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Latest revision as of 00:09, 26 January 2018

Good Morning
Date of Scene: 15 January 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Pepper and Tony feel out what dating might be like.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts

Iron Man has posed:
The morning reveals a sprawling and potentially awkward situation.

Pepper had begun the night on her side, with her back to Tony for maybe an illusion of privacy or decorum, all the way over away from him, but the sprawler male has closed the gap at some point during the night.

Pepper may not be used to sleeping next to a partner, but Tony has no such distance awareness. So, she'll find the man rolled over to discover and large-spoon behind her, his cheek partially in her hair, slow even breathing against her upper nape and shoulder. His outer arm is flung over her loosely in a comfortable way, wrist dangling across her waist, his fingers curled resting at her upper tummy. The sheets are a mixed disarray, he brought most of them over with him, tangled mostly around legs, causing a cozy warmth from about hip level on downwards, but particular warmth where he's in most contact with her: against her butt, and her upper back. It's dark in the room, from closed shades, and his arc reactor being covered at present between them.

Tony's breathing is slow and deep, no awareness of anything -- yet.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Fortunately, Pepper Potts is a planner. She knew she might end up 'sleeping in', or taking care of Tony things all morning, so she already shifted her meetings to the afternoon. It's extra fortunate, because she completely forgot her cellphone in the other room, so no alarm has been calling to wake her up. Granted, her body is still used to being up well before 9 am, so the fact that she's slept this long is a miracle. One that lasts no longer. Slowly, she begins coming to awareness. Not quite conscious, her frame subconsciously nestles in a bit closer to him, savoring that warmth around her small frame. She's never warm when she sleeps! It feels incredibly nice.

But then, well, her mind starts kicking in. Pepper's green eyes blink open and she takes in a deep breath, the scent surrounding her alone confirming quite quickly where she is. In bed. With Tony. And he's no longer anywhere NEAR his side of the bed. She lays there a few heartbeats, listening to him breathing, her own heart suddenly kicked into triple time. But she doesn't dare move either, not wishing to wake him. Her mind is very much torn between the part of her which is purely enjoying the contact and the rest of her that is realizing she's cuddling with her boss. And she can do nothing but quietly panic about it.

Iron Man has posed:
Since she doesn't move at all, Tony doesn't either, in particular. There's only the slow move of his chest and breathing behind her. And a slight shift in one leg, bumping the back of one of her thighs. His hand is in a worrisome spot (although it could have been so much 'worse' a bit higher or lower!), but he isn't doing anything with it, just loosely draped, comfortable.

And breathing her in, to an extent, as well: no doubt there's some Pepper influencing his dreams of that night, with the softened smells from her hair and neck readily available.

Pepper Potts has posed:
After a few moments of fighting that quiet panic, Pepper finally resolves to try and escape the situation with minimum issue possible. It will involved slipping out of his arm, replacing herself with the pillow she's sleeping on, and sneaking out. Ever so carefully, she begins to shift her shoulders up so she can pull the pillow around. Then it's a matter of ever-so-carefully trying to shift his hand off of her stomach. Every motion she makes is achingly slow. Every breath calmly timed.

Iron Man has posed:
Sometimes, it takes ages to rouse Tony. It can involve yelling or strong lights or so forth. But that doesn't mean he's not /awake/ in those situations: it means he doesn't want to move. As she's about to discover, he's relatively easy to awaken out of deeper sleep, when he's not passed-out drunk.

His breathing changes as she starts to lean out away from his head, and his muscles activate with a brief lean stretch, hand pulling back just a bit and snaring the side of her waist, before rolling towards her a bit more heavily, arm pulled up over her arms, hand falling just beyond her bust, against her arm there. "Hmmh," Tony comments.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Well, so much for that plan. Pepper freezes as his breath changes, very so softly leaning back into pressing against him, but he's already moving and making some sort of sound against her. Was he awake? Asleep and muttering? Pepper wasn't certain. She looks down to where his hand has shifted against her arm and considers any other plans between waking him or not. Finally, she settles on a compromise.

"...Go back to sleep. I need to go to the office..." Pepper mutters very, very quietly against his cheek. It's meant to be words that speak to his subconscious as much as his waking mind, assuring him that everything is fine, this is perfectly normal, but also gaining her an out from the bed without jarring him from full rest. Of course, this wasn't normal at all. Pepper Potts never woke up in his bed before. But she had to try. So, with that gentle reassurance, she ever so carefully tries to escape his grasp again.

Iron Man has posed:
"Nope," is Tony's response. Probably unclear which of her comments he is negating, or if it is entirely unrelated, or connected to her escape. But it isn't like he's pinning her down, either: more just curled behind her with an arm across her. Aside from like, yeah, his arm has some muscle mass, he's not heavy or all that hard to evade.

