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Latest revision as of 00:09, 26 January 2018

The Doctor and the Assistant
Date of Scene: 23 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Beast

Pepper Potts has posed:
The formal invitation for a meeting was given over email and a phone call, saying it was a highly important but personal matter and Pepper would prefer that Dr. McCoy come to Stark Industries offices. She's offer a retainer fee for the day, lunch, and anything else he required. So, when the hour came, Pepper is in her office, pacing nervously. Practicing in her head how she'll broach the subject with the well known mutant scientist. The brilliant man who probably didn't have time for her, but she begged him to make it. She's in a bespoke tailored suit, pale gray with faint white pin stripes, and a pair of sky high designer Prada heels. She looks the picture perfect Pepper Potts people see on the news routinely. Her office is neat as a pin. And she's, internally, a nervous wreck.

When he arrives at the building, security is already expecting him. They escort him up stairs to the executive offices immediately, no questions ask. Everyone is utterly polite and respectful. He's offered any kind of drink he wants along the way.

Beast has posed:
It isn't often that a representative of one of the largest, most high tech, corporations on the planet contacts Doctor Henry 'Hank' McCoy. Oh they used to, a few years ago. Quite often really, with offers and such, but the messages have become mush less frequent when he made it clear that he prefered to (for the most part) work in the education sector. He still publishes, of course, and corresponds with his peers and rights organizations the world over but other than that he has pretty much fallen off the map.. except, of course recently when he was visiting teh white house when the president was assasinated.

So he is intrigued when he gets a message from none other than Virginia Potts, confidante and executive assistant to none other than Tony Stark. It reminds him that he hasn' spoken or even interacted with Tony in a while, be it professionally or (on the down low) as an X-Man.

Considering how.. stiffling.. things have been since the assasination, Hank decided that maybe he should take up the offer. A change of scenary to do him some good. So thats how the blue furry DOctor McCoy found himself being escorted into the office of Stark Industries Executive assistant. There is a slight smile on his face as the guards who met him in the lobby were completely proffesional about leading a large azure felinoid in a professor's ivy-league tweed. Almost too proffesional, as if they didn't wish to slight the mutant and treat him any different.

The thought warms the coccles of his heart, heh.

He accepts the offer for refreshment, heavily sweetened coffee, and is ushered into Pepper's office. "Ahh, Good afternoon Ms. Potts." he intones in a cultured purr. "I must thank you for the invitation."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The sound of her door opening stops her pacing almost immediately -- it wouldn't do at all to look nervous around the man. Pepper puts on her best corporate smile, eyes all nervous respect, as she looks over the feline-ish, blue furred mutant. She gives no surprise at his appearance, having seen him on the news and known he was fully mutated. If anything, she looks momentarily curious to be seeing the changed doctor in person, but her smile never wavers as she steps forward and offers one of her small hands.

"Dr. McCoy, thank you so, so much for coming. I know you must be busy and, nowadays, you greatly prefer to work in education. I'm sorry for bothering you outside of your preferred sector but... well, if you'll have a seat, I have a very important... Favor to ask you." Pepper's voice is the one thing that gives her away, especially at the end there. The smallest touch of a tremble, something very heavy and very worried behind her words. So much so that she can't even hid it behind her business like professionalism.

Beast has posed:
Her small almost dainty hand all but dissapears into the large warm and blue paws as he accepts her greeting. Like a cat's the underside pads of the fingers are leathery but soft, and his claw like nails are well trimmed.

"No no, it is not a bother." he insists as he shakes her hand and then relases it, regarding her a full moment with those blue eyes of his behind the spectacles perched on his snouth. "You have a very good reputation, Ms. Potts, for never dissembling. Nor for being frivalous. Besides, I respect Mister Stark and since I know he holds you in high esteem, well.. Lets just say my curiosity was piqued."

As he takes a seat his pointed cat-like ears prick a little as he picks up the.. worry(?).. in her voice. "A favor, you say?" he asks. "Well, I guess it all depends on what kind of favour it is you require?" he offers her a reassuring smile. "Again, as I said, you have a reputation about you. A good one. So I doubt whatever favour you require would be something I would dismiss out of hand."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The handshake is gentle and respectful from her, but without fear for his size or differences. There is no shying away on her part from him because of his mutation or otherwise. Pepper then releases his palm and comes around to her side of the desk so she can actually sit and arrange herself neatly there, like some sort of business presentation for him. Her fingertips fold on the desk, trying to look put together and professional as she considers how to broach this subject.

