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Latest revision as of 00:22, 26 January 2018

A Marine's Best Friend
Date of Scene: 23 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rachel Cole-Alves, Winter Soldier

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one? Is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My rifle...

    Is broken.

    The rain beats down on the city of New York like a million footsteps on sidewalks made of lass. A thousand drums being beaten by the endless parade of time. The building where the meeting is taking place is unremarkable on the outside, the storm rattling the corrugated steel panel pulled down over the warehouse bay doors. Inside people sataround a table, smoking. Rifles were laid out in plain sight.

    "Where is this mystery buyer you mentioned?" One man asks, speaking a heavy German accent, looks up from hiscards and beetles his bushy brows as he looks around the table. "Did we just meet up to play pokwer?"

    "You call this poke, Greg?" That accent is more familiar. Local. Brooklyn, maybe. "Three card stud ain't poker." The new speaker spits. It's a dingy room, with a mini fridge against the back wall and most of the space taken up by crates. Six men, more in the warehouse proper. Just another ordinary day.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Even as this apparent weapons deal was going down, Bucky had been tracking HYDRA's supply routes for quite some time now, one of the locations was this right here...the ycan't wipe what's been heavily engrained in his mind. With a crack of his neck, he's made a snipers nest just across the street, about two buildings across from Rachel. He wore his pure black tactical gear, vibranium arm only -barely- shimmering in the light, but not enough to draw any accurate attention. He wore his facemask to hide his identity should he be compromised...but the metal arm with the red star on the shoulder -alone- is a good hint as to his identity.

A barret sniper rifle lodged onto the edge, he waits....waits for the buyer as he sees the men there at the table playing poker. Sure sign the deal hasn't gone down quite yet.

Taking a moment to check his surroundings..he -might- find Rachel if she's doing the same thing he is....

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Rachel wears dark mottled greys, her gloves purposefully a different colour than the tactical vest she's wearing atop her plate carrier, pairedagainst dark grey BDUs and heavy black combat boots. The differing colours break up the woman's form until she's just a silhouette against the backdrop of the evening darkness. If it wasn't for the rain she'd probably be invisible.
        The tall, slender redheaded woman has her duffel bag slung over her shoulder as she makes her way down to street level. The Winter Soldier might get a glimpse of her as she descends, climbing down a fire escape and dropping into an alley before making her approach on the warehouse. Rachel stops to check her pistol and make sure it's probably loaded and unjammed before moving toward the door. She crouches beside a truck.

    A Mercedes-Benz SUV approaches, high beams illuminating the front of the warehouse. Corrugated steel rattles as it rolls upward. Three men are standing inside to gree the men in question.

Winter Soldier has posed:
A simple shift in position and the Winter Soldier spots Rachel moving towards her targets, eyes trained on her as if to attempt to decide if she's friend or foe...though at this piont, she may be a situational ally as he sees her take cover behind a truck...not a bad place, to be certain. His eyes then follow the SUV as it arrives at it's apparent destination...he modifies his scope to make a long..difficult shot. His target is the HYDRA representatives. the others are just an added benefit...but regardless, they are all gonna die tonight.

A few short, shallow breaths as before he holds his breath to steady his shot...then it's the waiting..the thing that tends to frustrate snipers...one needs to be patient. Given, Bucky was armed to the teeth. so once he makes his shot? he's gonna go down there and get physical.

but for no? no shot is fired...he just waits.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    A woman and a man in neatly tailored suits emerge from the SUV and flank the vehicle before the man opens a passenger side door and helps someone out. That someone is a tall, stocky balding individual carrying a large chrome locking briefcase. He certainly looks the part.

    It seems Rachel is pretty lightly armed for a move of this magnitude. Sitll, she isn't hesitating. A window is opened slowly, eased upward with the smallest possible amount of prssure. From there she looks in at the poker game, her .45 helping to light the way. Meanwhile, the executive is approaching the warehouse.