"What?" Tony asks a little bit later, in not-awake voice. He pulls his hand up off of her -- to rub his face with it, pawing over his eyes and hair with a deep release of breath and squinting blink. He's quite used to waking up with a girl all over him, and sometimes Pepper's voice is part of waking from that mess (though usually through intercom), but is Pepper in the room?

Oh. Tony wakes up really fast, staring at her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
His first response actually gets the tiniest, breathy laugh from her. Pepper could see this in their future -- Every day the same protesting debate. She tries to wake up, he protests, she ends up the responsible one and dragging herself out of bed. He pouts. She could so easily see how it would play out, just like this, and there is a strange comfort in that. But this is the first day of their little, comforting domestic drama, and Pepper really doesn't know the end of this story. So, still half smiling, she turns her head and presses the most daring, tiny, lightest of kisses against his forehead. "Yes. I have to work." She whispers into his hair as he's still waking up.

And then he's shifting away from her and muttering in that not-awake voice. THat's enough to free her from the grasp, and she ever so gently shifts off the side of the bed. Still just in his oversized shirt, she tip toes over towards where she left her clothes and tries to scoop up the pile without disturbing him. "Go back to sleep..." She whispers ever so softly, not realizing just how AWAKE his brain is now. She thinks, for the moment, she's pulled it off.

Iron Man has posed:
Yes! She slides out of the bed during when he moved his arm to rub his face, and his arm falls back down into the empty warm place where she was previously. He silently rolls a little to his back, but then sits up, looking at her. He's rumpled and just awakened, but the surprise of her was enough to jar him pretty fully out of sleep to take her in. Mostly her butt as she bends over and picks up her pile.

There's some extra light, and she'll know it's the arc reactor: he moved. So when she glances back to check to see if he's rolled over? -- he'll be sitting there looking at her in the darkened room, mild arc reactor light pooling a softened shadowed effect across the jumbled sheets of his lap and the exposed spot where she had been located.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Well, so much for being successful in sneaking out without waking him. Pepper turns back to him just in time to realize he's well and awake. And staring at her. Pepper stands there, her arms full of her clothing from last night, long legs bared beneath the hem of that shirt and her strawberry blonde hair a muss from being sleep tossled. While she's awake, her eyes and face still have that slightly drowsy cast to them of someone who's barely been up a few minutes. The bed next to him smells like her and her warmth is still left on the sheets.

"...Uh. Good...morning. I... tried not to wake you. I'm sorry." She murmurs softly, her voice a touch awkwardly embarrassed, eyes searching for his in the dim light of his arc reactor.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony shrugs away her apology with a loose gesture of wrist and hand. No big deal. "Hey, Pep. C'mere a minute, before all that," a nod towards her pile of clothes. "Got something to run past you," Tony says, offhanded but thoughtful, though his voice is deepened and lower from the relaxation of sleep. He gestures her over in a 'come come' motion that she no doubt knows he'll keep doing until she gives in. He often has various ideas in the mornings, sometimes he'll come up with some sudden things, such as wanting a party that night or trip or some other nonsense.

He clears his throat, and tosses the sheets aside off his legs, rotating to spin out to hang legs out over the side, but doesn't actually get up. He never did deal with his pants, he just fell asleep, so he's somewhat uncomfortable having slept in jeans.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Gently, she sets her old clothing back down on top of the nearest dresser and makes her way back to him. No protest, no rush out of the room, she really didn't have any meetings, just the sense of obligation to be in the office as she is every morning. But how could she resist the way he was patting the bed like that and his sleep deepened voice? It all tugged at parts of her heart she'd left neglected for far too many years -- rarely dating, almost never waking up next to someone she cared about, much less someone like this.

So, she comes. She steps up to the bed and then, instead of just standing there, she folds back down into sitting and draws her legs up cross legged style benath her, so her knees and the outside of her calves are brushing the side of his thigh as he sits. She's facing him directly, drowsy eyes open and curious. "I'm here."

Iron Man has posed:
"Okay. Tell me what you think --- and be honest, don't spare me," Tony begins, turning towards her a little bit, orienting to no doubt tell her about his new scheme for the best party or launch of his invention.

Tony reaches out a hand towards her neck and cheek, and suddenly is drawing her towards him and gently guiding her chin to lift. He kisses her strongly without hesitation. It is a warm follow of the sense of closeness he'd woken up to. Yes, there was that jolt of weirdness and confusion mixed with a relief from long anticipation. It's here too, of course, but so is a brave interest.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A slightly amused smile crosses her lips as she hears him start on what she thinks is going to be an idea rant. She's accustomed to these, really. She's grown fond of them. So, her head tilts to the side and she listens with those patient, curious eyes he's seen a dozen times before.

