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Tiger Talk
Date of Scene: 15 June 2017
Location: Cat's Lair (Huntsinger, Culver)
Synopsis: Tigra pays Cat's Lair a visit and meets the same Thundercat she crossed paths with before. This time, they're able to understand each other.
Cast of Characters: Tigra, Tygra

Tigra has posed:
Some time has gone by since Tigra and Tygra met away from Cat's Lair. How long, now? Two weeks? How long does that feel like to someone with an animal side to her? To him? Does time seem to go by more rapidly? Does it slow down? Is it unchanged?

No matter the reasons for the delay, today is the day she returns to the Huntsinger area in search of Cat's Lair, or whatever the place is called. She can only hope communication is easier this time around, but once she reaches a certain point in her travels, Berbils are sure to report back to the Thundercats that someone is approaching, and this someone seems to look a lot like Tygra except for a few certain differences.

Tygra has posed:
Berbils rarely required when someone enters after a certain range. The Cat's Lairs system are actually online now. Tygra the nearest to the Lair's outside was in the gardens as usual, the alert going through their systems he is up and over the gate to go inspect it when he catches the familiar scent of Tigra, a grin appearing. This time he's actually got a working translator on him. Green armor covers him this time, not just casual loose clothes. He was debating trying to be like a human and go fight some crime in his current boredom, only so much /work/ can be had before one is bored senseless.
No need for hiding, he'll walk straight towards her. Hard to miss a six foot Tiger-Man.

Tigra has posed:
Tall enough to nearly see the Thundercat eye to eye, Tigra moves along unhindered. Apparently she's been deemed safe, cleared to come closer. Once Cat's Lair itself comes into view, she gives a low, appreciative whistle of its design and construction. It sure did take shape quickly, if the information she had is correct.

A smile follows when she spots /him/ on his way toward her, but she doesn't know if understanding each other is going to be any easier than the first time, which had its difficulties. So, she offers a chuff of curiosity, testing the waters so to speak, her head angled to give off similar body language, the tip of her tail curled up slightly.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra's ear to ear still exists, a hand pulls up what looks like his whip, a small rounded nub is depressed. "Hello!" Clear English, "My translator is fixed this time so we can actually speak to one another in your language or at least it projects it to the closest known words in your language." There is of course a mechanical voice accompanying his. Overlapped Tygra and electronic voice. It works out. He is obviously enthusiastic about it though.

Tigra has posed:
Now there's surprise in Tigra's expression, her tail flicking side to side. Jealous of it yet? She's got one and he doesn't. Did he ever?

"I can understand you now!" she exclaims, pausing to hear the explanation about hwo the translator works. "Sort of. You need to do something with that thing so it really sounds like you, if you can." Gesturing toward the modern Sphinx-like thing behind them, she asks the obvious, "So this is where you've settled? This is home? I'm getting a distinct 'cat' vibe from it. Not sure why." Does he understand sarcasm? Humor?

Tygra has posed:
"Why? I don't want it to sound like me. I am still trying to learn the language of your people. That just seems like even more cheating." Tygra looks perplexed before a tip up of his chin and he is staring down at her, "You like it? I designed it myself. I did not build it but I have helped, I dabbled a lot when I was young and bored, learnd a few things and my father took notice. He always accused me of hiding away from my kid brother but... no, I suppose I was. I learned to draw though and here we have now architecture." A tap of his claw on the translator, he realizes he just said a lot and isn't sure it all came out properly. "This is our home for now. Yes." The sarcasm is entirely lost. "Because it is a big cat, can't you tell?"

Tigra has posed:
Tigra rubs the side of her face, followed by an ear. "Why? I was curious to hear what your actual voice sounds like." Just a series of Thunderian cat sounds only goes so far. "Neat technology, though. I don't think I've ever seen a real-time translator before. It sounds like you've learned a few things wherever you're from."

She circles him, getting a good look at the design and fit of his armor, showing him to be much better protected in comparison to her attire, which is quite minimal. "The cat thing was a joke. I guess that didn't come through very well. Aaaaanywaaaay, I meant to come by sooner but I had a few distractions. How many of you are there here?"

Tygra has posed:
"Crash courses. Thundera and New Thundera." Tygra insists, "What other time is there? Oh I get it. Words go in, translate back out." A frown down at it and he shifts it around in his fingers, "I suppose I could change the voice if you find it unpleasant. I am just avoiding not learning, take away the crutches."
Tygra is looking up, at her attire. A grin reasserting itself. "Want to see the inside? I can show you the garden first. Did you know your Wonder Woman visited me one night? She was very polite."

Tigra has posed:
"I'm sure I could help teach you some words, but it wouldn't hurt to have the translator help along the way. I don't know if it means you can repeat the words, but it'd be interesting to find out," Tigra replies, certainly curious about how a thing like that would go. Plus, it'd give her an excuse to hang out around him. "I just think the mechanical voice sounds a little too 'Stephen Hawking' to me. You probably don't know who he is."

