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Latest revision as of 15:36, 31 July 2017

Run Kitty run
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Tigra encounters a pair of mutants, Kitty Pryde and the Black Queen.
Cast of Characters: Black Queen, Shadowcat, Tigra

Black Queen has posed:
Selene walks down the sidewalk and seems not TOO annoyed today, plus it isn't even raining. How about that. It's really sunny out and people are really busy trying to get where they need to go. Selene observes some of them as they pass, her dark aura reaching out to them teasingly, but their glances and curious looks around entertain her for only so long. She reaches the corner and stops at a lil fruit stand, where she observes some oranges.

One of the tough looking guys nearby picks up an apple and chucks it at his friend playfully, "Ow! Asshole!" he lets out. The shopkeeper takes his broom and threatens the three gangsters but they only laugh and start harrassing people on the street. "Hey baby!" they say and laugh, catching sight of some passers-by.

Shadowcat has posed:
The street is alive and busy, Kitty Pryde is moving through the crowd easily. The girl's breath comes in short pulls as she jogs lightly. Her long brown hair is pulled up into a high ponytail that bounces as she moves. A pair of earbuds pump out tunes as she works out. Finally her phone's alarm beeps and the music cuts out. Slowing down she eventually comes to a stop near the corner fruit stand.

Still pacing, the young teen looks at the crowd and hmmms. The very light and breezy shirt she was wearing is slipped off and tied around her waist, hiding the back of her running capris. The girl's pink tank top is slightly tinged with sweat. She eyes the gangers again and frowns, casually pulling her phone off her arm strap and checking the local map. The city is big, and she's still not sure where everything is yet. Maybe there's a juice bar or something around here.

Tigra has posed:
Only around New York City for a few weeks, there's still a lot of it Tigra's yet to see. While she's set up shop, so to speak, with a place of her own and begun a little investigative work, it's for that very reason that she's scouting out a storefront or two. Something stolen, or maybe just missing. Hard to say. That's why she's there, eyeing it from across the street.

Of course, she isn't doing anything to mask her appearance. That can be both good or bad, but that's a risk she takes. Smells from the fruit stand draw her attention, along with some noise as a few people begin to act like a nuisance. "Really?" she mutters under her breath, tail flicking once, twice in agitation. Bullies, apparently, stink. These could use a bath as well, for that matter. Pushing away from the side of the building she was leaning against, the striped feline woman approaches.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene the black goth lady might seem out of place in any other city but this one, especially around these pink-haired, double-lip-pierced gangsters causing a ruckus nearby. The shopkeeper is leaning on his broom talking about the latest Chinese holiday or something to his cousin and he laughs loudly at a joke, apparently distracted again.

As Selene glances at Kitty and contemplates her aura's next move, the three gangsters draw back around the fruit stand again, "Kitty kitty kittyyyy," one of them begins as he leers at Tigra. His buddy elbows him in the arm though and points out Kitty, so they can both approach her, watching her strip her clothes off, "Woo! Take it off! Yeah!" they say and laugh. One of the taller men grabs an apple and offers it to Kitty, "Want an apple?" he asks.

Shadowcat has posed:
When Kitty first notices Tigra, her eyes widen a little bit. She's seen street performers before, but wow, that's an outfit. she tilts her head to consider the cat girl, wondering if it's a body suit or if she actually had all that airbrushed on. And the tail... then the catgirl gets closer and the young one actually blushes. Oh, maybe a street performer but probably not a costume. Neat, all sorts in New York.

Tearing her attention away from the rather outrageously outfitted superhuman, Kitty offers up a frown and tugs out her earbuds. The mini-headphones rest around her neck. "No thanks," she waves off the guy. With a sigh she moves closer to the street corner and finally pulls up the street corner on her phone's map app. She starts scrolling for a good place for a smoothie.

Tigra has posed:
"Yes, congratulations. I am a 'kitty.' Your eyes are obviously working," Tigra deadpans as the one calls out to her like you would an actual cat you're trying to coax closer. With part of their attention shifting toward the one who only /calls/ herself Kitty, their cat-calls get an eye-roll from her. Oh, she's no costume, no simple bodypaint, which becomes more obvious with each step.

Giving the area a quick visual search again, just to have other locations and people marked, the attention of the tigress passes over Selene briefly, then again as she looks back in the direction she's headed. "Don't be rude to the woman," she chides the ones she's already marked as being quite immature.