But then, he's not giving her an idea. Not a business idea, that is. His hand is on her neck and cheek, her pulse suddenly sky rocketing in a moment of pure shock, hope, and startlement. It's like a deer in headlights. But then he's kissing her, and it feels just as warm and nice as the bed felt when they were together. She tilts her head up, into the kiss, once she's over the initial shock. She doesn't push him away or pull back. She just sinks into it and, in truth, actually gives it her full attention. After all, he was asking her opinion and she needed to be able to give a thorough report. So, she kisses him back deep enough to leave her breathless.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony draws his other arm around her, low, for the duration of the kiss, though by no means does he trap her. The other hand splays open on her bare lower back, pulling in the oversized shirt against her there. Other hand slides back across her cheek and ear in a caress before burrowing into her sleepy-fuzzed hair at her nape.

The kiss for his end was, of course, risky. An exciting risk he had the whim to do, and does without looking back. A lot of Tony is his willingness to leap, shamelessly. A level of heat creeps into the kiss, as his own interest finds her so responsive. And so, the deep answer ramps Tony up, into a more overpowering level, but just for that moment, before he parts the kiss, lingering close.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The deeper heat there makes her cheeks flare with blush, not quite having excepted it, but also not disliking it. She's still learning how to take leaps -- something she almost never did between them. Her job was that of the temperate one. The one who scaled down his leaps and bounds. But this one was too nice for her to immediately pull away, so it's almost a relief when he gives her a chance to catch her breath. She's blushing quite deeply, but also still smiling wider than before.

Pepper looks up to him as they draw back, now-moist lips hovering open, savoring the last bit of breath after that kiss, with her head slightly spinning and pulse racing. SHe knows he asked her a question, but she cannot quite remember what it was as she looks up into his eyes. SHe hasn't run or pull away, though, and that must be a good sign.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony clears his throat, adapting. No big deal, right? His eyes are deep, though, a sensual quality.

"...If that's not enough information to make an informed opinion, let me know," Tony says, of course, because he can't resist talking, when a moment lingers on. Besides, talking covers any particular issue HE might be sensing or awkardness on his end, making him seem far more in control than he may or may not currently be. He moves the hand at her neck to stroke back through her hair, smoothing it down on that side. The other hand moves more to her hip from behind her, making it easier for her to run away if she has to. No prisoners here.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Oh. That's what he asked her. Pepper clears her throat a bit, still not quite able to cool the fires of her blushing, but maybe he hasn't noticed as the only light is really that of his arc reactor. She leans into the touch of her hair, though, eyes hovering half shut for a moment as she just savors and remembers it. If this all goes belly up, she wants some good memories at least.

"...I think...any new venture should be taken with delicate respect and care. It's always a risk getting into such things and, while we took a fair amount of time evaluating the prospects, we still need to keep our eyes open. But... it seems to be going... Quite well so far and worth full hearted pursuit, I do think. And what do you think, Mr. Stark?" She asks softly.

Iron Man has posed:
"So like... rated about a nine? Room for a step of improvement, Ms. Potts," Tony answers with off the cuff sly tone and smirk. "Well, of course /I/ think my ideas are good. Even the bad ones." Tony drops his hand from her hair, instead placing it opposite the other hand, on her knees. If he's tempted to touch more than that, he's behaving himself, and has kept his eyes directly on her expression and her face. That alone suggests there's something here.

"So. Do you need to run off, or are you stickin' around to hear more bad ideas?" Tony asks, with a playful pluck at the lower front of the oversized shirt at navel level. He's messing with her a little, but not pressuring.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A little laugh escapes her husky voiced throat at his question of being a nine. "...8.5... Nine, maybe. But always room to improve and learn more about a project, right?" Pepper asks, her voice having a noticable lilt of flirting, even if it isn't something she does all that often. Her hand comes up, tracing gently down the side of his face, staring at his temple and then moving down to his jaw line, her thumb brushing across his goatee.

"...I SHOULD run off. There's lots of morning work and I have meetings this afternoon. The business doesn't run itself, you know. I... I already slept in later than I have in months." If not years, truth be told. But she's looking infinitely more well rested than he's seen her in ages, she's smiling, and she hasn't actually moved an inch from the bed again.

Iron Man has posed:
"Pretty sure your boss is a cool guy, and won't have too big of a problem if you're late just this one time," Tony suggests. "But please don't tell anybody I caused you to /sleep/ better than you have in ages. I have a terrible reputation to maintain." His smile grows some as she touches his goatee, and the gentle tender motion of her hands sucks the sly quality out of the smile, leaving a more real one. Tony's charismatic in general, but these more private and honest smiles kick that out of the park.