    That shadowy figure slips through the window and into the building. The last Bucky sees of them is the glint of a knife being drawn.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky gets ready to take the shot, but with the shadowy figure moving too fast...Bucky's going to have to get to the ground. and that he does! setting his sniper rifle onto hisback and replacing it with a heavy assault rifle, Bucky...far more silent than a mouse could ever hope to be, hops down to ground level, after doing some building hopping until eventually he lands. Crawling and moving with a clear PhD in stealth, the Winter Soldier moves in for the kill.

Rachel may or may not have seen Bucky rush forward, though not into the fray. He leans against the SUV, making sure his gun is loaded and unjammed, which both are combat ready. a small sigh then as he turns and heads for the door....

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Bucky's senses are incredibly keen and he's on high alert.So he might make something out. It's just a gurgle first. Then a couple muffled thumps, like a silenced pistol fired directly into a body. Bucky tries the door and finds that it's locked. It wouldn't be an issue for him, of course. Any time he wants to bust it down this piece of reinforced would will buckle like wet tissue paper.

    The men in the garage proper seem unaware of what is going down in the room with the poker table. The roar of the rain is no doubt responsible for muffling gunshot and pained groaning alike. Whomever this shadow is, six men apparently isn't too many. At least... Not if they get the drop on them.

    Plenty more where that came from, however.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky hears the muffled sound of guns shots and groans, so what does he do? Well, he does his favorite hobby: make Hydra's life a living, tangible hell. he easily busts the door down with his vibranium arm, letting them open fire on the door if they so choose and waits for them to run out of ammo....that's when he enters the fray, guns blazing and picking his targets carefully! he's going purely for headshots, and anyone who gets near him may get a vibranium-armed punch to the face...because we all know that's a good wakeup call.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    The door is quickly torn to shreds. The Winter Soldier is lucky it was reinforced; a normal door wouldn't have stopped one bullet, much less the hail of lead raining down on him now. But they're pistol rounds and the door is lined so perhaps it makes perfect sense in its own way.

    Then Bucky is returning fire. They're gun runners. Making them run out of ammo is a pipe dream, but people do have to reload and they hadn't bothered staggering the shots. As the Winter Soldier advances he takes down two, three, four people, then punches out a fifth. Now people are shouting for them to, "Break out the armor piercing rounds!"

    Meanwhile, the door on the Winter Soldier's left swings open. There's Rachel, a bloodied knife being sheathed as she emerges quietly with her newly acquired rifle in hand. She sights down the barrel on the Winter Soldier for a split second. "Blue on blue," the redhead calls in a near whisper.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky takes out those men easily in one fell swoop...clearly this was a planned assault. Though when the door opens and Rachel enters with a bloodied knife, his gun is aimed at her...until she says blue on blue. Deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt since they are after the same men, he turns on his heel, aiming to fire a shot straight into the skull of one of the man who screamed 'armor piercing rounds!'

Then bullets fly at him and he uses his hand to block them pretty easily, moving into cover so he can get a grasp of the situation...

A look to Rachel then, holding up the number of men remaining on a single hand.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
A glance at the vibranium arm Bucky is sporting follows and then Rachel turns her gun toward the door leading into the garage rather than toward her new companion. The slender woman moves up to the door and places her back against the wall, taking a deep breath, surveying the room on the far side.

    Two fingers are used to gesture toward the locations of the men ahead of them. They're pretty heavily entrenched. The chatter of automatic weapons fire joins the scream of the falling rain. Rachel returns fire from the doorway. "Suppressing fire!"

    It gives Bucky a window, if he wants to risk advancing. From here they're not going to be able to see much.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky started firing only for a moment before he moved back into cover, fluidly reloading his weapon in about two seconds. But when Rachel gives Bucky a window as she starts laying down covering fire, Bucky turns from the corner, advancing as he starts unloading too...then he fires the grenade launcher that was equipped to the underbarrel of his weapon, hoping for a -boom- to help clear the room.

Then? he's back in cover, moving his weapon so he has a constant watch where his enemies are. "Suppressing fire!" he shouts, but turns to give a few hand signs to Rachel.

