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Latest revision as of 23:20, 25 January 2018

A Quiet Time
Date of Scene: 17 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Indiana Jones

Lara Croft has posed:
SHIELD's Triskelion was always busy, but the WAND offices weren't.

Its 7:15pm and most everyone in the offices have gone home. Lara Croft hasn't though. She's at the central conference table in the middle of all the cubicles where all the WAND meetings occured and she's there all by her lonesome. Surrounding her laptop is a series of books and manuscripts that are all laid out and filled up with all kinds of whacky information that the archaeologist was cataloguing dutifully... onto her laptop.

Lara was quietly talking to herself as she typed and read from the pages of one book to the right of her forearm... the book was propped up and wide open.

"Alabaster... Hog's tongue?" Lara sighed, shaking her head. "Alchemy is not my thing." She muttered and typed further. "Newt's eye and... thistle."

Her hands left her laptop's keyboard and she sat back in her chair... her hand came up to rub fingertips across her forehead.

WAND had recently had many key figures leave the leadership position and upper management was putting more responsibility onto Agent Croft to try to 'learn new things'.

Lara Croft has posed:
SHIELD's Triskelion was always busy, but the WAND offices weren't.

Its 7:15pm and most everyone in the offices have gone home. Lara Croft hasn't though. She's at the central conference table in the middle of all the cubicles where all the WAND meetings occured and she's there all by her lonesome. Surrounding her laptop is a series of books and manuscripts that are all laid out and filled up with all kinds of whacky information that the archaeologist was cataloguing dutifully... onto her laptop.

Lara was quietly talking to herself as she typed and read from the pages of one book to the right of her forearm... the book was propped up and wide open.

"Alabaster... Hog's tongue?" Lara sighed, shaking her head. "Alchemy is not my thing." She muttered and typed further. "Newt's eye and... thistle."

Her hands left her laptop's keyboard and she sat back in her chair... her hand came up to rub fingertips across her forehead.

WAND had recently had many key figures leave the leadership position and upper management was putting more responsibility onto Agent Croft to try to 'learn new things'.

Indiana Jones has posed:
He hasn't been around much, off doing the things that he is know for. In fact, he has off doing the things Lara herself hired him for. Indiana Jones, strides into the offices leaving a trail of dust and cobwebs in his wake as he makes his way towards his own office, his well worn satchel under his arm.

The iconic hat and jacket has certainly seen better days, there seems to be a new tear in the jacket and the brim of his hat droops a bit from where it looks like it got wet and dried oddly. It will likely need to be blocked again. The whip and Webley are strapped to his belt as usual when he has been out in the field, it's a surprise they don't go astray more often then they do.

"Hey kid." Indy says as he passes the large table, pausing to stick a foot up on a chair and lean against his knee, using an index finger to push the brim of his hat up slightly higher on his head. "Burning the midnight oil?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was so wrapped up in her work that she didn't really notice the entrance of the iconic explorer himself off behind her right shoulder. It wasn't until he took a casual stance on the chair aside of her and she looked up at him that she'd realized he'd arrived. "Oh... Indy." She said, a second later she disconnected her mental processes from her work and she actually summoned a smile at him. "My god, you look as thought you've seen some... action?" She asked then, eyeing him over.

She took note of his attire, she'd never seen him in that outfit that he'd made so famous, not in their time together anyway. She'd of course seen it in those films made about him, but never ON the REAL man. It had a classical style to it, aged surely... especially compared to what the agents of SHIELD today were wearing around the Trisk.

But we use what we're comfortable with.

Lara glanced back at her work and then back at him. "Ah, yes, well... I think I'm being prep'd to run this division... and admittedly, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm not a wizard, I'm not an alchemist and I, am... not an expert at necromancy." She glanced back at the older man and smiled at him wearily-sleepily-tiredly. "I'm just 'here' and I think thats enough for the bosses above us."

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones smirks, "Ain't that how it always is? I mean half the things I have found myself involved in I wasn't the expert on either. I just knew enough to make it look like I knew what I was doing."

He glances down and brushes at his sleave, causing a billow of dust to plume up and he shrugs a shoulder. "Action? Not as much as some days, more than others. At least I didn't get shot at this time. It's nothing a little repair work won't iron out, but at least I managed to get my hands on that tablet." He pats the satchel draped over his shoulder, "So those Hydra occult nutballs have one less thing to try and use. Well, they can use the fake one I put in place, but by the time they realize it is just a hieroglyphic recipe for a great garlic steak I think the threat may be over. Aside from the breath it might give them anyway."

