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Latest revision as of 14:51, 8 January 2018

Log 3582
Date of Scene: 06 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beast, Kid Omega

Beast has posed:
The school has a number of laboratories upstairs, dedicated to the enrichment of it's students in various academic fields. Chemistry. Biology. The Computer Lab. But there is one lab, it's true location known to only a few, which many a student whisper about. The Lab of one Henry "Hank" McCoy.. Also known as the Beast.

The rumors about this lab are many. Some say it is a perfectly normal laboratory (these are very few) while others have contradictory guesses. That it's a wonderland of alien technology. That he clones students. That there is a working time machine. That it's like Frankensteins laboratory, except with more antimatter.

More of those are true, than not.

RIght now, however, all the mad science experiments are put away and the blue furred scientist is hunched over a workbench, tapping away on it's smart-screen surface. he has been rather.. distant.. since the president was assasinated. He still teaches class. he still acts as the schools medic. he still mentors students in need. But when he isn't doing all that he dissapears.. to his sanctum.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire was not someone who believed in limits. Blame his parents and Omega level telepathy for that. He did! So when Jean said he could use the downstairs labs, he naturally went to the one lab he'd never been allowed into even when he was a student, Hank's lab.

Opting not walk, he floats down the hall, crossed legged until he reaches the door where he drops back down to the ground and casually scans for signs of Beast's active mind within the lab. If it's not shielded, when he finds it, he reaches out, mentally << Hey Beast, can I come in and play? >>. If it is shielded, he sighs heavily and uses the door chime like a flatscan.

Beast has posed:
Is the lab shielded? Of course it is shielded! What kind of mutant scientist who has worked with (and fought against) countless telepaths would NOT shield his lab?!? And that wouldn't have telepathic /detectors/ either? The moment Quentin came off the lift (Heck, even when he was /on/ the lift) Hank knew he was there. So it is not a big surprise when he hears the chime at his door.

Of course, he contemplates /not/ answering, but.. He makes a gesture and the door slides open, star trek style.

"Good evening, Mister Quire." he says, not turning around and swiping at a schematic of some sort on his table-display. "Do you require any assistance? Or are you here to aggrivate me by trying to dazzle your old teacher with your supposed intellectual superiority?" he asks.. without any rancor. Because he /was/ Quentics teacher once so.. he knows him.

Kid Omega has posed:
Should have figured Hank would be a few steps ahead. When the door opens in steps Quentin, still rocking the same style that he'd adopted when he went from Xavier's star pupil to wannabe mutant firebrand, complete with magenta mohawk, and home-made t-shirt declaring in crude letters: I'M REALLY MYSTIQUE. His jacket matched his hair and he had his usual ripped jeans and combat boots to complete the rest of his ensemble.

"Beast," Quentin greets with a modicum of respect. Hank had been his teacher and not entirely an asshole. So Quentin would give him that much. "You already know how smart I am. Anyhow, Jean said I could come play in the labs if I let you know I was coming," he says. "That and I have a couple of projects I am working on," Knowing Quentin, that means he has projects he's stuck on and doesn't want to ask for help. "Plus, there's a suit to make for one of the students, Jean has my design."

Beast has posed:
Hank looks up from his display, catching the reflection of Quenin in the chromed surface of one of hie multitude of machines and.. frowns at the shirt. "I do not know whether to be amused by your choice in shirts, Mister Quire, or to find that in bad taste. Regardless, you do realize that punk officially died in 1994, yes? About the time when they started replacing political commentary with repetitious four letter explatives that start with an 'f'.." he states, dryly, before he turns on his stook to face his former student. His eyes look.. blood shot. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to show he hasn't been sleeping well. And his fur is a bit frazzled, especially his mane.

"And yes, Quentic, aside from your, how can I say it delicately, monomanious attitude you /are/ quite intelligent.. a genius even, but I will deny it if you tell anyone who asks. That said and, your usually smug and self-important attitude aside, You are one of the /few/ I would /trust/ around my equipment. Again, someting I will not sayto anyone else out loud." he points out.. then picks up a mug of coffee.. ad it's not his patented Cookie Monster mug either.

"A student requires a suit?" he finally asks, after a long sip of coffee.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin grins broadly, at Hank's remarks, "That right there is the point," he says about the shirt. "And I hear you, the punk-pop thing really nailed the coffin shut too, but what the hell? Seems like resurrection is a thing around here, so why not punk?" he says breezily.

The other stuff, that keeps the grin going, nothing Quentin liked to hear more than that he was exceptional. "So does this mean I get to play or are you going to kick me to the remedial labs down the hall?" he asks, guessing the answer already. "And don't worry, they won't hear it from me. Well, as long as I get to use the labs."