Then, Tigra's expression brightens. "A tour? You don't have to ask twice. Lead the way. And no, I didn't. I haven't met her yet. I'm still a little new to this part of the country."

Tygra has posed:
"I would rather not sound like a Hawkperson." Tygra admits, almost immediately he is popping open the micro-lid on his whip, claw sliding in to wriggle around a little. "I thought I sounded more Ro-Bear but sounding a bird is just not acceptable." He starts to make noises as they walk, the translator mimicking them as they walk up to the front gates of the courtyard.

Tigra has posed:
Tigra lifts a finger to correct. "He's not a..oh, forget it," she laughs. "I'll explain another time, or maybe I'll just show you. But his voice is robotic because he needs that to be able to talk." She'd much rather see the garden and the rest of this place instead of talk about Stephen Hawking. She squints at the sounds coming from him, relative to whatever the translator is presenting them as. The tigress strides along casually, nearly side by side.

Tygra has posed:
"Oh yes. Those are called cyborgs." Tygra tells her matter of factly. "We have fought many of those. Sad to see anyone lose that much of themself." The translator stops at a sound close to his own, not close enough. It sounds like he did when he was 12. "That is embarassing." Too high next, it sounds like him if he maybe was twenty feet tall. "I'll figure this out."

The gates open up to reveal the courtyard, open area for the vehicles, lush grass, three extended ponds and the three indoor sanctuaries/gardens. Many of the flowers hanging out of them not of this earth, some glow at night, others move or sway, a couple are even known to sing. A colorful bird with four wings flies from one garden to another. "Perfectly safe little micro-ecosystem, it is very similar to New Thundera."

Tigra has posed:
"He's not.." Tigra begins again, then she just shakes her head and lets it drop. "Nevermind. And..is that what you sounded like as a kid? That's so cute!" Do tigers blush? Maybe he's wishing he left it the robotic voice after all.

Of greater interest, however, is the approach through into the courtyard and beyond, the feline curiosity spiking higher as they enter the garden area itself. "Oh, look at all of this," she marvels. "These are native to your planet? I don't know how far away you are from home, but it must be nice to at least have a little reminder of it here." The four-winged bird draws a long stare, not so much out of the urge to leap up and catch it, but because of the wings themselves. "Safe? Are you telling me there could have been things that aren't safe?"

Tygra has posed:
Tygra makes no remark about his voice or the changes, hes quiet now in calibrating it until it falls on what his voice should sound like. "Yes, most of them are quite harmless and very contained. The burglenots can be quite vicious and several things in here are very poisonous." He walks over past her to kneel down in front of a flower, poking it with a claw, it retracts and actually hisses at him. "This one is not toxic it is just a biter. All these things are native and more, some from New Thunder, others from the Ro-Bear planet, even the Snarf homeworld. We're collecting to keep them safe. It is a lot of extra work but will be worth it, even these things deserve a home away from the darkness we have fled." He stops talking, his eyes widen a little and his face angles so he is looking over his shoulder at her, "I realized we are now speaking. That is... exciting."

Tigra has posed:
Tigra quiets so she can listen to his explanations, and listen to him and what he actually sounds like. "Burglenots? That sounds like gibberish, but we have something called a platypus and if you saw what those look like, you'd wonder how that ever happened." Standing behind him and off to the side a few steps, she peers at the flower that hisses when he prods it. "Whoa. A biting flower? That's really out there. But..preserving things? That's good, I think."

It's after he's begun to look at her again and voiced what's come to mind that she grins back at him. "It sounds..natural, and it's nice to actually be able to talk and understand."

Tygra has posed:
Tygra stands up right and a finger reaches over to prod her in the taut stomach with a clawtip, "What do you do, Tigra." He pauses, "Tigra. Tiger. Tygra." A wink, a gesture at himself. "But yes, what is it you do? Thundercats are champions and defenders of life and innocents. As a Thunderian you should have a calling, you should be with us and let us train you to your heritage, you should become a... " He goes quiet, "Like us. Your people."

"Yes a biting flower. It eats rodents and small birds foolish enough to land on it. Burglenots are not gibberish, they are quite fierce and ugly a PLatypus sounds horrifying. A bog monster perhaps?"

Tigra has posed:
Tigra touches on the last part first, after he can feel her stomach tighten just a little from the poking, her tail flicking as her hips shift toward one side. "Oh, a carnivorous plant. We do have some like that, but I don't think we have any that are that..aggressive. And the platypus is just..let's just say it's kind of a big joke."

