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(An armored truck is hijacked by mutant mercenaries)
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Latest revision as of 07:16, 14 January 2018

Highway Robbery - Ancient China style
Date of Scene: 13 January 2018
Location: A road, outside New York
Synopsis: Shadowlite and Juggernaut take a job to hijack an armored truck with some really fancy mercenaries guarding it. Wonder Woman shows up. Chaos ensues.
Thanks to: Selene, for GMing!
Cast of Characters: Black Queen, Juggernaut, Shadowlite, Wonder Woman

Black Queen has posed:
A particular tech company was hiring out a third-party security firm to transfer some goods. These goods were so particularly special they didn't even trust their own company to process them. Each security guard carries some pretty high-end tech, a suit of body armor that is designed to withstand some pretty heavy hits (not meta hits, but assault rifle fair). The transfer of goods had been a success, and now they were driving them in a big box truck down the city streets of New York. Amongst the overall goods were old things, hundreds of years old, from China. The woman who hired Juggernaut and Shadowlite indicated she would pay them handsomely for the old things. The security, itself, could be pilfered as much as they liked and there was plenty to like. Lots of things that could be used, or at least sold on the black market to other villainy sorts all around the world. Lots of high tech weapons, armor, and even the box truck itself might have some special setup. Though, they can only sell what isn't destroyed.

The box truck is headed on a course to get them out of New York City. And once they can get to upstate they'll have free range to their off-site storage facility. Selene didn't make any comment about where or when to stop this truck, just that whatever was on it. She wanted. And if they got it to her, she'd pay them in a huge bounty.

Juggernaut has posed:
Having the route the truck is going to take, the Juggernaut set up at a certain spot to wait with the rest of the team that was hired. In this case, a single guy he's never worked with before. He's sitting behind a billboard, resting his helmeted head back against it as he waits for them to arrive, idly flicking rocks off into the distance with one oversized hand. "The waiting part is always so damn boring." He glances over at the darkly dressed merc. "So, you been in this whole thing for long?" He suddenly sits up, cocking his head. "Well, that sounds like more than just a car. That them?" He raises to his feet, walking to the edge of the sign then peering around to check what's approaching. Yep. Looks like their guys. "Alright then. I'm gonna do my thing, you get into the truck while they're focused on me." Cracking his massive knuckles, he quickly makes his way into the middle of the road, waiting for the approaching truck. He holds up a hand in a 'stop' gesture, waiting for them to comply. Might as well give them a chance to make this all easy.

Shadowlite has posed:
Technically, Shadowlite is hiding up in a nearby tree, but he can hear Juggernaut just fine from there. A baritoned voice is under a voice scrambler that replies though, as his legswings idly back and forth, Shadowlite relaxing against the trunk. "I'm hurt. *HURT*. That you haven't heard of me, big guy. I've been doing this sort of thing for almost a decade now. Granted, I've never done a high profile hijack like this before." Shadowlite looks in the direction of the truck now, his augmented reality goggles giving him the essentials immediately: speed of the truck, immediate life signs, and highlighting potential weapons. All of this is done via the programs in the wrist-comp on his right forearm. "If that isn't it, I'll eat my suit. I'll do you the courtesy of setting only the truck itself into pitch black. Keep to the front, and you'll be able to see."

Then, when Juggernaut steps out onto the road, Shadowlite slides down over the tree branch and does a flip down behind the tree proper, getting out one silenced pistol as he waits for the fireworks to start... his left hand free to throw around Darkforce. He keeps silent and stealthy, waiting for the moment.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Someone talked.

They always do, right? Someone along the line of communication within all the parties involved in this heist, had to go and spill the beans. Maybe they were drunk. Maybe they were trying to impress someone. Maybe they got pinched! Who knows, but what was known?

The Justice League found out.

From the heart of the city a screaching of alien-technology-powered engines ripped through the sky toward the outer-lying areas. Though the engines were a whistling sound, they couldn't be placed in the sky... there was no visible sign of anything being propelled even if the sound could be heard bouncing off of the ground below.

