious smelling fluid in a glass. After a quick analysis from his ring, it was better to remain in his hand...and not in his body.

Samus Aran has posed:
The Armored person glares though that could be hardly seen. "That is not happening. You're going to give me the information because its the right thing to do. Because when you look at this helmet and armor, you're looking at the very entity who stands between you and the things you really fear." With that she holds out a device and immediately it sparks to life with a hologram. That hologram presents the image of nothing short of a very wicked dragon.

"Ridley? You want information on Ridley!? You... Entity, Are insane. Do you really think I'm going to put my head on the chopping block so you can go get yourself killed? Walk out of here. Don't come back." He snaps at the person and then clicks his fingers. A pair of burley men begins moving up on the armored individual.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal watches the interchange with interest, and notes the people around the Kree and the...Samus? and what they were doing next. Just in case he had to get involved. Distracted for a moment, Hal takes a sip of the drink since he was used to having a beer in his hand anyway. "Ugh." Hal snorts, and grimaces. Cardboard and lighter fluid indeed.

    "Ridley..." Hal says under his breath, and struggles to remember why that might be familiar. Shrugging, Hal leans against the bar, and watches as the "burly" men move towards Aran. "Now this should be interesting..." Ready to help,but wanting to see how she handled herself, Hal waits, and readies his ring. Dimly, it glows on his hand holding the drink as his will strengthened the bond between the wielder and the artifact.

Samus Aran has posed:
The dim lights reflect off Samus' visor. "You know who I am. Do you really think these two are going to be able to take me out of here?" The person states sharply.

"I'd know better if you took off your mask. Now get out of Knowhere. Or I'll deal with you myself." The two thugs move and puts hands on her and immediately wish they hadn't.

The woman in armor drops down into a ball and rolls back. One thing is left where she was. A much smaller sphere. The men proceed to pull guns before the smaller sphere goes off. A small bomb. Just enough to send them to the ground. She breaks the ball but stays knelt. Her beam cannon on her arm is pointed at them and charges to life. The energy at the front shows she means business. "Back off."

The two thugs get the point rather quickly and do so. The Kree just sorta watches and rolls his eyes. "Good help is so hard to find these days." Then he decided to pull small blaster pistol and take aim at the suited figure.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    With lightning quick willpower, Hal uses his energy control to whip towards the Kree, and with a small, green gloved hand, takes the blaster from the Kree with an almost supernatural ease. Moving forward, Hal Jordan looks at the Kree, the two departing goons, and says, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Pulling a gun on someone is an offense. You should know better."

    Now that the Lantern was involved, several beings who were ready to jump into the altercation on the side of the Kree go back to their drinks. The silence caused by Samus' display is quickly replaced by chatter and the sound of weird music once again.

    Looking sideways at Aran, Hal smiles, and says, "Sounds like this gentleman was just about to tell you what you needed to know." As the blaster is destroyed by a flick of Hal's will, Hal turns his gaze on the Kree. "Right?"

Samus Aran has posed:
"Look I don't want no trouble with the lanterns and I definitely don't want no trouble with space pirates! I heard rumors about them playin with a bunch of Brood trying to weaponize em. That is a bunch of junk I want nothin to do with. Hear me?"

Whispers continue around the bar, people whispering about the strange figure being the bounty hunter Samus Aran. There are also plenty of fake stories being sent around saying things like 'she took down a fleet of Daxamites just because she got bored'. and 'She has single handed blown up several planets!' Samus doesn't respond to any of this. What she does respond to is the Kree and his desire to not be involved in any thing. She steps forward. The beam cannon on her arm powers down as she takes hold of him with her free hand. "Tell me where he is. I am going to take him and his pirates down. I need to know, WHERE IS RIDLEY?" She suddenly has that weapon in his face. Yup She may have a little experience with intimidation.

"OKAY OKAY!!! Last I heard they've been hitting along Brood space. They sacked a small base on some back water planet. Zebejebes or some drek like that!"

"That was all you needed to say." She sets him down and looks at the Lantern curiously, "Thank you. Didn't expect your kind to actually chip in on a bar fight."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal looks at Aran, then at the Kree. His eyes narrow..."The Brood? Seriously? Just what the Universe needs." Hal sighs, and nods at Aran as she continues the interrogation. With a look of admiration at her techniques, Hal just watches her back, and let's her run roughshod all over the Kree shi*rat.