Black Queen has posed:
Walking to her, the three gangsters continue trying to harrass Kitty, "Hey girl, where you goin? Can I get you a cab?" he asks her and chuckles, "Yeah, take her home, Jose!" his pal shouts and laughs like an idiot. The two men block Kitty from moving without them following or getting close to her.

Selene is standing close by, although it's strange how nobody really noticed her, "I think you both need to learn some manners." The two of them only chuckle at Selene.

The Third Man eyes Tigra with a smirk, "What's the matter, you jealous? Okay, c'mon over and be my friend too," he suggests. He draws closer to Tigra.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Hey, back off!" Kitty tries to pull herself up into an imposing figure, but looks pretty teeny compared to the two antagonizers. "Otherwise I'm gonna get mad!" She glances around the area, checking to see who is watching the confrontation. Another step and she switches her phone over to dialing mode. There's a half glance again at Tigra, well she can probably handle herself. You don't go around in NYC dressed like that unless you can.

Tigra has posed:
"You heard her, /boys,/" Tigra says, emphasising that word as her tail whips back and forth just like one could expect to see from a cat that isn't happy. But, who's she talking about? Kitty, or Selene? Both? "She's not interested. Neither am I for that matter, so why don't you move along before you do something you can't talk your way out of." No, it's not a question. She allows them the opportunity to see how sharp the claws on one hand are.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene narrows her eyes as the two gangsters just ignore her, "Stop," she says, and suddenly, Jose frowns and seems really interested in approaching Selene for some reason, "What'd you say? Hey wait--" he begins, then starts to blink his eyes, looking past Selene at the sun over the trees. He seems to be lost in thought.

"Jose, I gotta entertain your girlfriend or what?" his pal says and reaches for Kitty, trying to pull her into a huggy hug. "Come on!" he says.

The Third Man looks curious as Tigra threatens him, "Whoa, that's sharp," he suggests, then branishes a knife from his back pocket, "I got something sharp too biatch...!" he explains and closes in on her threateningly. A girl nearby screams dramatically.

Shadowcat has posed:
The scream is from Kitty, that's for sure. When the guy tries to grab her she kicks hard. She's not trained, but when someone stomps their heel to your shin it's gonna sting a little bit! With that she tries to pull away from the rough thug. The girl gasps and grunts and suddenly he loses his grip as she tumbles towards the sidewalk. She scrapes her palm and elbow in the fall, but keeps her phone from being damaged! Rolling, Kitty tries to get away from the man as she scrambles for her feet. If nothing else she's probably as fast as these guys are. "What the heck are you doing, are you nuts?!" The comment seems to be directed in a more general sense than anything.

Tigra has posed:
Tigra clucks her tongue at the one who comes up with a blade. "Wrong answer, idiota." Yes, she must know a few words in Spanish. With one making his way toward Selene in a daze, one attempting to get up close and personal with Kitty, and this one making her his intended target, she's not waiting at all.

Lightning-fast, Tigra leads with a swipe from one side, a kick at the man's hand where the knife is. Practically a blur of motion, the claws extend enough to cut into that hand and wrist. It won't slice into anything major, but it /will/ hurt. "I told you boys to go home, and I meant it."

Black Queen has posed:
"It's really...sunny...today..." Jose says slowly and Selene nods appreciately, smiling slightly at the comment, "It's such a nice day," she comments, patting Jose on the shoulder, "Too nice a day for this," she adds. Jose just stands there in a daze.

"Okay seriously, where the **** do you think you're /going/?" the thug comments and draws a GUN on Kitty cause he's serious now. Oh no! Selene is behind him and says, "Drop it," she suggests. Twirling around the thug looks at her and points it at her face, "Okay how about--hey...I never noticed...it's really...sunny...out..." he says as he seems to suddenly lose all his anger, then puts the gun on the ground carefully. Selene walks past him while he admires the sun and goes to Kitty to see if she's alright. "Are you alright?" she asks.

"Ow, you biatch!" the Third Man says loudly, but turns around like a scared cat (haha) and grabs at Jose's jacket, "Jose! Dude! Come on! Wake up!" he says to Jose, who's still standing there. The Third Man runs off. Jose frowns, "Huh? Ricardo?" he wonders, scratching his head.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty clambers to her feet and looks at the pair of zoned out guys. She takes a few steps back, then realizes Tigra's lookin maaad. "Whoa, okay, yeah. Now I'm starting to think that leaving Illinois was a bad idea." The girl takes a deep breath and considers the entire scene. She takes another few steps and she's off the curb into traffic. Well hopefully traffic isn't moving too fast in this part of the city. Does it ever?