It was drawing ever closer by the second.

Black Queen has posed:
The truck's driver certainly notices Juggernaut. They are professionals, and the first thing that they do is send out a radio call. Wanting to alert authorities that they will be under attack soon. Not that the authorities are close enough to get there quickly, but if they can delay long enough... help should arrive. With a simple button part of the box on the truck collapses, and then a turret is raised up from the back. The whine of the automatic weapon is loud, piercing the air for miles, just as it warms up. Bullets are soon to follow, and each one carries with it enough force to derail a train, little blue streaks of energy come along with the bullets which when they hit disperses out as some kind of stunning electrical charge effect. The driver speeds up, but will attempt to go around Juggernaut, if possible.

With Shadowlite's goggles, he can see there's a person inside of the gunner seat, two up in the driver's seat. And about 5 more on the inside, already ready for what's coming next. They each have guns that fire similar bullets, high-tech stuff - at least decently. Lesser villains probably would be decimated by these guns, and they all put on some kind of goggles themselves.

The word that Diana got came from Gregory. He had tipped off some broad about these artifacts he was helping to import. Apparently she always wanted to keep an ear on the ground for Chinese artifacts of particular kinds. Some kind of material they unearthed with them was important, and all of it was going off to be studied by some legit tech company to see if any of the artifacts were alien tech - since they were giving off some bizarre energy readings. Poor Gregory soon passed out after spilling those beans - his payment paid for a lot of vodka.

Juggernaut has posed:
The sound of the approaching vehcile in the sky makes Juggernaut cock his head briefly to the side, peering into the sky and trying to approach it. Hmmm. Well, maybe it's not connected. Then he sees the turret deploying from the truck, and breaks into a run forward towards the vehicle. He doesn't really make any effort to avoid the shots, and they don't seem to slow him down any when they ricochet off of him. He speeds up as he moves towards the vehicle, angling to intercept it if it tries to swerve around him. If he succeeds in catching it, he slams into the front and hooks his arms under the front of it, lifting the cab into the air. He can't see how many people are inside the vehicle, and probably wouldn't care if he did. He grabs the axle for one pair of wheels, and forcibly rips it off before tossing it aside, then steps back and lets the vehicle drop to the ground before grbabing at the turret of the gun, trying to squeeze it closed.

Shadowlite has posed:
As vehicle and unstoppable force try to avoid and smash respectively, Shadowlite sighs, "You'd think they'd learn..." Shadowlite muses to himself, before he reaches out with his left hand from his hiding spot. A black mist flows off of it like an aura as Shadowlite summons a reinforced sheet of Darkforce in the direction the truck tries to go, the sheet itself imbued with the properties of the hardest titanium as it 'flows' over the Darkforce dimensional barrier and into their own... effectively forcing it right into Juggernaut.

Shadowlite himself? He keeps out of the way still, and ignores the engines. If he needs to dodge, a portal aperture across the way will get him out of the way.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Whatever was making those high pitched whistling noises in the sky... soared on over head and never made an appearance...

But a moment later a figure free-fell from the sky and landed similarly in the center of the road ahead as Juggernaut had appeared in front of the vehicle moments before!

With shimmering shield in left hand and her right grasping the golden glowing coil of rope in her right, Wonder Woman stood straight and peered over the edge of her shield.

'You would think they would learn...' She thought to herself.

The golden glowing lasso was spun loose around and above her body, she whirled it fiercely through the air and it hummed/growled loudly! She was clearly seeking the attention of the attackers!

Black Queen has posed:
Between a darkforce barrier and a big man, the driver swerves to avoid the large darkness mist that suddenly just appeared and puts themselves within reach of the Juggernaut. And the truck -was- more durable than most and took a bit more effort to tear off the front axle than any other box truck that Juggernaut's ever attacked, of which there are likely plenty.