He glances back down at the table and looks at the paperwork and books. "Anything I might be able to help with?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watched the expert explorer as he dusted off that arm and she smirked at the sight of it, all too familar with the feeling of being that filthy, even in her short lifespan. "I can only imagine what the Quinjet you left behind must look like." She assumed he got brought back here from some far off place in a SHIELD-summoned ride, she often did the same... since thats who they were being paid by to retrieve these potentially powerful artifacts for.

The young British woman laughed softly at his brief rundown and the HYDRA antics. "I'm glad you found the item you were after. I'd very much love to get a look at it sometime soon as well as hear your tale aboout how you came to retrieve it." The kinds of things Lara used to love to hear her father talk about also... though he'd never been quite the same style as Indy was. Her father was much more of a traditionalist, sort of like Indy's own father had been.

When he asked if there was anything he could help with. "Oh... I don't know." She said, looking at all the books surrounding her. "Perhaps. I'm not quite sure yet. Quite honestly, I'm just happy to see you right now. But I'll try to think of something to throw at you to make my life a little easier." She gave him a light grin then.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones chuckles, slipping the satchel over his head and setting it down on the table, "Let's just say I am glad I don't get charged cleaning bills. At least it is in one piece, which is more than can be said about the condition of some of those jets when they come back. A vacuum and a good dusting and it should be right as rain in no time."

He pushes off the chair with his leg and makes his way over towards the little kitchenette that the office has and starts to run some hot water through the coffee machine, giving Lara a glance over his shoulder. "Earl Grey, or are you in the mood for something more herbal?"

He looks back to the satchel and shrugs a shoulder, "Let's just say the hidden tomb of Alexander the Great is still pretty damn hidden, but if anyone tries to rob it of its treasures they are going to be in for a bit of disappointment. This stuff really belongs in a museum, but...I've come to realize that some items are just to powerful to be out in the open. I think replicas will have to do, if and when it gets publicized."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara grinned widely at the comment about cleaning. "Yes, I've left a few of the jets in the same... or similar... condition. The crew are often gawking at me in disbelief." She quietly return commented.

When he separated and moved to get some drink she exhaled and considered it for a moment, her left hand rubbing at her forehead for a second or two. "Herbal sounds quite nice at this point."

Lara reached forward and closed the lid of her laptop and then adjusted some of the books on the table in front of her. "Replicas... Yes. Thats sadly what I've been supply with the Natural History Museum here in the city. At least for the items that are most poweful. Such as the masks I brought back from South America. Its just the world we live in now, Indy. Putting them in the museum makes the museum... and all its visitors... targets for these rogue cults and terrible people who are desperate for power to fight against the... well. Supermen and Wonder Women of this world now."

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones goes about making the tea for Lara, slipping a strainer into the teapot and pouring hot water over it to steep a bit. "Yeah, it's a sad thing. But could you just imagine someone like the Joker getting his hands on something like the Arc? For all the bitching I do about what happened to it, and everything I went through getting it, I would rather see it stuck in the warehouse than somewhere someone like that madman could get his hands on it."

He brings the mug of tea back over and sets it down in front of Lara, moving back over to start making himself a cup of coffee. "You ever meet them? Superman, Wonder Woman or anyone like that? I've seen my fair share of weird, and I met that Doctor Strange guy once. And by meet I mean I helped out while he was fighting some magical thing I just happened to be around when he showed up."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was setting up a stack of four books that she wanted Indy to read when he returned to her and she then pushed them over to the side of the table where he'd had his leg up and he'd set his bag down. She smiled softly at his words and reached out to wrap her hands around the teacup. "Thank you." She said softly.

"I believe you may have been the very first person to run into this department of SHIELD back then, back before the department even officially existed. The Ark was the first piece that was put away for its own protection and for the safety of the whole world..." Lara raised the tea up to gently blow on the heated contents, causing a light rippling inside the cup.

She smiled at the dusty / dirty legend as he made himself some coffee.

"And no. I've never met met Superman or Diana Prince... But I'd very much like to meet Diana in particular. Her island is a living archaeological treasure. To get to step back in time so very far, to a place that has perfectly preserved a time period otherwise lost to us? It... well, it would be a dream land, to put it mildly."

