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Latest revision as of 00:22, 26 January 2018

Diagnosis: Incorrigible
Date of Scene: 24 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Dr. McCoy meets with Tony about his health issues.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Beast

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is in his office in the sense that he's in the front of it near where Hank enters, and was setting down a sleek black case near the side of his desk. His other hand has a plastic bag with what is obviously some kind of carry-out in it. He's dressed immaculately, except he appears to have lost the tie he was wearing at some point; the lack of the tie stands out, with everything else being sharp and expensive. JARVIS is in the middle of a sentence.

"... prepared and ready, sir," JARVIS is saying.

"Good, I want those last two tests repeated," Tony instructs into the air, turning at the sound of visitor. No surprise on his face: Tony was warned, and adapts with ease and a smile.

"Welcome, Hank. I wasn't expecting you at all. I mean, other than for the last five minutes --- I just got back. ....Pepper's doing?" Tony guesses, with a grin, immediately amiable, crossing to offer a handshake. His behavior's entirely loose and off the cuff, no business approach here at this point.

Tony does not do the 'thing' where people pretend to ignore the blue mutant fur out of politeness. Tony looks right at it, looks over all of it, but the reaction is a sort of pleased interest, as if he thought the blue fur was, yes, unusual, but hardly negative.

The man is maybe a little tired, but upbeat, friendly. Something, though, drags with Tony, and someone that hasn't seen the subtle change every day may notice it more than others close to him would: particularly someone with medical knowledge like Hank. Tony doesn't seem as healthy as last time Hank saw him. Sure, he's cloaking with his usual extreme charismatic bluster, but it'll show just at the edges. It's not age, it's something else.

Beast has posed:
Tony may smiling but Doctor Henry "Hank" McCoy is definately not. Infact he looks to be one very grumpy looking feliosimiansapien (Yes, that /is/ a word. Smart people can make up words!) right now. Every step past the door is followed by a grunted word. Brainless. Deficient. Egotistical. Shortsighted. Even a few Moronics are thrown in by the time he stops a foot outside of Tony's personal space. He looks down at the offered hand.. then at the man himself.. Squinting through his spectacles.

"'Pepper's Doing?' That is all you have to say for yourself, Tony?" he asks, his voice rough, though less the cultured purr it usually is and more a growl. "When were you going to tell anyone? Hmmm? I usually expect selfish stupidity from you but this.. This is a /new/ level of tenacicious thick-headedness! That lovely woman is worried /sick/ about you!"

He takes a long moment to get himself under control and regards that still offered hand once more.. and finally takes it in his big blue paw. "And hello, Tony." he finally says, sounding a bit more composed.. and worried. Those cat-like eyes study the man before him, carefully, taking in each and every little sign that something is wrong.

"You really should have come to me earlier... You, yourself. If not /for/ you, than for her.. and your friends. You do realise we actually care about you, right?"

And of course he has to add an exhasperated 'You idiot." under his breath.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's eyebrows lift very sky high through the tirade. He's surprised, but it takes more than a long rant to derail Tony Stark entirely. Unfortunately, he's not actually left speechless. But does consider his answer instead of just saying the first thing off the very front of his brain. He must be sick, or a pod person.

"....Okay, I accept that I deserved that." A pause, finger raised. "BUT---" Tony begins... "There was no point in torturing anybody about my well-being until I'd come up with a resolution," Tony points out, reasonably.

"Worrying about something is like suffering twice, both before and during," Tony gestures with a hand, as if fanning off the worry into somewhere else. Much of this is just his front, though: facing mortality isn't easy for anyone, let alone the battering Tony's ego is taking from this reality.

"There was a good chance I could have just handled it myself, like last time." Tony's way of admitting he has in fact realized he can't. AND that there was a last time.

Beast has posed:
Well all that was.. unexpected. Really it was. Tony has never been /this/, well, honest. And yet still arrogant! Hank has to sigh... Really, he does. The blue furball pinches his snouth, massaging it, pushing his glasses up as he does.