The gunner is automatically ejected as the turret explodes from having the barrel closed up, and he is sent into the sky in a torrent of jets as his seat takes him airborne. Another one of those goes off right behind Juggernaut, as the pilot himself ejects as well from the truck. And then rolling out from the sides, from hatches below the truck, come the others. They start to shoot from their Assault Rifles similar ammunition as to what was in the turret, except two of them. They shoot these thick titanium alloy cables, hoping to wrap them around Juggernaut's entire body, when they press buttons on their guns the cable ejects and swings around the big man. They will wrap, if unhindered, a dozen or so times, attempting to halt the movements of the Juggernaut moving about their truck. But with that, they see the woman drop down onto the road a bit ahead. And there's some murmuring on the radio as they start to back away, one of them currently has on a cylinder backpack.

Juggernaut has posed:
Well. He's not surprised the vehicle is tough. Most don't have built in assault turrets either. He ignores the ejection of the pilot and gunner, turning his attention towards the men that exited the vehicle. He ignores the bullets like he did the larger ones, but grunts in annoyance when they fire the bolo-like cables at him. They wrap around his powerful frame, and he just stares at them for a time. "Really, guys? You think that's gonna help?" And he strains against the cables briefly, snapping them from around him. Then he hears an impact behind him, and turns to see what it was. On spotting Wonder Woman, one of his brows raise as he considers the world famous Amazon. "Hmmm. I know you." He crosses his arms while he thinks, then finally snaps the fingers of one big hand. "I know! You're the Armored Swimsuit." Yes, it does seem like he is intentionally mocking her rather than mistaking her with somebody else. "Shouldn't you be off foiling a crime at a photo shoot or something? I'm kind of busy here."

Shadowlite has posed:
Oh, that's some juicy weaponry... and most of it is aimed in another direction! Wonderful. Shadowlite concentrates for a moment, and a misty blackness forms over his Darkforce suit... turning the younger mutant mercenary into a walking tank. With that, he reaches out with his left hand, and bolts of blunt concussive Darkforce launch out of an aperture at his palm at the guns with precision, at first.

If any of the guns remain in goon hands after the initial volley, he just starts to rapid fire at them instead. These aren't bullets, but sledgehammers. Body armor can stop the kinetic energy of a bullet, but diffuse a hammer blow over a person, and they get knocked on their ass.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The machine guns were watched, the destruction survey... but Wonder Woman could do little about any of that at this stage, her goal was on the biggest threat she saw in the form of the Juggernaut.

Diana was invulnerable to a lot of damage, and jokes were included in this. She continued to whirl the lasso around while Juggernaut observed her and spoke. She took a step forward then toward him.

"The photo-shoot is not for another hour and a half." Diana said back at him then before she snapped her wrist and sent the unbreakable golden rope out toward Juggernaut's torso intending to wrap it around him!

She followed this by leaping up into the air with her shield held at her side!

Black Queen has posed:
These are elite mercenary soldiers, not goons. Still, they are taken by surprise and 3 of them are hit, guns being sent off in one direction, the security guards being sent of in a complete other. One of the two remaining turns and dives behind a tree for cover, hunkering down, while the one with the package on his back kneels backwards and holds up an arm. Unraveling from his armor is a shield of some durable composite, enough that when hit by the dark force bolts he's slide back but not fully knocked on his ass. Slinging his assault rifle over his shoulder, he pulls a combat knife off of his belt and presses a button at the top. That same blue energy starts to ripple over the knife as he charges toward Shadowlite - shield up.

The other two are completely forgotten about at this point, seeing as The Juggernaut is immune to their weapons, and Wonder Woman doesn't pose a threat. The focus for the guards, now, is Shadowlite, and they've quickly lost more than half their remaining number.