    When she was finished, and thanked him, Hal shrugs and says, "No problem. Looked like you needed a hand." Hal grins at his joke, and then continues, "No problem. I think we are looking in the same place, and what you learned helped me as well. Quid pro quo." Hal says, and nods his head, "Nice to meet you...?" It was obvious he was a GL. She was another question.

Samus Aran has posed:
The strange entity in armor nods, "Is that so. You were looking for space pirates or Ridley himself?" she asks. "Samus. Samus Aran. Yes that Samus Aran." The disguised voice is oddly proud of her often misjudged reputation. "Personally I want to obliterated that dragon and send him back to wherever he came from. He's evil."

The bounty hunter moves to the bar and sets down a some credits. She's given the same green goup of a drink. How the heck is she going to drink it through her helmet? Well. Looks like whoever made the armor thought of everything. A straw extends out of it and she proceeds to sip her drink. "One of these days someone needs to show these people a good drink or something." She shutters. "So what brings a Green Lantern to Knowhere?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Nodding, as though the words out of the Samus' mouth were what he thought anyway, Hal smiles and says, "It is great to meet you. I'm Hal Jordan, from Earth. Thanks for your help, and to answer your question, yeah, I think we are after similar bad guys. The "Dragon". Hmmm." Hal puts the glass he was holding on the bar, and grimaces at it one last time.

    "Better stuff on Earth..." Hal says and looks at the bartender. "No offense." Turning his attention back to Aran, Hal adds, "After some information. Seems something is happening out there that has some of the eldest and most Cosmic of Enitities...worried, if they can be. Even the Collector. I was here to meet with him, but he's a ghost."

    Hal shrugs. "I don't know. It's a feeling I guess. I thought I would start here. You are obviously here for information." Hal watches as the Kree flees the Pub. "Making a few friends I see."

Samus Aran has posed:
Samus Aran nods slowly, "The usual friends I supose. Typically I tend to keep others at an arms reach at best. Those close to me don't last long. I always do though. Go figure." She gives a little sigh which doesn't really transmit. "Ridley is a pain in the ass. He's successfully wrecked much of my life. Killed more then a few people close to me. He is filth. A stain to the galaxy. Him and the space pirates he commands. He's not the head of them. He's just a captain. I've seen the creature that wanted runs them. She wanted me to take the lead of the pirates. I declined." She shutters over the whole thing.

"The last time I encountered them, they had some really messed up ideas about using the brood. I am hoping they aren't following through with that. If that is the case, I feel we will be seeing far more of each other."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I understand that. I only have a few close friends, and they can take care of themselves. Being a Lantern tends to make me a target. I expect you are the same." Hal shrugs, and pushes his drink closer to the bartender, telling him that he was done.

    With a nod, Hal looks at Aran, and smiles. "Well, you have made a new friend here today, Samus Aran. Allies are hard to find. Friends, even harder."

    Watching the bar for a moment to make sure no one was stupid enough to take a shot at them, Hal snaps his fingers! "I knew I heard that name before! Yes. Huh." As Aran explains it further, Hal says, "My investigation was into something darker and more sinister, involving the Dire Wraiths or the Brood. Or something even darker...but this is a first step. Thank you Samus Aran."

    Hal turns to leave, and looks at her over his shoulder. "If you need me, just get word to me. I am usually in Sector 2814, but the Collector owes me big time. He can get in touch with me." Hal heads out, then pauses, turning back for a moment. "Just don't get in debt with him. He's...nasty when you owe him seomething."

Samus Aran has posed:
"So I've heard." Samud nods. "I welcome your friendship. Be careful out there, Lantern. The pirates are possibly more dangerous then the brood just because of their leader. Part of me wants to do something about her." She finishes the drink and sets it on the bar. Turning to look around, a few people whisper but beyond that. Nothing.

"I have a date on planet Zebes. If they set up an outpost there, I'm shutting it down. That planet is... It was a home to me once upon a time. Everytime I've had a family these pirates have killed them. I want to rid the galaxy of their filth." With that she gives a salute to him and moves out of the bar. A few minutes later she is in her gunship. Stripping to her Zero suit, she gets ready to take a nap while the ship auto pilots to Daiban.