"Tony.." he murmurs. "Tony, Tony, Tony...." He drops his hand and gives the inventor a suffering, though friendly, look. "One, if you had handled it yourself the first time, you would not be in this mess. You know I have never inquired too closely into your.. condition. I only know what bits and peices you have let slip over the years. And the fact that you have survived this long is.. Well.. It is a miracle and, not trying to swell your head bigger than it already is, a testament to your improvsational if sometimes shortsighted, genius."

"YOu do realize that I am going to require your COMPLETE medical file.. /and/ the /full/ specifications to the ARC Reactor in your chest. If you had trusted either of those with someone years ago, this would not be happening. Something could have been done BEFORE it got this far."

He smiles faintly now, showing a bit of snaggletooth. "Experimenting on yourself never ends well, Tony. Trust me, I know. It may seem harder to ask people for help but.. it saves a lot of grief."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony slides to the content that most interests him out of all of that. "You'd require my medical file... meaning, you've agreed to assist?" Tony questions, sleekly dodging the backhanded compliments with a mild smile. His head doesn't appear bigger, but certainly not deflated, due to possibly selective hearing.

"But, a few things," Tony adds, with a puzzled look. "There's nothing wrong with the reactor itself. I mean, /yes/, I have an upgrade sitting in my lab, but the problem is the deterioration of the casing," Tony says, with a distracted flutter of fingers against his chest in a circular motion. The shirt is thick enough to not show light, but there's a hollow plastic sound as he taps on it with the fingertips. "I can change reactors out all day long by myself. But while I'm awesome, I'd probably be unconscious and possibly in cardiac arrest with the casing swap," Tony explains, with a casual cheerfulness that doesn't really match the topic. Just a breed of defensive humor. "I wouldn't be shocked if pieces of duct tape were on the original casing." A pause. "Not that I'm knocking it. I'm alive." There's a funky little mood shift there, a brief distance, as some of what caused the act reactor swims into the front of Tony's mind. He jerks his eyes to his food baggie.

"Do you like Greek?"

Beast has posed:
Hank crosses his arms and listens to the billionaire inventor, nodding slowly. "Of course I agreed, though to say I would be 'assisting' would be a gross understatement. Yes, you designed this technology. But while you have improved this reactor, have you ever done anything to improve the /rest of the system/? The reactor is only as good as the mounting and support systems it is connected to, Tony. Did you every have /that/ upgraded? Or replaced with something better and more stable.. Stars and Garters, Tont, did you ever think about maybe having the problem the reactor is trying to stem, repaired?"

He then cants his head. "And you know I like Greek. We went to that taverna once after Ben's Poker Tournament three years ago.."

Iron Man has posed:
"Yes, I do know," Tony chuckles. "Well, options are to join me, or watch me eat it, I'm dying," Tony grins briefly, aware of the terrible timing on that statement, and moves over to the side table in his office, to set up the food there. It's weirdly out of place in the powerful office to do this, but Tony, of course, does whatever comes into his head to do, and it's easier to just eat here. It's a powerful, sleek, impressive office: Tony fits in with it, certainly, but is more interested in relaxing, obviously, at this moment.

"Well, the rest of the system-- obviously I've looked into it. That's why we're here. It needs to be done, specifically mounting - heroes take a beating," Tony explains, as if this were his idea. Or Pepper handled him expertly!

"Are you asking if I've tried to cure myself of the thing that could kill me?" Tony asks, finally, staring. "No, never; this way I get to have bonus problems to challenge me," Tony says, sarcastic, but not annoyed. Just ...tired. The health problem shows with the exhaustion there. It takes a lot of energy to be normal-Tony.

Beast has posed:
Hank knows all about needing energy. Even befoe he was Blue he had an overactive metabolism and that hasn't gotten any less so as he has gotten older. So he takea a look over the offered spread and starts piling up some goodies on a napkin.