Juggernaut has posed:
The crimson-cladd mercenary smirks a little. "Oh? Guess you're gonna be missing it, unless you leave now." But... nope! Apparently she doesn't. He sees her starting to throw something at him, and begins to back up. Then the unbreakable rope is around his torso and he grunts, straining against it while still moving backwards. "The hell? What is this thing made of?" He grabs the rope in front of him with both hands, trying to yank back as hard as he can. Which is pretty high up there as far as strength goes. He glances over his shoulder to see what's going on with his current partner and the other people in the group. "You gonna be able to cut it there, Shades? Or do I need to give you a hand while I'm dealing with this one?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"Really? A knife? You're joking." Shadowlite then turns his hand around, and a misty drifts off his arm again as he forms an elastic Darkforce tendril -a set of them, actually- and whips it around, the sheer number of them making it almost impossible to dodge up or down as he wraps them around the charging man, trying to throw the man clear around over to Juggernauts side, "I think I can handle this, though I think this guy wants to get into melee. Here, catch." Shadowlite tries to whip him around to offer a clothesline opportunity for Juggernaut. The other one can wait for two seconds.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana didn't reply to the man's words, she was too busy trying to stop him. With the lasso successfully around him she was more concerned with trying to remove him from the scene. She could tell the man was stronger than most, the evidence on the scene unfolding made that quite clear.

When she pulled on the lasso, he resisted and tugged back. This yanked the woman from the sky and brought her back down onto her armored boots about ten feet from where he was.

"What is your name?" Diana commanded him with the rope around him. "Who are your working for?" She added with strain in her voice as she was trying to keep the rope taught around the hefty enemy.

Black Queen has posed:
Being tossed is easy. And getting away from the shadowmancer just sort of helps his cause. But, getting closer to the Juggernaut does not, at all, in the least. The rope would have snagged the man had Juggernaut pulled it and the woman of wonder down from the sky. So, instead the security guard lands hard on the ground only a few feet away from the heavy hitters, groaning on the ground. The other security guard, on the other hand is already moving, heading to another bit of cover and turning to shoot his super-tech bullets right at Shadowlite. These things, again, each one of them, punches into whatever it hits and explodes out in a ripple of electricity and enough force to knock over a train. These guys are pretty good shots, they just were completely ineffective against The Juggernaut. Now it's time to try shooting the shadow.

Juggernaut has posed:
Withe the rope taut, Cains inexoerable backwards march drags her booted feet across the pavement, or possibly digs furrows into it depending on whether she digs in her heels. He growls as he continues to struggly to remove the rope, glaring at her when she asks her questions. "I'

Juggernaut has posed:
Withe the rope taut, Cains inexoerable backwards march drags her booted feet across the pavement, or possibly digs furrows into it depending on whether she digs in her heels. He growls as he continues to struggly to remove the rope, glaring at her when she asks her questions. "I'm the unstoppable Juggernaut! And I was hired by none of your damn business!" He abruptly reverses directions, starting to charge forward instead. Hoping to catch her off-guard enough for the rope to go slack and be somewhat easier to remove. And also tryingo to close the distance, lowering his head and trying to tackle the Amazon Princess with all his massive ten foot bulk. He's ignoring the fight between the others at this point focused on Diana.

Shadowlite has posed:
With the man away from him, Shadowlite dissolves the tentacles... only to suddenly come under fire from the one with the package. Not completely unexpected, and Shadowlite starts to dive and weave, barely managing to keep just ahead of the initial volley from being prepared, though a few rounds to manage to graze his armor and bounce off, forcing noticable pained grunts. That's gonna bruise.

Then, Shadowlite forms his black disk and aperture combo, flipping from the side onto it and strapping himself in. Shadowlite takes to the sky, before he summons a bubble of pitch black around the man in cover in a fourty foot radius, rendering him completely blind to light based sight, before he returns fire with a hail of Darkforce bullets, hoping to knock him out or kill him. "Lostie, keep an eye on Armored Swimsuit and let me know if she heads this way." In his head, the lost one replies, 'Of course, Michael.' That much exertion in a short time has him sweating just slightly.

Yes, Shadowlite is totally copying Juggernaut. Shamelessly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The lasso would go slack when the unstoppable Juggernaut made his charge toward the comparitively much smaller Amazonian Warrior, but he wouldn't be able to so easily barrel right over her (or so she hoped)!