"Hm, oh, yes, the suit, for Maya something," Jean had mentioned the name a little while ago, but he'd forgotten or well, hadn't really heard. Maya was more of a problem than a person. "Met her yesterday, she just started, her mutation makes her whole body cold, so I whipped up a design for an insulating suit last night while I was playing video games. Should keep the cold in and protect her during the summer. Still working on how to let her eat hot food short of power negation."

He pauses in his rambling to add, "Don't really do the empathy thing, but, you look like shit by the way, what's up?"

Beast has posed:
Hank sets down his mug, which doesn't have any pithy science sayings on it unlike the rumpled 'Science gives me a Hadron' t-shirt he wears beneath the equally rumpled lab coat. He eyes the omega level telepath a moment, then his face falls a bit. " student is having trouble with their abilities?" he asks, surprised. "I.. didn't know that.." and he suddenly looks a bit guilty, thinking that he should have been paying more attention. but the image of the president getting shot by his wofe, mere feet away and moments before Hank could save him, still flutters through his head.

He blows out a breath and nodes faintly. "Since you are endevouring to help a student, where I failed to do so, you can use this lab if you like." Because he knows it has the best resources and he needs to contribute something to help this student and to nurture Quentins altruistic endevours. "I even have a new bolt of Unstable Molecular material if you need it...."

His big brown eyes go wide a moment as the mohawked yyoung man points out how bad he looks.. and looks as if he is going to deny it... but he knows that Quentin can just as easily pluck it from his mind, if not now then later. So he sighs. "I'm just.. I failed, Quentin. We may know now, more or less, that president underwood was a terrible man.. But when his wife assasinated him we didn't know.. and I was right there.. and I failed to save him.."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin raises a magenta dyed brow above his green left eye, "And you're talking about my shirt?" he asks when Beast finally turns around. "Yeah, I mean she apparently got here a couple of days ago. So, don't beat yourself up over it, I just ran into her in town and her problem sounded interesting."

He wasn't even trying but he catches that flash of Hank's memory, the sight of President Underwood being murdered. He couldn't help it. It was like a clip of a movie put on repeat. He pulled the thought from his brain and tossed it down to the big screen in Omega City, watching it there with a combination of sympathy and morbid fascination while the rest of his mind carried on with Beast in the real world.

"Thanks," Quentin says when he's given permission to use the lab. "And hm, always wanted to play with that. I can work those into the design." His mind was already making the needed adjustments. He'd been planning to pass fabrication on to Hank, but, seeing the state he was in, Quentin kept that to himself, and decided a little bit of work wasn't going to kill him.

At the rest Quentin hops up on one of he stainless steel counters, booted feet swinging as he does so. "Well, first off, going to say, I saw all that a minute ago," he says of Beast failing to stop the assassination of Underwood. "Second, I could offer to stop it for you, wipe all of that away, but for some reason people say no when I offer to tinker with their minds. Third, if you are going to keep that memory on repeat in your head. Why don't you use it? I hang on to all the shit people give me, then I give it back ten fold. Plus, I may have a way for you to do that, Maya's not my only project. I was thinking on some ways to negate magnetic fields, you know, for reasons. Game to help me with that?" he asks with a querying look mated to one of his 'I'm planning something dangerous' smiles.

Beast has posed:
Hank actually.. almost looks tempted to take the telepath up on his offer. Seriously, he does.. But he's been an X-Man enuogh to realize how much of a slippery slope that would be and he slowly shakes his head. "I.. appreciate the offer, my young friend." he says, sincerely, without a hint of snark. "I truly do.. but it is a cross I must bear." he says, sitting a bit straighter now. "And you are right.. mayhaps I /should/ use it.. as motivation.. to keep from letting something like that to happen again.."

He then raises an blue brow. "Negate magnetic fields.. You do realize that as much as we understand the interaction /produced/ by magnetic fields we have never discovered the actual mechanic of the force itself. One of the paradoxes of science.." he says.. but then smiles slightly. "That said, I /have/ been working on something which /may/ help in that enterprise. A few theorems here. A couple of deductions there.. perhaps a multi-phasic weak-force generator that I have been tinkering with. None of it is perfect but.. I would gladly accept your assistance. Two heads are better than one, after all."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin nods, he had a few memories like that, ones he could, he guessed wipe out if he ever really tried but kept around to help him focus. Anger, to Quentin's mind, was the get shit done emotion. "I get it, but my powers aren't going anywhere, so if you need, I can do it," he says before he's smiling again, "And see, I'm right. This is me dazzling you with my brilliance and I'm not even trying."

Then he's down to serious science business. "Yeah, that's what's kicking my ass about it too, no Idea of how it works like it does" he says about the giant question mark science so far had painted in the middle of their problem. Though Hank's proposed solutions get a thoughtful nod out of him and a smile. "Yeah, I think you're headed in the right direction though," he says as he hops down from his perch to join Hank. "Let's knock this suit out real quick while we brainstorm, then I can tell you the rest of my bad ideas."