Tigra has posed:
Swiftly, the threat from the three is passing. Just what Selene's role is in it, Tigra doesn't know yet. Chances are she isn't familiar with whatever abilities she has, but there hasn't even been much of a sign from her that anything happened. The sudden interest in the sun and the dazed exit does, however, suggest something happened.

With Kitty left behind as Selene comes closer, a clawed hand reaches out to catch Kitty by the shoulder and, if contact is made, Tigra's trying to guide her back onto the sidewalk. "Hey. Hey..not out in the street. That's a good way to go splat. You okay? They're not going to mess with you now." Where there was the aggression of the beast one moment, the gentleness of her human side is showing now.

Black Queen has posed:
Jose turns around and frowns at Kitty and Tigra, then charges them for some odd reason, "Ahhhhhh!!!" he lets out as he runs at them. As he jumps, Selene puts up a finger and he flops onto the ground in front of Kitty, doing an awful job at jumping at her. "Ugh..." Jose says as his other buddies leave him behind. He's resilient because he reaches out to grab Kitty's foot.

Selene motions with her finger to Tigra and Kitty, motioning for them to come off the street. She bends her finger back and forth cutely like a worm. "There's a cab pulling up," she explains, "I think these guys are not going to bother you anymore," she adds.

Shadowcat has posed:
There's a squeak from Kitty as she's tugged back onto the sidewalk. "Hey tha," the gir's appreciation is interuppted by the blast of a taxi-cab horn as it blows past at thirty miles an hour. The brown haired girl's back stiffens and Tigra finds her hand gripping nothing. There's another nervous squeak from the girl as one of the gangers goes all weird(er) still. She uhs and nopes towards Selene. Shaking her head she considers the raven haired woman and the tiger striped shorty shorts wearing ones. "Actually no, I'm good," her voice is a little shaky as she smiles and nods to the two. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna just get home, but you two..." she points at the pair. "Well, you two have fun." Tugging up her earbuds again she wraps them over her ears before slipping them into place and starting to slide through her playlist for a new song.

Tigra has posed:
Tigra begins to turn toward the last guy still trying to get at them, only to watch him go down with a thump, grabbing feebly for the other woman. "..yeah," she says to this, squinting as she nudges his hand away with a foot.

Just after that, there's a *WHOOSH* as the cab goes by and the solidity of Kitty's shoulder is simply..not there. "Eh?" Her hand closes on air, head tilting in a mixture of curiosity and confusion. "If you're sure," she answers doubtfully, taking a few steps back up to the sidewalk while holding up both hands in a peaceful manner. "I'm Tigra, just in case you see me around again. Be careful."

This leaves her to look toward Selene and gesture somewhat helplessly, as if to say 'I tried.'

Black Queen has posed:
Crossing her arms, Selene stands there at the side of the road, watching Kitty and Tigra, her aura mysteriously circling around them until it encourages them to remember this black-haired woman named Selene. Something in the air might make it easier to smile and remember Selene. "Well, that was exciting," she comments, "Perhaps we'll see each other around," she adds.

Jose just lays there and groans.

Shadowcat has posed:
After a brief pause, Kitty sighs and rubs her forehead. Then slips up next to Tigra all smooth. An arm wraps around Tigra's waist and Kitty's hand rests on her hip before she lifts her phone and smiles. A quick click and she's moving behind Selene. She arcs her phone around the woman and jumps! When her face clears the girl's shoulder she snaps a shot, air in motion epic! Then she's off like a dash, playing some speed metal as she starts jogging, weaving and dodging through the light foot traffic as she heads off into the distance.

Tigra has posed:
Selfie time? Tigra knows what selfies are, but when Kitty unexpectedly comes back for that she catches the tigress with a somewhat surprised look on her face, like she's just been caught in the middle of something. A finger goes up afterward, only to arch a brow when Selene is victimized by one as well, and this leaves her to rub behind one of her ears without a word as she watches Kitty leave. Then, Selene gets an expression that just seems to ask, 'Did that just happen?'

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio doesn't react at first to Kitty's little prank, but her mouth twists into a smile slowly, as she jumps up like a cat (haha) to get a selfie with her and Selene. She rolls her eyes to the side as she catches view of Kitty just for a second, which must make a classic picture. Glancing back at Tigra, it's Selene's turn to shrug, "Such a prankster."