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Latest revision as of 00:13, 26 January 2018

An Update
Date of Scene: 18 January 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva have a discussion about the pending Challenge. Her motivations are revealed.
Cast of Characters: Dragon, Lady Shiva
Tinyplot: Shivonic Plague

Dragon has posed:
    It was raining, hard. Was that a touch of freezing rain? With the temperatures around 3 degrees celsius, at least it wasn't snowing. The weather was terrible. Blustery winds, rain, and a coldness that seeps right through your bones. Typical East Coast weather in January.

    Through this rain came a lone figure. Walking into the wind, with his hands in the pockets of his lightweight jacket, the man did not seem to be affected by the cold or the rain or the dampness that would chill a frost giant.

    Richard Dragon closes his eyes for a moment, and feels his way towards his destination rather than look. The wind, and the biting cold were making it difficult for him to catch his bearings. But, even through all that, he did. Ducking into an alley for a moment, the man adjusts his clothes, and takes a deep, calming breath. Serenity. Remove the cold and the wet, and you have a serene calm.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    The rooftops are even worse than the streets yet that is where Shiva had been. Her visit to Starling had been interesting, thus far. She'd already met up with the green archer in a confrontation of morals. They both felt lessons should be taught in very different ways.
    As the wind blows and blusters, there is the faint sound of a foot on the fire escape up above. An announcement of her presence. They both know she wouldn't have made a sound if she chose not. She drops down to the alleyway, her black trenchcoat flying out behind her during her descent. Landing, she rises to her feet and gives the briefest of bows in his direction, eyes kept on him. "Starling is not a place I would recommend. The weather is not fit for man nor beast," she says by way of greeting.

Dragon has posed:
    Well, at least it is not snowing like the other side of the northern part of North America. Here, it is more likely to rain in the winter than there, where it would snow." Richard smiles warmly at Shiva's arrival, and returns her bow, respectfully. "I see you are at least dressed for the occasion."

    Dragon shakes his head. "When I received the invite to come here, I was expecting warmer weather. Oh well, such is the way of things. For every sunny day, there must be a rainy one. The cycle of life continues."

    Dragon regards Shiva for a second, and then asks, "So, I expect you are testing this "Green Archer"? Was he up to your...standards?"

Lady Shiva has posed:
    That earns a shake of the head. Shiva gives a small smile though. "The archer is not yet ready for me to test him. Our first meeting, he was laying on a rooftop listening while I eliminated those he was spying upon. The second was a moment of inflection on the nature of his skills." She looks around the alleyway, at the cans over to one side, a few bags scattered around them. "Our last was in this very alleyway. He interfered when I was teaching a lesson to accosters of women."
    She falls silent as she focuses on the far end of the alleyway, where the Arrow had stood just a few nights ago. "He wished me to show mercy. I already was, having decided to allow them to live." She gives a dismissive motion with one hand without really raising it from her side. "In the end, he learned my way was correct."

Dragon has posed:
    "Ah yes. Well, I am sure as he develops in his skill set, you will face him as you are wont to. That is also the way of things. It makes for a challenging life, Shiva. I wonder if you will ever find satisfaction." Richard shakes his head, and smiles, wanly.

    "Mercy was the correct choice. Well done. Setting an example for others, I would hope that you are finding that path."

    Dragon adds, "I also have some information to update you on. I have yet to speak to Nightwing, but I have spoken to the Bat, and to a few of his...students, including Batgirl. They are all noticeably concerned that Nightwing will not be up to the task."

    Dragon pauses for a moment. "He is...illusive. I have made myself available, however..." Dragon trails off.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    With Richard, Shiva will be a bit more open than she would with anyone else. Particularly the crew with the fascination for nocturnal flying rodents. "I had hoped my challenge would help him aspire to be more. He has such promise," she muses softly as she slips her hands into her jacket pockets. It is not something she does around many people. Always at the ready, always prepared. Yet with him, she is willing to sacrifice that moment it would take to draw them out should he attack. Her respect for him is shown in that tiny movement most would think normal for people.
    "I have no desire to kill him. It is not even my intention to do so," she admits as she looks up toward the sky, as though seeking some sort of guidance from the rain soaked heavens. "He needs a push. He is stagnant. He feels he has removed himself from the shadow of the Bat yet in truth, he is mirroring his master. He needs to find himself and I thought..." She sighs and shakes her head, looking back to Richard.
    "It appears I was wrong."

Dragon has posed:
    Turning to face Shiva, and glad to be out of the rain, Richard Dragon smiles, and wipes some of the rain from his face with his right hand. His red hair looks like a very wet, scraggly, rug with all his hair dangling around his shoulders. His eyes were still those same old eyes. Calculating and judging. AT least that is what it seems at this point.

    "Yes. He is...making things difficult, you are right. He needs to get out from under the shadow...of the Bat. Hmmm." Richard watches Shiva, and notes all the little movements and "tells".

    "You are still going to do this I suppose? Well, it is your choice. Batman seems to be...frustrated by the whole situation. He is hesitant to get involved. I feel his pain. The others, his students if you will, are ready to defend their teammate and friend. It may be a...tough battle."

    "I also understand how they feel. Perhaps it might be useful to allow me to attend this...contest. Control may disappear rapidly if you are on the verge of defeating this young man. As long as it is not to the death, as you say, I expect there to be little challenge at the outcome."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    "Yes, they will try to save him. They assume that I will kill him." Shiva gives another slight shrug of her shoulders, regarding Richard closely. "I knew the danger when I made the initial challenge. I have already been warned away by Batman. The older Robin--is it Red Robin now? He would be willing to take Nightwing's place. They are loyal to a fault." She shakes her head again then looks to the alleyway where the water runs in little rivers to the drain grate nearby. She watches it as her mind reflects on the nature of people in comparison to the water flowing down the path of least resistance to reach it's goal.
    "If I remove my challenge, I lose more than face. I will be doubted. Challenged by others when word gets out." She glances sidelong over at Richard, a dark brow lifted. "Would you ask me to stand down?"

Dragon has posed:
    "Indeed." Dragon listens to Shiva as she describes what he has already witnessed. "They are...incredible, I will give them that." His face turns upward, as the gentle rain falls in the alley. Not quite as torrential as the area outside the alley. The rain falls on his face, and down his chin. Closing his eyes, Dragon FEELS what was around him and takes strength from the storm.

    Opening his eyes, and turning his head to look at Shiva, Richard Dragon nods his head, and bows slightly.

    "It is not my place to ask you to stand down, Lady Shiva. It is your destiny to do what you will. All of this is up to you. I would never interfere. Not usually." His eyes twinkle with mischief. "I am...neutral. That is the way I am. I am sure the Universe has plans within plans for all. So, there is that." That was cryptic. "Do what you must."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    There is a terse nod from Shiva. "I thank you for your candor." She draws her hands from her pockets and steps out from under the small bit of shelter they had, back into the rain that is still pouring downward. "Until we meet again, Dragon." She does turn and give another of those brief bows as the water runds down from her face. She doesn't bother wiping it away. To what point? More would fall and take the place of the first.
    There was always more to come. That was the nature of the world.