Lara sampled her tea then, it was good! "Mm. Doctor Strange? Now he... I have worked with, closely. He's effective, but a bit eccentric..."

Indiana Jones has posed:
"You're welcome." Indy says with a bit of a nod, and then grins as he casts his eyes back over Lara's way. "Careful, you end up going over to Themiscrya, something tells me they will make you a full fledged Amazonian." Indy says with a bit of a chuckle, taking his coffee black as he takes a tentative sip from the mug as he walks back over to the table.

"You're probably right. And as much as I loathed those 'top men', turns out I am one of those guys now. How the world changes in a century or so." He smirks, shaking his head. "Sadly, I lack the particular assets needed to make a trip over there. I've done some dangerous jobs in the past, but even I am not crazy enough to take on a bunch of Amazons."

He takes another sip of his coffee and sits down at the table in front of the every growing pile of books. "Strange seemed like a decent sort. I didn't speak with him long, but the impression I got was he was alright."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was leaned back in her chair when he rejoined her, she had her legs crossed at the knees and was watching him as he spoke. Another sip of her tea was given and she grinned lightly. "I first met him in China. I found... the first of the four weather spheres there. The sphere I was after, the Summer Sphere, had an enchantment on it... sort of like an 'emergency contact' reaction that called out to him, the only sorcerer that fit the protection methods it had designed into it. He came to 'help' me but really just seemed to be observing me as I struggled with it all. It was, intriguing, I'll say." She grinned lightly.

"I certainly wouldn't want to become an Amazon... I mean, I would honored, but their traditions are far more rooted in customs that I really don't personally want to uphold." Another soft smile was shown then.

"There's a new Arts Center near to their Embassy though, dedicated all to their people and the lifestyles that they live on their island. It was opened just prior to Christmas. I had an invitation to go to the opening ceremony, but... I was indisposed."

Indiana Jones has posed:
Indiana Jones chuckles. "When I met him he just kind of appeared half dead in the donut shop I was meeting my granddaughter at. And then something came over to try and finish the job. So I did what I could to help." He shrugs, "I didn't have anything to work with really, but I just leaped on the...whatever it was and tried to distract it as best as I could." He shrugs and takes another sip from his coffee as he leans back into his own chair.

"So, not into the Amazonian lifestyle? I can respect that. You don't have to be a Amazon to be a bad ass, and we already know you are one of those." He chuckles, "Legend in your own right. Just with a pair of automatics rather than a bow or a sword. Or a rope."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sipped her tea and listened about the Strange encounter which softly made her head shake back and forth. "That sounds like the Doctor I know. Its quite ironic he ended up with that name. I'm glad you pitched in to help him though, it sounds as though he needed it and that you did something quite noble to aide him." She offered another little smile.

Lara laughed softly at the legend part, and she shook her head right to left and glanced away toward the other side of the room. "Two months now until the big, Hollywood release of the movie based on my first adventure comes out... I'm not terribly excited. I have a sinking suspicion is going to portray me in a very negative light. But hey..." She looked back at him. "At least I'll be in the same graces as you then, or at least close." She held up her right hand then with her one forefinger held up.

"One movie under my belt. I'll catch up with you, hopefully." She said with a grin for him.

Indiana Jones has posed:
Taking a sip of his coffee, Indy laughs. "Yeah well, just when I think they are done they go talking about making yet another one based on my life. Sooner of later they will run out of material, or they will have to find some other shmoe to play me." He shrugs, "Hell, i'm half surprised they haven't come asking me to play me now that I am out in the open. Probably because they know I would laugh in their face if they did." He grins, "You going to go to the premiere, kid? If you do, can I be your +1? I would just love to see the headlines on that one."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara grinned at him. "I didn't realize you were an aspiring actor, Doctor Jones." She said at him then while taking another sip of her tea there-after. "Perhaps they will in that case."

At his question about the premeire she just sighed and shook her head. "I should go, but I hate to look as though I'm glorifying the deaths of the people who didn't make it home from that awful shipwreck, into the middle of a true representation of Hell on Earth." She pursed her lips in thought for a moment and just shook her head again. She was clearly conflicted on it all.

"But if I do go, I'll be sure to make you my arm candy for the evening." And she afforded him another soft smile. "It would only be appropriate, right?"

Indiana Jones has posed:
"Darlin', I'll even put on a tux and leave the hat at home." Indy says with a grin as he lifts hid coffee cup in a salute. "We an give em something to talk about."