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Latest revision as of 23:45, 25 January 2018

An Offer for the Big Leagues
Date of Scene: 21 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Shadowlite looks to recruit new talent for a team and offers Vanya a chance to move up to the big leagues.
Cast of Characters: Feral, Shadowlite

Feral has posed:
    A broad and drab expanse of warehouse stands sentinel along the edge of Gotham's docks, offering weather's shelter to the cargo crates destined to or from the nearby sea. It's a soulless, metal-walled structure with a minimum of heating, rust spots creeping along its steel reinforcements, and a sadistic frost clinging to the nooks and crannies of its trusses. Except the concrete floor, everything is frigid, winter-kissed steel and iron. Best not to lick anything.
    In a small break between shipments as the trade piers go quiet for the night, the struggling drone of the heating system dies with a haggard clunk, surrendering the warehouse to the depths of winter's chill. Inside, oil drums loaded with burn waste are lit for heat and bloodthirsty rumblings mingle with the usual dock profanity. The warehouse keeps its idle hours filled with a lucrative side business and the empty floor space between metal crates has been cheaply but deftly configured for the purpose.
    Crowded around chain-link cages, throngs of men and women are cheering, swearing, and waving betting tickets at the fighters inside. The door's guarded but unlocked and a not ungenerous admission fee can be traded for an opening bet. The air is thick with sweat, cheap smoke, cheaper alcohol, and the primal adrenaline-strumming ambiance of bloodsport.
    For one bronze-eyed woman, it's home.
    Standing boldly in center cage and barefoot despite the cold, she looks to be getting towards the later years of fighting shape but with a broad-shouldered and muscular body well-developed from training - and probably some less-than-legal helpers. An unruly mane of auburn hair hangs down between her shoulder blades as she stretches herself and awaits her opponent, kicking a leg straight up and pulling it against her chest. Dressed in nothing but a tank top and the tattered remains of red pants, she's in what might pass for traditional martial arts attire, without weapons of any kind beyond her own body.

    The fighting books currently list her as 'Feral' and place her odds near the top of the night's entertainment.

Shadowlite has posed:
These days, Shadowlite is keeping a low profile for the most part after the asteroid attack... but occasionally ventures out into the underworld to keep track of interesting individuals.

Tonight is one such time.

He's up on the catwalks, sitting on the edge, his legs dangling below him, and he's wearing his full suit and trenchcoat combo. Anyone who has tried to talk to him has been given the cold shoulder (not literally, he doesn't have temperature based powers). His attention is on Vanya, so when her fight comes up, he's using the railing as a headrest, the lighting shining off his AR goggles, getting a good view of the fighters vitals.

Down in the arena, there's a newcomer to this areas roster. He calls himself Headsmasher... for his ability to alter his density and mass, to a relative ratio with the rest of his body. The implications are obvious; pulling tissue from one part of his body to augment another in a variety of ways, the man could be a mutant metamorpho.

Right now, he's using his ability to build organic armor and denser hands and feet, smashing heads with hammer like fists.

Simple, right?

He's a chest thumper too, with the way he's showing off to the crowd by changing on the fly and screwing with the cage itself to rile the crowd. A real bruiser beefcake sort.

Feral has posed:
'Feral' smiles widely at her opponents theatrics and, well, she wouldn't be feral if she didn't try to keep up. "Oy, bolvan!" she calls out to the showboating mutant while raising a fist high into the air. The brawler's whole arm tenses, with muscles strained to stiff, organic steel, and then suddenly the cage fighter lurches forward, ramming her knuckles into the ground.

Concrete around Vanya's fist crackles and spalls, and after leaving it buried a moment, Headsmasher's not-quite-human opponent straightens back up to show unbloodied knuckles and a small crater. She smirks and blows the concrete dust from her hand.

"Next time that's you."