'go around the side and flank them from behind, I'll keep them busy here'

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Rachel fires another quick burst and then gives Bucky a single nod before making her way back down the hallway. She circles the building from the outside, moving up along the garge doors while Bucky's gun continues to fire. Shouts ring out from the garge whe nthe grenade goes off. People erupt from cover, and one man is stitched with bullets along his torso. The others, however, make it to safety and quickly return fire. The smell of blood and gunpowder is mindnumbing - almost as intense as the raw cacophany that comes with the violent crescendo of weapons fire.

    Unfortunately, no one is really watching the bay doors. Rachel takes a second to line up her first shot. Then, one, two three. She quickly drops most of the men before a sound is even uttered.

    That's when baldie throws something at Buckie. An acrid green gas billows from the grenade the Hydra representative threw, a gas where just the stench chokes the lungs and waters the eyes. Then the HYDRA agent takes off, along with the woman who comprised half of his escort. They head for the back of the warehouse.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky seems to smile just softly under his face mask as he and Rachel manage to easily clear the room...only for baldie over there to throw what looks like a kind of toxic grenade. "Get down!" he catches the grenade with his vibranium arm while holding his breath and tosses it right back it him in a fast motion. before attempting to shoot the main representative in the back. Aside from that? he grabs Rachel and attempts to get the hell out of there beore that entire building becomes a toxic zone.

"damn." he mutters under his breath.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    Rachel takes cover when she sees the grenade, but she can't outrun the gas. Bucky is a different matter. He dashes through the garage and drags the woman out with him as the room is filling up .Inside a man can be heard choking and gasping as he thrashes on the floor. He wasn't completely dead. At least, not before the gas hit him. Baldie has disappeared, of course, and rachel is left bracing against a SUV and looking over the carnage.

    "So. That wasn't a normal smuggling operation," Rachel notes quietly. She glances at Bucky's arm again then looks over the bodies. "Good work clearing the room," she adds after a moment. "But your man got away."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky nods then a moment after he manages to successfully get Rachel the hell out of there. likely saving her life in the process. He looks towards where his target went, not looking too pleased as those sharp eyes look where they were. before he turns to Rachel. "No. it wasn't. It was a HYDRA operation." he says then with a small frown that one could -feel-.

Though he pauses to look at her. "You alright?" he asks then, making sure his apparent partner in crime was alright.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "Just fine," Rachel promises tersely. "Glad I didn't breathe whatever... That was." She taks a deep breath and then exhales slowly, shifting her weight back slightly as she turns to consider her surroundings carefully. "I guess I have to wait for the smoke to clear. I'm just here for the guns, so if you need to take anything to find your man it's yours." flatly. "Wouldn't do to run out of bullets."

Winter Soldier has posed:
A small nod then from teh Winter soldier as he returned his assault rifle onto the slot for it on his back, leaving his gloved hands free. A small nod then to Rachel "It was an acidic grenade. Prototype. Likely what they were gonna sell." a small sigh then. "I know how to find him. He's just going to be a pain in my ass about it." he says with clear lethal intent in his plans for this man.

"The smoke will clear in two minutes, police will be here in several. If you want to grab what you need, I'd do it fast." he didn't need the extra ammo, he picked up some in passing as they lit the place up. "Stay safe." he starts to turn around then, though nothing is stopping Rachel from asking his name or some such.

Rachel Cole-Alves has posed:
    "Didn't expect to see the Winter Soldier out here," Rachel begins shortly. "We'll have to do this again sometime." When the smoke clears Rachel quickly gathers up rifles, grenades, pistols, and bullets, filling her duffel bag in time to hear the sirens blaring. Then she is off as well, ready to disappear into the night. It seems she recognized the man - by his arm, if nothing else.

    I wouldn't want to be that guy when you catch up to him. Good hunting." With that it's time to go.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky isn't surprised that Rachel knows who he is. The Winter Soldier is a nightmare in almost every culture there is..something he fairly despises, but the reputation helps with intimidation purposes. He nods a moment to Rachel with a soft smile behind that mask of his. "Maybe." though he does't wave as he's already off to the races, as if in pursuit of the baldy who got away.....