When he charged her she narrowed her eyes and planted her armored boots on the pavement then swept her shield up in front of her an held it out like a metalic wall for him to bull himself into and she'd BASH it at his head and body hoping to deflect him backward while keeping herself steadily planted in her place!

Juggernaut has posed:
It could be a good plan in most cases. But, Wonder Woman apparently doesn't know much about the Juggernaut. The embodiment of brute physical force, he's literally unstoppable once he starts moving. He grunts as she bashes at him with her shield, but it doesn't even slow his charge in any noticeable way, just justles him back and forth some. Instead, he hits her with the force of a moving train and tries to knock her back in turn, attempting to plant a fist in her side in the process. Keeping her busy while Shadowlite finishes up and gets out with the payload seems to be his job at the moment.

Black Queen has posed:
With the bullets coming out toward Shadowlite the elite soldier is backing up, firing, backing up, and firing. Then the shadowmancer leaps to the sky and starts hailing darkforce blasts down upon him without a worry. The guard was not prepared for that, but he turns quickly and starts to run. Unfortunately he's snagged by more than one of those darkforce bolts. Death might be an end result, but the armor they have on is pretty durable and very advanced. It's meant to keep them safe from some of the meta attacks, just not the mega-meta attacks that exist. Definitely unconscious, at least, the guard with the package is downed, and no one seems to be remaining. Those that ejected will be miles away and no where near capable of returning to the site. Though, off in the nearish distance a swarm of attack helicopters appears on the horizon... still minutes away, but quickly approaching.

Shadowlite has posed:
Shadowlite won't even take half a minute.

First, he reaches out with his left hand, created an animated tendril that Shadowlite perfectly uses to start to grab all the soldiers and their gear. Whatever he can salvage. This stuff has to be worth thousands on the black market, along with the payday... not to mention what he can use for himself. Since Shadowlite can fly up to 500mph, it doesn't take more than twenty seconds for him to do so... and since Wonder Woman is busy with Juggernaut, he's free and clear to then open a portal aperture, black arcing lightning going off in and around the black hole being formed, creating a Darkforce net around everyone and everything, and tossing everything right through. Gear and package secured in the warehouse at the other end, "We're done, here. You can get through, Armored Swimsuit can't." With that, Shadowlite flies into the Darkforce aperture... a one way portal escape.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince hadn't ever heard of the Juggernaut before, so understanding what his powers were capable of was something of a learning process for her unfortuantely in this instance.

When he collided with her and her shield it was used to plant against him... She was shoved back on her feet against the pavement and then his punch to her side came, but he was a pretty huge beastly thing and his body motions were easily seen by the Amazon!

Using his momentum, and her shield, Diana launched up against his body like he was a ramp and the shield were a sled! She shot up high into the air whipped the golden lasso up and around her body. Floating a good twenty feet up in the sky now, she swept her eyes around and over toward where Shades was speaking.

Black Queen has posed:
Whatever tech the folks have, some of it registers the portal. The people inside the armor don't seem to budge. The armor itself gets pulled from them leaving them in some kind of full bodysuit type clothing. They stay on the ground where they were, some kind of anti-teleportation type technology. Shadowlite is off at this point and in another place with most of the tech that had been used in this situation. The guns, the armor, and the package... though with Wonder Woman now overlooking the situation it might not be safe to come back to pick up the guards. That, and well, there's a few attack commanche helicopters coming in... and they do look like they are packing some missiles.

Juggernaut has posed:
Well, she's definetly agile. And she seems stronger than.... well, most people he's ever run into. And she can take a punch. He'll have to make sure to remember her. Swinging and missing against the Amazon Princess, Juggernaut glares up at her, clenching his fists. But, there's a job to do, so once the getaway portal is opened up he calls out, "I'll see you again! Next time you won't get off so easy!" Then he turns and steps through the darkforce portal to the distant warehouse.