Shadowlite has posed:
"You're cute, you think that's gonna do somethin' to my armor." He's got that street slang accent that lifetime bangers usually have... and when someone looks at his eyes, they can almost confirm he's got that 'not too bright' look to his eyes; this is a man who grew up on the street. He's probably relied on this mutation for most of his life, but kept a low profile with the Bat looming.

Has he ever faced another mutant before? About to find out, since the announcer just stepped inside. "Ladies and gents! Tonight, we have a treat for you. A local champion over on the East End circuit, our visitor wants to get a piece of the talent tonight; HEADSMASHER!" Some of the crowd roars as Headsmasher 'smashes' the cage with perfect timing, then turns to regard Feral, "I've got a hot date tonight, and she loves scars. I hope you can actually do somethin'." He taunts.

Shadowlite, up on the catwalk, is just sitting there. No energy from him about this.

But then, he didn't come for the betting.

Feral has posed:
"I don't do side b****," Vanya retorts as she swaggers forward, looping towards her opponent with lazy steps and her hands at her side, fists half-open and relaxed. The career brawler smirks as she stares Headsmasher dead in the eyes with a sharp, predatory stare that belies her relaxed pose. "Your only hot date tonight is me. I'll make sure to sign your *ss when I'm done."

Suddenly, Feral's arm twitches upwards as if to jab as her body jolts forward, only for a sharp twist of her hip to send a sharp low kick at the side of Headsmasher's knee. She's opening their fight with a feint, and going for joints.

Shadowlite has posed:
He's seen feints before, and it shows when he simply backs up a step from Ferals initial attack... only for that density shift to convert his leg into that bio-armor briefly... and then he tries to bring that same leg around and under her own to throw her off balance and to the floor; he's going to try and go for a quick leg lock if he's successful.

Shadowlite's attention is on that leg, seeing the density shift through his thermal vision. "HUh..." The man gives quietly, his voice scrambler giving an electronic sound to it through the black mask.

Feral has posed:
Vanya smiles at the visceral thump of bone on unyielding bone as her kick connects to no effect. Reacting quickly as she takes her leg back, the brawler springs up over Headsmasher's leg sweep and treats him with a roundhouse to the head from her opposite leg. As wild as her reputation sounds, the woman fighter seems to have a grasp of distance - leaping backwards the couple inches needed to correctly present her shin and for the moment keeping the fight at long range where her more powerful legs make up for the disadvantage of reach.

Shadowlite has posed:
The foot connects, and there's a satisfying "OOOF!" As the momentum knocks his head just a bit to the side. Looks like his density control isn't reactive, so disorientation can be effective, if you can get to him. The man is obvious no slouch though; he didn't become the East End champion just from being a mutant.

He himself backs away, obviously content to let Vanya fall back as he grunts, "Not bad, girl." Nothing is bruising, so the man can take a hit without his density control, at least. "This might be fun after all."

Feral has posed:
"Vozmozhno," Vanya drawls in agreement as she lands lightly in a springy crouch. "Maybe take this date to a movie next; I'll make you see stars."

Rushing forward, Feral takes the offensive again, leaping into Headsmasher with an alarmingly heavy side kick and following with a flurry of blows high and low, peppering the mutant all over with the hard surfaces of her foot. There's precious little strategy at play as raw physicality fights raw physicality and the brawling woman tries to overwhelm her opponent's defenses with sheer speed and power. It's quickly becoming clear she's no natural human herself.

Shadowlite has posed:
When she throws herself at him, that Bio-Armor shifts to meet her. He's concentrating on reaction right now, so doesn't move just yet. Eventually though, Headsmasher feints to the side forcing Feral to either hit air, or shift into where he was to meet him again. At which point, he goes for a full in haymaker with his right fist, density shifted for effect.

Feral has posed:
Vanya follows after her mutant foe, her eyes alive with a wild spark as she prepares to fling another kick at the stone-like heavy bag of a man, until his weight flows into a wide, swinging fist. Moving on instinct, the ageless brawler ducks and flings her heel backwards in a high arc, slipping under the haymaker and spinning to crash her heel into the unguarded side of Headsmasher's head and neck.