He turns his head, eyes still on hers, to cause her fingers to pass over his lips and smile.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A slight, happy shiver passes through her as she feels his lips against her fingertips. She doesn't pull away, warring with her more practical side versus the fact that she is actually enjoying this. She then leans over and slightly up, to press a kiss to his forehead which she cannot resist after seeing that more genuine smile. "I know he'd be quite understanding, but that doesn't stop my day from being insane. I should get down there." She whispers.

She then forces herself, if relcutantly, to pull back and stand up off of the bed. She moves to obtain her clothing again. "And...we both needed the sleep. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me." She winks at him, those words absolutely an implication and a flirtation.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's fingers on the shirt just at about navel height tease on it just a little as she's withdrawing from the kiss to his forehead. A touch of flirtation along her belly but he doesn't push it.

"Of times I have been unconscious in your company, I would say it is likely the best," Tony grants at her flirtation, eyes narrowing similarly with his sleek wit. When she steps off the bed, he rotates his body ... back onto it, laying back with both arms slid up behind his head, reclining with a grunt and sigh. And mild flex, with a flirtatious expression at her. "I suppose you /should/," Tony continues. "Although your priorities could use work." After all, geez, look at him, right? Tony MF Stark.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Well, perhaps you can make up for some of my missing priorities and go back to bed a few hours yourself. Here..." Pepper is stepping towards his bathroom, and she goes JUST enough out of sight that he can't get a glimpse of what happens next. She completely removes the teeshirt she was wearing and hooks a hand around the door to toss it back in his direction. So, obviously, she's completely naked behind that door now. "Cuddle up with that. You can pretend I slept in with you." SHe calls from the cracked open bathroom door, still complete flirtation in her voice.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony catches it, and immediately is on his feet, heading towards the bathroom. Will he scare the crap out of her? Quite probably. He's no doubt intending to make her squeak. His voice comes from directly the other side of the mostly ajar door to answer her, as he flips over the shirt in his hands to right it back to right-side-out.

"Seems a bit ridiculous when you're still here," Tony says with a rogue's smile in his voice. If she slams the door he's not QUITE close enough to be hit by it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper does indeed YELP, they not quite at that stage of their relationship yet. "Dammit, Tony Stark! Can't a woman do her morning... Things without you nosing in everywhere? Is this going to be what every morning is like?" She calls through the door, her voice a mix of annoyed and laughing. She is definitely laughing, especially as she GENTLY shuts the door and clicks the lock, locking him out of his own bathroom while she scrambles into clothing, washes her face, and the like.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony well knew it wasn't -- he did it to make her yelp. "No, some might involve showers," Tony answers.

Satisifed that he got the result he was after, he grins to himself, tosses the shirt she'd worn vaguely towards the laundry, as he doesn't think of clothes in cuddling terms, but does return to his bed for now, after stripping the jeans off. Muuuuuch better.

"Schedule, JARVIS," Tony asks to the air. JARVIS supplies it: other than his meeting at SHIELD later in the day, which should go well into evening, he has little else. He relaxes in his bed, awake but eyes closed.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Of course, that reaction also included an interesting hint of hope. The comment about every morning. Apparently, she was planning on spending more mornings like this. The shower can be heard a moment later and Pepper actually takes advantage of the master bathroom, the amazing water pressure in the shower, and all the other luxuries. It's a good ten minutes before she comes back out of the bathroom, with damp hair but in her slacks, camisole, and probably underthings. No make up, shoulders bare, she looks like a half finished Pepper but she is more awake.

"...I'll be down in the office. Sleep in, relax, finish in the bunker if you absolutely need. I can handle today." She steps back over to his side and leans down, kissing his forehead gently. "...Sweet dreams, Tony."

Iron Man has posed:
Stark Tower is, indeed, a place of the rich and famous and luxury: The penthouse that she's in being the height of all of that. There are few bathrooms quite as amazing as Tony's personal giant one. It's good to be Tony. At least in that area.

Tony's catnapping when she reappears, but wakes up as she approaches. So he'll redirect that kiss some, to a brief one to mouth instead. "Nah, I'm awake and up now. I've got SHIELD later today, reviewing ODYSSEY's upgrades with their director," Tony says, sliding to business mode. But just as quickly bounces back.

"My turn for my own shower? How generous," Tony asks with a roll of his eyes at her and smile, getting back up again, to head to it.

"Go on then, handle the other things," Tony bids to her, by way of farewell.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The re-directed kiss is more than pleasant, and Pepper doesn't stop it. She's warm and fresh from the shower, smelling faintly of HIS shampoo for once. "Yes, well, I'm a generous woman." She whispers against his mouth before she unfolds from leaning down and heads back in the direction of the door. SHe gives him one last long look, a bit of a blushing smile, and then she's disappearing out the door and down the hall. She'll grab a fresh set of clothes from the guest room she's stayed in more than once, but, sadly, the work day is upon them.