Shadowlite has posed:
Coming through, Juggernaut and Shadowlite are both deposited into a New York warehouse that Shadowlite had scouted beforehand as abandoned, and hacked the feeds on the cameras to loop at this time. He's done this gig before, keeping messes from happening in the first place is the best way to make sure there's no cleanup needed.

Once Shadowlite is clear of the portal, he flies just a bit off of it, and drops the black disk that allows him to 'fly'. Though he keeps the armor on, just in case. The gear and package themselves are haphazardly thrown around the room, guided through the dimensional tunnel by Shadowlites focus... same with the Juggernaut. Since Wonder Woman is not on the invited list, if she tries to jump in, she'll only learn that she's floating in another dimension... and the currents of Darkforce do not funnel her to the other side, making her forever lost unless she is rescued by another Darkforce user.

Shadowlite, he starts to examine the haul until Juggernaut pops through, "Well, that's was all definitely new. I'm used to low key operations, but the payoff for this one better be worth it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
An extremely strong brawler, a man with... dimensional portals... Who were these people?

Diana, still hovering high above the surface of the road put her right hand up beneath her black hair and pressed her comm unit on the side of her ear.

"We need to find out all information on someone referring to themself as the Juggernaut." She said in her Greek accented voice to whomever wa son the other side of the comms.

While speaking, the Amazonian Warrior started to glide back down to the street where she near-silently touched down upon it, her golden lasso was wrapped around her and it was active and shining.. she started to unravel it from around her and coil it back up with her shield-hand.

Her eyes went over to the people who remained, those that were with whatever it is that was just stolen.

Black Queen has posed:
At least Diana kept the guards from dying. If Juggernaut and Shadowlite had been left to their own machinations, then there'd be dead people at this scene when the authorities showed up. Although Wonder Woman didn't stop the heist, she managed to stop the bloodbath. And met a new opponent of considerable strength. That said, there are people injured here who need help. Many of them are groaning, the last one with the package is particularly bad off and probably needs help sooner rather than later.

Juggernaut has posed:
Juggernaut wouldn't have set killed the guards for no reason. Though he wouldn't have made any efforts to keep them alive either. Once in the warehouse, he crosses his arms over his chest and glances around. "Alright, where is she? I want to get paid and get out of here." He doesn't seem like he wants to linger around too long and bond with his new associated. "Gonna kick that rope ladies ass next time I see her..."

Shadowlite has posed:
As Juggernaut comes through, the aperture closes, cutting them off from the road completely. "I only just smashed reality to get here and double checked to confirm we had everything." Shadowlite offers in explanation, that flowing Darkforce armor visible in the warehouse light.

Then, he walks over to the radio on a crate nearby, clicking it three times in a pre-determined sequence... signalling for Selene that the job was done and the warehouse rally point was clear to enter. "Should be here soon." Then, he looks to Juggernaut, "Armored Swimsuit is called Wonder Woman. She's associated with the Justice League. You'll probably deal with their kryptonians next. Probably Power Boobs." Yes, he went there.

Black Queen has posed:
Walking into the warehouse with a briefcase is Selene. The woman in black, and well, lots of black. Black hair, dark eyeliner, and very black high heels. She got the call from Shadowlite and it took her about 5 minutes to arrive. She must of been close, but not that close, and really doesn't care about time. "So, you have the package then?" Holding up the briefcase a bit she mentions, "Payment in cash. Though, I can offer you a lot more depending on whether or not you enjoy cash or other things." Waiting for a pause she smiles, "I can get you almost anything you desire, of equivalent worth of course. Gems, people, whatever." She sets the briefcase down on a nearby crate and starts toward the two gentleman, "Where is it?"

Juggernaut has posed:
Juggernaut leans against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest and grunting. "I know what her name was. And if you mean who I think you do, I've already fought that other one. She was annoying to deal with too." He looks over at the door as their patron enters, eyeing the ancient vampire. "Yeah. We got the stuff. Cash is fine." Not like there was any specific hard to get things he particularly needed. He glances over at Shadowlite, letting him point out where he dumped the particular things that she wanted from all this.