Shadowlite has posed:
Normally, this sort of hit wouldn't down a man like this at all... but Headsmasher shifts his density /across his body/.... so when Feral goes right for the back, he's completely unprepared /and/ has a lower density in the back than most others would... sending him right onto the floor.


Then, Shadowlite stands up, heading for the stairwell down, his trenchcoat flowing around him as he goes.

Feral has posed:
The auburn-haired Russian looks down in surprise as her opponent strikes the ground and doesn't immediately come back up swearing. Frozen for a moment with her leg still high, the werewoman frowns while waiting three... five... seven seconds.

"That's all?!" She balks, stomping her raised foot hard against the concrete floor and crouching down to grab Headsmasher roughly by the scruff of his clothes. "What kind of cherta... Vy khromayete kusok foreli! Zachem...!" Frustration and anger quickly throw English to the wayside as Vanya shakes and swears at her unconscious foe before finally tossing him aside in a huff.

The cheers from the crowd aren't even acknowledged as the bestial brawler stands back up and stalks out of the cage, continuing to grumble under her breath and casting anyone before her with a volatile glare.

Shadowlite has posed:
Unfortunate, then, that Shadowlite walks right next to the doorway to the locker room.

The black suited and trenchcoated man stares at her... and her glare has him unconcerned as he crosses his arms, his voice scrambler masking his baritone, "You've got the distinct demeanor of an unsatisfied junkie to you." The man observes, casually.

Feral has posed:
Vanya's eyes lock on the dark-clothed figure and her gaze narrows in warning. "He gets me all excited by taking hits, then falls apart like wet newspaper. Of course I'm unsatisfied!" she snaps gruffly.
"I was going to carve initials on his butt and everything..."

Shadowlite has posed:
He's still not moving. Either he's unconcerned, or he's not very good at social cues.

"He was doing a lot of bone shifting in that, and you caught him unprepared. Probably hasn't met a serious opponent fast enough to get around him like that, it happens." Shadowlite gives in confirmation. "I get why he does it. But why do you?" The man inquires.

Feral has posed:
"Hmph, I never hold back enough with those mutants," Vanya grumbles before spreading her arms wide, swelling like a cobra as her body flexes to show off its power. "Do I look like a librarian?" the brawler responds. "It's the only fun way to make a living. And sometimes I meet someone worth fighting twice," she adds as a fond memory dampens her frustration and momentarily puts a fond and wistful smirk on the werewoman's face.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Appearances can be decieving." Shadowlite points out, "Sounds like you need to hit the big leagues, then. Are you interested in money, or hitting things twice your size?"

Feral has posed:
Vanya's brow raises. That got her interest.

"Twice my size is twice the fun," she quips, studying the figure's faceless visor. "Why? Do you have a werewolf you want beaten? If it's that pup Rover, he already knows the pecking order."

Shadowlite has posed:
"Oh no, not me. Not yet, anyway." Shadowlite points at her then with an index finger, arms still crossed, "You seem like you'd enjoy having a real challenge, with real reward, though. I might have a job for you. Interested in discussing it... a bit less public?" He gives a nod to the crowd behind her.

Feral has posed:
Vanya pauses to think for a moment then shrugs easily. "Sure. They know better than to keep my winnings," the brawler replies, glancing towards the bookie.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Then step into my office." Shadowlite quips, before he goes into the door and into the empty hallway. As he walks along, his right, gloved hand, stretches out before him... like reaching for something, and suddenly a black misty starst to flow from and around it, like an overflowing aura... and a black hole in reality opens in front by about a dozen feet. Black mist flows from it, and black 'lightning' arcs around it, before it becomes big enough for a person to walk through, "Just step through, no harm will come to you. Or not, your choice." With that, Shadowlite steps inside himself.