"Well, after we run some tests on your current state and if it looks like we have some time I can spend a few days designing a better mounting system for the reactor. Also, I should go over how the Reactor itself and the mount has, to date, affected your biological systems, so we can plan for possible future problems. Radiation and Electromagnetic field exposure on human tissue can seriously affect the body, down to the cellular. I mean, no offense Tony, but you've installed a powerful handmade energy generation source in your chest cavity.. and you did it, what, in a /cave/? "

He shoots Tony a wry look. "Between the two of us, we can lick this thing... We're two smart and handsome guys, after all.." he notes how run down Tony looks. "And you need to get some rest."

Iron Man has posed:
"I have more tests and diagnostics than you'd ever finish reviewing in a lifetime," Tony declares ruefully. Clearly, Tony has done everything he could think of. Well, except for getting opinions from experts, apparently. "I have a lot of headway on some variants on the mounting. You think I have a lot of suits -- boy, you should see my cabinet of mountings," Tony chuckles, not really kidding.

"Why would I take offense to that? None taken. It was a cave, yes, a particularly shitty cave while being tortured. Not a recommended vacation destination," Tony replies, opening all of the food up and getting started. He overordered like always, there's plenty: though maybe not if Hank really needs to chow down.

"Rest: hardly. Too much to take care of, lately. Avenger recruitment, and the various heroing there, plus an enormous hacker attack on the company /yesterday/, the new sales of the safety repulsors, AND I'm up to my eyeballs in SHIELD again," Tony chats, without saying anything secret. His pattern suggests he is aware of what he's saying, there isn't slipping of tongue here.

"Lots to do and be sure is all set to right, before opening me up." There's a really eerie subtext here: he's aware he could die, and is clearing out a lot of items. Which is possibly the most telling piece of he's said. There's so much bullshit, but he does get the severity.

Beast has posed:
Hank snorts as he takes a bite of his donair, chews a moment and then swallows. "In my lifetime? You realize I am a teacher at, and the doctor for, and entire school of adolescent and teenage mutants, yes? Wait until you have to teach and grade classes WHILE caring for the diverse and often unique health concerns of over a hundred mutants. And thats my /day/ job. So don't give me your boo-hoo story about being busy. I am sure Miss Potts is most able to take cae of most of your schedule related problems, or delegate tasks to others who can where she herself is unable."

He takes anothe rbites, and again chews thoughtfully. Yes, Hank can be a bouncing ball of energy hismelf but he also knows how to be reflective.. and that feline DNA really helps with that.

Swallowing, he waves the donair at Tony. "I mean it, Tony. You need to slow down at least a bit. So talk to Miss Potts. Get her to soread out the load as it were. I know you love to micromanage but /that/ will kill you before the reactor problem will. Once we get you upgraded you can go back to trying to over extend yourself to death."

Iron Man has posed:
"I didn't even list all the mornings I have scheduled to be horribly hungover after an awesome night in say, Fiji. /Busy,/" Tony jokes, after looking horrified at the idea of teaching at the mutant school. Yikes. Responsibility over teens and kids!

"Okay, but it was /very/ fun to watch her not know what to do when I started to schedule my own meetings the other week," Tony admits playfully. His smile is elusive, and doesn't reveal much about how he feels about Pepper, other than that he maybe did mask something. But he did it well.

"I'm not dumping a pile of crap on HER head either," Tony adds. "But some of that's what the Avengers recruiting is for; delegation. I am, I'll have you know, /off/ the combat roster as of today," Tony says, though his tone is very pained. He HATED doing it, but is now using it to 'brag', like somebody does to their dentist about flossing.

"But also the new power needs of my upgrade cause extra decomposition. So there's that too." He eats: no apparent change to his hunger, it appears. "Data on /that/ also. I suppose... whenever you're ready to look at it." In fact, if he wants it now, Tony will set him up.