Shadowlite has posed:
"It's all there." Shadowlite points at the package on the floor. "I'll take cash, useful technology or weapons. People? I'm pretty sure you can't offer what I'd be looking for, there." Shadowlite notes, before he goes to grab a cargo backpack he left off to the side, getting ready to grab the gear from the mercenaries.

Black Queen has posed:
Not that Selene is known as an ancient vampire, or anything like that. After all, she looks like she's just past 20, in some instances she may very well still get carded for alcohol. "Assumption is the root of all failings." Selene offers to Shadowlite, and she waves a hand back at the briefcase, "Well, feel free to split the money then. Everything should be in there." And she walks over to the package on the floor and sighs, bending over to pick it up. Opening it she starts to sift through it before pulling out just one coin from what sounds like a multitude of coins. "Perfect." She turns it over in her hand a few times, "Excellent work." Then she stuffs that one coin into a small pocket on her black pants, and seals up the container and holds it there. "And, did they see you take all of the gear from the mercenaries?"

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain watches Selene dig through the coins an extract a single one, a brow raising curiously at the sight. "So, you really went through all this just to get a coin? Why? What's so special about that thing?" He sraightens up, and moves over to take the briefcase, opening it and checking the contents. He counts out half of it, sitting it aside for Shadowlite, then keeps the briefcase himself. "And now that I think about it, what do you mean you could get us people? You offering to get us laid instead paying us or something?" He finally glancesat the pile of gear. "Well. Wonder Woman was there when we left so... yeah. I'd say they saw us take everything. Which'll make it harder to sell, I know."

Shadowlite has posed:
"The mercenaries themselves and Wonder Woman did. I was going to take it all to a signal proof room and check it for trackers after this." Shadowlites replies, before he sits down on a create, "Alright, I'll bite. What people do you offer?" Shadowlite inquires, cautiously. "Because that sounds like slaves." Shadowlite seems to ignore the money for now... before he reaches out with his left hand, that black mist oozing off of it once more as an animated tendril reaches out and grabs the briefcase and brings it over next to Shadowlite, allowing him to start to count it out.

Black Queen has posed:
When Cain walks over and grabs the briefcase, after a set of questions, she tilts her head to the side. "Just to get a coin. Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." She replies, though she grins slightly more when she learns that others saw them take everything. "Good. It could have only been done better by myself, bravo. And people? You are interested in people now? Not just cash. And yes, slaves. If you want one, I can arrange it. If you are trying to get laid, I can arrange that too. Though..." She looks to Juggernaut, "You do not seem very accommodating in that realm, but use it and toss it away if you must. There are always more people."

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain eyes Selene at that. "Slaves. You're kind of messed up lady." At the comment about him being accomodateing he frowns and looks down at himself. "And what does THAT mean?" His voice grows take on a touch of irritation. He eyes the young looking woman up and down briefly in return.

Shadowlite has posed:
"She just paid us to literally steal one coin, and you think she's normal?" Shadowlite quips, before he looks to Selene, "Seems like she's offering sex slaves and more, big guy. That strikes me as a recipe for trouble, though." Shadowlite notes, before he looks to Selene, "The money, and a refrence for a tech consultant willing to do work for mercenaries. I need some stuff reverse engineered, and some toys made for me."

Black Queen has posed:
"Well, I will allow imaginations to run. And here I thought it was a compliment." Selene offers to The Juggernaut and she shrugs just a little, with a smile. "If you change your mind on the cash, let me know. Just do not spend it before then, fair is fair after all." Changing her eyes to look at Shadowlite she says, "I believe I know a weapons contractor. Should have someone they know who can do what you want. I will meet up with you later to introduce you. Just bring the money, people do not work for free." Turning she starts to walk back toward the exit, only a few steps away she turns back, "I hope you both are willing to work again soon, I may need you again." She is taking the entire package container that had more coins in it, but the one coin remains on her person instead of in the mix. "The rest of these are due someone else. Thank you again."