Feral has posed:
Ambling casually behind, Vanya rests her hands against her hips as she ducks into the hall to what normally passes for the warehouse's office space. She grins quietly as the dark portal forms in front of them and her eyes flit between Shadowlite and his creation as they fade from a light brown to their more natural and less human shade of golden bronze.

"And with all of those bright colors I thought it would be pink," she jokes sarcastically. It's perhaps not the werewoman's first time stepping through a portal. The rune on her face hints at the werewoman's past with the occult and mythic. Without any hesitation, Vanya strides in after him and follows her dark-dressed benefactor into the inky void.

Shadowlite has posed:
And they step out a few seconds later of floating through the Darkforce dimension into... an actual office.

Behind Vanya, the hole in reality closes, and Shadowlite steps behind the desk. A close inspection of the room reveals lights and decent maintenance, with an actual door behind. "You can call me Shadowlite. I'm a mercenary by trade, been solo for a while. i'm looking to change that."

A moment pauses, "So, I'm looking for people who are looking for money, or the challenge of dealing with the underworld or possibly the metahumans and superpowered entities, or both. We'd be for hire, or just go after scores ourselves. Along the way, we'll undoubtedly get some enemies." His feet go up onto the top of the desk. "I don't need an answer right away, but I've looked into your profile. You've been around a while, and everything I just saw makes you seem bored."

Feral has posed:
Vanya stumbles a little as she comes out the other side of the portal, not taking the disorientation quite as well as her host. Straightening up, the brawler tugs her tanktop into a semblance of order and flicks a loose bang back behind her shoulder. The room gets barely a cursory glance; her attention's on Shadowlite.

"Vanya," she offers back, "And yeah; when I'm fighting kids like that, I am." Rather than sitting, the werewoman grabs a chair back and leans over it as a subtle transformation continues across her form. Below calloused knuckles, fingernails are stretching and sharpening, her ears are gaining faint points, and an altogether more feral look is settling across the old Russian's physique. There's no audience to pretend for anymore.

"What have you heard - and what do you have in mind?" she asks bluntly. "I'm not beating up soldiers to steal someone a shiny new helicopter. I work on my terms; animal to animal."

Shadowlite has posed:
"If the job calls for that, that's what we do. Do you have an agenda you're looking to forward?" Shadowlite inquires. Seems he's ignoring the what has he heard question... and doesn't seem very surprised by her transformation... but then, his expression isn't exactly easy to read.

Feral has posed:
"Yeah: whatever I feel like," Vanya answers just as bluntly as before. "I would enjoy meeting some new and deadly creatures, there are a few I haven't killed yet," she considers, drumming her fingers on the chair back. "And Russian supersoldiers. They're surprisingly good at hiding but us tovarishchi should stick together, don't you think?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"I've got no problem with helping members of the team with their hobbies, to a point." Shadowlite notes, "For this to work though, you'll need to actually stick to strategies and work with others."

Feral has posed:
"And a chimera," Vanya continues heedlessly. "I was all ready to buy one when that sniffles b**** ran off on me..." Snorting, the were-woman shakes her head as more restlessness in channeled into the chair in her grip.

"Have you got anyone else more willing to show their face, Darky? I speak enough English but I don't do orders. And what jobs do you have in mind?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"If you can't work with a team, this isn't going to work. As for willing to show their face? That's up to them. I'm not at all interested in my identity being exposed to the world, and only those I trust completely get to see my face." Shadowlite shrugs, then he reaches out, his hand taking that same misty blackness as that portal opens up again, "That'll take you back to the hallway. We might meet again... might not. You seem like an interesting candidate, but you'd need to work on the solo act. Toodles."

Feral has posed:
"I've got pack instincts in me somewhere, I just don't do well with leashes," Vanya rephrases with a chuckle as she watches Shadowlite's hand and then glances back to the reopened portal. "Good luck with your little recruiting drive. If you need to bring the bigger beast to a party... well, I'm not *that* hard to find."

Releasing her grip on the shadow-user's chair, Vanya turns and steps back out through the portal she came from, offering a lazy wave.