There's a little more of a mixture between humor and seriousness when she's reminded of the names. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised there was someone else out there with a name like mine. I never thought I'd meet him..you. I'm sort of a detective. I try to help people, and keep them as safe as I can. It sounds like that's what you do as well." She seems uncertain when it comes to seeing herself as one of them, however, as one of their people. "That's sort of, ah, complicated."

Tygra has posed:
"A joke animal? Huh." It is apparent from what the Thunderians have around they're used to oddities in regards to animals. Retracting his hand fingers fold in to fists and he motions up towards the Sphinx, right now they stand in it's shadow. "You are already acting very much like a Thundercat. See." Wink of those animistic golden-yellow eyes. "Complicated?"

Tigra has posed:
"We'll have to share some information about our native species and yours," Tigra says, leaving it at that for the moment as she takes a walk around the area, peering at a few of the plants, picking out some of their scents before she glances back toward him over a shoulder, much like he did with her before. "It's just about doing the right thing. That's not so hard, is it?"

The wink earns a grin, but it fades toward something more serious. "There are a few things that led to me being who and what I am, but I'm not ready to talk about them yet." Might she be worried about how he'd react to it? Why? "We'll have to talk more first, you and I."

Tygra has posed:
"If there is more to be had then yes of course. What we do have is being collected off your interwebs." Tygra explains, watching as the tigress stalks around. His eyes rather glued to her figure until her smile fades.
"When time suits you. It's strange a Thunderian would be this far out ahead of us anyways, I figure that is a story that will require you spilling it when you are good and ready."

Both hands rest on his hips and he looks around them, "Heh. I can usually be found here anymore. I seem to spend most of my days in this garden lately which i not good for a Thundercat, I should be out helping." A look towards the city, "I think I may start hunting trouble." He sounds serious.

Tigra has posed:
"Oh, God. The internet." Tigra's fur prevents her from visibly paling, but she's quick to say, "You need to be really, /really/ careful about what you look for information on. There are some things that could make you go blind." She stops herself and adds, "I'm not being literal, but you'd be surprised at what you might find."

Then she grows somewhat more serious again, shaking her head. "I'm..not a Thunderian. Maybe I look like one, but I was born here." She almost sounds apologetic about this, as if she's worried she'll let Tygra down if he got his hopes up about her being more like them.

"You should be careful about looking for trouble, though. You don't know much about what this world has yet," she suggests. "The garden looks nice. It smells nice, too."

Tygra has posed:
"Yes... I have seen things." Tygra's eyes go wide and round and he just stops motionless. "Humans are much less wholesome than Thunderians, though, as our times changed and we had to expand on New Thundera we started encountering many species, we were also at one point quite powerful on a closer intergalactic scale. Many things other races are in to... is... odd." A swallow and he lets forth a shrug of both striped muscular arms. His amused look and gestures dead stop when she says she is not of Thunderian stock.

"You're jesting? Joking... kittening around, huh?" A fake laugh and a brow quirk as if testing her. "Well, surely you're still a Thunderian or something close to us. I mean, you look and smell as one of us. Sound like it. Just far removed, perhaps your parents were Exiles. You and I are the last Tiger Clan."
It is not sinking in for him fully.
"Doesn't matter if you're not from Thundera and of Earth, might be even better that way. We need to learn how to survive here as you have, at least for a time."

As the subject change he gives her a curious look then stares at the garden, "Yes, I put a lot of work in to it daily and nightly. " He has help of course. No Wilys, no Lion-O, no Panthro but the Snarfs and Berbils seem eager to do nothing but work most days. Earn their keep or feel like they still have a purpose. Maybe forget their own sorrows in hardship.

Tigra has posed:
Tigra explains, "One thing this planet knows is war. Go back through time, and you'll find over and over people fighting against each other to control this or that, to rule the land, rule over others. But, people are resourceful and resilient. They invent. They grow. There's good and bad everywhere." A brief summary of her perspective on mankind.

However, she doesn't seem to have the heart to tell Tygra she isn't really like them when they get down to it. There are similarities, but she /knows/ who she was, what she became, and how. She's just not prepared to open that particular box and reveal its contents to him. Not yet. He isn't ready to hear it. "I'll explain everything when the time is right," she promises, though she wears a thoughtful expression. "Tiger Clan. That sounds..good, though."

Gesturing to the garden, she determines, "You're making something grow here. You're giving it life, cultivating it. That's a good thing. But..tell me more about the others here? I'd like to know what they're like."

Tygra has posed:
"All planets eventually know war." Tygra intones.
"I look forward to hearing that story then." As if the downer feel of the conversation has been swept away his hands find Tigra's hips and he motions upwards, towards the Lair's guardian, "I am glad you like the sound of that. We're maintaining temporary life and helping it grow in a controlled manner, we don't want to upset the Earthers... I can tell you about them, lets go inside."
Tygra will release her hips and take one of her hands guiding her in to the foyer where he begins to describe each one of the Thundercats. At least to some extent.