"..Well... yes. It's about Tony, really. You and he know each other, yes? I... didn't know how close you were but..." Pepper exhales quietly, trying to calm her heart in her throat, "Tony needs... help. The arc reactor in his chest is... Failing. Or... severely not helping him as much as it use to. We need to replace it. He has some ideas, but he can't do heart surgery on himself and I...I don't know who else to trust to help him."

Beast has posed:
Hank stares at her a long moment as she explains what she needs his help with.. and for a few long moments after that. He then leans back in teh chair, the leather creaking, and closes his eyes as he removes his spectacles and massages the bridge of his snout.

"For the love of.." he murmurs. "Really, Tony? It's gone this far and you never cotacted me? This is so like you to ignore a problem because it inconvenient until the very last moment.."

He huffs.. he sighs.. and he puts back on his glasses and straightens in his seat abit. "Forgive me, Miss Potts. I was just... well.." he makes a motion. "It doesn't matter. What does matter, is, yes.. I know Mister Stark, more or less." He keeps that vague, of course. "And yes, I will help. But the question is, have you brought this up /with/ him? or are you ging behind his back for this?" he asks.. then quickly adds "For his own good, of course..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A deep sigh, one that almost exactly mirror's Hank's sigh, escapes her lips. She just shakes her head slowly, "That is... half the issue, honestly. He's left it so long now I know it's affecting his health and he didn't even tell ME until he decided there was no option but surgery. And half planned to do it himself!" Pepper looks like she's flittering between completely livid with him and worried sick. Which, in truth, she probably is. She forces herself to take another breath and sink back deeper in her chair.

"He doesn't know, exactly, I'm contacting you. He knows that I said I'd present two surgeons I'd trust with my life -- and therefore his -- and that he'll pick one of them to do the surgery. I told him I'd absolutely not allow him to do this alone. We had a bit of an argument about it but I won. So... you're the first I've asked. In truth? You're the only one I have in mind. I can't think of anyone else skilled enough who I DO trust..."

Beast has posed:
Hank ois and rubs at his face again, shaking his head. Could he believe that Tony would be that stupid? yes.. Yes he can. How can a technical genius like Anthony Stark be such an idiot? Of course, thats sort of being a hypocrit since Hank has, at one point or another.. experimented on himself. But thats neither here nor there, of course.


Shaking his head, he reaches foreward and picks up his coffee mug, already poured and awaiting his approval. He sniffs it once, noting that it has to be one of those REALLY expensive blends.. and the sugar is raw cane, his favourite. "Do it himself, huh?" he says, less formal now and snorting. "Yes, that sounds like him. I would hate to point out that as smart as Tony is.. He is /not/ a doctor. I know he's played at being one more than once but /this/ is where it has gotten him." he sips the coffee, savours the flavour, then licks his lips. "So you can stop fretting. I will do this. The only other proffesionals I would trust, on the TECHNICAL side, are not those I would trust on the... moral side."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The man could practically see the strings cut from Pepper's shoulders as the tension leaves her with his acceptance. She nods quietly, "I...I told him I'd get options, but I don't want options, I want you. You're friends with him already. I...I'll just tell him this is what is happening. I fully expect to be there on the day, if not in the operating theater, as close as I can be. Whatever you need from me, you'll have, Dr. McCoy. Whatever you want to charge, we'll pay it. This is Tony's life we're talking about and... and it's worth everything in the world to me." There is the other shoe. Even if Pepper isn't wearing a ring, if nothing has been in the news about their dating, the simple way she says that reveals it all. She's in love with the man. Head over heels in love.

With those promises made, she releases a slow breath and stands, letting her smile reset upon her lips, "If...if there is nothing else, then I won't keep you longer. I'll have a contract and schedule drawn up, but really, you and Tony can work out the details. I just was here to get the ball rolling since Tony wouldn't."